February 2016 Horoscopes by Psychic Frances of Burlington


CAPRICORN: BEST DAYS:  5-6-13-14-22-23-24

     February is an excellent month for starting a new business or venture.  From the 8th to the 22nd would be the best time to kick start a new project as this is when the Moon will also be waxing.

     Capricorns are always ambitious.  Finance is still very important, you’re still in the midst of a yearly financial peak – but career takes a back seat.  In fact this is the kind of month where you measure career success in monetary terms.  By this measure, the career is successful this month.  This is a time for a low career profile.  Focus on the things that make career success possible- emotional wellness, a stable home and family life.

     The money rolls in this month.  Happy job opportunities have been coming to you since the beginning of the year.  There is another nice opportunity happening from the 5th to the 7th. (You could be traveling during that period too.) You’re in a good period for paying down or making debt – depending on your need.  Money can come from insurance claims, estates or tax refunds.  Those of the appropriate age are doing estate planning now.  Estate and tax issues are governing your financial decision-making.  Even those of you not involved in estate planning or tax claims are being affected – the estate and tax planning of others is affecting your finances.  Happy money” – money that is earned in pleasurable ways also shows this month.  If you have issues with the government, this might be a good time to deal with them.

     Health and energy are good this month.  You can enhance it further by paying more attention to the spine, knees, teeth and bones until the 14th.  If you feel tired or under the weather after the 14th a new experimental kind of therapy might just do the trick.

     Love is more or less stable this month.  Nothing-special one way or another.  It doesn’t seem a major priority.  Most of you are satisfied with the status quo.

AQUARIUS:  BEST DAYS:  7-8-15-16-17-25-26 

     This is the best month of the year to start a new business or new venture – much better than spring, the traditional best time.    If you were born between Jan 20 and Feb 8th you have a great ‘starting’ energy from the 8th to the 22nd.  If you were born after February 8, your best time is from your birthday until Feb 22nd.

     There is much career activity and much conflict there.  The demands seem strong. So it is time to shift some energy and attention to the home, family and your emotional needs.  You won’t be able to ignore the career, but you can start to downplay it a bit.

     You’re still in a pappy and prosperous period.  You’re still having life more or less on your own terms and are still in a period of maximum personal power and independence.  ‘The challenge will be what you do with these gifts, and how you will use them.

     There is much fun and personal pleasure happening.  Singles have the choice of serious love or ‘fun love’ this period.  Both types pursue you.

     You begin a yearly financial peak.  Prosperity soars.  You have the support of the spouse, partner or current love.  He or she seems very helpful.  Social connections also seem helpful.  There is a very nice payday on the 28th and 29th.  The beloved also prospers then.  Speculations are favourable from the 5th to the 7th.  This is a good financial period for the spouse partner or current love as well.

     The dream life can be overly disturbed from the 1st to the 5th.   Don’t pay too much attention to it as your spiritual side is re-activating an old point.  There can be drama in the lives of guru figures and shake-ups in a spiritual or charitable organization you belong to.

PISCES:  BEST DAYS:  1-9-10-18-19-27-28-29

     With the exception of your career, there is a fast progress moving towards your goals.

     Prosperity is still strong this month and basically happy.  Foreigners, foreign companies and foreign investments seem important this month.  Prosperity will be even greater after the 19th onwards.

     Health continues to be good in the month ahead, until the 19ththan you must be careful off falls or sprains.  Spiritual therapies are powerful after the 19th as well.  There will be more of a focus on health especially pre-existing conditions.  Your state of health determines your physical appearance.

     Career is still successful, but you’re working harder – overcoming more obstacles – this month, especially after the 19th.  Like last month there is slow, steady, methodical progress.  The tortoise, not the hare wins the race in the end.

     Love is still a balancing act this month.  Your interest and the interest of the spouse, partner or current love seem diametrically opposed.  You want your way; the beloved wants his or her way.  Compromise will be essential.  There are happy romantic opportunities from the 5th to the 7th and from the 9th to the 11th.

     Computers and high tech gadgetry seem temperamental, unstable from the 1stto the 5th.  Some of it might need replacing.  There can be dramas in the lives of friends during that period too.  Be more patient with them.

