Horoscopes for June 2017

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Psychic Reading Appointment at 905-635-9645  (Located in Burlington, Ontario).
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2017 JUNES Planets and You

If you know your Moon sign, you should read it also. 

Best days overall: 3-4-13-14-22-23-30
This is a period for some self-indulgence – for catering to the needs of the body and for sensual delights.  It is also a good period for getting the body and image in shape.  Your personal power and independence are still strong.  If you direct this power wisely much will be accomplished.  You have confidence too.  People pick up on this.
Love is happy this month.  Singles should NOT marry just yet but you can enjoy romance for what it is ‘in the moment’.  There is a happy romantic meeting or opportunity.  Those already attached have more harmony with the beloved.  Happy social invitations and opportunities come.
Finance is the main headline this month.  So the month ahead is a strong financial month.  The New Moon of the 24th seems an especially strong financial day.
You’re spending on yourself and on your personal appearance from the 21st onwards.  Writers, teachers and marketing people have a strong financial month – their skills are greater than usual and in demand.  You’re creating an image of wealth and people see you as a ‘money person’.  This image of wealth will draw financial opportunities to you.  You’re ‘thinking outside the box’ – you’re moving into uncharted waters.  But it seems to pay off.
Best days overall:  5-6-7-15-16-24-25
This month you enter your period of maximum personal independence and power.  So, take responsibility for your happiness.  It’s really up to you and not others.  Make the changes that make you happy.  It will be much easier to do this now. You’re moving outside your usual sphere, perhaps you feel that the answers you seek cannot be found here and you look elsewhere.  This indicated exploring alien or foreign teachings or teachers.
There is much revelation happening in your financial area.  Make sure you check all your transactions carefully. Check out any discrepancies before they get out of hand.
  Silver is always a beneficial colour for you, but after the 21st you might want to add some gold to the mix.  Your personal appearance is important financially.
Happy career opportunities come to all Cancerians who are really looking for them.  Your career pursuits are outside your normal sphere.  Perhaps you need to travel to exotic, out-of-the-way places.  Have you ever thought of working on a cruise ship?
Health in general is good all month.  Walking is an excellent exercise for you, especially if it is in a mall. 

Best days overall: 8-9-18-19-26-27 
You are entering a period of independence and personal power.  Yes, it’s nice to have friends and a happy social life, but these bring ties and obligations.  It’s more difficult to do the things that you really want to do.  But this is changing now.  Your personal happiness-your self-interest is important.  Now is the time to follow it.  Take responsibility for your own happiness and make the changes that need to be made.
Career is still important and social connections prove to be very beneficial at this time.  Siblings and sibling figures seem very supportive.  Your communication skills also seem important.  Good financial intuition shows confidence-someone who covers much financial ground quickly.  The only issue is lack of attention here.  Your gift of the gab is your fortune.  Buying, selling and trading are favoured now.  Sales and marketing people should have a good month.  Financial guidance will come in dreams or through psychics, astrologers, spiritual channels or ministers/guru types.
The pace of life is more leisurely this month, and health is excellent.  Those ‘little things’ seem to get done.
Love doesn’t seem a big issue at this time.  Friendships and group activities seem more important and happy now.

Best days overall:  1-2-10-11-12-20-21-28-29
Your intense career activity seems to be working.  You look very successful this month.  You seem above everyone in your world.  You’re in authority, calling the shots.
You still need to keep an eye on your health until the 21st.  Health and vitality will improve dramatically after this date, but in the meantime make sure you get enough rest.
Love still seems stressful for most of this month.  You and the beloved are not in agreement.  It doesn’t mean a break-up necessarily, only that more work is needed to keep harmony between you. Perhaps your career focus is stressing the relationship.  Sometimes this causes resentment in the beloved – he or she could feel that the career is more important to you than they are.  Perhaps you are unconsciously ‘lording’ it over them.  Some people have problems with this.  This is not a time to make important love decision one way or the other
Finances are good this month.  You are in harmony with the money people in our life.  Financial expansion and good fortune come to you at this time.  Your wealth goals are ambitious.  You want more than just ‘survival’.  You’re interested in really big wealth these days.  This too tends to prosperity.  Your financial judgement is sound.  You’re more conservative in money matters.  Financial decisions should be good.
Travel is in the picture, you seem more adventurous and going to strange and unknown places appeal to you.

