The KEYWORD for you this month is HEALTH. Pay attention to spine,
knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment. Avoid too
much thinking or speech. Career opportunities are pursuing you and you
receive interesting offers. Love is also pursuing you, if you are in a
relationship the beloved seems very devoted to you. If you are single
romantic opportunities are seeking you out. This is a great period to
put changes into effect. To put your body and image to where you want
it to be. A very prosperous month. Excellent job opportunities for
those seeking work. Earning power is very strong. Slow down a little.
Your temper needs watching.
Spiritual type breakthroughs, a possible experience with the
invisible world. Pay attention to your intuition to dreams and to the
inner gut feelings. You may need someone to explain these happenings to
you. Singles won’t have to do much to find love it comes to them.
Romantic opportunities happen but mere sexual magnetism is not enough
for a good relationship. This is a good month to start over fresh.
Many of you will begin to organize your life according to your needs
and wants. Health is basically good this month but if you feel under
the weather you may need to see a doctor.
Your finances may be under going dramatic change. There is instability
here. There are many bumps and surprises along the road this month.
Expect the unexpected. Be alert and keep and eye on your bank
statements and any credit bills that you have. Make sure there are no
mistakes. Drama in the family, in the home with family members and
parents or parent like members. Solution to some of their problems may
lay outside the box. Be extra careful driving this month. Avoid
foreign travel this month. Make sure you practice safe sex. Workplace
could cause you upsets. Make sure you have proper rest and sleep.
Those of you who are still single there are romantic opportunities as
you pursue you normal career opportunities. Power and position are
romantic allurements now. You want someone you can look up to. The
social dimension plays a big role in your success these days. Knowing
the right people, socializing with them and being liked by them opens
many doors. It is a good idea to attend or host the right parties and
gatherings this month. Continue to watch your health and make sure you
get enough rest. The financial picture looks good and you should have a
clearer picture of your situation. Avoid any risky activities and drive
more carefully this month. Communications may be temperamental and
problematic at this time. Make sure your children avoid daredevil like
PISCES: You have all
the energy you need to achieve whatever you set your mind on. You
probably wont be able to keep up with the pace of early in the month.
If you try problems can arise. Make sure to get enough rest. Be
mindful of the body and alert to its messages. You have a good work
ethic and your superiors will take notice. There is honour and
recognition of your achievements. You are appreciated. Happy career
opportunities come, and job seekers have good fortune. Being in unknown
territory does have its drawbacks, as you learn from new experiences.
Things are not as they appeared and some financial adjustments have to
be made. You should cover a lot of territory and make rapid progress
towards your goals. Travel can bring romantic opportunities. Singles
are likely to meet good prospects this period.
You are strong effective and in change. You are seen as successful and
have honour and respect. This makes you a target for competitors,
associates and those under you. Do your best to avoid confrontations
and risk taking activities. Health may be a bit of a problem this month
with possible surgery. If questionable ask for a second opinion. A
‘close call’ may cause you to review your life and make you more aware
of the spiritual side of it. Dramas in the life of friends will test
friendships. Children in your life are having their relationships
tested. There will also be instabilities in the work place with
employees. It will be best to avoid speculations during this period.
Communications can be challenging.
Love is being severely tested. But there is some good news here too
this focus and this drive enables you to handle all the various
challenges that arise. A given relationship might be problematic but
overall love life is good. For singles marriage is still unlikely and
not advisable, but you can enjoy the ample social opportunities that are
happening for what they are. You are more aggressive now, going after
what you want. As you help others to prosper, your own prosperity
naturally happens. Also this kind of thinking will make any proposals
you want to make much easier to sell. Therefore career changes are
afoot. There are dramatic changes in your company and industry. Health
problems physical or mental may arise around parents, parent figures
and bosses. A short-term financial disturbance, don’t make it worse
that what it is. It will soon pass. Health will be much improved this
GEMINI: Its time to get
up and work the method of the day, time to focus on your outer life -
your career and outer goals. Let go of home and family issues and give
more attention to the career. Your career judgement is much better now.
