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2017 March” Planets and You

Best days overall: 6-7-16-17-25-26
One of your yearly personal pleasure peaks continue until the 20th of this month and brings the physical pleasures to you – good food, good wine, nice clothing and accessories.  The body is being pampered and it feels good.  The personal appearance shines with the light of the Sun.  You have star quality now, regardless of your age or stage in life, the light of the sun creates beauty and radiance (on an energetic level.)
Happy job opportunities for job seekers are available now.  The beauty of this is that there’s nothing much you need to do.  They seek you out.  You can either accept or reject them, but the offers come.
Love is still very happy and there’s not much you need to do to have it.  It’s just there.  If you’re in a relationship the beloved dotes on you and is very devoted.  He or she puts your interest ahead of his or her own.  Love is still very much on your terms.  You don’t need to people please’, just be yourself.
On the 20th you begin a yearly financial peak.  The financial intuition is still very powerful (this has been the case for many years now). Money comes from your work –the normal way – and also through social contacts and family.  A partnership or joint venture could offer itself this month.
|Be more careful in your communications.  Make sure emails and letters are addressed properly.  Make sure you say what you mean and that the other person understands what you mean.  Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions and resolve your doubts when speaking.  This will save a lot of heartache down the road.  This is not a time to buy a car or new communication equipment.  Wait until April 15th, before you do.  In the meantime you can do your research.
Deals or sales can be delayed or seem to go backwards.  Give special care to financial communication.  Handle all the details perfectly.
Health is good this month.  Exercise is also beneficial after the 20th.

Best days overall:  1-9-10-18-19-28
Love and money have been pursuing you.  The love and social life has been good this year and is even better since Feb 3rd.  A relationship seems to be going backwards instead of forwards.  The beloved is still very devoted to you, but less sure than usual.  Love is under review until April 15th.  Avoid important decisions one-way or the other in this area of your life.
Financial expansion and earnings are still happening but more slowly than before.  It is very important that you don’t make matters worse by being careless.  Make sure cheques are signed and dated properly.  Read the fine print on your purchases.  If you’re buying big ticket items (although it’s best to avoid doing so at this time) make sure you have all your receipts and that there is a good returns policy.  A little care in the beginning can save much heartache later on.  The good news here is that you’re very focused on finance now.  This extra attention should pay off.
A good month for starting new projects, or launching new products.
Basically though March is a happy month.  You have energy, charisma and sparkle.  You look good and dress well.  If there are conditions that are less that comfortable for you in your life, this is the time to make the necessary changes.  Later on in the year (in a month or so) it will be more difficult to do.  You’re having life on your terms these days.  The world caters to you rather than vice versa.
Students have to work harder at their studies (those at college level).
Foreign travel is best being rescheduled.

Best days overall:  2-3-11-12-21-22-30
This month you may feel less confident.  There is a lack of direction.  It is interesting that this occurs during a period of strong independence and personal power.  You have the energy and power you need for personal happiness, for having things your way but you’re not sure what your way’ is.  You could be tempted to rush into changes that you’re not sure about – and this will cause headaches down the road.  What good is achieving things if you only have to undo them later on?  Take the time to get clear on personal goals – how you want your body to be what kind of look do you want to present to the world, what kind of regime you want to undertake, etc.  Take your time.  When clarity comes – and it will – you’ll be in a good position to put your ideas into action.
Don’t rush into miracle diets or miracle therapies just yet.  Study things further.  Job seekers should study prospective offers more carefully too – and this applies to those of you who hire others.  Get the facts.  Get mentally clear.  Resolve all doubts.
Health is excellent this month, but should you feel under the weather, you will respond well to spiritual-type therapies. 
The month ahead is a spiritual month with Spiritual interests – meditation, contemplation, and journaling on your mind.  The study of sacred scripture – come naturally these days.  Those of you already on a spiritual path will make great progress.  Those of you who are not will just feel more idealistic for no apparent reason.
The financial intuition will be excellent.  When such intuition happens it rarely seems ‘rational’ at the time – it is only later that we see how rational it was.
Unexpected and sudden financial good may occur.  It can happen via the career or through parents or parent figures or even a lottery win.
During this period you will want to exercise more, spend more time at the gym, indulge in sports, etc.  Exercise is good, but the chart favours the more spiritual kinds – yoga, tai chi and so on.  A more refined kind of exercise seems best.
Green is always a good colour for you; it is the colour of your sign.  This month you might want to add more red – especially from the 10th onwards.  Wearing the colours of the stars puts you more in tune with them and helps on the subtle levels of energy.
Love is a bit problematic this month with stressful aspects in you chart.  Hang in there, these are short – term problems.