Best days overall:  3-4-13-14-22-23-30
Career is the main headline of the month.  So this is a powerful career period coming up.  Much progress will be made here.  Social contacts in general are helpful.  The right social events are helpful career-wise, attending or hosting the right kind of parties or gatherings.  Bold actions are necessary now.
Your high-tech prowess and skills play important roles too. (Online social networking, especially, helps the career.)  Being involved in charities or altruistic activities helps the career.  You have a good intuition when it comes to career matters.
Those of you who are job seekers have excellent opportunities all month, but especially after the 21st.
In your love and social life you’re outside you normal sphere.  Your normal circle doesn’t have what you want, so you go outside it into unknown territory.
In love your attitudes change after the 4th.  You’re attracted to the ‘power people’ the high and mighty Social and professional status are romantic turn-on.  Often this shows romantic opportunities with bosses or superiors – clandestine kinds of things.  Sometime it merely indicates dating high-powered people that are above you in status.
Health needs more attention after the 21st.  As always make sure to get enough rest.

Best days overall:  5-6-7-15-16-24-25
This is a month of high libido.  There is no need to overdo things.  Listen to your body; it will tell you when enough is enough.  
This is a good month to pursue your interest- sex, personal transformation, personal reinvention, death and resurrection. You will see much progress here.  It is also a good time to get rid of the effete and useless material in our lives.  This can be possessions, excess weight, and toxic substances from our bodies, outmoded thoughts and emotional patterns.  We grow by pruning and cutting.
This is a great month for tax and estate planning (if you are of the appropriate age).  It is good for negotiating credit or refinancing debt.
Health is good all month and gets even better after the 21st.  Swimming, water aerobics and water sports are healthy kinds of exercises from the 4th onwards.  Diet becomes more of an issue after this.  If you do feel under the weather, chances are you are not eating right.
Love is happy this month.  Singles will have romantic opportunities.  You’re in the mood for love. 
Your work takes you outside your normal sphere.  For job seekers, there is a need to go outside your usual boundaries for work opportunities.

Best days overall:  8-9-18-19-26-27
You are still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak until the 21st.  Love is very interesting, as you seem to go outside your normal sphere in search of it, perhaps you’re meeting an ‘outsider’ and having a relationship.
There is a possibility of foreign travel and increased earnings.  Singles have a strong romantic opportunity on the 13th and 14th.  Those who are married or in a relationship will have many happy social invitations.  Their relationship becomes more romantic.
It is time to be up and about and focused on your outer life.  Time to take objective, physical actions to further your career.  A good work ethic is important.  Your social connections play a big role, and a lot of your socializing is career related.
You’re thinking outside the box, going into unknown territory in your career path.  You are a bit unconventional now.
Health needs some attention, make sure to get enough rest – this is always the most important thing.

Best days overall:  1-2-10-11-12-20-21-28-29
Health is good until the 21st, but after that it becomes more delicate.  It needs some watching.  Your health needs are changing rapidly.  Fresh air will be beneficial.  Get out and just breathe deeply.  After the 21st diet becomes an issue.  It is important to maintain positive, constructive moods.  Good family relations also seem important.
Love is the major headline in the month ahead.  Up to now it hasn’t been a major factor or focus, but this changes from the 4th onwards.  You are in a yearly love and social peak.  If you are single you’re meeting rich and successful kinds of people.  They seem ambitious and worldly.  If you are in a relationship, the spouse, partner or current love is prospering and receiving happy career opportunities.  The New Moon of the 24th – another Super New Moon – presages a powerful love and social day.  It will clarify love issues as the month progresses – until the next New Moon next month.  Your social magnetism is especially strong from the 1st to the 9th and from the 24th onwards.
Some financial increase and sudden career opportunity are possible.