     You’re in a very spiritual period until the 19th and even afterwards.  Your challenge will be to keep both feet on the ground and not drift off into nirvana.

ARIES:  BEST DAYS:  2-3-4-11-12-20-21

     Health and energy are much improved this month.  Give more attention to the spine, knees, teeth and bones.

     Career is still good, although not as active as it has been.  Pay rises are still likely (if the haven’t happened yet).  Bosses, elders and parent figures are sympathetic to your financial goals.  You get good value for your money and aren’t likely to overpay for things.  You have a good long-term conservative perspective on wealth (something Aries needs desperately).  If you need to borrow this period is good for that too.  There is financial good luck.

     This is a sexually active kind of month.  Whatever your age or stage in life, the libido is stronger than usual.  The important thing is not to overdo it.  You seem unusually active in the financial affairs of your spouse, partner or current love.

     The love life seems happy this month too.  There is great passion with the beloved.  Singles have sexual opportunity.  From the 9th to the 11th there are happy romantic and social opportunities and singles can meet someone special during that period.  Those already in a relationship have more romance in their relationship. 

      Singles find love opportunities in the online world, on online dating or social media sites.  This is a good time to get involved in group activities or organizations.

     Be more patient with children or children figures in your life.  You don’t seem in sync.  Children and children figures have excellent romantic and social aspects this month.

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  5-6-13-14-22-23-24

     Health may be more delicate and needs some attention this month, however this is a short-term problem and isn’t the trend for the year ahead.  The most important thing is to maintain high energy levels.  You’re busy and successful, but don’t over work. 

     Enhance the health further by paying more attention to the spine, knees, teeth bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment.  When overall energy is not at its optimum, pre-existing conditions tend to flare up.  There is no need to be overly concerned: more rest will most likely bring relief.

     Unnecessary foreign travel should be avoided from the 1st to the 5th.  

     Students at college or post-graduate level can have drama at school and perhaps make changes to educational plans. 

     Finances are much better this month than last. It is good to set up savings and investment plans – ways to achieve long-term financial goals.  There is financial opportunity in foreign lands and with foreign companies.  Foreigners in general can be important on the financial level.

     There is a sudden unexpected romantic or social opportunity from the 5th to the 8th.   The 9th to the 11th brings sexual opportunity.  You're attracting spiritual – type people into your life.  Spiritual compatibility is perhaps just as important as physical chemistry these days.

     This is a good time to install high tech equipment in the home and to build team spirit in the family.

     You’re still in a period of career success this month.  You are personally elevated and seem above everyone in your world.  Pay rises are likely from the 14th onwards, and you have the financial favour of bosses, elders and authority figures. 

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  7-8-15-16-17-25-26

      Health, energy and self-confidence are much improved over last month.  You’re in a very good period – especially until the 14th.  After the 19th health will need more attention though.  The most important thing is to get enough rest.  You’re working hard from the 19th onwards:  the career is happy and successful but try not to overdo things.

     The love life seems more active this month.  There are good romantic opportunities for singles and family and family connections are playing a role here.  But again, as was mentioned last month there’s no need to rush into anything.

     Religion, travel and ideas became powerful in January and are even more powerful this month.  This period augurs foreign travel and educational opportunities and is a wonderful transit for college or post-graduate level students –they seem successful in their studies.  This is a month for religious, metaphysical and philosophical breakthroughs – a month for widening your understanding of these things.

     The main headline though is the career.  You are in a yearly career peak, which will continue well into next month.  The focus is on the career, as it should be.  A very happy opportunity happens on the 28th or 29th. Superiors are impressed with your verbal and communication skills and seem receptive to your ideas, which are very inspired during that period.

     Avoid risky situations and daredevil – typ0e stunts.  A fast-paced kind of month.  Rapid progress is made towards your goals.

CANCER:  BEST DAYS:  1-9-10-18-19-27-28-29

     Until the 19th continue to focus on the wealth of others and on prospering others.  Money can come to you through insurance claims, trust funds or tax refunds.  If you have estate, tax or insurance claims, this is a good month to deal with those things.  Spousal support still seems strong.  The spouse, partner or current love is in a yearly financial peak and is likely to be more supportive.  Those of you of appropriate age should do your estate and tax planning now.

