CANCER:   BEST DAYS:  3-4-13-14-22-23-31

       A happy and successful month ahead Cancer, Enjoy!  Personal power right now is good.  Make the changes that need to be made.  Have things your way.  You know what’s best for you, so go for it.  The ‘Force’ is with you now.  
     One of the problems with too much ease is boredom.  So, the cosmos in its infinite wisdom, throws in a few challenges to keep things interesting and to keep you on your toes.  Drive more carefully on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th.  Cars and communication equipment get tested.  The dream life can be foreboding during this period too.
     This is not such a great month for foreign travel – do it only if you must.  College level students have to work harder in school at this time.  Legal issues can swallow you up. 
     A good month for pampering the body and enjoying physical delights.   A very good time for getting the body and image in right shape.  And it is still good – until the 12th – for buying clothing and personal accessories.  Personal appearance shines.  Love is much happier from the 12th onwards, but there is no need to rush into anything.
     The month ahead is prosperous.  Money and financial opportunity pursue you.  There is not much that you need to do; money will find you wherever you are.  Just go about your daily business.  The focus is on finance and by the cosmic law; we get what we focus on.
     Your career goals have been more or less achieved and now it is time to focus on the home, family and your own emotional well-being.  You’re in the nighttime of your year.  During the night we gather strength for the next day.  If you want your next career push to go well, get a good night’s rest now.
LEO:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-15-16-24-25

     This is a good month to focus on spiritual studies and practices.  Those of you who meditate will have better experiences.  The dream life will be more active.  Many of you will have supernatural kinds of experiences.
     Many think that spiritual practice is ‘impractical’ and ‘other worldly’. But these practices have profound impact on the practical affairs of life.  This you will learn in the month ahead.  Spiritual practice impacts on the career, finances and the personal appearance.  How much more practical can you get?  The message of this month’s horoscope is that if you’re right spiritually all the practical affairs will just fall into place.
     The month ahead is prosperous and happy.  Happy career opportunities come to you.  There’s nothing much that you need to do to seek these opportunities they just come.  They find you, perhaps more importantly, you look and feel successful.  Others see you that way.  There is more grace and style to the image.  Your movements are more graceful.
     Financial windfalls and financial opportunity comes your way.  These are things that are ‘do-able’ – not ‘pie in the sky’.  You have the favour of the money people in your life.  You look and feel rich and others see you this way.  You have and ‘air of prosperity’ about you.
     On the 22ndyou will enlarge your already strong ‘star quality’ and charisma.  This brings self-confidence and self-esteem.  You are the King or queen that you were destined to be.  You have a royal air about you.
     The love fife improves after the 22nd as well.  There are many romantic opportunities.  Those already in a relationship are in harmony with the beloved from the 22nd onwards.
VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-18-19-27-28

     The love life is active but complicated this month.  You may have a feeling of lack or deficiency even where none exists.  You feel ‘something is missing here’.  Yet love and social opportunities are happening.  The only question is how satisfying are they?
     You have more personal power and independence now; it’s not always good for relationships.  Not everyone can handle an independent lover.  The good news is that you can start creating conditions as you want them to be, you can start to create your own happiness.  The pursuit of happiness is not selfish but a God-given right.  As long as the rights of others are respected it’s a wonderful thing.
     Friendships, which is what the month is about, seem more satisfying than romance.  July is a socially active kind of month.  This is a month for networking and being involved with groups and organizations.  There is increased online activity too.  These activities boost the bottom line until the 12.  After that the financial intuition becomes important.  Financial guidance will come in dreams or through psychics or spiritual channels.  From the 12th onwards it will be a good period to go deeper into the spiritual dimensions of wealth.  A parent or parent figure is prospering this month.  He or she is having a yearly financial peak and seems more supportive.  
     Car or communication problems can create expenses on the 1st.  A sudden expense forces some financial change on the 6th or 7th – but unexpected money can occur to cover it.
     You are outside your normal habitat in the pursuit of career goals.  Another way to read this is that the demands of your career pull you outside your normal sphere.
     Health is good this month but take it easy on the 1st and 2nd.  There can be career changes or upheavals then too.  There’s no need for high stress kinds of activities then too.  There’s no need for high stress kinds of activities.  Drive more carefully on the 7th, 10th and 11th.

