February 2017 - The Planets and You!

2017 February's Planets and You:

Best days overall:  5-6-14-15-24-25
You began a yearly personal pleasure peak on January 19.  A yearly love and social peak also began. (You will have others in the year ahead too.)  So this is a period where you enjoy the sensual delights – good food and wine, good restaurants and nice clothing.  It is also good for getting your body and image in right shape.  The physical appearance shines these days and the opposite sex takes notice.
The lunar Eclipse of the 11th affects you strongly, so take it easy over this period.  It will test your current love relationship.  It need not break it up, but it will put some stress on it.  Dirty laundry surfaces for cleansing.  If your relationship is a good one, these things can make it even better (let the dust settle first).  Corrections can be made that will improve things.  If the relationship is fundamentally flawed it can dissolve.  Friendships of the heart also get tested – generally because of life-changing events that friends experience.
Every Lunar Eclipse causes shake-ups at the job and the workplace.  Generally job changes happen or there are changes in the conditions of work.  There could be a health scare, but since your health is good, it won’t be more than that. 
The spouse, partner or current love is going through some spiritual changes.  He or she could change teachers or teachings.
Your financial thinking and strategy wasn’t right and the events of the eclipse will show you why forced course corrections will make you change for the good.
Health is still good.  Self-esteem and confidence are still high.  You can make the changes you need to make for your personal happiness.  In general health and energy will be strongest from the 1st to the 11th and from the 26th onwards, as the Moon waxes.

Best days overall: 7-8-16-17-18-26-27
You are making the changes that need to be made.  Health is excellent, but reduce your schedule during this period.  There will never be a dull moment this month.
Job changes- or changes in the conditions of work – are happening. The job changes can happen within your present company or with another one.
 There will be dramatic changes – important changes - in your health regime too.  Sometimes this kind of eclipse brings a health scare, but you health is good Pisces, and it is not likely to be more than that.
If you employ others there can be employee turnovers now.  There are dramas in the lives of employees and those who are involved in your health.
Children figures in your life should stay out of harm’s way for a few days before and after the eclipse.  Children and children figures are redefining themselves now, changing how they think of themselves and how they want others to see them.  This is a healthy thing and they get to do this twice a year.
You are also redefining yourself – changing how you see yourself and how you want others to see you.  This is a healthy exercise, but it is best when done voluntarily.  Here it seems to be forced upon you.
The love life is much improved this month.  Singles are dating more and covering a lot of territory.  But is also shows a kind of ‘fickleness’ in love.  The love needs change very rapidly – bewilderment to you and those you’re involved with.  On the 25th you begin a yearly love and social peak.  Love pursues you now and you won’t escape it.

Best days overall:  1-2-9-10-19-20-28
There can be a tendency to overdo the independence thing this month.  It is good to be independent; this is your nature, but try not to run roughshod over others.
You will excel in sports and exercise regimes now.  Things get done quickly.  Life is fast paced, just as you like it.  Progress happens swiftly this month.
There are two eclipses that happen this month.  This guarantees change and volatility.  There are dramas and life changing events happening.  Often repairs are needed in the home.  Thus it indicates important changes in your spiritual life.  Sometimes people change teachers and teachings.  There are shake-ups happening in your spiritual area.
The finances of a parent are affected and he or she is making very dramatic changes.  This eclipse can bring a near-death kind of experience.
The dream life will be hyperactive during this solar Eclipse period.

Best days overall:  3-4-12-13-21-22
Health and energy have been less robust than usual and will continue to be sluggish until the 18th.  Your overall health is very good this year, but during this period get more rest when possible.
You’re still very much in a yearly career peak and much progress is being made. Pay raises can happen.  Good financial confidence is indicated.  Financial progress seems swift.  Life changing events and dramas to family members, parents or parent figures will occur.  Sudden repairs may be needed in the home.  Be patient with those close to you at this time.  Reduce your schedule and avoid highstress activities now.
Changes need to be made in the home and family relationships.  You know what they are; the eclipse will force the issue.
Your high-tech gadgets – smart phones, computers, laptops and software – can act up; repairs or replacements might be needed.
Bosses and parents are forced to make important financial changes.  Take things a little easier at this time.
A good month to study spiritual literature, attend classes, seminars or workshops and spend more time on your spiritual practice.

Best days overall:  5-6-14-15-24-25
Continue to focus on the career.  There is much success happening.  There are changes here as well.  So success is happening but with shake-ups and disruptions.  Make sure to reduce your schedule and rearrange stressful activities.  These changes and disruptions will open new doors for you.
Health is good overall but make sure you get enough sleep and rest.
Career is much more important than finance this month.  You prefer status to money-and you have a good point.  Increased status in your company or profession may occur.
The 6th should be a good financial day.   The eclipse brings financial changes.  It is a time for financial ‘course corrections’, your strategy and thinking need to be upgraded.  Events will happen that will force the issue.
Cars and communication equipment can behave erratically over this period, and often repairs or replacements prove necessary.
Students can change schools or experience some upheaval at school.

