Horoscopes June 2016
GEMINI: BEST DAYS: 4-5-13-14-23-24
The love life is still not what it should be, but there’s more improvement happening this month. There is less intensity to the problems. Thus you can be forcing love issues, forcing yourself to socialize or date more than you need to. This can bring short-term results but not long-term happiness.
Leaving the love life aside, this is basically a happy and prosperous month. The great Law of compensation is certainly at work here. The stress in one area opens doors in other areas. You’re still in a personal pleasure peak until the 21st. The personal appearance shines. Self –confidence and personal power are at a yearly high right now. You’re enjoying all the physical delights. Family support also looks good. It is time to let go of career matters. Do what you have to do, but shift more focus to the family and the emotional life. The idea now is to find and function from your point of emotional harmony. If your emotional life is right, the career will fall into place (as will other areas of life).
It’s a prosperous month. Earnings will increase. Money from intellectual activities, such as writing, teaching, sales, marketing and trading are very focus here. These are your natural strengths. Your intellectual property is worth more. Friends and the importance of social contacts become more prevalent. Lock in speculations and a sound financial intuition is important. Spiritual wealth is the root of material wealth – something you learn this month. It also shows that you spend on yourself and are seen as prosperous by others. You have a more prosperous appearance.
Drive more carefully on the 8th, 9th, 23rd and 24th. There can be some communication foul – ups on those days too. Avoid high stress activities on the 23rd and 24th as well. On the 27th and 28th the intuition is very sharp and the dream life becomes more active. Children or children figures in your life have career success.
CANCER: BEST DAYS: 6-7-15-16-17-25-26
Personal power is now at its maximum. There is strong support for your personal goals and for your personal happiness. The cosmos is grand and lofty and involved in huge undertakings. Yet, it cares that you have the right clothing, shoes and personal conditions. These things are not too trivial for it. So create the conditions that please you. In a few months’ time it will be more difficult to do.
You’re in a spiritual period. A period for interior growth, and spiritual breakthroughs. Those already on a Spiritual path will find their progress accelerated. Those not on a path will have supernatural kinds of experiences that make them scratch their heads. Events happen that cast doubt on the whole physical 3D model of the universe. Seeds are being planted for future growth. So, the month ahead is good for studying sacred literature, for attending spiritual seminars or lectures, and for getting more involved in charities or good causes. (These are not only good for their-own sake but will aid your bottom line.)
A very happy kind of period – one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. All the physical delights become available. The interior growth of the past month now becomes more visible. The body shines. The physical appearance is at a yearly high. Money comes to you. Windfalls. Financial opportunity seeks you out and happens naturally with little fuss. You look wealthy. You spend on yourself – invest in yourself. Others see you as prosperous. This prosperity image that you have draws prosperity opportunities to you. Thus it is good to buy those personal accessories or clothing that you need. The taste is super and the choices will be good.
Though you’re more attractive and alluring to the opposite sex, love needs more caution. There is no need to rush into anything. Love will be much better next month.
Health and energy are excellent these days; just make sure you don’t burn the candle at both ends.
LEO: BEST DAYS: 1-8-9-18-19-27-28
You’ve spent many months developing your social skills, so now it’s time – to develop your personal skills, your personal initiative and independence. Others might attack you as selfish, but your self-interest is no less important than theirs. Now, and for the next few months, is the time to create conditions, as you want them – to have your way in life. Your way is the best these days. If others don’t go along, go on anyway.
Career is still active. Pay raises can still happen – either overtly of covertly. You still have the financial favour of the authority figures in your life, bosses, elders, parents and parent figures – even the government. Prosperity seems strong in the month ahead. You deem prosperity important, Aspiration to wealth, and a reverence for the money peoples in your life.
Career demands carry you outside your normal sphere. Sometimes its necessity of ‘thinking outside the box’ in order to advance the career. From the 19th to the 23rd a pause in the career, don’t panic over this, it is in these pauses, that mighty changes and developments happen. These are seen later on.
This is a month where you can advance the career by being involved in charities or altruistic causes. On a deeper level, your spiritual understanding advances your career.
Love is happy this month, but the month is more about friendship than romance. It is about being involved with groups and group activities. There’s nothing against romance, but your interests lie elsewhere.
Health should be excellent.
VIRGO: BEST DAYS: 2-3-10-11-12-20-21-22-29-30
An active and hectic month is ahead for you, but also a successful one.
