Three Planets In Retrograde Will Disrupt Many Lives 2016
Wilful Mars will retrograde April 17 till June 29 and discerning Mercury will retrograde April 28 till May 22 joining a retrograde serious Saturn from March 25 till August 13.
The next 2 months may be rough, as we will experience assertive Mars and decision-making Mercury both turning retrograde; slowing down and complicating their energies while joining restrictive Saturn who is also retrograde. Saturn is also in tension with expansive Jupiter and nebulous Neptune that could trigger more economic worries. How ever, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, both Mars and Saturn aligning in Sagittarius and retrograde mid April through May may feel like we are spinning our wheels and going nowhere fast. But I predict a positive shift in May whereby all the 12 signs can see some hopeful possibilities in real and practical ways. The month of May will have the New Moon in earthy Taurus aligning with beneficial Venus and common sense Mercury all in a Grand Trine of supportive energies with expansive Jupiter and transformational Pluto. Where Taurus is located in your chart indicates the area of growth and support to advance more successfully.
Mars in retrograde occurs every 2 years and its advised not to purchase machinery or appliances without a warranty. Mercury rules over communications, expectations and transportation and when retrograde and especially with impatient Mars in retrograde I would not purchase an automobile or any type of vehicle. Plus, this is not a favourable period for filing a lawsuit or having elective surgery. Arguments and intense ego disputes could erupt if you speak without thinking of the consequences of your words. But with all of these intense energies the earth grand trine in May can help us step back and rethink, reassess and recalculate our goals and redirect our lives on a more productive path.
Take Care,
Psychic Frances, Burlington, Ontario
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