Best days overall:  4-5-13-14-23-24
Personal independence and power increase day by day.  So you have confidence and clarity.  Make the changes in your life that need to be made.  Take responsibility for your own happiness.
This would be a good period (especially from the 28th onwards) to start a new business or project, or to launch a new product.
Career is still a major focus until the 20th.  You seem very successful these days.  You seem at the top of your game and close to the people in power.
Finance is still not a major issue; career and friendships seem much more important.  If there are financial problems it is probably because you’re not paying enough attention to this area.  Earnings should be strongest from the 1st to the 12th especially the 3rd and the 30th.  You may have to work harder but the rewards are greater.
Health needs some attention until the 20th.  So, as always, get enough rest.  This is 90% of the battle.  Health is much improved after the 20th.
Love seems more challenging from the 13th onwards.  You and the beloved seem distant from each other.  You need to work harder to bridge your differences.  You’re seeing things from opposite perspectives.  Part of the issue is that the beloved seems stressed out.  The problems are probably not your fault.

Best days overall:  6-7-16-17-25-26
Drive more carefully than usual and watch your temper.  Parents and parent figures should take it easy that day too.
Career is the main headline in the month ahead.  The amount of your focus brings success.  There is not much you can do on the home front right now.  Only time will solve family dilemmas.  Overt action is not called for.  Focus on the career.  That is where you are successful now.
Health is reasonable until the 20th, but after that it needs more attention.  Since the career is so hectic, so demanding and time consuming, it will be a challenge to maintain high energy levels.  But you can do it.  Let go of trivial matters and focus on what is essential.  Get a better rhythm to your work.  Take short breaks and schedule in regular massages if you can.  Avoid depression or negative feelings as much as possible.
Finances will be good this month.  The changes you made last month are working out.  You will have excellent financial intuition.  You need to trust this intuition.  It is the short cut to wealth and is always, when seen in hindsight eminently logical and rational.  Earnings are high on your agenda and you aspire to wealth.  There can be pay rises at work.  You have the financial favour of the ‘higher ups’ in your life.  Your good professional reputation leads to more earning opportunities.  It will be good to invest in things that foster the career.
The love life is stressful until the 20th, but you will see dramatic improvement afterwards.  The tendency for singles is to jump into relationships too quickly.

Best days overall:  1-9-10-18-19-28
Your outer life, your ambitions in the world are paramount now.  You can safely downplay home and family issues and focus on the career.  There are two ways we can serve our families.  One way is by being there emotionally, attending school plays, soccer games, etc.  The other way is by succeeding in the world and being the good provider.  It is difficult to do both at the same time.  That new deal or promotion might buy that coveted piece of equipment or pay for a good school.  At this stage of the cosmic cycle, it is better to succeed in your career and pass on the soccer game.
Career is important but delicate now.  There is much uncertainty, much lack of direction; the planets show a need for more aggressive action.  (You might have to travel this month.)  Do what needs to be done, but spend time getting all the facts and doing your homework.  The career situation is not as you think it is.  There are twists and turns happening. 
Finance doesn’t seem a big issue this month.  The money house is empty.  As we have mentioned before, this often shows contentment with the status quo.  But sometimes it indicates complacency.  And, if financial problems arise, it’s because you haven’t been paying enough attention here.
Thus it is a good time to pay down debt, and also to borrow or refinance debt.  You seem very involved in the finances of the spouse, partner or current love.  It is a good time to cut financial waste – a good detox of the financial life will do wonders.  Get rid of excessive possessions – things that you don’t need or use.  Sell them or give them to charity.
On the 13th earnings will increase and most likely come quickly.  Your wealth goals are high and this tends to success. If you follow intuition (and not just blind greed) these risks will pay off. 
The love life also seems happy from the 20th onwards.  You and the beloved dare on the same page – you are basically in harmony.  Foreign venues (and this can mean online and not necessarily in a physical foreign country) are good for romance.  Romance will get even better next month.
Health is super- especially after the 20th.