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-12-20-21-29-30 

Last month there was a pause in your life and a change of direction too.  You’re becoming more independent, (less Libra-like) day-by-day.  Personal power is increasing.  You don’t need to do things by consensus.  If something needs to be changed – something that concerns you – take action.  Make the change.  Now there is less need to adapt to situations.  If conditions are uncomfortable, create new ones that are more comfortable for you.
Health still needs attention until the 22nd.  The good news is that you’re on the case and focusing on it.  You should feel physically stronger and have more energy from the 22nd onwards.   In the meantime, get as much rest as practical.  Spend time in a health spa or book yourself more massages.  See a spiritual healer.
     You are still very much in a yearly career peak until the 22nd.  You’re succeeding, though you might not see the bottom-line results of your success for a while.  This will happen later.  You still need to work hard to achieve your financial goals this month, but you’ll see improvements after the 22nd.  You’re still in a prosperous year and these problems are just bumps on the road.  Family support and the support of the spouse, partner or current love is still strong.
     The job situation seems unstable this month.  You’re performing well, but you could feel a sense of deficiency.  Job seekers have better aspects before the 22nd than afterwards.
     Love is still practical this month.  Love opportunities happen as you pursue your normal financial goals and with people involved in your finances.  Your social contacts and social skills are important for earnings.  Much of your socializing seems business related.  The problem in love is pretty much what it has been for some years now – you don’t seem to be attracting serious people.  They mostly just want to play.
     Avoid unnecessary travel on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th.  Necessary travel is another story.  Only you can decide what is or is not necessary.

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  3-4-13-14-22-23-31

     The month ahead looks happy and successful, with a few challenges thrown in to keep things interesting and to keep you on your toes.
     You begin the month full of energy and with the wind at your back things basically run smoothly.  Health is good.  You have the energy of ten people.  There is great optimism and a ‘can do spirit.  There is much success happening. 
     Love is a bit complicated until the 12th.  You and the beloved seem very distant from each other.  Sometimes this shows a physical condition – a physical separation – but most of the time it shows a ‘psychic condition’. You can be in the same place physically, but worlds apart psychologically.  Your challenge will be to bridge the separation, bridge your differences.  If this can be done, your relationship will become more powerful.
     Love will become more harmonious after the 12th.  Love is high on your agenda and that you’re willing to put in the work necessary to keep love alive.  For singles this shows romantic opportunity as they pursue their career goals or with people involved the career.   Singles are attracted to the powerful during this period, and often this indicates romantic opportunity with bosses or superiors.  Sometimes bosses like to play cupid during this period.  In general there is more socializing with powerful people – with authority figures in your life.  Much of the socializing after the 12th seems business or career related.  Your social skills are playing a huge role in your career during this period.  Your financial life is still being reorganized but the month ahead seems O.K.  You will have all the resources you need.
     All month gives physical strength, energy and passion.  You excel in exercise regimes and in athletics.  You have more sex appeal.  The only problem is rush and haste.  Get things done, but do them mindfully.   

 SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-15-16-24-25

     The career is going very well and will get even better next month.  Many of you are at lifetime career highs.  Your personal appearance and over all demeanour are extremely important here.  Family might feel a lack of your attention but career should be the focus now.  A family member it looks like a parent or parent figure – feels this sense of lack or of deprivation.  He or she lacks direction at the moment and this is not helping matters.
     There is much prosperity happening in July but it comes with glitches and delays.  You just need more patience.  The spouse, partner or current love is also prospering this month – he or she is in a yearly financial peak.  The beloved is likely to be more generous and supportive.
     You’re in a very good period for weight loss or deter regimes.  This is an excellent time to get rid of the needless things in your life, whether they are possessions or mental or emotional patterns.  This is a time to reinvent yourself to resurrect yourself to give birth to the person you want to be.  But before new birth can happen the old you, has to die.
     Health is good this month and will get even better after the 22nd.  Detox regimes enhance the health until the 12th.  After the 12th give more attention to the heart.
    This month can produce some crisis or drama in love. And perhaps this the reason why you’re moving outside your normal sphere socially.
     The cosmos impels you to do what you most love – to travel expand your and deepen your theological and philosophical understanding a good juicy theological discussion can be more interesting than a night out on the town just now.  And the visit of a guru or spiritual teacher is more of an event than that of a rock star.
     This is a wonderful time for college or post-graduate level students.  This month shows success in their studies.  They are highly motivated.

CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-18-19-27-28

     You and the spouse, partner or current love are not in financial agreement and this stresses the finances.  This will resolve itself after the 22nd, but in the meantime patience.  
     The beloved is still prospering, but your personal finances are stressed.  You just have to work harder to achieve your financial goals.  You have to go the extra mile.  Your personal finances will improve greatly after the 22nd.
     Health still needs watching until the 22nd.  There will, however big improvements after the 22nd.  In the meantime, eat right and keep your mood as positive as possible.  Meditation will be a big help.  It is easy to fall into depression without realizing it.  After the 14th, health will be more enhanced by giving more attention to the heart.
     It is morning in your year and it is time to get up and be about the affairs of the day – the career and outer affairs of life.  Family is still important, but now focus more attention on the career.  Approach the career by the methods of day – by overt, physical actions.
     You’re still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak until the 22nd.  It is doubtful that marriage will happen but there is more dating and party going.  The New Moon of the 4th is exceptional hood for love – and it seems like a high libido kind of day.
     Capricorns tend to be slim; this is their natural pattern.  If you see an overweight Capricorn, they\re off their pattern and we must look closer at the causes.  Should there be a need to lose weight, the month ahead –from the 22nd onwards – is exceptionally good for weight loss.  
     Siblings and sibling figures in your life feel deficient, lacking, especially in regards to self-esteem and confidence.
     Earnings are good this period but after the 29th they will probably happen with more delays.

AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-12-20-21-29-30

     On the 22nd you enter a yearly love and social peak.  Your challenge is to be popular without being totally self-effacing and without losing personal independence.  This was your challenge last month, and even more so now.  Peer pressure is felt more keenly now.  You have to judge when to go along with it and when not to.  Self-will and personal independence – which is still strong in you right now – is not always helpful in relationships.  Yet, you seem able to handle these challenges from the 22nd. Onwards.  Love seems very happy.  If you re in a relationship at this time, there is greater harmony with the beloved.  If you are unattached, you’re meeting good prospects and dating more.
     Finances are still good – especially until the 22nd.  Things happen with more delays and glitches, but they do happen eventually.  More care in the handling of financial transactions will minimize delays and glitches.  You may have feelings of lack or deficiency that might not be real.  You feel it, but the actual reality is different.  The cure is a meditation on the affluence of God.
     Health needs more attention so focus on it from early month.  You’ve most likely built up resistance and strength to deal with the short-term lack of energy.  This is the issue right now.  Overall health is basically good.  But your energy is not up to its usual standard. Thus things you did without thinking when energy levels were high can’t be done so easily now.  The solution is to get more rest than usual.  Your body will tell you – if you listen – when you need it.
     The spouse, partner or current love has been prospering all year.  Now he or she enters a period of even greater prosperity – with a few bumps on the road.  There is a financial drama on the 1st or 2nd.  There are important financial changes on the 10th and 11th, these, it seems to me, are needed for greater prosperity to happen ext month.     

PISCES:  BEST DAYS:  3-4-13-14-22-23-31

     Personal independence is lessened now.  It is not absent but it is not as strong as it has been since the beginning of the year.  There is more of a need to attain goals through consensus and cooperation rather than through unilateral direct action.  You will have the feeling of someone who is working to balance self-interest with the interests of others.  You are someone who wants popularity but also some independence.  It is still possible to create conditions to your liking, but it is now more difficult that it has been.
     On June 21, the Summer Solstice, you entered a yearly personal pleasure peak.  This is a time to enjoy your life, to indulge in leisure activities, to do the things that you most love to do.  It is a period of great personal creativity as well.  Party time.  This goes on until the 22nd.
     This is an era of good feeling.  People are more sensitive to the feeling level of life.  People are kinder and more compassionate.  You are very comfortable in this situation and it is very positive for health.  Health is much improved this month.  You can enhance it further through right diet, emotional harmony and paying more attention to the stomach- until the 22nd.  Joy itself is a healing force.  If you feel under the weather a night out on town might be just the ticket.  Do something that’s fun.  After the 22nd give more attention to the heart.  A creative hobby is therapeutic these days.
     The month ahead is prosperous, especially until the 22nd.  Earnings come easily.  Financial goals are attained with little fuss.  Foreigners, foreign companies and investments in foreign lands seem important.  You have sound financial judgement and good direction.
     Love is happy but with a few bumps on the road.  Some shake-ups and dramas in love, but it will probably just add more spice to the love life.  Love is about fun and games until the 14th.  Afterwards it becomes more serious and service oriented.  Love in the second half of the month is about serving the beloved’s interests.