You’re still in the midst of a yearly career peak until the 21st. You are above everyone n your world – for now anyway. You’re in charge. Elevated. Promotions are likely (official or unofficial). You seem involved in large and complicated undertakings. These things are always delicate and challenging.
The family life seems more challenging now and perhaps those close to you want more of your attention, but with the career so dominant this is difficult for you. The focus on the career creates challenges in love too. Somehow – and there are no rules for this, you have to bring all these areas into balance. Now you will lean one way, now another. Keeping everyone pleased in the challenge.
Health needs keeping an eye on even more carefully than last month. You’re very busy, but schedule is more rest periods. Take a break from work and get a massage. Make sure you get enough sleep. This is not a time to burn the candle at both ends. Health will improve after the 21st.
In finance you’re moving outside your normal sphere, your normal habitat. You’re taking roads that you generally don’t travel. A financial pause that is meant to refresh your financial area. It shows a change of direction happening in your financial life – it will be good. During this pause it is good to set new financial goals for the future. The financial intuition is excellent on the 1st, 27th, and 28th. The 1st looks like a nice payday. Be careful of overspending on the 3rd and 4th.
The financial intuition needs verification before being acted upon, and there can be some financial disturbance.
Avoid stressful activities then and spend more quiet time at home.
LIBRA: BEST DAYS: 4-5-13-14-23-24
You’ve had much stronger career periods in your life, but this month you enter a yearly career peak. There is career success and advancement happening now. Whatever is achieved happens simultaneously with strong family demands, so the achievements are perhaps greater than in other years.
Take it easy from the 8th to the 9th, re-schedule stressful kinds of activities. This advice holds true for friends as well. Computers and high tech equipment are likely to be more temperamental than usual on those days.
Avoid foreign travel (if possible) on the 23rd and 24th. College level students make important changes to there educational plans.
You might be overdoing the travelling urge this month, and you could be feeling a residual effect. Travel is wonderful, but there’s no need to be compulsive about it.
Finances are more challenging from the 18th onwards. Sure you will earn and have what you need, but you’ll have to work harder for it. You seem ‘distant’ from financial affairs and from the money people in your life from the 18th onwards. Friends are less supportive than usual. Technological glitches can hamper earnings. You’re more interested in status and prestige than in mere money. You’re willing to sacrifice earnings for status. Try not to judge your financial future from the events of the month – these are short-term issues. The good news here is that the spouse, partner or current love seems financially supportive.
Health needs more attention being paid to it from the 18th onwards as well.
Make sure you get enough rest. Things that we normally do without thinking when the energy level is normal might not be so easy to do at this time. Listen to the body. If you feel discomfort, pause and rest.
SCORPIO: BEST DAYS: 6-7-15-16-17-25-26
Home, family and emotional wellness are still the most important things in your life. You’ve just woken up from a good night’s sleep (hopefully) and are ready to partake of the activities of the day. Time to focus more on the career and your outer goals. Your challenge is to be successful in your domestic life and in the career. You’re performing a balancing act now.
Scorpio by nature is sexually active, but this month even more so. It is about death and resurrection, personal transformation and reinvention, and giving birth to your own ideal of self. These activities require a purging of old effete material – whether they be physical things, or mental or emotional patterns. To give birth to your ideal of self requires a kind of ‘ego death’- one dies to the old self and its patterns and takes on the patterns of the new and desired self. Scorpio is very much involved in these kinds of projects, both personally and for other people. And these projects go well.
There are many things in our lives in need or resurrection. It can be one’s business, or relationship, or some project of the heart. This is a month to make it happen. The how and the why will be revealed as you go along.
Personal finances are stressful early in the month. You have to work harder – much harder – to achieve your financial goals. However, you have help. The spouse, partner or current love is still having a banner financial month and is likely to pick up the slack. This is a month (until the 21st) where you have to focus on the financial interest of others to put their financial interest ahead of your own. This is not so easy to do and you’re feeling the stress. However, as you persist in this your own prosperity will happen in due course. Thus you might be over-emphasizing your personal financial interest and it could be hurting you.
Health is much improved now and it gets even better after the 21st. Avoid hurry, impatience and temper tantrums. These can lead to accident or injury or violent confrontations.
