HOROSCOPES for OCTOBER 2015 by Psychic Frances
LIBRA: BEST DAYS: 2-3-11-12-13-21-22-29-30
This month intensifies with a cycle of prosperity. Initiating a yearly financial peak. From the 24th to the 27th a nice payday or financial windfall may occur. A prosperous month, in a prosperous year. This is a time for enjoying all the pleasures of the body – for indulging the body. The opportunities for this will come. It is a very good period to get the body and image in right shape. Libra tends to be too social and too reliant on others. It is good periodically to practise standing on your own two feet and becoming more self-reliant. By now your personal goals are much clearer. Now is the time to make them happen. There’s no need to worry too much about what others will think: they will more or less go along too. If you have a pressing need to start a new project or business, or to launch a new product, this is a good month to do it. If you have free will in the matter, it would be better to wait until after the New Year though. Health and energy are good this month. Stress of the past few months are much eased up. Love seems happy this month. Love is idealistic now. You are attracted to creative and spiritual types – the musician, the poet, the dancer, the spiritual channel or yogi. Practicality in love is now out the window. All you care about is the passion of the moment – the feeling of love. Once again you seem to be pursuing someone and by the end of the month you catch him or her. Love and social opportunities happen in spiritual settings – charity functions, the yoga studio, the spiritual retreat, lecture or seminar.
SCORPIO: BEST DAYS: 4-5-14-15-23-24-31
Day by day you grow in independence and personal power. You have the power to change conditions, but there seemed to be a lack of clarity on what exactly should be changed. Happily this is over. Your goals are now clear. You know what has to be done and you have the power to do it. Create your personal paradise now. The cosmos is supporting you. Clarity is happening in the love life too. For months now you have been attracted to the high and mighty – to people of power and prestige. Office romances probably happened over the past few months, and if not, the opportunities were there. You had a practical attitude towards love. Love was a career move, or career choice, like any other. Things are changing now. You are now more attracted to relationships of peers – equals. Romantic opportunities happen online or as you get involved with groups and organizations. Friends play Cupid. Romance is conducted in a high-tech kind of way – through video calls, texts, email, etc. The problem is that you (and the people you attract) are too mental, too analytical, too much the perfectionist. Romance is about feeling. Analysis tends to kill the feeling. Also, the desire for perfection, can lead one to be too critical and judgemental. If something is less than perfect, words are spoken, the tone of voice changes, and one is critical either in thought or word. Do your best to avoid these traps. If you must criticize, keep it constructive. And, if the beloved is not in a receptive frame of mind, avoid it altogether. Don’t allow the mental approach to interfere with romantic moments. Analysis should come later. A happy job opportunity comes from the 15th to the 18th. Be more patient with bosses, parents or parent figures. Be careful you re not caught up in your own lies and jealousies.
SAGITTARIUS: BEST DAYS: 6-7-8-16-17-18-25-26
Your career should be going great guns. Much success is happening. You are working hard – career demands seem all consuming – but you’re seeing the results. You seem to enjoy the hectic pace. Children and children figures in your life also seem successful these days and seem supportive of your career, as do some of your friends. Your good work ethic plays well with superiors. Health still needs watching this month; happily you are on the case. You’re seeing that the career goals you seek are impossible without good health. Good health is an important component of success. Good health impresses superiors. Good health for you means a healthy career. The love life is reasonable this month. Friends are furthering romance by playing Cupid and making introductions, and giving advice. Sometimes someone who was just a friend becomes more than that. Romantic opportunities happen, as you get involved in groups and group activities. The online world is a source of romance also. There are some rough spots between the 22nd 23rd and the 25th and 26th. Be more patient with the beloved on those days. Avoid risky kinds of activities. Money and financial opportunity come to you. Achieve your career goals and money will just follow. Avoid foreign travel if you can until after the 12th.
