What's In Store For You In September 2014?
The Planets and You September 2014 - Psychic Frances
You are now in a favourable period for starting
new things. Health and energy are excellent. You have all the energy
you need to achieve anything you want to. This will be a happy and
prosperous month. Personal magnetism and charisma are high. A good
time for purchasing clothing and accessories. A great period for
financial windfalls. Job seekers will have wonderful opportunities from
the 23rd to the 30th.
is not a time to ride rough shod over others. If you make mistakes you
will pay for them later on. It is time to develop more individualism.
Your people skills are wonderful and open many doors for you. Health is
improving and you should have lots of energy. You will need to work
harder on your current relationship. Now you gravitate towards
intellectuals, writers, teachers, and journalists. Good communication is
important. Many romantic opportunities are available. Singles should
pursue their intellectual interest and love will find them. You will
benefit from involvement with charities and good causes.
is still important this month. Its as if you have one foot in the day
and the other in the night. You’re treading between two worlds. Career
is important but home and family issues – and your emotional well being
are perhaps more important to you. You’re working to succeed at both
and it’s not easy to do. You are more difficult to figure out love
wise. Your needs and attitude shift very quickly. You may appear fickle
to love ones. You want to be a friend as well as a lover. Romantic
opportunities come your way as you involve yourself with groups. You
will have to work harder to show warmth and love to others. You can
come over too critical and this rarely helps romance. You want
perfection in love, a noble goal. Keep in mind that perfection is a
‘process’ and not an established fact. Finances are good this month.
is safe to let go of family issues for a while. You should be enjoying
much career success right now. This is nothing compared to the success
you will experience next year. Your health still needs watching
especially heart, circulation and chest; be sure to get enough rest.
Problems with bosses, parents, or parent figures and attacks on your
professional reputation could affect your health. Do your best to
restore harmony as soon as possible. You should be able to make rapid
progress towards your social goals. For singles this month shows love
and romantic opportunities in the online world. Get to know them as a
friend before you jump in. It is time to stand on your own two feet.
to develop your personal skills and personal initiative. It’s about
standing on you own two feet and accepting personal responsibility
you’re your happiness. By now you should know what conditions are
comfortable and uncomfortable. Travel opportunities may come your way.
A wonderful period for students, and their studies. A good month to
pursue your religious, and philosophical interests. A highly successful
period. Your good work ethic will be noted by your superiors. Near
the end of the month health problems may arise; make sure you get plenty
of rest.
A sexually
active kind of month. The libido will be stronger than usual. Current
love is prospering. There is good fortune this month. This is a good
month to take stock of your possessions and get rid of what you don’t
need or want. This will clear the decks for new to come in. Clear the
mind of ideas, opinions and ‘isms’ that are not valid or true. Perhaps
they are harmless, but they do clutter things up. Friends are helpful
and supportive. Career is enhanced through social means. It is time to
look after number one. Health is good and will continue to improve.
Your energy levels will increase. Rest and relax more on stressful
It is time to begin
to gather the harvest. Let go of home and family issues and focus on
your outer objectives-your career. On a spiritual level this shift in
power means you should focus on the work that you and you alone come
here to do. Emotional wellness is always important. Success will bring
emotional harmony. The only challenge now, in bridging your interests
with those of the beloved. It’s probably good to give in to the
beloved. Let others have their way. Your way is probably not the best
way now and you may be outnumbered. Your health is good but still needs
watching when these vulnerable cycles hit it is difficult to maintain
the same pace as usual. When the energy is not there mishaps can occur.
Maintaining harmony in love and in your friendships is important all
month. Be very careful of overspending this month.
this month your social life becomes hyperactive. Personal skills and
initiative are always important but now the likeability factor is
important too. There will be many changing conditions so adapt to them
as best you can. Your health may be more delicate so watch your energy
levels for they are important for good health. Love is good this month.
Opportunities in this area will occur especially in the work area.
You are on the move making much progress. Beware of overspending.
should hear some good news this month about your health. Happiness,
fun, and joy are powerful healing forces this month. Avoid been gloomy,
if you are down do something or watch something funny. Do not let
little things develop into big problems. There is good fortune and many
job opportunities. It is best now to adapt to situations than trying
to change them. Your social skills could use some improvement at this
For the rest of the
year you will have to live with what you have managed to create, for
good or bad. This is called paying ‘Karma’. Consider them leaning
experiences. Once again you are called on to develop your social skills.
Gemini are mental people and capable of verbalizing feeling better
than most but to actually feel, this is another story. And this is what
you are experiencing this month. Your energy levels may be low this
month and you may be vulnerable to infections. Therefore you must rest
and relax more. Earning power will be strong. Love is reasonable nothing
special is happening here.
to read study and pursue intellectual interests and passions. This is a
time to explore the pleasures of the mind, learning and mental
expansion. Take a course in something that interests you. Your mind is
sharper than usual and should absorb information better. It is time to
leave the past behind and move forward into a new exciting future. Pay
attention to your health. Luck in speculation. A good time to spend
more time with family and home.
is time to focus on home, family and your overall emotional wellness.
It’s time to re-charge the batteries. From now until the end of the
year you will be building up the inner forces for the next career push.
Thus the next push will be healthy and natural. With work going on in
the home there can be conflicts within the family unit. It wont hurt to
invest in good clothing and accessories. Time to present an image of
wealth. Good month for sales, marketing and PR. Profits can come from
trading-buying and selling. Happy social invitations come. Health
should be good. A prosperous month, in a prosperous year.
For a psychic card reading and to redeem your September coupon call Frances at 905-635-9645
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