
Showing posts from 2013
SCORPIO:  The Scorpion Sun Sign Interpretation :        Scorpio is the deepest of all the signs.  The intense emotions of this sign is toughened by Mars, given an obsessive quality by Pluto and channeled into a rigid mould by the fixed quality.      Scorpio types develop passionate interests and devotion to causes which they pursue with death defying dedication.      Those under this sign have an instinctive sense of what is right and what is wrong, and though this may be in contradiction to accepted morality, it nevertheless provides a powerful personal motivation.  Scorpio types fall deeply in Love, but if hurt or rejected, they can spend hours plotting bitter revenge.      They are usually interested in things deep, dark or hidden, which covers a range of activities.  They may become psychologists, therapists, archaeologists, historians, healers, miners, astronomers, astrologe...

October 2013 - Libra Sign of the Month

The Sign of the Month is:  LIBRA THE SCALES SUN SIGN INTERPRETATION :      Libra is a sign which spends its life weighing up different possibilities;  few signs are so aware of different choices and possibilities as this one.  Often Libran types are crippled by indecision, unable to make a firm choice and face the commitment that this involves. Some Librans resolve the dilemma by making a choice and even though it may not be the best option, sticking to it through thick and thin for fear of having to make yet another decision.      Ideally Libra's function is to resolve opposing possibilities and to seek a third way.  Being an air sign, Libra can use its mind to help with the resolution of all conflicts.      This sign is ruled by Venus and one of its major priorities is to establish harmonious and balance partnerships.  The importance of successful friendships is such that Librans will conce...

Virgo September 2013

VIRGO: SIGN OF THE MONTH Sun Sign Interpretation:      This is not a passive feeble Virgin, but rather a form of the Earth Mother, the ancient fertility goddess.  The Virgin in this sense is pure, but also robust, fertile and potent.  Virgo can be one of the most practical and productive of signs, and is prepared to sacrifice it's own interests in order to complete its allotted tasks.  It is above all a sign of service and self-sacrifice.      Mercury, their ruling planet brings to this solid sign the gift of analysis, which is crucial in achieving its practical objective.      Virgoans are often too fussy, over concerned with cleanliness and order, and unable to deal with spontaneity and chaos.  Their good-natured willingness to help out lays them open to exploitation by people who are too lazy to do things for themselves.      Virgoans are natural bureaucrats. Socially they tend to ...

August It's All About Leo The Lion

SIGN OF MONTH:  LEO SUN SIGN INTERPRETATION:      THIS IS THE MOST EGOTISTICAL, PROUD AND OSTENTATIOUS of all the signs.     At their best creative, artistic, colourful, generous, honest, warm hearted and natural Leaders.  Leonians extravagant and selfish.  They require an audience and even quiet Leos contrive to make an impression - judging their own behavior as reflected in the mirror of audience response.        Personal power is balanced by obligations and duties.  Egocentric Leo must learn social responsibility.  This may mean accepting the need for personal change, but for this obstinate sign change can be particularly difficult.        Leos can be difficult to love or to work with.  They do not take kindly to limitation of any sort but thrive when given the maximum space and freedom.  Their ideal career is acting and they are often found in work connected with the p...

Astrological Sign of the Month - Cancer

Astrological Sign of the Month - Cancer Psychic Frances -Burlington, Ontario CANCER The Crab   LOVE  LINES: My Love is like the boundless sea, As drenching, deep, and ornery. Towering as a tidal wave, Precious as a pearl– strewn cave. Full of current, rock and rip, To sink you like a floundering ship. So if that daunts you little pet Best not get your swimsuit wet. Celestial Stone…Pearl & Moonstone Ruling Planet - the Moon Best colours - Silver & White Governing Number - 11 Best Day - Friday Lucky Numbers  - 2-11-29-38 Best Locations - Near or on Water   Sun Sign Interpretation:           Cancer combines the tough self-assertion of the Gemini with the powerful emotions, softness and sensitivity of the Leo.           Cancer is a sign of compassion, which embodies all that is best in the caring maternal instincts, but it often hides its emotions behind a mask, which denies these inner feelings. ...