Best days overall:  7-8-16-17-18-26-27
Health should be much improved from the 6th onwards.  Confidence, self esteem and energy is present. Personal appearance will shine also. 
Career is becoming ever more important. It is busy, hectic and successful.  There is a need for positive action here.
We have two eclipses this month and both are impacting on finance.  Important changes need to be made and the eclipses will force the issue.  You need to make course corrections in your financial life.  A reduced schedule is advisable.
Every Lunar Eclipse brings changes in your self=definition, your self-concept.  It is a healthy thing to redefine yourself periodically.  We are growing beings; we aren’t the same now as we were six months ago.  So this redefinition over the next ix months will bring a change in the image-a change in the look-in the way you present yourself to the world.
Dramas will occur at home and with family members.  Family members can have career changes. Changes that weren’t made during the previous eclipse happen now.  Avoid foreign travel that period.
College students for those on the postgraduate level) are making important changes to their educational plans.
There are upheavals in your place of worship.

Best days overall: 1-2-9-10-19-20-28
The two eclipses this month will affect you strongly.  Those of you born from August 9-13 will feel it most strongly, but all of you will be affected.  It brings a redefinition of yourself – of your self-concept (how you think of yourself).  Your identity, your image and the look you present to the world. So it is time to define yourself for yourself.  If you don’t, others will do it for you and that won’t be pleasant.
 If you haven’t been careful in dietary matters a physical detox could happen.
There will be shake-ups in a charity or spiritual organization you’re involved in.  There are dramas in the lives of Gurus and guru-type figures.  Often a person makes dramatic changes to their spiritual practice and teachings.  Generally this is a ‘spiritual course correction’- basically a healthy thing.
Anything not completed by the Lunar Eclipse gets shaken up again.  Events will happen that will force you to change your self-concept and image.
There can be encounters with death.  The overwhelming majority are not going to physically die, but you will be dealing with death issues.  Perhaps someone close to you dies.  Perhaps you have a personal ‘close call’.  Perhaps you read of some grisly deaths in the papers and your mind starts thinking about it.  Often there are dreams of death.  The cosmos is sending a message to you to get more serious about life and your life purpose – the purpose you were born to fulfil.  Also, in many cases, it will help you to understand death better and to lose any fear of it.
The spouse, partner or current love interest is force to make dramatic financial changes by this eclipse.  The financial thinking has not been realistic and the eclipse brings it to the surface.
Health is still good this month, though you should take it easier around the eclipse periods.

Best days overall:  3-4-12-13-21-22
The dream life is hyperactive and perhaps alarming.  But don’t pay too much attention to them.  The dreams are just showing the disturbances in the astral plane.  A course correction is needed in your spiritual life and the eclipses will force the issue.
Changes in your spiritual practice and attitudes – and perhaps changes in teachers or teachings will happen.  Spiritual and charitable organizations you’re involved with are highly unstable right now.  There are shake-ups going on.  You seem relatively unaffected on a personal level, but it won’t hurt to take a more relaxed schedule over this period.
 Every lunar Eclipse brings crisis with friends.  Friendships get tested.  Sometimes they break up.  Often this happens because of life-changing events in their lives.  (They can marry or move away, etc.)  Sometimes the flaws in the relationship itself are revealed.  
Your high-tech equipment is more vulnerable in this period.  Make sure important files are backed up and that your anti-backing software is up to date.
You need to reduce your schedule from the 18th onwards anyway.  Those born early in the sign of Virgo – August 23 to September 3 will feel this most strongly, but all Virgos will be affected.
The spouse, partner or current love can be having some health scare or job change.  Old repressed grievances can come up that need to be dealt with.  Flawed relationships are in danger; good ones will survive. Singles might decide to take their relationship a step further.  
From, the 18t onwards –is a yearly love and social peak for you.  You seem very devoted and engaged with others – as you should.  Your relationship might be troubled, but you are socially popular.