Best days overall:  2-3-11-12-21-22-30
This time shows a need to prosper others.  It shows much involvement in the finances of the spouse, partner or current love.  It is an excellent time for estate planning (if you are of appropriate age), tax and insurance planning.  Some delays and complications will occur.   This is not a time to be careless sign and date all cheques properly.  Save important receipts.  Make sure your accounting is correct and up to date.  When making a payment make sure you’ve addressed the envelope correctly.  Little things like this can save much stress and heartache later.
Take your time and make sure everything is perfect.  Little mistakes can cause long delays.  Avoid making major purchases or investments, if possible.  Wait until after April 15 to do these things.  Review your financial situation and see where improvements can be made.  It is a period for gaining mental clarity about your finances.
The love life seems quieter.  The beloved is in a better frame of mind.  There are romantic opportunities in the workplace.  There will likely be happy love and social experiences on the 4th and 5th.  You and the beloved are close, on the same page.  For singles this may have you meeting a very important love.
Health still needs watching until the 20th.  You will see great improvement in health and energy afterwards – quite naturally.
There is some disturbance as the workplace on the 1st – keep the temper in check.  A happy job opportunity will come on the 26th or 27th.

Best days overall:  4-5-13-14-23-24
It is time to focus on your career and outer goals.  So home, family and emotional wellness continue to be important – you can’t ignore these things – but you can start giving more focus to your outer life and ambitions.  You’re basically balancing a successful career with a happy and harmonious family life.  You’ juggling the two.
In general you have more enthusiasm and drive from the 1st to the 12th and from the 28th onwards.  There is more success during those periods.  The 3rd and 30thare also very good.
The focus is on health and work until the 20th.  This is a good thing.  You need to build up strength for when the health becomes more problematic.  Make sure to get enough rest from the 20th onwards.
This is an excellent time for job seekers.  The 1st and the 2nd seem exceptionally good days.  Children and children figures in your life are prospering during this period.  There is romance in store for them later in the month too.
On the 20th you enter one of your yearly love and social peaks. It is a socially active month and there are many romantic opportunities for singles.  You’re not sure of what you want.  Personal confidence is not what it should be.  You’re not about to be overly assertive with others.  You’ll tend to go with the flow.  You’ll be more popular than usual.  There is a love relationship here but you seem to be backing away from it.
Finances are good until the 20th but get more stressful afterwards.  This does not affect your overall prosperity. – Which is excellent this year – but there are more challenges to deal with.  More work than usual is needed to attain your goals.

Best days overall:  6-7-16-17-25-26
You should start focusing more on others rather than your own self-interest.  You’re cultivating your social skills now.  You have many skills and gifts but these things are not the issue.  How well you get on with others is what is important in this period.  Hopefully you are in happy conditions and circumstances.  Things get done by consensus now and not by direct action.
You’re still in a yearly personal pleasure peak until the 20th.  It is important for you to have some fun and to enjoy your life.  Doing things you love fosters emotional wellness, which is important now.  Your outer career is not that important now.  Your children and children figures in your life are more important.
It’s not wise to overly focus on your health.  Your health is good.  There’s no need to magnify every little ache or pain into something serious.  Better to focus on your work.  It is a very good time to do those boring, detailed tasks now such as filing, bookkeeping, tax returns, etc.  You have the energy and the mood for this. 
Job seekers have good fortune this month especially from the 20th onwards.  Likewise, for those who hire others.
Love becomes an issue in health.  If there are problems in love, the physical health can be affected.  Should this happen (God forbid), restore harmony as quickly as possible.  Love is complicated this month.  Thus a current relationship can be stalled or feel like it’s going backwards.  You and the beloved are not in agreement.  Perhaps you’re in conflict.  But don’t make any important decisions one way or another, not yet.  By April 15th things will be clearer.  This period can bring power struggles in love – and that’s guaranteed to kill any kind of romantic feeling.  Also it can bring too much perfectionism into the relationship, too much criticism.  Be careful of this.

