By Burlington, Ontario Psychic Card Reader Frances Hall


This will be a happy month.  Focus on family and your own emotional well being; you are in a period of personal independence.  Health is good. It’s up to you now to move forward or stay in your rut.  Mercury is retrograde from the 7th to July 2nd. Which can play with your self-esteem and confidence.  This is also a time when new love can enter the picture for you.


A happy and prosperous month, for you.  With mercury retrograde things may be a bit slow.  Make sure you double- check everything so there are no mistakes. Shortcuts are to be avoided.  Spiritual breakthroughs, for those who are seeking.  An excellent month for artist, poets and musicians.


Last month you covered a lot of ground now its time to slow dawn a bit.  Make sure of your facts and attain financial clarity. Not a time for investments or major purchases. Short-term goals will probably be attained but moving slower on long-term goals even though some progress has been made. Focus is more on friends and group activities. Drive more carefully and make sure to keep children out of harms way.


Make sure everything you do this month is ‘perfect’ Get the details right in order to avoid problems down the road.  Earning power is strong; financial gain is looking great. Changes in your attitude towards money will help improve your status.  Your social thinking is a little off this month. A good time to review relationships, and get rid of the hangers on.  Pay more attention to your health this month especially your diet.


A successful month for career and financial gain.  Balancing personal life and career can be a real challenge this month.  Focus on essentials.  Above all make sure you get proper rest and sleep, your health may be vulnerable at this time. The current love needs to stay out of harms way. Be more patient with family and friends at this time.


This is a month about personal changes and reinventing yourself.  A time of self-evaluation and being the person you want to be. Personal finance is pretty good at this time.  You will have to make some adjustments to balance your obligations this month.  You may find yourself attending a few Funerals, wakes or memorials at this time.  More patience is needed with loved ones in order to prevent situations from getting rocky.  Good relationships survive these things.


Health is a priority this month and needs watching. Don’t let tension get ahead of you.   New friends, people, and groups need to be reviewed.  It is time to slow down and take a look at them and decide what you really want to keep and what you want to walk away from.  Home and family issues need to be resolved.  You may find some of the past coming back to bite you.  Be very careful driving and avoid risky activities.


Job seekers may go in a different direction if they are serious about working.  Social activity picks up and a lot of single Capricorns may find themselves married or with a steady partner.  Near the end of the month pay attention to your health especially the bronchial and breathing areas.  Any tests done this month may need a second opinion.

A few strange occurrences may cause your spiritual side to be tested.


A time for ‘behind the scenes activity.’ Job seekers have excellent opportunities arising. Enjoy the leisurely pace of life. A prosperous year is ahead for you.  You are coming out of a slump period into a more progressive one. Communication, high-tech equipment and cars may be more temperamental during this period.  Be extra patient with family and neighbours at this time; a disagreement may occur.

Get out in the fresh air do some deep breathing.  If you work at it now you will see improvement to you health.  Do something fun, start a creative hobby.  Watch something funny on T.V.  Laughter is the best medicine.  Do something nice for someone else.  This is a time of reaping what you have sown.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself.   Learn from this so you can improve in the future.  Remember: what you give is what you get.


Your energy levels may be low at this time. You will find some difficulty doing some of your normal things.  Make sure health and well-being are a priority; especially the breast area, shoulders and respiratory system. There is a great possibility of a change of some kind like a move.  Pay more attention to family.  You have financial luck during the end of the month.


The prosperity Gods have been good to you, now it is a time to review your finances and make room for improvement.  This is not a good time for major purchases or investments. Take steps to protect yourself financially.  Read the fine print and do your homework; don’t take people at their word.  You will find you are extremely attractive to the opposite sex.  Take this slowly; don’t let anyone sweep you off your feet.  A great time to do those little repairs around the home.

For a psychic card reading call Frances Hall at (905) 635-9645
Serving Burlington, Oakville, Milton, Hamilton and the greater GTA area. Readings also available by phone.


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