SIGN OF THE MONTH: ARIES March 21 to April 19th
Celestial Stone …...Amethyst
Ruling Planets……….Mars
Best Colours……..All shades of
Governing Number……..4
Best Day……………..Tuesday
Lucky Numbers…...7 - 6 - 13 –
Best Locations……...Large
Sun Sign Interpretation:
Aries have a reputation for
egotism, action and self-assertion.
Ariens are entrepreneurs, Leaders, adventurers, courageous, impulsive
and highly
motivated. Ariens spot future possibilities and develop
them first, usually
pushing their own interests.
Aries is the fastest of all the signs, it is by no means
the noisiest; a great many Ariens are
in fact, quiet and unostentatious. In
this respect Aries takes its character from Mars, a planet concerned solely
with action, rather than glamour and the trappings of power.
Aries is not a sign of subtlety, and when it meets an obstacle, it will, like the RAM,
change it. Ariens often bang their
heads against walls.
They have so much power and energy that they tend to burn
themselves up. To avoid periods of
collapse and exhaustion they should take care to
replenish their resources.
In medical astrology, this sign rules the head, and
headaches are a classic problem for the overworked Arien.
PARTNERS (in general) LEO,
We lay beneath the willow tree,
The moonlight made us dapple,
He offered me a red, red rose,
I countered with an apple
Our kiss burnt centuries away,
We heard the serpent's laughter,
So once was Eden lost, they say
But damn the morning after.
Psychic Frances Hall - card reader in Burlington, Ontario (near Hamilton, ON, Oakville, Milton, Toronto, etc). Top psychic card reader and spiritualist in Burlington, Ontario.
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