CAPRICORN: BEST DAYS: 1-9-10-19-20-27-28
Though your overall energy is not what it should be, there will be many nice things happening this month. There is much success and happy career opportunities. Your career is boosted, by being involved in charitable functions during this period. Enhance the career by weeding out inessentials. Keep a laser-like focus. Don’t get distracted by mundane things. There is probably career-related travel from the 8th onwards and your willingness to travel helps the career. It will also be good to take courses or seminars related to the career after the 8th. Outside investors seem willing to invest in your career. Your good work ethic boosts your career and is noticed by superiors. Travel opportunities are coming to you. This is a beautiful period for students. There is success in their studies and in their educational ambitions. As always, make sure you get enough rest. Lack of energy is the primal root cause of disease. Important changes to the health regime, appointments and tests will go best after the 9th. Finances are a bit stressful until the 23rd but these are short-term issues. Earnings will happen but there are more challenges involved. So it is not advisable to draw conclusions from the temporary stress. It is still important to gain mental clarity in this area and it is happening. This is a time for research and reviewing options, not for making important financial decisions. Finances will improve after the 23rd. This is a strong social kind of period, although not necessarily romantic - it is more about friendship and group activities. This is a great period to expand your knowledge of technology, computers, software, science, astrology and astronomy. Computer equipment gets tested from the 5th to the 7th and there could be drama in the life of a friend then too.
AQUARIUS: BEST DAYS: 2-3-11-12-13-21-22-29-30
Health and energy are basically good this month. Detox and weight-loss regimes go better from the 1st to the 13th and from the 27th onwards. Doctor’s visits or medical tests go better from the 13th to the 27th. You will be entering a yearly career peak. The timing is beautiful. There is mental clarity in the career area. You move forward with confidence. This is a successful month ahead. Pay rises and promotions could happen. You have good career support from the family and the spouse, partner or current love. The beloved also seems successful this month and is helping out. Your social skills and your ability to get on with others is important career wise – perhaps just as important as your professional skills. This month the career is furthered by social means – by attending or hosting the right kind of parties or gatherings. Indeed, much of your socializing seems career related. Love may be volatile and unstable until the 23rd, be more patient with the beloved then. He or she could be having some dramas of his or her own. Singles find love opportunities in foreign lands or with foreigners. You find foreigners more exotic, the better alluring during this period. There are romantic opportunities in religious and educational settings as well. People in your place of worship are playing Cupid. You gravitate to highly educated and refined people, to mentor types. Sexual magnetism seems the most important attraction for you. You also gravitate to people of power and prestige, to people who can help you career wise. There are romantic opportunities with bosses and with people involved in your career. You have favourable aspects for receiving new car or communication equipment between the 15th and the 19th. A sibling or sibling figure has a nice payday, and a parent or parent figure has a nice payday between the 24th and the 27th. Nice things come to you for the house.
PISCES: BEST DAYS: 4-5-14-15-23-24-31
You are beginning your yearly career push, the energy and interest is happening you can safely let go of home, family and emotional issues and focus on your career and outer objectives in life. It is mid-morning, symbolically speaking, in your year. The activities of the day are prominent. You succeed now by sheer merit, by being the best at what you do. Jupiter your career planet is getting plenty of positive stimulation. A nice payday and often a pay rise. Your good career reputation brings earnings. A parent or parent figure is generous. You have the financial favour of bosses, elders, parents or parent figures. Social connections that help the career are strong at this time, and signals good communication with authority figures. They seem very open to your thinking this period. All these things are nice, but the main headline this month is the love life. Love is in the air now. Romance blooms. The social life sparkles. The social connections are also helping the career. Singles have many opportunities and options this month, but it is the money people, the power people, who seem most alluring to you. So don’t be in a rush to make any important love decisions. Clarity will come after the 9th. There are opportunities for business partnerships and joint ventures. Social connections and social skills are not only important in the career, but financially as well. Who you know is probably more important than how much you actually have. Health is delicate this month. As always, make sure you get enough rest. Detox regimes are more powerful after the 23rd.
