Horoscopes for March 2016 by Psychic Frances

 AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS: 6-7-14-15-23-24

     Things have been going easy for you so far this year, so it’s time to have a few challenges to keep you on your toes and to prevent you from getting too complacent.  

    Important financial changes happen in your money house as a result of some unexpected expense or financial upheaval.  You’re forced to change your thinking and strategy.

     Tests in love and partnerships will occur.  Sometimes these tests happen because of suppressed grievances – dirty laundry – being forced up by the eclipse.  Sometimes it is due to some drama in the life of the spouse, partner or current love.  If the relationship is fundamentally sound, it will survive and get even better.  It’s the flawed ones that are in danger.  Though the beloved seems more affected than you by the eclipse, it won’t hurt for both of you to reduce your schedules over this period.

     It will be a good idea to drive more defensively at this time.  There can be communication failures and glitches.  Communication equipment will get tested and might need replacement or repair.  There are dramas in the lives of siblings, and neighbours – and often disruptions in the neighbourhood.  Students can change schools or education plans.

     Spiritual changes for you; changes in practice, attitude and perhaps even teachings.  There are shake-ups in a spiritual or charitable organization that you belong to, and dramas in the lives of guru figures.

      There are also educational changes for students.  The previous eclipse affected students below college level; this one affects college or postgraduate students.

     There are shake-ups in the place of work. Job changes could also happen – either within your present company or with another one.  Career is less of a priority this month but there is success happening from the 12th to the 20th.  Friends seem helpful here.  Your technology expertise plays a role too.

PISCES:  BEST DAYS:  8-9-16-17-26-27  

     A bittersweet kind of month.  On the one hand, thee are many personal pleasures, on the other hand things will be shaken up- both personally and in the world at large.  It is a happy but eventful kind of month.

     It shows a need to redefine yourself – your personality, your image and your self-concept.  Generally this happens because others are slandering or misrepresenting you.  If you don’t define yourself, they will.  Thus over the next six months you’ll adopt a new look – a new image. 

      The career is affected by this influence also.  There are career changes and shake-ups in your company or industry.  The rules of the game change.  There are likely to be dramas in the lives of bosses, parents and parent figures.

     Friendships and relationships will be tested; weak ones will end strong ones will survive.  

     Computers and high tech equipment will be temperamental over this period.  It would be a good idea to have your important files backed up.

     There will also be changes in your health area.  Often there are health scares and will probably cause the changes in your health regime. 

Encounters with death, close calls, sometimes someone close to you dies or has a near-death experience.  Some times people have dreams of death.  This is all educational rather that punitive.  There is a need for better understanding of this issue.  When death is understood, life is better understood. However with the changes health is good this month.  Try to take it a little easier during this period.

     There will be some dramatic financial changes.  Events happen that show that the current strategy and thinking is not realistic.  

     Stay out of harm’s way, avoid people who like to live dangerously or have addictions of any kind. 

ARIES:  BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-18-19-28-29

Many of you, especially if your birthday is from March 20 to March 31, are in an excellent period for starting new projects or launching new products.  After your birthday is best.

     The month ahead will be eventful. Take it nice and easy.  Spend more quiet time at home.  Read a good book or watch a nice movie.  There is no need to be your Aries daredevil self during this period.

     Changes in your spiritual practices and attitude will occur.  Since you’re in a very spiritual kind of month these changes most likely come from new revelations that happen through upheavals – disturbances and life – changing kinds of events.  There are dramas in spiritual or charitable organizations your involved with, also dramas in the lives of guru figures.  Most of these changes will turn out well; while they are happening they can be frenetic. 

     Your current relationship will be tested.  Be more patient with the beloved during this period.  Good relationships survive but flawed ones can be in trouble.

     Every lunar eclipse affects the home and family.  Often there are dramas in the home, sudden repairs, or changes that need to be made.  If you’ve got mice or other ‘underworld critters’ in the home this is when you usually find out about them.

     Health should be good this month.

