
Showing posts from 2014

Horoscopes December 2014 by Psychic Frances

DECEMBER’S PLANETS AND YOU: SAGITTARIUS:    BEST DAYS : 1-2-10-11-20-21-28-29 Though there are some bumps in the road, excitement and change in the month ahead. Basically, a happy and prosperous month. Health and energy are good.  Enjoy all the pleasures and sensual delights.  The opposite sex takes notice.  Lucky for some of you with great wins.  Make sure you don’t put to much focus on money.  A great time to start and exercise program or weight reducing diet.  Communications a bit rocky at times, a drama may occur with siblings or neighbours at this time.  Drive very carefully and defensively at this time.  Job changes or disturbances at work and perhaps a bit of a health scare.  Get a second opinion if you feel this is questionable.   CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS:  3-4-13-14-22-23-30-31 Big changes are a foot under the surface.  Spirituality is going to become a great focus for you in th...

All I Want For Christmas Is A Psychic Reading From Frances

Need a great idea for a holiday gift for the office?  A unique stocking stuffer? Or add fun to a holiday party with psychic Frances Hall? PERSONALIZED GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE NOW! CALL 905-635-9645 for a unique holiday gift from Psychic Frances.


NOVEMBER’S PLANETS AND YOU: BY PSYCHIC FRANCES SCORPIO:  The KEYWORD for you this month is HEALTH.  Pay attention to spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment.  Avoid too much thinking or speech.  Career opportunities are pursuing you and you receive interesting offers.  Love is also pursuing you, if you are in a relationship the beloved seems very devoted to you.  If you are single romantic opportunities are seeking you out.  This is a great period to put changes into effect.  To put your body and image to where you want it to be.  A very prosperous month.  Excellent job opportunities for those seeking work.   Earning power is very strong.  Slow down a little.  Your temper needs watching.    SAGITTARIUS:   Spiritual type breakthroughs, a possible experience with the invisible world.  Pay attention to your intuition to dreams and to the inner gut feelings. ...

Spooktacular Savings October 2014

***** Book your Psychic Card Reading with Frances to see what the Spirits have in store for you for the rest of 2014 and beyond! *****


HOROSCOPES OCTOBER 2014 - PSYCHIC FRANCES   LIBRA: A happy and prosperous month ahead.  However there will be bumps in the road. Nothing you can’t handle, but they tend to complicate things.  Your current relationships or business partnership will be tested.  A good relationship will survive, but basically flawed ones might not.  Reduce your schedule during this period as the eclipse makes stressful aspects to you.  A need to redefine your career and your career path.  Often there are shake-ups in your company and industry. It could be government changes the rules of the game.  There will be drama and life changing events in the lives of friends, groups, organizations, parents, parent figures or bosses.  Important financial changes will start to happen.  They will be good.  . You will be attractive to the opposite sex.  Some improvement in love this month. You will gravitate to older more serious people. ...

What's In Store For You In September 2014?

 The Planets and You September 2014 - Psychic Frances   VIRGO: You are now in a favourable period for starting new things.  Health and energy are excellent.  You have all the energy you need to achieve anything you want to. This will be a happy and prosperous month.  Personal magnetism and charisma are high.  A good time for purchasing clothing and accessories.   A great period for financial windfalls.  Job seekers will have wonderful opportunities from the 23rd to the 30th.  LIBRA: This is not a time to ride rough shod over others.  If you make mistakes you will pay for them later on.  It is time to develop more individualism. Your people skills are wonderful and open many doors for you.  Health is improving and you should have lots of energy.  You will need to work harder on your current relationship.  Now you gravitate towards intellectuals, writers, teachers, and journalists. Good co...

Fall Savings Coupon With Psychic Frances Hall

Call now to book your psychic card reading appointment with spiritualist Frances Hall! 905-635-9645 Burlington, Ontario.