Best days overall:  5-6-14-15-24-25
A temporary pause in your love life and personal affairs will occur now.  And now you’re going in a different direction.  Taking a new track, you don’t seem too personally affected by the two eclipses this month; but it won’t hurt to take it a little easier over the eclipse periods.
The Eclipse brings dramas in the lives of friends.  Friendships get tested and friends can be more temperamental this period, so be patient. 
Computers, mobile devices and other high-tech gadgetry could malfunction – they tend to be sensitive to cosmic energy.  In many cases the malfunction will clear up after the eclipse passes, it would be a good idea to have your important files backed up.  Hacking and viruses could be a problem too. 
Every lunar Eclipse affects the career and this one is no different.  Often it indicates dramatic changes to your company or industry. The rules of the game change.  Often it shows life-changing events in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures.
So there can be health scares or job changes.  There are disruptions in the work place.  If you hire others there is employee turnover and unrest.  There are dramatic changes in your health regime over the next six months.  The health regime needs a change of course now and the eclipse will force the issue.  Since the eclipsed planet, the Sun, is the ruler of our 11th house there is more testing of your high-tech equipment and gadgetry happening. 
There are more dramas in the lives of friends.  An old friend may appear back on the scene.

Best days overall:  7-8-16-17-18-26-27
This is a great period to start new projects, launch new ventures or products now.  Up to February 6 is the optimal time.
You’re basically in a happy period.  On the 18th you enter one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks.  So although there is much change and upheaval going on you’re managing to enjoy yourself.
You don’t need to be involved in daredevil stunts or break any athletic records. There can be shake-ups in your company or industry.  There can be changes in the top management of your company or changes in company policy often government changes regulations in your industry.  Sometimes people actually change their career path.  There are dramas in the lives of bosses, elders, parents or parent figures – live-changing events. 
Travel is best avoided this period. (If you have to, you have to – but unnecessary travel should be avoided.)
Students at college level make important changes to their educational plans.  Often they change institutions or course.  Some go into Military or other uniformed careers.
Impact on children or children figures in your life occur at this time.  They experience some dramatic change.  Often this is quite normal; it can show puberty, sexual awakening, and graduation – important, life-changing events.  They should be kept out of harm’s way over this period.  Speculations are best avoided.
The dream life will probably be hy0peractive and not in a good way.  Don’t pay too much attention to your dreams or be overly disturbed.
There can be scandals or unpleasant revelations in your company or industry. 
Finances are good this month – especially until the 18th.  But try to wrap up important purchases or investments before the 6th and Jupiter’s retrograde.

Best days overall:  1-2-9-10-19-20-28
Love has improved over last month.  Perhaps the problem now is your changeability (fickleness?) in your love needs.  On the other hand, love opportunities happen in different places and different ways this month.  Until the 7th love opportunities happen as you handle your financial goals – and perhaps with people involved in your finances.  Material wealth is the romantic turn on.  You gravitate to those who have the gift of the gab.  Good communication is a romantic turn-on.  Intellectual intimacy is as important as the physical side.  You gravitate to very brilliant kinds of people – scientist, astronomers, astrologers, and inventors.  Romantic meetings can happen online.  After the 25th you crave emotional intimacy (though you still like the intellectual side).  You also gravitate to spiritual kinds of people.  You're probably dating more.  You seem to cover a lot of territory.
The Lunar Eclipse impacts mostly on students at college level.  There are dramatic changes to their educational plans.  It is not advisable to be on the road or in the air over this period.  Shake-ups in your place of worship will occur testing your religious and philosophical beliefs.  They get ‘reality therapy’.  Some will have to be revised, dome discarded altogether.
The spouse, partner or current love is forced to make important course corrections in their financial life.  More likely the thinking and strategy is unrealistic.
The Eclippse can bring encounters with death – close calls, near-death kinds of experiences, dreams of death, etc.  Avoid dangerous kinds of activities this period.
You should reduce your schedule from the 18th onwards anyway, but especially during this eclipse period).  Also impact on the home and family, and especially one of the parents or parent figures in your live.

Best days overall:  3-4-12-13-21-22
You’re in the midst of a yearly financial peak (one of them).  This is a great month for attracting outside investors to your projects (if you have good ideas), for paying down debt, for tax and insurance planning.  If you are of appropriate age it is good for estate planning too.  The spouse, partner or current love seems financially supportive.  Money can come from tax savings refunds and insurance payments.  You earn money from the health field (and spending on this too).  Good sales and marketing are important in whatever you are doing.
Financial course corrections are needed and the eclipse provides the impetus.
Old unresolved grievances can arise that need to be dealt with.  Be more patient with the beloved.  Allow the dirty laundry to be revealed and see what can be fixed.  Good relationships survive these things.
Near-death experiences or encounters with death (rarely does it bring actual physical death, though sometimes it does) may occur at this time.  You’re supposed to gain a deeper understanding of death and overcome your fears.
There can be upheavals with your insurance company and in tax issues.  Cars and communications equipment will get tested – some of it will need repair or replacement.  There are disruptions in your neighbourhood.


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