     Job seeders have good fortune from the 22nd onwards.

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  3-4-12-13-21-22-31

     Though two eclipses this month shake up the world and people around you, for you the month ahead looks happy and successful. 

     Good health and abundant energy is yours this month.  You should have the energy to achieve whatever you set your mind to.  Pre-existing conditions should be much improved too.  You naturally have more energy and these conditions die back down.  You can enhance the health even further by giving more attention to the ankles, feet and calves from the 12th onwards.

     Career is still happy and you still seem on top of your world.  But the focus this month is more on friends, groups and group activities.

     Though there is romance this month this is not the main focus.  It is more about friendship, mixing with people of like mind and like interests.  The month ahead is also very spiritual.

     Friendships will be tested during this period.  Often it indicates important dramas in the lives of friends.  Family members tend to be more temperamental at this time so be more patient.

     Flaws in the home are revealed and repairs have to be made.

     There can be job changes or changes in the job environment.  Often under this aspect the neighbourhood gets renovated.  Cars and communication equipment get tested also.

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  6-7-14-15-23-24  

      A fast paced and hectic kind of month, with never a dull moment.  You’re covering a lot of territory and making good forward progress.

     The month ahead is successful, but frenetic.  There is good career advancement until the 20th.  There will be shake-ups in the career.  Shake-ups could occur in your company, industry and perhaps the corporate hierarchy.  But these things seem to work in your favour.  Obstructions to progress get removed by these shake-ups.

     There can be dramas in the lives of siblings and sibling figures in your life.  There can be upheavals (often new construction works) in the neighbourhood.

     Flawed relationships are in trouble.  Good ones will survive.  The spouse or current love is forced to make dramatic financial changes.  You may have ‘encounters’ with death – close calls, or dreams of death.  These are friendly cosmic reminders to get more serious about life.

     Reduce your schedule over this period.  Important financial changes – things that have long needed to be done now you’re forced into doing something about them.  Generally this happens through some sudden kind of expense.  You will handle it once the changes are made.

     Be more patient with family members and especially a parent or parent figure.  There can be upheavals at home and with family members.

CANCER:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-16-17-26-27  

     This is a wonderful time for college-level students.  They succeed in their studies.  There are educational disruptions and perhaps changes in educational plans, but the changes will be good.

      Take it nice and easy during the eclipse periods –a few days before and after.

     It is probably not advisable to travel during this time; if you must, try to schedule flights around the eclipse period.

       The eclipse indicates shake-ups in your place of worship and dramas in the lives of your worship leaders: life-changing kinds of dramas.  Often, this kind of eclipse produces ‘cries of faith’ – a testing of your personal religion and personal philosophy of life.  These testings are actually good.  There is much that we believe that is mere superstition.  These things need to be cleared out and other ideas might need modification.

     The family is affected and there are likely to be family dramas in the home.  Flaws in the home (if there are any) are usually revealed under this kind of eclipse and repairs need to be made.  Be more patient with family members now.  There’s no question that passions are running high.

     The dream life will most likely be negative during this period so not too much weight should be placed on them.

     People, or events challenge your sense of self and of identity.  There is a need to redefine yourself, your self-concept and the way you want others to see you.  This generally leads to changes in hairstyle and wardrobe.  You present a new look to the world.  You need to rest and relax more from the 20th onward.  Spend more quiet time at home read some good books or watch some films. The best thing would be to meditate more. 

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-18-19-28-29

     The spouse, partner or current love is prospering these days.  He or she is in the midst of a yearly financial pea and is likely to be more generous with you.

     Your already legendary libido is even stronger than usual.  This will be a great month to borrow or to pay down debts, according to your need, especially from the 5th to the 22nd.  A great month to go through your possessions and get rid of what you don’t need or use, this is just clutter.  Make room for the new things that want to come in.

     There can be more dealing with death and death issues now.  Generally this is not literal death but encounters with it.  Sometimes near-death kinds of experiences happen.  Sometimes one has dreams about death, or dreams of people who have passed on.  There is a need to understand death on a deeper level.  