     This is an excellent period to pay down debts or to borrow money depending on your need.  Debt used wisely and properly can make you rich.  Used unwisely it can destroy.  This is a month to learn the difference between constructive and destructive debt.  If you have a good business idea this is an excellent period for attracting outside money to your projects, for meeting with investors or bankers.

     Get rid of possessions you don’t use or need.  Get rid of redundant bank or brokerage accounts and in general get rid of non-essential expenses.  This is a month where you prosper by ‘cutting back’ these redundancies clog up the financial energy and slow down earnings.  Make room for the new good that wants to come in. 

     The financial intuition is especially sharp on the 28th and 29th; looks like a nice payday.

     Thus it is a period to focus on your outer goals, your career objectives.  Home and family are always important to you but you can serve them best by being successful in the world.  Children and children figures in your life are especially good career motivators this month.  Often ‘out of the mouth of babes’ good career ideas come.

     Health is good this month and gets even better after the 19th.  With more energy there are more possibilities.

     There are financial opportunities in foreign countries and with foreign companies.

LEO:  BEST DAYS:  2-3-4-11-12-20-21

     This is another excellent month for starting new projects or launching new products into the world.  If you’re starting something new – now is the time to do it.  You have a lot of support now.  The 8th to the 19th is the best time this month.  

     You’re still distant from yourself, but present with others this month.  Still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak.  You are still at the height of personal popularity.  A part of you feels in ‘exile’ – but the social popularity makes up for it.  Health still needs watching until the 19th.  Most important, get more rest.  With high levels of energy your spiritual immune system – the aura – is strong and this will repel most problems.

     Finances are much improved.  The money is rolling in.  There is some financial disturbance on the 1st and changes have to be made.  But the changes are good.  There is luck in speculations.  Financial judgement is sound this month – and cautious – especially until the 14th.   This is a good period to start a savings or investment programme (and you’re more in the mood for doing such a thing too).

     Your social popularity and social contacts help the bottom line now.  Often opportunities for business partnerships or joint ventures happen under this transit.  You seem very generous with others – especially the spouse, partner or current love.  You’re there for your friends, personally and financially.  You attract richer friends.  A good period – from the 14th onwards – to spend on the high tech equipment that you need.  Online activities increase earnings.

     This will be a sexually active kind of period as well, especially on the 28th and 29th.

VIRGO:  BEST DAYS:  5-6-13-14-22-23-24

     As we mentioned last month, the month ahead is wonderful for starting new projects for launching a new business or product.  The personal and universal solar cycles are still waxing.  You should see fast progress towards your goals.  The 8th to the 22nd as the Moon waxes is the best period of a good month.  

     Advise children and children figures in your life to take it easy and avoid stressful kinds of activities.  Be more patient with them as well – they are probably more temperamental.

     Another happy month is ahead for you.  A good period to achieve work oriented goals.  If you’re a job seeker you have many good opportunities now.  Likewise if you employ others, you will have many to choose from. 

     On the 19th you begin a yearly love and social peak.  You’re meeting spiritual and artistic kinds of people.  Other types don’t interest you very much.  Spiritual compatibility is perhaps just as important as physical magnetism at the moment.  Love awaits you at spiritual or charitable events – perhaps at the yoga studio or meditation class or at a spiritual lecture given be a visiting guru.  Guru-type figures are playing cupid from the 19th onwards, and there is a romantic meeting with a spiritual person on the 28th or 29th.

     Learn as much as you can about spiritual healing until the 19th.  This knowledge will stand you in good stead for when your health becomes more stressful.  Maintain high energy levels.  A strong aura will repel any disease.  Health can be further enhanced through arm and shoulder massages, from the 14th onwards, and through hip and neck massage from the 17th onwards.

     Finance doesn’t seem a major interest this month.  If there are problems they probably come about through lack of attention.  Until the 17th money is earned in happy ways – perhaps while you’re out enjoying yourself.  From the 17th onwards money is earned through work.  Often there is overtime or extra jobs that bring in more cash.

LIBRA:  BEST DAYS:  7-8-15-16-17-25-26

     This is still a great month to start new projects or launch new ventures.  The Moon will wax from the 8th to the 22nd and this is a particularly good time.

