Taurus the Bull - Sun Sign Interpretation by Psychic Frances
May 2013 may just be the best time of year for you Taurus. Enjoy what life is slinging your way cause its all looking good!Taurus is stable, conservative and sensual. This sign values a comfortable, safe and unchanging environment, and likes to hold on to the past.
Taurus is down to earth and practical, and is also one of the more productive of signs.
Taureans like to be engaged in producing things which can be of use. A fine appreciation of beauty and form is combined with creative power; Taureans often have artistic skills. Typically they make good singers; also potters, sculptors, gardeners, or work with the earth in other ways.
Fidelity and consistency are this sign’s virtues, obstinacy and a refusal to recognize the necessity for change are its weaknesses.
They appear to be passive and contented, but are easily angered when roused. Traditionally, they have a stocky stature with strong shoulders and large necks. Being sensualists many Taureans are fond of smart clothes, jewelry and perfume. They are often attracted to a comfortable and leisured lifestyle.
PARTNERS…..(in general)…. Virgo and Capricorn
Celestial Stone….Sapphire
Ruling Planet……...Venus
Best colours ….… Blue
Governing Number…… 9
Best Day………...Friday
Lucky Numbers….1-8-9-27
Best Locations ...Quiet Places
If you want to see what May and summer 2013 have in store for you call Psychic Frances at 905-635-9645. Psychic Frances, located in Burlington, Ontario (near Hamilton, ON, Oakville, Ontario, Milton, Toronto, Dundas, etc) has been spiritually advising people for many years. Psychic Frances is a top card reader in Ontario.
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