     The spouse, partner or current love has some financial upheaval now and needs to make dramatic changes.  

     Every solar eclipse tends to affect Leos more strongly than most people.  This is because the eclipsed planet, the Sun, is your ruling planet.  Thus twice a year the cosmos gives you opportunity to redefine yourself, your image and self –concept.  This is basically a healthy thing.  We are always changing and we need to redefine ourselves in light of these changes.  So over the next six months the hairstyle and wardrobe will change.  You’ll present a ‘new look’ to the world.  

     Reduce your schedule during this eclipse and take it a bit easier than normal. 

     Dramatic life changing events will affect siblings, sibling figures and neighbours in you life.

     Cars and communication equipment get tested.   

VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  3-4-12-13-21-22-31

     Health and energy are delicate in March.  So take it nice and easy this month.  Make sure as always, that you get enough rest.  Let go of the trivial things in your life and focus on what’s really important.  It would be wonderful to schedule massages in this month or spend more time in a health spa, if possible.

     The social life has become very active these days.  New relationships have been formed.  Now it is time they get tested and only the good ones will remain.  Often a solar eclipse brings dramatic, life changing events to the lives of partners and friends- this too can test a relationship.  Singles can decide to marry and married couples can decide to split.  But a good marriage will survive the eclipse.

     The practice, the attitudes and perhaps even the teachings of your spiritual path change.  There are dramas and upheavals in spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with, and in the lives of guru figures.  There are also family dramas, and dramas with the children or children figures in your life that will occur.

     There will be dramatic financial changes – changes in thinking, planning and strategy.  Often this happens because of some financial disruption such as an unexpected expense or obligation.  This is the catalyst for the change.  These changes are also necessary for other reasons.  You are in a strong prosperity period and you need to make the changes that allow this to happen. 

     Career changes are happening.  There are upheavals in your company or industry.  There are also drams in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures.  Also there is a need now to redefine you, to redefine your image, personality and self-concept.  Usually events force the issue.  Over the next six months you’ll present a ‘new look’ to the world. 

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-14-15-23-24 

     The month ahead is busy and eventful.  This is perhaps the busiest time of your year.  Two eclipses this month add more drama and turbulence to life as well.

     In spite of all the drama, you’re prospering.  An expansion of your earnings and financial good fortune should occur.  It shows an excellent financial intuition too.

     Job changes and changes in the conditions and rules of the workplace.  These changes can be with your present company or with a new one.  It shows dramas in the lives of co-workers.  If you employ others it indicates employee turnover and instability in the workforce.   

      There are likely to be major changes in your health regime too.  

     There can be many communication glitches.  It will be a good idea to drive more carefully over this period.  Your high tech equipment gets tested and might have to be replaced or repaired.

     If there are flaws in your home, you find out about them now.  Be more patient with family members during this period.  They seem emotionally volatile.  They should relax more and reduce their busy schedules during this period.

     It is always a good idea to reassess your self – to redefine your image, personality and self-concept.  Events happen, perhaps someone bad mouths you or slanders you – that forces you to define yourself for yourself.  The alternative of doing nothing is unpalatable; you merely allow others to define you.  You will change your look and your image.  Such changes can happen in many ways.  You can change careers, or there might be shake-ups in your company and industry that change the rules of the game.  In the end these changes will be good, although they’re not so pleasant while they’re happening.

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-16-17-26-27  

     The conflicts of last month are over with.  It is easier now to develop the social skills and to put others first.  It is easier to take a vacation form yourself.  Let others have their way so long as it isn’t destructive.

     Children and children figures in you or life go through some life-changing dramas.  Some of these are quite normal – puberty or graduation, things of this nature – but other dramas could also happen, so it is best to keep them out of harm’s way during this period.  They don’t need to be doing daredevil-type stunts.