ARIES: BEST DAYS: 6-7-8-16-17-18-25-26
It is time to be up and about and active on the physical plane; time to focus on your outer external objectives; time to act, physically on your dreams. You can let home and family issues go for a while and focus on your career. Thus it is a good time to take coursed, attend workshops and seminars that are related to the career. It is a good time to educate yourself further in your chosen profession. A willingness to travel is also a career plus these days. The aspects have been good for job seekers. This month is exceptionally good. It will be difficult to find an unemployed Aries these days. Your skills are in demand. Finances have been good, but now they are even better. Happy money, money that is earned in fun kinds of ways, comes your way. You spent on fun kinds of activities too and enjoyed the wealth that you had. Using Solid financial judgement, will get you value for your money. You earn your cash the old-fashioned way, through work and service. Your work will create your good luck. There is luck in speculations during this period. Health has been more delicate since September 23rd, and will remain so until the end of this month. While marriage is not likely right now, you are in the mood for love. Singles will meet people who are potential marriage material, and in general there is more socializing and party going bringing happy romantic opportunity for singles and happy social experiences for those who are married.
TAURUS: BEST DAYS: 1-9-10-19-20-27-28
The stage is being set for greater happiness this month. More self-confidence and self-esteem are yours. Love is starting to blossom now. Health and energy are much improved over the past few months. Even the two eclipses this month, will serve to break down barriers to your good. The effects are not generally pleasant while they happen, but the end result is good. Sometimes the cosmos has to employ dramatic methods to bring you your good. It won’t hurt to take things easy over this period. Children and family members should stay out of harm’s way and avoid risky kinds of activities. Avoid activities where you need 100 per cent concentration. Reschedule them for another time. Those of you in the creative arts will see a shift in your creativity. Speculations are not favourable during this eclipse period either. Changes will occur in your spiritual practice and attitudes. Sometimes there will be changes in the teachings you follow. There are dramas in the lives or gurus or spiritual mentors in your life and there are shake-ups in charitable organizations you are involved with. Your car and communication equipment will be tested. It will be a good idea to drive more defensively during this period. Siblings and sibling figures in your life will also experience life-changing kinds of dramas. In spite of all the changes, this is a fun kind of month and you should take advantage of it. The pleasure and joy should be stronger than in previous years. There is renewed luck in speculation after the 13th. It is again time to review the finances and see where improvements can be made. Try not to make important financial investments, decisions or major purchases until you have attained some mental clarity on the issues involved and your doubts are dissolved.
GEMINI: BEST DAYS: 2-3-11-12-13-21-22-29-30
Health and energy have improved greatly. Health should be good this month. There is more clarity in these matters now, and it is safer to make the changes in the health regime that need to be made. The job situation doesn’t seem that happy, so you might, as will have some fun. A bit of recreation will enable you to be better focused on work later on. Personal merit, personal attainments are always important, but these days less so. It is the ‘likeability factor’ that is important now, your ability to get on with others, your social skills. It is more difficult these days to have life on your terms or to change conditions to suit you. Now you are better off adapting to things as best you can. Make a note of what displeases you and when your next cycle of independence comes – next year – you will be in a position to make the necessary changes. Adapting to things is also a useful skill. You need to project warmth and love to others. You have to make a special effort. It is not happening naturally.
Love is not where it should be these days. The testing of love and romantic relationships continues. From a long-term perspective these things are very good, but it is not so pleasant in the short term. A friend is coming into the romantic picture from the 15th to the 18th. He or she is a friend but seems to want to be more than that. Another happy romantic period occurs between the 24th and the 27th but this looks more like a fun kind of relationship, rather than anything serious.
The month ahead looks prosperous. Your financial planet, the Moon, spends four days (twice the normal time) in your own sigh, and three days (also Longer than usual) in the money house. In your own sign it brings actual physical cash to you and financial opportunity. There’s nothing special that you need to do here. In the money house this aspect shows stronger earning power. In general your earning power is stronger from the 1st to the 13th and from the 27th onwards.