SAGITTARIUS: BEST DAYS: 1-8-9-18-19-27-28
The love and social life should go much better. You’re still in a yearly love and social peak until the 21st. You have good social confidence and many social opportunities. Singles have many romantic opportunities – perhaps too many. You may be coming over as cold, distant and too business like in your relationships. Make it a point to project love and warmth to others.
A psychological shift is beginning for you. Time to be up and about, and handling the affairs of the outer world. Time to let go of home and family issues for a while, and focus on your career. You won’t be able to completely ignore domestic responsibilities, but you can shift more attention to the career. You’re still in a very successful year. There could be dramas in your place of worship or school; this can bring health scares or turbulence in your job, signalling a new direction at work and in your health regime. A change of direction is about to happen.
There may be complications in your love life. The spouse, partner or current love can be more temperamental then usual. More patience is requires. A good time to pause and reflect on the image you project to those around you. This is especially true for students. A change of direction in their studies is happening. It is also good to review your religious and philosophical beliefs. A change of direction is happening here also.
Health improves after the 21st. In the meantime you can enhance the health through arm and shoulder massage. Health problems are probably coming from social discord. Restore harmony here as quickly as you can.
CAPRICORN: BEST DAYS: 2-3-10-11-12-20-21-22-29-30
You begin a yearly love and social peak. There are more parties and gatherings to attend. You’re more in the mood for romance – whether you are single or in a relationship. Singles have many romantic opportunities, with a wide variety of people: foreign types, highly educated types, minister types, fun and game types and people with strong sexual magnetism. Probably you will sample them all.
You get along with all kinds of different people. Love can happen in a variety of ways and in a variety of different settings – in school, at your place of worship, at your workplace or as you pursue your health goals.
Financially you are good until the 21st, but afterwards there is more stress and challenge involved. There are more obstacles to deal with. You have to work harder for earnings than usual. The good news is that the spouse, partner or current love is prospering – he or she is having financial windfalls, and is likely to be more generous with you. He or she will prosper after the next two months as well.
Self-confidence and self-esteem are not at their highest. Perhaps this is a good thing. Self-assertion is not called for now. Let others have their way so long as it isn’t destructive. Try to adapt to situations as best you can. Later, you will be able to make the changes that need to be made.
Capricorn is a hardheaded practical type – this much can be uncomfortable. People are easily hurt be seeming trifles – some careless body language or the wrong tone of voice – so you’ll have to be more careful about this.
Health needs some attention from the 21st onwards. As always make sure you get enough rest. Right diet is important from the 13th onwards: the stomach seems more sensitive then. Do your best to keep your moods positive and constructive too.
AQUARIUS: BEST DAYS: 4-5-13-14-23-24
A pause has been happening with your writing and intellectual interests and now a new direction is about to begin.
You will feel this changed direction in your love life this month. Until the Summer Solstice love is all about fun and games, nothing too serious about it. But afterwards love becomes more practical. Emotional intimacy is still important, but love is about service to the beloved. This is how you show it; this is how you feel loved. The person who serves your interests is the one you’re attracted to.
There is a pause in the family life and family situation and then a change of direction. Students at the college level will also feel this with their studies.
On the 8th and 9th there are dramas in love and with the family. Short-term dramas. Be more patient with the beloved and with the family on those days.
In general love is happier before the 21st than after. After the 21st you’ll have to work harder at your relationship. You and the beloved may not be in synch.
Financial confidence is not up to its usual standard. The financial intuition, which has been super all year, needs verification. Finances improve after the 21st, but earnings come with more delays and glitches. Strive for mental clarity about finances. See where improvements can be made. Handle the needs of the hour, but avoid major purchases or financial decisions.
There is excellent news for job seekers and for those needing to catch up on the dull, humdrum tasks of life- like filing and bookkeeping. It is also a good period to initiate health regimes and diets.
PISCES: BEST DAYS: 6-7-15-16-17-25-26
You can afford to spend more time with the family and handle affairs in the home. The tension between home and career will have some therapeutic value this month. It will force up old memories and old patterns that need cleansing. Issues involving the parents will also come up, old traumas. You will have opportunities to resolve these things.
Health still needs watching, you are vulnerable to all kinds of germs and bugs. With normal energy levels they wouldn’t stand a chance, but now it is easier for them to get in. So rest more. Make sure you get enough sleep. If you feel tired during the day, take a short nap. Enhance the health by giving more attention to the arms and shoulders until the 21st and to the stomach afterwards. (‘Women should give more attention to the breast too after the 21st). Right eating is important after the 21st. Moods and emotions need to be kept positive and constructive. Health will improve after the 21st, but still needs some attention. Some changes in the health regime will be forced upon you, also some instability at the job.