ARIES:  BEST DAYS:  6-7-15-16-24-256-7-15-16-24-25  

     Career issues can be downplayed.  This is a time to focus on the home and family and to get this in right order.  It is an excellent period to redecorate, paint and beautify the home.  It is a better time for cosmetic changes than for heavy repairs.  It’s also a good period in which to buy objects of beauty for the home (if you need them).  
     Getting the family relations right will not only help you later in your career, but it also improves the love life and finances.
     Most people are held back in life because of old emotional baggage.  Old traumas that might still be active, or negative memories – or more scientifically, destructive records in the memory body; when these get activated they produce negative states of mind, fear, worry, anger, grief, etc.  Many so-called sicknesses (the symptoms of sickness) have their roots in the memory body.  So every year old memories arise again so that they can be dealt with and resolved from the present state of mind.  Opinions that were made, for example, at the age of three under some trauma or stress are not necessarily ‘truth’.  The three year old made opinions from a three-year old state of mind.  When these are looked at from the present, they are seen to be false, and thus can be discharged and rendered harmless.  It is OK for the three year old to form three-year-old opinions, but it’s not so good when a forty-year old holds these opinions.
     So your feelings of nostalgia, your dreams of the past, your encounters with people from your past are all part of a therapeutic agenda.  Old issues will get resolved and you’ll be ready to move forward to your next step.  When you can think of a past trauma or past relationship and smile and be emotionally calm, you know you’re healed.
     Those of you undergoing therapy should make very good progress this month.
     Health still needs watching this month until the 20th.  As always the most important thing is to get enough rest.  If you have any pre-existing conditions, these can seem worse at this period, but more rest should clear the issue.  You can enhance the health through better diet and psychological therapies, until the 14th.  
     Happiness itself is a great healing force, as you will learn.  A night out on the town might do you as much good, as a visit to the doctor.

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  8-9-18-19-27-28

     You are someone who is balancing the needs of the home and family with the demands of the career-someone who wants both a successful career and a good domestic life.  This is not so easy to do, but this month, especially after the 22nd, you seem to manage it.  There is happiness at home and happiness in the career.  One supports the other.
     Finances are good this month, but less of an interest than in the past two months.  You’re going outside your normal sphere in search for earnings.  There is a need to do unorthodox things. A short-term disturbance on the 1st and 2nd, may cause you to do just that. 
     There is some financial disagreement with the beloved. More changes and perhaps an unexpected expense.  So there’s a lot of financial excitement this month.  You’ll get through it, though.  There’s good family support from the 14th onwards, and on the 26th and 27th there is good financial support from a parent, parent figure or boss.
     Be more patient with the beloved on the 1st.  Stay out of harm’s way on the 6th and 7th and be more patient with bosses, parents and parent figures in your life.
     Health needs watching from the 22nd onwards.  However, any problems don’t seem serious and appear to be of a short-term nature.  Sometimes when people schedule scans or blood tests during these times they can test falsely positive.  This is because the energy level is lower than normal and the body reflect this.  Take the same test when your energy is high and the result is negative.  As always, make sure you get enough rest and maintain high energy levels.  If pre-existing conditions seem to act up, there is no need to be unduly alarmed.  Low energy is most likely the cause and the solution is more rest.  
     After the 13th give more attention to the heart.  Avoid worry and anxiety.  A lot of drama in the lives of friends, which could make you, feel ‘deficiency’ in friendships.

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-12-20-21-29-30

     A prosperous and basically successful month ahead with a few little challenges thrown in just so you don’t get too bored!
     So the focus is on financial issues as it should be.  A nice payday by the way on the 4th occurs and will clarify many financial conundrums as the month progresses.  All the information you need to make good financial decisions will come to you – naturally and normally.  Money comes to you from your natural strengths, from writing, teaching, journalism, sales, marketing and PR.  The financial intuition is exceptionally good these days and there is luck in speculations.
     There’s never any need to coax Geminis to read more or to study – just give them half an excuse!  Geminis are naturally good students, but become even better from the 22nd onwards.  Students below college level are doing well in their studies.
     You may be outside your normal sphere in the search for earnings.  You’re thinking outside the box and doing unconventional kinds of things.  Take it easy on the 1st and the 2nd.  Avoid high stress activities,  (the same goes for family members.)  On the 7th you may experience a health scare (probably no more than that) personally or with family members.  You and family members should take it easy on the 6th and 7th, and it will be best to avoid foreign travel on those days.  College level students have dramas at school.
     Career instability, changes in the company your work for or in your industry.  Observe all this but keep the focus on the home and family.
     Health is good this month.

Psychic Frances is one of Canada's top rated psychics. 
For a personal card reading by Psychic Frances call 905-635-9645

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