A happy and prosperous month ahead.  However there will be bumps in the road. Nothing you can’t handle, but they tend to complicate things.  Your current relationships or business partnership will be tested.  A good relationship will survive, but basically flawed ones might not.  Reduce your schedule during this period as the eclipse makes stressful aspects to you.  A need to redefine your career and your career path.  Often there are shake-ups in your company and industry. It could be government changes the rules of the game.  There will be drama and life changing events in the lives of friends, groups, organizations, parents, parent figures or bosses.  Important financial changes will start to happen.  They will be good.  . You will be attractive to the opposite sex.  Some improvement in love this month.
You will gravitate to older more serious people.  Family values become important.

This is the time to change conditions to your liking, to design your life according to your specifications. Now is the time to cultivate the virtues of personal initiative and to stand on your own two feet.  This practically guarantees major change, both personally and for the world at large. Things may become tumultuous.  It affects you strongly.  Take it nice and easy over this period.  This period can also produce health scares and cause changes in the health regime and diet.  There, will be dramas at home and in the lives of family members. Now is the time you find out the flaws in your relationships if there are any.  Try to make home safer this month. You will be redefining your image and self-concept over the next six months.  Anything left undone gets done now.   Major changes will be happening in your lives in the next six months.  

You are in a strong social period.  You will meet new people this month, people who think like you and have the same interests. You will learn the value of friendships and networking.  You will be entering one of the most spiritual periods of your year. Children will be redefining themselves, their personalities, and self-concept. They should avoid risky kinds of activities.  You may experience problems with cars and communication equipment. They may need replacement.  Drive more carefully during this period.  Important changes will be happening now and in the coming months. Strange dreams, close calls near death kinds of experiences may occur at this time.  There will be dramas, shake-ups and upheavals, in spiritual organizations that you are involved with.  Your religious and philosophical beliefs will be tested. Foreign travel should be avoided at this time.

This is a successful month in the worldly sense. A career peak, which is in full swing until the 23rd.   You should reduce your schedule; this is a vulnerable time for your health.  Avoid risky, stressful kinds of activities.  A good time to make repairs in the home.  Dramas with family or friends will occur. Love is being tested; this is when the ‘dirty laundry’ comes out.  When long-suppressed issues, irritations and problems start to surface so they can be dealt with. You may be hit with some unforeseen or unexpected expenses at this time.  Problems with computers or high tech equipment may arise.  Avoid doing risky things, no need to tempt fate at this time. 

You are entering one of the most successful periods of your year.  Even though there will be obstacles in your path you will blast them away.  Reduce your schedule and avoid risky activities during this cycle.  Make sure your cars and communication equipment are all up to par and backups are in place. Pay attention to your health and physical condition at this time.  Spend more quiet time at home.  Shake-ups in your company or industry are likely to happen.  You will start to look at things in a different light.  Your spiritual side will begin to awaken; giving you more power in this area. 

You are going into unknown territory and new markets at this time.  Someone could be behind this move.  You may be uncomfortable with this at first but will soon find yourself fitting in with others who have also traveled this road.  Shake-ups in a few areas will be happening at this time.  You may change banks, investments, brokers or financial planners.  Changes in the spiritual attitudes and teaching concepts of those around you will occur. Your religious and philosophical beliefs will be tested, forcing you to re-evaluate and modify these over the next six months.  And as you do you whole life changed. Speculations are best to be avoided.  Your creativity will start to take a new turn.  Foreign travel is best to be postponed for a calmer time.  Health is basically good right now so any health scares are likely to be no more than that – scares. 

Many changes are happening both in your personal life and the world at large.  Make sure you take it nice and easy during this time.  You will begin to present a new image of yourself to the world.  You should take it easy for the next while and not tempt fate with any health problems that occur.  There will be shake-ups and upheavals encounters with death (possibly on the psychological level) as well.  Patients will be required with family members, as many dramas will be occurring. Children should be kept out of harm’s way and should not be involved in risky kinds of activities.   Avoid speculations during this period.  Do not get involved with friends, family or loved ones financial problems at this time.  These changes while uncomfortable now will be for the better in the long run.  

Power struggles in love are never fun and during this time relationships will be tested further.  The good will survive and the weak will not.  You may not like change, but sometimes it is for the best.  Long-term changes are in the making especially in your spiritual practices. There will be shake-ups and upheavals in your spiritual organizations and charities that you are involved with. It will be wise to drive more defensively during this period because of problems with vehicles, communication equipment and communication in general. Important career changes will be happening now. Rules of the game” may change.  Partnerships and friendships will also be tested. Health will need watching especially after the 23rd.  Try and take things a little easier and get more rest.  Avoid getting involved with other people’s dramas.   

A month for fun and leisure activities.  Even though there will be chaos going on around you, you will still manage to have fun. Drama in friends’ personal lives may test your relationship and even end it at this time. Unnecessary travel abroad should be avoided at this time.  Many of your religious and philosophical beliefs will begin to change at this time. There can be disturbances at the job or workplace even a job change is possible.  Your health will need a better regime and diet than you have had in the past.  A health scare may trigger these changes.  You may appear more aggressive in love and in social matters this period. Avoid power struggles in love.  This is the main danger now.      

Having things your own way and creating your own conditions is over with.  Now it is time to live with the consequences, good or bad.  Of what you have created if you have created well the next six months should be pleasant.  You will have ‘good karma’.  If you made mistakes, you learn about them experience the consequences and have an opportunity to correct them.  Adapt to current conditions as best you can.  Try to develop your people skills.  A turbulent month for the world at large; it will be an active hectic kind of month for you.  You should try to take it easy during this period.  There are shake-ups and changes coming.  New policies or rules to the game will begin.  Dramas will occur around you.  Surgeries, near death experiences and backlash for past actions will occur.  Brace yourself for a roller coaster ride through this month.  

Blockages and obstructions to progress get blasted away so that a higher plan can proceed.  Reduce your schedule during these periods.  Your philosophical beliefs will be tested. Non-essential foreign travel should be avoided at this time.  Dirty laundry will surface so problems can be fixed.  Relationships will be tested; good ones will survive and even become stronger, weak ones will dissolve. Be patient with loved ones during this period they may be a little more temperamental than usual.  Some drama and life changing events will occur around family members.  Whatever you haven’t dealt with in the past you will have to be dealt with now.  Make sure you get enough rest; your resistance to ‘flu bugs’ may be low at this time. Financial picture still looks good. 

This is a great period for repairs, renovations or construction in the home. 
There can be conflict with family members.  Family members have dramatic kinds of experiences, perhaps near-death or surgery.  Do your best to make the home safer this period.  This could also be an emotionally time with a lot of old baggage coming up for cleansing.  If health comes into question get a second opinion.  Instability in the work area changes will be occurring.  If you employ people you may have to let them go during this time.  Cars and communication equipment get tested.  Drive more defensively at this time.  A nice easy, relaxed schedule is called for a few days.  Financially it should be a prosperous month.
To have an in depth psychic reading by popular psychic Frances call 905-635-9645


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