Horoscopes December 2014 by Psychic Frances
SAGITTARIUS: BEST DAYS: 1-2-10-11-20-21-28-29
there are some bumps in the road, excitement and change in the month ahead.
Basically, a happy and prosperous month. Health and energy are good. Enjoy all the pleasures and sensual
delights. The opposite sex takes
notice. Lucky for some of you with
great wins. Make sure you don’t put to
much focus on money. A great time to
start and exercise program or weight reducing diet. Communications a bit rocky at times, a drama may occur with
siblings or neighbours at this time.
Drive very carefully and defensively at this time. Job changes or disturbances at work and
perhaps a bit of a health scare. Get a
second opinion if you feel this is questionable.
Big changes are a foot under the surface. Spirituality is going to
become a great
focus for you in the coming years. You
will be experiencing all kinds of spiritual phenomena. Dreams are more
active and prophetic. There will be more unexplained coincidences
happening. Capricorns are very down to
earth people; if I can see it, feel it touch it, it exists. If not it
exist, and all else is an illusion. This attitude is in for a shocking
change. Health is good this month; you
look good and feel good, and have more self-confidence and
self-assurance. Financial confidence is not what it should
be and this can be a blessing in disguise.
It forces you to pay more attention to where your money is going and who
to trust with it. A good time to enjoy
family and home life.
is easier at this time. Many of you
have had demanding bosses these past few years. The bosses will change
now; you will have a new boss or their
attitude changes. A positive time for
your health and energy. You are more
personally dynamic ad active. A new car
and/or communication equipment is coming to you. Watch the temper,
don’t rush and drive carefully. Make haste slowly. Personal
independence is very strong. Time to take personal responsibility for
your own happiness and
to stand on your own two feet. You have
all the power to create conditions, as you desire them to be. You
should see fast progress towards your
goals. Love is happy this month. Singles have happy romantic meetings
and are
meeting people who are marriage material.
A new you is being born.
PISCES: BEST DAYS 8-9-18-19-26-27
personal goals are more or less clarified.
You are ready to move forward.
You’ve had six months to work with others and to develop your people
skills. Now the rhythm of life demands
that you start thinking of number one again.
Now it is up to you. You should
know now what’s comfortable and what’s not.
You have the power to change things and create new conditions more to
your liking. Good progress is made
toward achieving your goals. For some of you career may be more demanding. You will have to perform. Bosses and
authority figures will be watching and may be stricter than normal. Stressful situations may affect your
health. Try to rest more and stay away
form addictive situations.
ARIES: BEST DAYS 1-2-10-11-20-21-28-29
can improve your health by avoiding stressful areas this month. It will
be a month of continued career success and advancement. It is quite
OK to let go of home and family
issues now and focus on the carer. This
has been a delicate area of late and you seem to be more devoted to your
friends. Love seems happy this month;
many opportunities come your way. Make
sure you are very selective and not too impulsive. Love is passionate
ad fiery-just the way you like it. Slip-ups will rebound on you at a
date. If you want to make major
changes in your personal life now is the time to do it. There will be
more business travel
happening. This willingness to travel
enhances your career.
TAURUS: BEST DAYS 3-4-13-14-22-23-30-31
may be a little unstable this month.
You have weeded out the good relationships from the mediocre. You have undergone the worst of the testing
period, and your social life has been placed in right order. There is much career change happening, these
changes seem beneficial to you, although, not pleasant for those of you who
have addictive problems or were not doing a proper job. You can enhance your career (and your
private image) by getting involved in charity work. This is an excellent time to get rid of what you don’t need or
use. Clean out the closets, drawers,
garage and boxes. Give it to charity or
sell it. Time to ‘clean the decks’. Things you need and use, will come to you
anything else is just clutter.
focus is on career and social life. You
are honing your people skills now. Your
way is most likely not the best way, so get input from others. If there are conditions that are
uncomfortable, adapt and adjust to them as best you can. The time for you to make changes will come
in the next few months. Health
still needs watching. Rest and relax more in order to enhance your health. Your love life should still be good, if
you’re planning a marriage or party, try to schedule it before the 8th. Your friendships and new relationships will
be tested this month with you beginning to separate the wheat from the
chaff. It is a month for dealing with
death and issues around death. Probably
you will attend more funerals and memorial services than usual. It is time to get a deeper understanding of
this area of life. A good time to get
rid of old magazines, pamphlets, books and newspapers. Answer all mail promptly and check on
neighbors you may worry about. Make
sure all your bills are sound and you are not being doubled billed or money is
It is time to take a vacation from yourself and your personal
interests and focus more on others.