LEO: The present looks good and the future looks brighter.  You have many love and career opportunities at this time. Infidelity is the greatest threat to love relationships during this period.  Career opportunities after the 12th., and between the 17th and 19th.  Finances are excellent this month also. Some financial opportunities may seek you instead of you seeking them. Happy times keep you in a positive mood. Be patient with children and their needs. VIRGO: This is a good period to review the past year soberly and honestly.  Acknowledge what you achieved and what was not achieved.  Look at your successes and failures.  Now is the time to correct or resolve them.  Be ready to start your personal new year on the right foot.  A good time to pamper yourself.  The month ahead seems very prosperous. You will find your spiritual self coming alive in many ways. LIBRA: You have past through the worst of things....

July's Planets & You - Psychic Frances Hall

JULY’S PLANETS AND YOU   CANCER:  You are in a period of good feeling.  You are most powerful when your mood is good.  Now is a good time to buy clothing and accessories if you need them.  Love and family should be happy this month. If you are looking for a new job and good opportunity should come your way. Health Wise,  you need to pay more attention to your HEART. LEO:    This is a month of spiritual breakthroughs and revelations.  This will be highly significant, and life changing.  A great time to review the past and correct any mistakes.  This is a period to set goals for your year ahead.   When you are happy, you can make others happy also.  If a situation is unsatisfactory than change it.  You begin a multi-year cycle of prosperity and good fortune.  Love and romance are excellent from the 23rd.  Health is also good this month. VIRGO:  A period of independence. A time, when you can...


By Burlington, Ontario Psychic Card Reader Frances Hall GEMINI: This will be a happy month.  Focus on family and your own emotional well being; you are in a period of personal independence.  Health is good. It’s up to you now to move forward or stay in your rut.  Mercury is retrograde from the 7th to July 2nd. Which can play with your self-esteem and confidence.  This is also a time when new love can enter the picture for you. CANCER: A happy and prosperous month, for you.  With mercury retrograde things may be a bit slow.  Make sure you double- check everything so there are no mistakes. Shortcuts are to be avoided.  Spiritual breakthroughs, for those who are seeking.  An excellent month for artist, poets and musicians. LEO: Last month you covered a lot of ground now its time to slow dawn a bit.  Make sure of your facts and attain financial clarity. Not a time for investments or major purchases. Short-term goals will probably...

May 2014 Horoscopes

THE MONTH OF MAY AND YOU: TAURUS:    If you are feeling ignored or sorry for yourself;  ask the question “what have I done for or to them?”  You will find that you get back what you give.  This is a good time to think of others instead of yourself.  Some travel is indicated this month.  GEMINI:   What have you forgotten to do?  Better get all your paperwork in order.  Make a list of all the things you mean to do and get started on them.  A good time to connect with people who have been good to you and you have forgotten about.  Never forget about the PROMISES YOU HAVE MADE. CANCER:   A great time to redo your home.  Any construction changes you were planning to, now  is the time to start them.  You may find yourself or a family member under the whether.  Make sure you have this checked out by a medical professional. LEO:    Big changes are in the air.  You will find y...

Chinese Astrology For 2014

CHINESE ASTROLOGY AND YOU:  THE YEAR OF THE HORSE: This is a time when you have to give yourself that extra push to make it up the hill.  A lot of activity, and busyness everywhere.  Join in or go home and lock your doors.  People will be trying to get you involved in many areas. RATS: Rats, it’s true, are vibrant souls.  But Horses tend to get in their way.  If a Rat spends all of his time worrying about these unfriendly vibes, he’ll lose a bit of ground for himself.  Ignore the frenzy and go about your work.  It’s the only method of survival. OX: Workers to the fore.  You will gain much from the diligent Horse’s influence. TIGER. Tigers should take Horse years seriously.  They must strive to discover new ways to attack adversaries.  You had last year off.  Remember? CAT: Though Cats do not take kindly to excessive activity, a Horse year is full of promise from a social angle. Go places.  Luck is on your side...