Horoscopes July 2013

July 2013 and YOU - Horoscopes                                   Burlington Ontario Psychic Frances Hall - 905-635-9645 CANCER: Time to get your house in order.  If you need to, make lists of what has to be done and work on two a day.  This is a time you have to rely on yourself.  Family and friends are too busy to come running so don’t expect them to be there for your every whim. LEO: Other than a few trips, on your list; a pretty relaxing month. Some demands from family but not a lot of anxious activity. You will be able to relax more than usual.  Next month will be a bit hectic so make sure you take this month easy. VIRGO: An easy flowing month;  with money coming in from some unexpected sources.  Time to do all those little extras for family and friends. Organize your birthday and C...
JUNE 2013 and YOU - ASTROLOGY                        PSYCHIC CARD READER FRANCES, BURLINGTON, ONTARIO GEMINI: Your Birthday cycle brings a new start for many Geminis.  You can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  A great time for beginning a new life style.  Start that project you have been thinking of.  A move for many of you is a great possibility.  You are finally seeing some things going your way. CANCER: A bit of a shaky month, for some Cancers.  A few unexpected twists in your life.  Just when you think you have the answer to a problem another angle will show up.  This is only a cycle but you will have to be frugal and patient if you want to get through it unscathed.  The end of the old ways; as you see it. LEO: You will breath easier this month.  A lot of problems that have been plaguing you will come to ...
GEMINI    The Twins   Celestial Stone……....Emerald Ruling Planet…….….Mercury Best colours…….Silver & Gray Governing Number……….7 Best Day…………...Wednesday Lucky Numbers…….3-4-7-25 Best Locations…High Places,                    well above Sea Level                                                                                                      LOVE LINES: Some men I like. Some Men I don’t     Some because they Love me….                                        Some because they WON’T!        ...
Taurus the Bull - Sun Sign Interpretation by Psychic Frances May 2013 may just be the best time of year for you Taurus.  Enjoy what life is slinging your way cause its all looking good! Taurus is stable, conservative and sensual.  This sign values a comfortable, safe and unchanging environment, and likes to hold on to the past. Taurus is down to earth and practical, and is also one of the more productive of signs. Taureans like to be engaged in producing things which can be of use.  A fine appreciation of beauty and form is combined with creative power; Taureans often have artistic skills.  Typically they make good singers; also potters, sculptors, gardeners, or work with the earth in other ways. Fidelity and consistency are this sign’s virtues, obstinacy and a refusal to recognize the necessity for change are its weaknesses. They appear to be passive and contented, but are easily angered when roused.  Traditionally, they have a stocky stature with s...
 Horoscopes for May 2013 TAURUS: Do what’s in your heart to do and don’t let others side step you.  “To thine own self be true.”   Outdoor work will make you feel more alive.  Get off the couch and go for a Walk.  A good time to overcome any negative addictions. GEMINI: Going home to visit is beckoning you now. Try to hold off on any travel for another month.  Health needs tending to. Remember things will get better.  Go by a good book or do a puzzle to take your mind off your troubles. CANCER: A good time to clean up those debts.  Especially the ones you owe to other people.  Greed will get you in trouble this month.  Love may be deceptive, so be careful of where you place your heart. LEO: Painting and renovating seem to be oriented this month. If not your home, than in your wardrobe.  Make sure you manage your time well; a few unexpected surprises are heading your way and could throw...
APRIL 2013 And  You: ARIES: Female Ariens will find themselves spring-cleaning, while male Ariens may feel the pull of their male hormones urging them to stray.  Both should be careful not to stray or overdue do it. TAURUS: Old friends or loves may return from the past.  A good time to put your house in order and make plans for a holiday. Don’t try to be in charge of everything this month, it will tire you out. GEMINI: Being honest with yourself is not easy but stand back and be truthful not philosophical.  Health matters improve.  Finances need organizing. CANCER: Putting things off till tomorrow will not work this month.  Take the bull by the horns and face whatever problem or fear you have right away.  By doing this you will feel a great weight lifted off you and you will sleep better. LEO: Health will be a priority this month, yours or someone close to you.  Make sure you pay attention to the finer details in l...
SIGN OF THE MONTH:     ARIES March 21 to April 19th Celestial Stone …...Amethyst &                                         Diamond Ruling Planets……….Mars Best Colours……..All shades of Red Governing Number……..4 Best Day……………..Tuesday Lucky Numbers…...7 - 6 - 13 – 22 Best Locations……...Large Cities                          Sun Sign Interpretation: Aries have a reputation for egotism, action and self-assertion.  Ariens are entrepreneurs, Leaders, adventurers, courageous, impulsive and highly motivated.  Ariens spot future possibilities and develop them first, usually pushing their own interests.     ...