CANCER: BEST DAYS: 4-5-14-15-23-24-31
You are always practical when it comes to matters of the heart, but now even more so. You appreciate the person who ‘does’ for you, who serves your interests. For you, service is love in action these days. Love opportunities occur at the workplace or as you pursue your health goals. The good news now is that there is clarity in love. Relationships are going forward.
Do what you most love – be involved with the family and the domestic routine. It is midnight in your year. The midnight hour is when all kinds of magical and miraculous things happen. Outer activity is more or less in abeyance, but inner activity is strong. The inner life is the focus now.
You are having happy career opportunities this month – especially from the 15th to the 18th – but this will be a ‘side effect’ of your inner work. Continue to pursue your career goals by the methods of night dream and visualize what you want to happen and where you want to be. Get into the feeling of what it would be like to have attained some career goal. If the feeling happens, the outer event is very close.
Cancerians are always interested in the past. They are the most nostalgic of all the signs, and this is particularly apparent this month. There is a cosmic logic to this. As we grow, the past gets redefined according to our present state of consciousness. Thus the past memories that are surfacing are being resolved, redefined and healed.
Health is more delicate these days so make sure you get enough rest. Health and energy will improve towards the end of the month.
Finance is good this month but there are a few bumps in the road. Avoid speculations then. Expenses involving the children (or children figures) can be stressful creating a financial disturbance – something sudden and unexpected. This will lead to change, which will be good.
LEO: BEST DAYS: 6-7-8-16-17-18-25-26
October is a prosperous and powerful month for you. There is financial clarity and confidence. Money can come to you in many ways. Speculations still prove favourable – especially from the 15th to the 18th and from the 24th to the 27th. You have the financial favour of bosses, parents or parent figures, the government and authority figures. They support your financial goals. Pay rises and promotions can happen this month… money can come from government payments. The government can change rules in a way that benefits you financially.
Though career is not that important these days, success is still happening – especially from the 24th to the 27th.
Communication and intellectual interests became powerful on September 23rd, and remain powerful until the 23rd of this month. It is good to pursue your intellectual interests both from a personal and from a financial perspective. It is a good month to buy communication equipment- even a car if you need it – and very good for taking courses and attending seminars in subjects that interest you. It would be good to catch up on your reading and to spend money of furthering your education.
Sales, marketing and PR are always important for you, but this month even more so. Those of you involved in these professions should have a successful month.
The focus is on the family – as it should be. However, other interests – psychological type interests. It is a great period for making psychological breakthroughs, gaining insights into why we feel as we do.
Old memories come up for review. This is nature’s natural healing and digestive process. As we review old memories and look at them from our present vantage point, a redefinition happens. What seemed like a disaster when it happened (perhaps as a child) is seen to be a blessing from one’s present state. The pain of an old relationship is seen as good from the perspective of hindsight. It is wonderful that the relationship broke up. So this is a month for psychological and emotional healing.
VIRGO: BEST DAYS: 1-9-10-19-20-27-28
It’s a prosperous month ahead. In addition to your financial peak this period shows windfalls. You look rich. You feel rich. People see you that way. Money is seeking you out, financial opportunities like-wise. The spiritual planet, the Sun, in your money house shows excellent financial intuition (some call this ‘gut feeling’ but intuition is much more than that. There is financial favour of bosses, elders, parents and parent figures. Your good professional reputation is important in you earnings. There will be a nice payday from the 24th to the 27th.
This is an excellent time to buy clothing, jewellery and personal accessories. You look good. You exude more grace and charm. You are attractive to the opposite sex. Yet for you the love life is more complicated. You seem distant from the beloved. The problems in your relationship have nothing to do with your personal appearance or magnetism. Singles will have many romantic opportunities this month, but none of them look serious.
Health and energy are good this month and you can enhance it further with exercise and fresh air.
Career goals are more or less achieved for now. It is time now to build up the energy for your next career push. Now is the time to get the family and emotional life in right order.
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