     Normally you’re very much the romantic type, but these days you’re more practical.  Wealth is a turn-on in love.  Material gifts turn you on.  This is how you show love; this is how you feel loved.  You seem to be meeting wealthier kinds of people these days.  For singles romantic opportunities happen as you pursue your normal financial goals and with people involved in your finances.  You like to socialize with people you do business with and like to do business with friends.  Much of your socializing this month seems business related.  Enjoy the love life for what it is but marriage, as we mentioned, is not advisable this year.

     The month ahead is basically happy. 

      You’re in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak.  This is a time to enjoy life and indulge in leisure and creative kinds of activities.

Libras are very creative.  Being in the creative flow is one of the great pleasures in life.  One feels drunk even without having had anything to drink – you’re on a natural high.

     Health is much improved over last month.  You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals.  You always respond well to spiritual healing, but especially on the 28th and 29th.

     Finances are good this month.  Sudden, unexpected money can come between the 5th and the 8th.  The 9th to the 111th also brings a nice payday.

     Be more patient with family members – and especially a parent or parent figure – from the 1st to the 5th.  They can be having some personal kinds of dramas.

     The dream life is hyperactive and there are all kinds of supernatural type experiences happening.

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  1-9-10-18-19-27-28-29

     This is an excellent month for starting a new business, a new project or for launching a new product.  There is much cosmic support – and we need all the help we can get!  If you can schedule this from the 8th to the 22nd, as the Moon is also waxing, you have the best period of the month, and the year, for this.

     This month things seem more complicated.  This month power shifts from the independent East to the social West.  It is time to focus more on others and their needs, time to tone down self-will, time to placate others and achieve goals by consensus.

     Home and family is the real career, the real mission now.  You have to be there for the family.  You have to find your emotional comfort \one and function from there.  You’re still building the infrastructure for future career success.

     This is a great month for psychological therapies.  A great month for resolving old traumas, and closing the book on them.  Past mistakes need to be confessed and corrected.  The pain needs to be released.  The past has no real power over us when understanding comes.  We need not be victims of it.

     Love looks happy this month.  Love is close to home, in the neighborhood and perhaps with neighbors, until the 17th.  A very nice romantic meeting happens between the 9th and the 11th.  It is important to project love and warmth to others this month – make it a project.  Love is still close to home.  A romantic evening at home is more enjoyable than a night out on the town.  There is more socializing at home and with the family.  Family members like to play cupid.  Old flames from the past can come into the picture.  There is a tendency to want to re-live happy love experiences from the past.  The problem with this is that you lose the ‘here and now’ moment.  You could be losing an experience that is better than what you once had.

SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-4-11-12-20-21

     You’re still in a period of strong personal power and independence (while this is good, it hasn’t helped the love life).  Thus it is a time to take personal responsibility for your own happiness and the conditions of your life.  If they are unpleasant you have the power to change them.  You don’t need the approval of others right now.  It might seem selfish, but your happiness helps everyone around you.  Your interests are no less important than anyone else’s.  Later on it will be more difficult to make the changes.  Now is the time.

     You’re still in a wonderful period for starting a business, project or launching a new product.  The major cycles are supporting you.  From the 8th to the 22nd is the best period to start such projects this month.

     The love life is much improved.  The 5th to the 7th looks exceptionally good for the love life; there is a happy romantic experience.  Until the 14th love opportunities come as you pursue your financial goals and with people involved in your finances.  Wealth seems the major romantic turn-on at this time.  After the 14th you’re attracted to intellectual brilliance – the genius type.  You like the beloved to be unconventional.  You like doing unconventional things – unconventional dates.  Love is in the neighbourhood and at educational type functions from the 14th onwards.

     Health is basically good this month, but after the 19th make sure you get enough rest.  Pace yourself.  Don’t allow yourself to get overtired.  Until the 17thenhance the health by giving more attention to the spine, knees, teeth and bones.  You respond well to new and unconventional types of therapies after the 17th.

     Finances are good, but there is some disturbance from the 1st to the 5th.  You might have to make some changes.  Job seekers have an excellent opportunity between the 9th and 11th.  After the 19th you have to work harder to attain your financial goals.  It’s nothing serious, just more work involved.  Overall prosperity is good.

To see what the stars have in store for your personally contact Psychic Frances in Burlington, Ontario.



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