Astrological Sign of the Month - Cancer

Astrological Sign of the Month - Cancer
Psychic Frances -Burlington, Ontario


The Crab

My Love is like the boundless sea,

As drenching, deep, and ornery.

Towering as a tidal wave,

Precious as a pearl– strewn cave.

Full of current, rock and rip,

To sink you like a floundering ship.

So if that daunts you little pet

Best not get your swimsuit wet.

Celestial Stone…Pearl & Moonstone

Ruling Planet - the Moon

Best colours - Silver & White

Governing Number - 11

Best Day - Friday

Lucky Numbers  - 2-11-29-38

Best Locations - Near or on Water

Sun Sign Interpretation:

          Cancer combines the tough self-assertion of the Gemini with the powerful emotions, softness and sensitivity of the Leo.

          Cancer is a sign of compassion, which embodies all that is best in the caring maternal instincts, but it often hides its emotions behind a mask, which denies these inner feelings.  Cancerians are vulnerable and easily hurt; the confident mask they wear in public serves as a defense against the rough and tumble of the world.  When upset, Cancers may withdraw further into their shell, but they also snap at people, imitating the Crab’s sharp pincers.

          Cancerian emotions fluctuate, but they are tenacious, even ruthless when it comes to defending their family and friends.  Cancer people are renowned as homemakers and require domestic stability for happiness.  As long as they have a firm base to which they can retreat to recuperate, they are able to venture into the world and make their cardinal presence felt.

          In medical astrology, Cancer rules digestive difficulties, and cold shivery conditions.

          Traditionally, it also rules all places, which are near water.

PARTNERS…..(in general)….Scorpio and Pisces





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