     Important financial changes are happening.  You’ve been making financial changes for over a year, but now even more so.  Generally this happens as the result of some unexpected expense or some new revelation about the financial condition or status.  (That stock you thought was a long-term winner turns out to be a dog; that fund with the great track record is revealed to be not so great after all.) It would be sensible to drive more carefully over this period.  Siblings or sibling figures in your life have personal dramas.

     Shake-ups in your company or industry will occur.  The rules of the game change and you must adapt to them.  There are personal dramas in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures.

     Dramatic changes will occur in you spiritual life and in your practice, your attitudes and teachings.  There are shake-ups in a spiritual or charitable organization you’re involved with and dramas in the lives of gurus and guru figures.  

     Make sure your important files are backed up and your anti-virus software is up to date.  There are drams in the lives of friends.  Encounters with death, perhaps you have a close call – or a friend has a close call.  Perhaps you have dreams of it.  You’re forced to confront your own mortality.  This is educational not punitive.  It indicates that it is time to get more serious about life.  It is not advisable to travel during this eclipse period; try to schedule any trips around it.
SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-18-19-28-29

     You’re in the midnight hour of your year, ‘The magical hour’.  Things seem dormant on the outside, but inside many wonderful things are happening.  The new day, the new cycle, is being born.  Emotional wellness and domestic harmony should be your main concern now.

     We have two eclipses this month and these are guaranteed to bring change – both personal and in the world at large.  It brings personal and family dramas.  Family members have dramatic kinds of experiences.  Flaws in the home tend to be discovered under this kind of eclipse and repairs have to be made.

     Emotions run high at home.  The dream life will be very disturbed and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.  You are forced to redefine yourself for yourself.  If you don’t do this others will, and it won’t be so pleasant.  Over the next six months, you will present a new image and a new look to the world.  

      There are important financial changes happening.  All in all, it is a pretty dynamic period.

     It is still not advisable to indulge in risky, daredevil type stunts this period.  It can bring near-death kinds of experiences, encounters with death and dreams or visions of death.  The dark angel pays a visit, not to punish you, but just to let you know that he’s around.  It is time to be more serious about life and be about the business that you were born to do.

       Spouse or partner is making important financial changes, usually due to some upheaval or drama.  He or she can be having dramatic personal experiences also.  The relationship will get tested.

     Health needs watching this month – especially until the 20th.  If you feel under the weather, see a spiritual healer or Doctor.

CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS:  3-4-12-13-21-22-31

     By now most short-term goals have been achieved and your interest shifts to the intellectual realm.  The whole point of wealth is to give us the time and wherewithal to develop the mind.  So the month ahead is good for taking courses (or teaching courses in your area of expertise), reading and catching up on all the letters, texts, emails and calls that you owe.  Students do well in their studies.  Sales and marketing people are better at what they do.

     We have two eclipses this month.  These are guaranteed to shake up the world and your environment.

     Take it nice and easy over this period.  There is no need for daredevil-type stunts.  More quiet time at home is recommended.

     The eclipse will test cars and communication equipment.  There can be communication glitches.

     Siblings and sibling figures in your life experience life-changing dramas, as perhaps do neighbours as well.  You could be having ‘encounters’ with death.  The Dark Angel lets you know that he’s around.  He works in all sorts of ways.  You can have a close call – a brush with death – or you could hear of the death of someone close to you or known to you.  Often people have dreams about death.  This is all to remind you to get more serious about life.  To get on with the work that you were born to do.  Thus there can be near-death kinds of experiences in the lives of a parent or parent figure or family member.

     Repairs might be needed in the home.

     Career changes and upheavals are one of the many scenarios as to what happens and sometimes people change the actual careers, sometimes they change their approach, sometimes there are shake-ups in the company, industry or in government regulations that change the rules of the game.  Sometimes there are management shake-ups and dramas in the lives of bosses.  There are dramatic kinds of events in the lives of parents and parent figures too.  Be more patient with them.

     Every lunar eclipse tests the love life and the current relationship.  Good relationships survive and get even better, once the dirty laundry is washed clean.  Flawed ones can end. 



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