THERE ARE TWO ECLIPSES THIS MONTH AND TWO FULL MOONS, ONE BEING A ‘BLOOD MOON’.  This is a time when a lot of the prophesies in the bible are to come true. A very important period is Sept. 23rd to the 28th. Mark this date on your calendar.

THE SOLOR ECLIPSE occurs Sept 13, during the new moon in Virgo, and will  strongly affect people born in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. All signs will be affected to some degree. This eclipse brings unexpected change.  Old habits are questioned and new paths begin. The hidden becomes exposed.  Things that have been swept under the carpet are now found out.  The solar eclipse exposes flaws in ourselves, relationships, systems that are not working properly; prompting us to review, redo or to start fresh. We may give up something to start start something new, which will improve our lives. It also causes changes in the world to begin.  

Psychic Frances, Burlington, Ontario


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