The Dreaded Mercury Retrograde Sept 17th 2015

Mercury is retrograde from Sept. 17th till Oct. 9th. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, travels, short journeys, and messages across communication devices.  When mercury is retrograde you can expect delays on all of these matters, and a few travel or road related hiccups as well.  If there is any time of year you are going to have mix-ups, this is the time.  Make sure you have backups in all your technology devices, check travel plans and confirm them.  Any important documents should be secured while in transit.  It is also not advisable to make important decisions because you may not have all the information needed to make the best decisions.  With mercury happening in Libra, expect messages involving partnerships to have a special importance.  If you have been waiting for a lover to come back to you, this is the time of transit when that is most likely to happen if it is meant to be. With the Lunar eclipse on the horizon it causes more impact on this period.  If you thought the beginning of Sept. was crazy watch what will happen now.

Psychic Frances

Be careful out there and be kind to yourself!


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