Best days overall:  1-9-10-18-19-28
The focus remains on home and family.  This is the magical, mystical midnighthour of your year.  This is when miracles happen- but internally.  They are unseen.  This is when the patterns are set for the day ahead.  So respect the midnight hour.  With a good night’s sleep we have a good chance of a successful day.  Without it, the day most likely won’t be successful.
Health needs watching until the 20th.  The most important thing is to get enough rest.  You can further enhance the health through head, face and scalp massage.  Craniosacral therapy is also good.  Exercise is also good – as vigorous as you can handle.  It’s very important to keep good muscle tone.  Health will improve dramatically after the 20th.
Avoid making changes to the diet or health regime after the 4th.  If changes have to be made, do a lot more research and study.  You will think differently about these things next month.
Finances have been more stressful since February 18th; this is the case until the 20th.  Of course earnings will happen, but they come with much more work and effort.  Things are more complicated that usual.  But after the 20th it is all systems go.
After the 20th it will be a time for enjoying your life and doing the things that you most love to do.  As you do the things you love, love and romance will find you.  You are a love-at-first-sight kind of person by nature, and especially so after the 13th.  You could be too impulsive in relationships.  You leap before you look.  The good thing about this is that relationships can star and develop very quickly.

Best days overall:  2-3-11-12-21-22-30
If you need a new car or updated communications equipment this is a good time to shop for these things.  It is also a great month for learning and/or teaching others.  Students below college level should do better in school.  It’s a very good time to catch up on your reading and on those letters and emails that you need to write.
The focus should be on internal activities, on getting the home and family life in right order, on healing your past, your old traumas.  Those of you involved in psychological therapy should make good progress now.  On a deeper level you’re building the internal infrastructure – the psychological foundations – for future career success.
Health will need more attention from the 20th onwards.  Things that you used to do with ease are suddenly more difficult.  If you’re used to doing ten push-ups, now you can only do five.  Perhaps you climbed a flight of stairs with ease, now the same climb leaves you breathless and gasping.  The usual energy is not there.  The natural protection of a strong aura is weaker.  So there is greater vulnerability to microbes and other opportunistic invaders.  Physical exercise is also called for – gear it to your age and stage in life.  Good muscle tone is important.
Though overall energy is not what it should be, the financial life sparkles after the 20th.  We could call this another yearly financial peak.  Career should be de-emphasized now.  Don’t make judgements about what’s happening in the career.  They will most likely be wrong.  Things are not as they seem.  Focus on the home, family and emotional wellness.  Career issues will be clarified next month.

Best days overall:  4-5-13-14-23-24
Earnings are strong.  The spouse, partner or current love is financially supportive – very active in your finances.  Partnerships and joint ventures are likely (especially on the 1st or 2nd).  Investors will see increases in dividends or other investment income this month.  Luck in speculations, and the financial favour of children or children figures.  They seem helpful.
Love attitudes seem more ‘materialistic’ this month – especially until the 20th.  Wealth is a turn-on.  Singles gravitate to the good provider, the giver of material gifts.  You gravitate to the good communicators – the people with the gift of the gab.  Good communication is a form of foreplay from the 113th onwards.  Love seems happy this month.  For singles, love is in the neighbourhood, or perhaps with neighbours.  There’s no need to travel far and wide.  Love is also in educational setting – at lectures, seminars or school.
It is time to let go of career matters (although you won’t ignore them altogether) and give more attention to the home and family.  Finding and functioning from your emotional comfort zone is also very important.  It’s nice to be successful, but good emotional wellness will prepare the way and will set it on a good foundation.
Family issues aren’t what they seem.  Take the time to gain clarity before acting.  This would not be a good time to complete on a house purchase.  There’s no rush.  Next month after the 15th will be much better.
Health is still good.  As always, health and energy will be strongest during the waxing Moon periods – from the 1st to the 12th and from the 28th onwards.  The 3rd and 30th bring stressful aspects to you, but you have the energy to handle them.


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