Your Birthday cycle brings a new start for many Geminis.  You can finally
see the light at the end of the tunnel.  A great time for beginning a new
life style.  Start that project you have been thinking of.  A move for many
of you is a great possibility.  You are finally seeing some things going
your way.


A bit of a shaky month, for some Cancers.  A few unexpected twists in your
life.  Just when you think you have the answer to a problem another angle
will show up.  This is only a cycle but you will have to be frugal and
patient if you want to get through it unscathed.  The end of the old ways; as
you see it.


You will breath easier this month.  A lot of problems that have been
plaguing you will come to an end.  You will be socializing more than you
have been.  Be sure not to burn the candle at both ends for you could end up


A surprise visit from someone in your past, may throw you for a bit of a
loop.  You will find yourself more organized than you have been for the past
year.  Your health and wealth pick up and improve.  You are looking forward
to a great summer.


Enjoy you slow period for it won’t last long.  Visitors will be coming from
far and wide.  Arranging a large celebration require help from others. Don’t
be overly proud; make sure you ask for help.  You may decide to do some home
decorating at this time.  The health of someone close to you may be a


Your little games will catch up with you at this time.  Not a good time to
try and manipulate things your way.  Remember to give credit where credit is
due.  You could very well get caught in your own little lies or games at
this time. Pay more attention to your health.  Not a good time to neglect
bills or debts of any kind.

Time to face the truth about family and friends.  If you can afford a
vacation to a sunny locale, now is the time to take it.  Don’t get caught up
in gossip it will backfire on you.  A marriage or romance may end during
this cycle.


Time for your physical, and other health checkups at this time.  Don’t let
go of your dreams.  Another chance for a dream job may appear.  Be very
careful of romantic triangles.  Your life will be an open book this month,
and those you least expect will be watching and waiting for you to make a
mistake.  Keep a clean and healthy slate this month.


Your humour is at its peak this month. You will be in demand.  Make sure you
take time to rest.  A short course will prove very beneficial.  A promotion
or raise make things easier in the financial area.  A new recreational toy
will bring a lot of joy this summer.


Finally closure to certain areas of your life, that has been bothering you
for years.  You can feel the healing taking place in your body.  Plans for
change or a move look promising. Some of you may be getting married for the
first time while others in this sign, may be walking away from bad


Travel is calling you.  Visiting family could be quite rewarding.  A new
addition to the family is possible.  Outside work will make you feel that
you have  accomplished something.  A creative course could put you on to a
new line of work or money making venture.


Paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork will need your attention doubly now.
Make sure you go over everything with a fine tooth-comb.  Any mix- ups now
could prove costly.  Make sure all statements and bills are correct.
Mistakes may not be yours, so be sure before you blame the wrong person. 
Entertaining friends will be a good way to relax.  Cut back on excessive
drinking and eating if signs of stomach problems are starting.

Psychic Card Reader Frances Hall has been guiding people spiritually and psychically for many years.  Many followers may remember Psychic Frances when she resided in Thunder Bay, Ontario.  Psychic Frances is now based out of Burlington, Ontario (close to Hamilton, ON, Toronto, Oakville, Milton, Ancaster, etc).  To book a reading with Psychic Frances to see what the near future holds call 905-635-9645



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