Self-interest is basically a good thing but sometimes it gets
overdone. The happiness of others is
another form of self-interest and enhances our own interests. It is not a time to try to change
uncomfortable conditions, instead adapt to them as best you can. Sexual magnetism has been the main
attraction for love, this will still be important, but now you want someone who
will not only give you pleasure but will serve your interests also. Playboys or playgirls will be less of an
attraction now. Your change of attitude
will be more in the terms of stability.
You will find many opportunities everywhere you go this month. Be careful not to burn the candle at both
ends for you health is a little more fragile at this time. A prosperous month may be too much of a good
thing and cause you to overspend. Be
cautious in this area. A good time to set
up, a long-term investment or savings plan.
You are in the mood for work. It will be a very good time now to do
those boring,
detail-oriented, mundane things that you’ve been putting off. Job
seekers have great success now. There are many, many opportunities, so
a change for some of you would not be a
surprise. Speculations are favourable
until the 17th. after that be more careful. The main danger
here is overspending. Family pressure will be eased family and
friends are less depressed and less grumpy now. Health is
good-happiness is a great healing force. Avoid unnecessary foreign
travel. After the 21st you will find
things in the career area starting to move along. This is an excellent time for launching new ventures or new
This is a month for coming to terms with the past. Old memories tend
to come up with no
apparent rhyme or reason. The past is
being digested on a new level-in light of your present knowledge and
understanding. The memories won’t
change the facts are what they are but you will interpret them in a
light. It will no longer have the same
kind of hold on you that it once had.
It is one thing to digest the past and another to ‘live’ there. Stay in
the now, in the present. External issues, the career and outer goals
– are less important now. The need is
to set up the foundations, organize yourself to get started on your over
projects. Health and energy will
improve. The love life has been
basically good. There has been much expansion in the social circle with
meeting more people with the same interests as you. Good relationships
will survive and flawed ones will
dissolve. Adjustments to you financial
situation are needed to get over the bumpy spots. Focus on what you
want to accomplish in the New Year and aim for
Career has become less important than usual. You are in a period for
building up the
inner forces for the next outward career push, which will begin next
spring. Focus on home, family and your
emotional well-being. This is the time
to work on your career by interior methods – through meditation, prayer,
visualization, setting intentions etc.
when you are in emotional harmony these activities go better. Your
insight into moods, feelings and the
past is much greater now. A tendency to
want to go back to the so-called ‘goof old days’ when things were
simpler and
present problems didn’t exist. It is
good to look back at the past to assimilate it, digest it and extract
the good
from past experiences, but it is not so good to live in the past or
return to
it. Now is always the best time there
is. Health is more delicate make sure
you do not burn the candle at both ends.
Make sure you get proper food, rest and relaxation. You should see and
almost immediate pick up in earnings.
Lon-term burdens are leaving.
The month ahead will be prosperous.
Family and family connections seem like a source of fun and information
now. A new shift in love, you are
attracted to the person who can show you a good time. Emotional sharing
was fun, but perhaps too depressing. You want someone ‘up and happy’.
are personal changes or changes of conditions that need to be made, this
is the
time to do so. Later on any changes
will be more difficult. There are
continuing dramas in the home and with the family, a lot of shake-ups
changes going on. Be as patient as you
can with family members. There is no
need to make a challenging situation worse that it needs to be.
Passions are running high. There could be major repairs or construction
work happening in the home. Home and
family need most of your attention.
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