May 2014 Horoscopes

If you are
feeling ignored or sorry for yourself;
ask the question “what have I done for or to them?” You will find that
you get back what you give. This is a good time to think of others
instead of yourself. Some travel is
indicated this month.
GEMINI: What have
you forgotten to do? Better get all
your paperwork in order. Make a list of
all the things you mean to do and get started on them. A good time to connect with people who have
been good to you and you have forgotten about.
Never forget about the PROMISES YOU HAVE MADE.
CANCER: A great
time to redo your home. Any
construction changes you were planning to, now
is the time to start them. You
may find yourself or a family member under the whether. Make sure you have this checked out by a
medical professional.
LEO: Big changes are in the
air. You will find yourself very
busy. Make sure you don’t burn the
candle at both ends or you will pay for it.
A blast from the past may shock you in a good way. Luck in the work area will please you.
VIRGO: A family
gathering will be on your mind. Plan
everything now before Mercury goes retrograde on June 7 when its influence will
cause mix-ups in your plans. Make sure all your legal, and financial papers are
in order.
are happening on the work front, which will keep you very busy. Don’t forget that you have family that also
needs your attention. Make sure you
take time to relax and play. Money will
start to improve.
SCORPIO: A time to reflect
on your past. What do you need
to do, to put things right. Control
your jealousy for it could come back to bite you on your butt. Make plans for that trip you are
hoping to take. Your health seems to
improve for a short period.
Enjoy your summer, try not to over indulge
with addictive substances. Your health could be a little fragile now.
Be careful not to offend the wrong people. Have a garage sale and get
rid of a lot of
that unwanted junk you are hanging onto.
A good time for reflection.
find you are looking at a few relationships with different insight. This is a good time to end the ones that are
not to your liking. Get out and meet
new people and form new friendships that can improve your life not hurt you or
hold you back. A great time to apply
for that new job you were hoping for.
matters are at the front this month. A
tacky situation will finally come to a head in your favour. Stand your ground,
when you know you are right. The summer
ahead looks very promising.
PISCES: A lot of
your time may be spent on medical tests for you or a family member. Your sleep habits may need to be
adjusted. Without sleep you don’t
really think straight. You have to
decide what you want and not what others are telling you. Stand up to a bad influence in order to stop
them from trying to control you.
Psychic Card Reader Frances, spiritual guidance and readings in Burlington, Ontario.
For your psychic card reading appointment call Frances905-635-9645
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