Best days overall:  3-4-13-14-22-23-30
A time to enjoy your life, especially your love relationships.  This is a time to do fun things together. The gift of the gab is still part of the appeal.  Love equals good communication and intellectual compatibility.  Love opportunities happen at school functions, lectures or seminars – as well as at the usual places, clubs, resorts and places of entertainment.
It is time to let go of self and self-interest for a while (though there’s nothing wrong with it) and focus on others.  Take a vacation from yourself for a while.  Cultivate the social graces.  Yield to others’ will so long as it isn’t destructive.  Your way is not the best way these days.  For the next few months it will be more difficult to make changes in the conditions and circumstances of your life.  Adapt to what is as best you can.  The time will come in four or five months. When these changes will happen more easily,
Your love of fun also takes you outside your normal circles.  Children and children figures go off exploring the wider world for a while.
The mind is not getting what it wants from the mainstream and needs to find it elsewhere.
Health is excellent this month.  Hopefully you won’t focus too hard and create problems where there are none.)  There is a need for more physical exercise.
Job seekers have a good month from the 21st onwards.  There are many opportunities-many choices.

Best days overall:  5-6-7-15-16-24-25
Continue to focus on home and family life.  Emotional wellness is a health issue.  Good health these days means good emotional health.  If there are health problems (and health is more delicate until the 21st) check your family relationships and restore harmony as quickly as possible.
For those of you undergoing psychological therapy there will be much progress and insights occurring this month.  But even if you’re not involved in a formal kind of therapy, psychological therapy will happen through nature.  Old memories (love, family and financial ones) are going to arise spontaneously.  Sometimes through dreams, sometimes when you’re awake.  Suddenly, for no apparent reason, an old event comes to mind – and often with the same emotions as when the event occurred.  It is good to just look at these things impersonally.  If you can’t be impersonal –if they overwhelm you, it might be good to discuss it with a friend or counsellor.  The important thing is to stay in the present as you observe and analyse.  The emotion will soon dissipate and you’ll feel free.
On the 21st you begin another of your yearly personal pleasure peaks.  All kinds of opportunities for ‘fun’ activities will come to you.  You should take them.  The solution to a problem happens when we let go of it and do something enjoyable.  When we come back, the solution usually presents itself.
You will have the wherewithal to enjoy yourself.  You spend on fun things.  You enjoy the wealth that you have.  You earn money or find financial opportunity as you’re having fun.  Speculations are more favourable this month, though you should only speculate under intuition – never blindly.  
Pisceans are very creative people.  Thus this aspect shows that your personal creativity is more marketable now.
Health improves dramatically after the 21st.

Best days overall:  8-9-18-19-26-27
Health becomes more delicate after the 21st and you do need ‘new and different’ solutions. S high energy level can affect your mental abilities so don’t let yourself get overtired.  Make sure you get enough sleep.  Breathing exercises will be good for you.  Plain old fresh air will help clear your mind.  Watch your mood and emotions during this period and do your best to keep them positive and constructive.
Finances still seem good.  Earning power is stronger than usual.  Social connections are always important for you financially, but more so this month.  A partnership or joint venture is likely.  From the 2nd to the 5th luck in speculations and ‘happy money’ – money that is earned in happy ways is highlighted.
Wealth and material gifts are romantic turn-on for singles, as you are very much attracted by these.  For singles love opportunities come as you pursue your normal financial goals and with people involved in your finances.  A visit to the accountant or financial planner could become much more than that.

Best days overall: 1-2-10-11-12-20-21-28-29
If there are conditions that need changing in your life, this is the time to do it.  Later on it will be more difficult.
Health is still excellent.  No stressing out.  You have all the energy you need to achieve whatever you want to do.  Happy job opportunities for the job seeker appear this month.  Social grace, sweetness of disposition, charm and beauty are what you can concentrate on this month.
If there are vitamins, supplements or other health items that you need – they come to you naturally and normally without any special effort.
The Love life will improve.  Disagreements with the current love seem resolved after the 6th.  There’s no need to rush into important love decisions one way or another.  Let love take its course.
You are still in a strong prosperity period until the 21st.  You are probably spending more on the home and family.  Earnings should increase.  Whatever business you’re involved with, good sales, marketing, PR and advertising are important.  This is so all month.  People need to know about your product or service.
By the 21st your short-term financial goals should be achieved.  Your focus now shifts to other things – to intellectual interests and communication.  This is a period to grow mentally.
Career can be downplayed now; it is time to focus more on your home base and your emotional well-being.

Astrology June 2017
Burlington, Ontario


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