Horoscopes July 2013
July 2013 and YOU - Horoscopes
Burlington Ontario Psychic Frances Hall - 905-635-9645CANCER:
Time to get your house in order. If you need to, make lists of what has to be done and work on two a day. This is a time you have to rely on yourself. Family and friends are too busy to come running so don’t expect them to be there for your every whim.
Other than a few trips, on your list; a pretty relaxing month. Some demands from family but not a lot of anxious activity. You will be able to relax more than usual. Next month will be a bit hectic so make sure you take this month easy.
An easy flowing month; with money coming in from some unexpected sources. Time to do all those little extras for family and friends. Organize your birthday and Christmas lists. Clean out your closets and get rid of what you no longer wear or use. A very good creative month.
Another busy month of entertaining. You are a gracious host and people do enjoy your gatherings. Make your next party a potluck affair. A few home repairs are on the top of the list of things to do. Don’t let children get out of hand; let them know you are the parent. One may try to pull the wool over your eyes.
This month will be a little easier on you than the past months have been. Time to reorganize your wardrobe and get rid of old styles that no longer work for you and try something new. A time to relax. Don’t take on any new courses or work at this time. A new love may enter the picture.
You still think the world evolves around you. Well time for a few surprises. Someone may not be willing to play your game and you end up with an embarrassing situation. Don’t force your opinion or views on others, for they will not accept it. Be more independent this month and try out a few new places.
Family will be a priority this month. Mixing with some family members from far and wide will be a complete enjoyment. Don’t let negative members keep you from gatherings that they have not been invited to. Some home repairs are a necessity. Unexpected expenses may be a little frustrating. Look at the good this month and keep smiling.
Making a list and doing all those little repairs around the home will bring you great satisfaction. Getting everything organized is always easier on your mind and helps you sleep better when your not thinking about what you have to do. Take time out for a movie and a nice walk.
Be careful that you don’t get sucked into someone else’s plan. Someone may be trying to use you to get back at his or her opposition. This is a good time to garden, do crafts enjoy music a good movie or read a good book. Keep your surroundings peaceful. Don’t believe every ‘poor me’ story that your told.
If you have been toying with the idea of moving; it is a good time to look around and see what’s available. A good offer may come your way at this time. Don’t take people with mood swings to personally; some may be showing signs of dementia. A good time to keep your plans to yourself, visit new places and make new friends.
No one wants to hear about your aches and pains, so keep them to your self. Count your blessings instead of feeling sorry for what you don’t have. Have friends over for a good time. Enjoy some of the local events. Go to an outdoor market and find a few bargains. If you are having personal problems see a professional who can help you.
New opportunities come to you through family or friends. If you are looking for a new job, one will be forth coming. A new love interest may enter the picture. Someone who is much more compatible then those loves of the past. You will be looking at life from a whole new standpoint. You are in for a cycle of good changes.
Psychic Card Reader Frances Hall - spiritual card readings in Burlington, Ontario. Serving the Toronto GTA area, Oakville, Milton, Hamilton, Ancaster, etc.
For a psychic card reading from Frances call 905-635-9645
Frances Hall - previously of Thunder Bay, Ontario and Kingston, ON.
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