July's Planets & You - Psychic Frances Hall



You are in a period of good feeling.  You are most powerful when your mood is good.  Now is a good time to buy clothing and accessories if you need them.  Love and family should be happy this month. If you are looking for a new job and good opportunity should come your way. Health Wise,  you need to pay more attention to your HEART.


This is a month of spiritual breakthroughs and revelations.  This will be highly significant, and life changing.  A great time to review the past and correct any mistakes.  This is a period to set goals for your year ahead.   When you are happy, you can make others happy also.  If a situation is unsatisfactory than change it.  You begin a multi-year cycle of prosperity and good fortune.  Love and romance are excellent from the 23rd.  Health is also good this month.


A period of independence. A time, when you can make your own course for happiness.  If you don’t like a situation, than change it. Major power this month is yours.  Great for making new friends in different places.  Much new information will come to you. This info will help you make some new decisions.   Dreams may become very active.  A new level of spirituality begins for you.


There are many important changes for you this month. Now is the time to ask yourself what makes you happy.  Never mind what pleases others or what the social norms are- “what makes me happy?”  Once this is understood, you should pursue it now and create the conditions that make for this.  You enter a more social period now.  A positive time for finance.  You have the help of your partner and also of friends.  A business partnership or joint venture can happen as well.  You will need to watch your health until the 18th. Then it shows improvement with less stress in the picture.


Health is good.  Prosperity is good. You are optimistic about your future. Travel is also on the agenda.  This is also an excellent period for college and university students.  If you are involved in legal issues; there is good news here. Make sure you keep your focus on what you are doing. Take your time for there is a chance of accidents because of haste.


There are many important changes in your life this month.  A good month for finances.  Any delays you have had in this area will now move forward.  Possible good luck in speculation.  Health problems could affect your lungs, stomach and breast areas.  Love opportunities in the usual social settings.


Keep positive thoughts in your mind now; for pressure is on your mental health.    Love and social activities will be happy all month. Family is very important. Think of others.  A good time to deal with estate, taxes and insurance matters.  Much of the stress that has been plaguing you, will ease up after the 18th.


Happy activities are going on, many happy changes taking place.  A good month for home and family.  Those of you who are single may make a long-term commitment this month.  If you are looking for a job or career change, opportunities come forth this month.  Pay attention to your health, with good old fashion common sense. Some home issues will be settled.


You are still in a party kind of mood when the month starts, but after the 22nd.  You will soon find yourself partied out and looking for something more serious.  Through your networking and socializing your career advancement will just happen.  Good connections will open doors, but you will have to prove yourself.  Health is pretty good this month, be careful you do not become a hypochondriac. Beware of overspending this month you could put yourself in some hot water by doing so.                


Any project you’ve been involved with should come to a finish by the end of this month.  It is now time to have some fun.  Don’t ignore your responsibilities. Make sure you take care of your health and rest.  You could be susceptible to a respiratory disease.  A family gathering will be very enjoyable.


You may have a problem handling home and career this month.  Some strange things may occur disrupting your sleep.   Changes could involve a move or renovations to the home. Conflicts could occur in a tricky love situation, minimize negativity where possible.  Finances are good this month.  A good time to catch up on all those letters, calls, emails and texts that you have ignored. Good month for students.


Finance is up front this month.  People suddenly want what you have to offer.  A good time to pursue your love of reading and general mental expansion.  A new car is possible and new communication equipment. An excellent time for students, writers, teachers, sales and marketing people. Health is good.  You may find yourself seeking out people you can talk to and share ideas with.  Someone who is a fun and happy person will enter your life.

For a personal detailed psychic reading by Frances by phone or in person call 1-905-635-9645.  Frances has been doing psychic card readings for many years and is now serving in person, Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, ON, Milton and the greater GTA.

Psychic Frances, Burlington, Ontario 


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