The month ahead is excellent for job seekers. Those already in jobs
are more successful at work and more productive. Superiors are taking
note. Good for doing the boring detailed tasks that need to be done
periodically. Health is good, but energy levels are not up to their
usual standards. Be sure to get enough sleep. The social life gets
very active. If you are single you are likely to meet a special someone
now. Friendships are still delicate, so be more patient with your
friends. Computers. High-tech, and communication equipment are more
temperamental than normal. Earning power is strong and there will be
some nice paydays this month.
There are some temporary bumps on the road. If these are handled
properly prosperity should increase even further. An unexpected expense
or obligation will need to be taken care of. By clearing this up you
will find good luck coming towards you. Think about cutting back and
eliminating waste and duplication. A good time to sell what you don’t
need, or give it to charity. Clean away all the junk that clutters up
your house and life. Cutting waste is as much a part of prosperity as
increasing earnings. A clear home gives you a clear mind. This is a
very good month for job seekers. There are challenges here, either at
the present job, or in finding one. With the energy you have this month
the world is your oyster. Singles with so much charisma this month are
attracting the opposite sex and are meeting romantic partners. You may
also be dealing with death this month and attending funerals.
You are exploring new worlds, new territory. You are moving outside
the traditional philosophies that you were brought up in Others come
first now. It might seem to you that you are sacrificing your personal
happiness for the sake of others, but this is just how things appear
superficially. Your own happiness will actually be enhanced. Your way
might not be the best way now. Others might have better ideas. Now you
are in a cycle for developing the people skills. Kingly Leo likes to
do things autocratically, but now is not the time or that. You are in a
period for psychological progress. This is internal progress. Your
insights into moods and feeling are greatly increased. Often memories
of the past come up very strongly. This is part of the psychological
progress. Much of what you thought of as trauma and disaster is seen as
actual blessing these days. Hindsight is a great cure for many
psychological ills. This is a time for fun and creativity and parties.
Singles have their choice. Couples may have a few bumps in the road.
Both seem abundant. The main challenge to serious love right now is
infidelity. So much is being offered it is difficult to resist. Just
think of the consequences and diseases out there. Health still needs
watching. This is a short health cycle and will pass soon.
VIRGO: Financial
goals are more or less attained. Now it is time to enjoy the fruits of
prosperity – free time to develop the mind, to learn, and to expand the
knowledge base. Curling up with a good book has always been a personal
joy for me. A very good month for students. The mind is sharper and
retains more information. There should be success in studies. Whatever
your age and stage in life it is good to take a course in subjects that
interest you. Health becomes a little delicate near the end of the
month your energy is not up to its usual standards. Pre-existing health
conditions can appear (temporarily) to worsen. Get as much rest as you
can. Job changes are afoot. Career changes or shake-ups in your
company or industry. You could be shifted to another position or with a
new company. Work conditions are unstable right now there is quick
progress to your goals and events move faster in the world. This is
still and excellent time to launch new projects or release new products.
Love is harmonious now. You are much more in synch with the beloved
this month. Singles will meet good prospects. Existing relationships
will be happier.
social life in general pulls you out of your natural boundaries. You are
taking new approaches to love. It has been a year of consolidation and
reorganization. This month you are in the midst of a yearly financial
peak. Earnings are stronger than usual. Your financial judgement is
sound and realistic. Progress might be slow but it is happening.
Financial goals can be attained by social means. Love opportunities
happen close to home or through the family or family connections. Old
romantic flames can return to the picture during this period or someone
who reminds you of an old flame. Old issues can be resolved. The old
relationship can be put in its proper perspective and you will be ready
to move on from there. There is psychological healing in this. You
might gravitate to older, more established kinds of people. Steady,
solid, consistent. There is something safe and comfortable about this –
especially with the instability that has been happening in love for
some years now. Emotional sharing, emotional intimacy and support are
the most important things these days. Emotional intimacy seems as
important as physical intimacy. You show love by giving emotional
support and this is how you feel loved. Be more patient with friends
and family at this time. They are apt to be more temperamental.
Compared to some months you have had this year this is going to be a
great one.
For a personal psychic card reading by Psychic Frances call 905-635-9645.
Psychic readings available by phone/email as well. Serving Burlington, Oakville, Milton, Hamilton and the Greater Toronto area.
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