The Twins
Celestial Stone……....Emerald
Ruling Planet…….….Mercury
Best colours…….Silver &
Governing Number……….7
Best Day…………...Wednesday
Lucky Numbers…….3-4-7-25
Best Locations…High
well above Sea Level
Some men I like.
Some Men I don’t
Some because they
Love me….
Some because they
Sign Interpretation:
Gemini: the sign of rational
and logical thought and the gathering of knowledge. The combination of air with the mutable quality renders this sign
almost impossible to pin down; A Gemini’s thought must have its freedom.
Gemini people are often maddeningly inconsistent; they can
argue one point of view one day and the completely opposite view on the
next. It is the actual process of
thinking and communicating that is important to Gemini, not the end
result. A firm conclusion is not
necessary so long as the mind is kept well exercised. Gemeni's often become writers, orators, journalists, teachers,
secretaries, lawyers, computer programmers or take up other activities in which
their mental skills can be exercised.
Gemini's mental nervousness affects the body, and Gemini's
are obliged to work this off in physical exercise, running and walking being
two common activities.
As it is the symbol of the Twins, embodying the essential
split in this sign’s nature is evident in the divorce of the intellect from the
emotions. Gemini's find it difficult
to express emotions as they often rationalize them first. They are subject to unexpected sudden
changes of mood.
Gemini's are versatile and can turn their hands to more
than one thing at the same time, they are jacks of all trades. However if their talents are spread to
thinly they may not achieve their aims.
How is 2013 going? It has been a challenging yet an exciting time for many people and this will continue throughout the year. For a more detailed psychic reading call Francis today. Francis has been doing psychic card readings since she was a child and is sought after by those looking for spiritual guidance from all over Canada and the US. Psychic Frances is located in Burlington, Ontario (close to Toronto, Hamilton, Milton, Oakville, Ancaster, etc.
Psychic Frances Hall, Burlington Ontario and serving Hamilton, Oakville, Toronto, Milton, etc.
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