Love is happy until the 13th but becomes challenging after that date. Love is still found close to home - in the neighbourhood and perhaps with neighbours. Good communications and mental compatibility are important in love. You gravitate to people who are easy to talk to. Like last month, social and romantic opportunities are to be found in educational settings – at school or school functions, lectures, the library or bookshop. This will be true after the 13th as well, but after the 13th the family seems more involved. Family members play cupid. You like good communication but now you also like emotional intimacy. You gravitate to those who know how to give emotional support. There is a nostalgic feeling in love during this time. It is as if you’re trying to recapture happy romantic experiences from the past. While this is understandable, this tendency can make you lose the joy of the ‘now’. Now is always the best time for love. The past is over with.
Continue to gain clarity on your financial situation. See where improvements can be made, and when Mars goes forward again next month, you’ll be able to put your plans into action.
ARIES: BEST DAYS: 1-8-9-18-19-27-28
There’s more to love than just physical chemistry and material baubles, and you are learning this now. Mental intimacy is very important in love, and if this is lacking even the richest person will not satisfy. This month, especially until the 18th – love is about communication. Sharing ideas. The thought process of the person must be alluring. You value intelligence over beauty and wealth. Thus you’re attracted to intellectual types these days, to writers, journalists, teachers and mental workers. Love opportunities for singles happen in educational settings – at lectures, seminars, workshops or school functions, perhaps even at the library or bookshop. Your search for intelligence can lead you way outside your normal social sphere, especially from the 13th to the 29th. Love is close to home this month, but even in your own neighbourhood, you find people outside your normal sphere.
On the 18th the needs in love change again. Now you look for emotional intimacy. You gravitate to those with whom you can easily share your feelings. This too could lead you outside your normal sphere. There is more moodiness in love during this period. The kind of mood you’re in defines whether love is happy or unhappy. This moodiness can be with you or with the partner – sometimes both. Don’t be surprised if an old flame comes back into the picture. Sometimes it is the actual person; sometimes it is someone who reminds you of the old flame. Usually this goes nowhere (but not always), but the good thing is that old love issues get resolved.
The financial intuition needs more verification on the 2nd and 3rd. Be careful of overspending on the 3rd and 4th. A financial disturbance on the 8th and 9th is only short term and not the problem that it seems to be at first. Financial intuition is excellent on the 27th and 28th. In finance, as in love you’re going outside your normal sphere in search of earnings- especially from the 13th to the 29th.
Overall health is good, but you should rest and relax more from the 21st onwards. The most important thing is to get enough rest and maintain high energy levels. Avoid too much talking and thinking during this period as it just wastes sorely needed energy. If you do think and talk, keep it positive.
TAURUS: BEST DAYS: 2-3-10-11-12-20-21-22-29-30
Health is still good in the month ahead. Tension in the shoulders should be released – massage, acupuncture or acupressure is very good for this. After the 18th make sure to eat right. Pay more attention to the stomach and breasts. Mood control, good emotional health is important.
You’re still in a strong prosperity period. This will go on all month. Good sales and marketing – good PR – is always important for you, but these days more so than usual. This is an excellent month for launching an ad or PR campaign. It is also a prosperous month for teachers, writers and journalists. Students, below college level, seem successful in their studies.
Finance is more of a priority than love this month and the love life could suffer because of it. Avoid power struggles in love, especially after the 18th – there is no need to make things worse. After the 18th you seem more distant from the beloved. You seem on opposite ends of the spectrum, seeing things in opposite ways. If you can overcome these differences romance can bloom.
Be more patient with family members on the 8th, 9th, 23rd and 24th – they seem more temperamental. It won’t hurt to stay out of harm’s way on the 8th and 9th either. There’s no need for stressful kinds of activities: spend more quiet time at home instead.
A financial disturbance on the 23rd or 24th is short lived but it forces some needed changes. Avoid over-spending on those days.
This is a good time to take courses in subjects that interest you, to read the books and magazines that you’ve wanted to read, and to catch up on the phone calls and emails you owe. Your financial goals are mostly achieved and you have the freedom to indulge your intellectual interests.
Psychic Frances, Burlington, Ontario
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