TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  6-14-15-24-25 

This is another happy, and successful month for Taurus.  Enjoy!  You’re still in a yearly personal pleasure peak, enjoying all the physical delights.
     You look great.  You have energy, charisma, sparkle and star quality.  The opposite sex certainly takes notice.  The personality is more graceful and pleasing.  Last month was good for buying clothing and accessories, but this month, until the 24th is even better.  If you need to take or submit photographs of yourself for business or personal reasons, this is an excellent time to do so.
    Like last month you’re in a period of maximum personal power and independence.  So, if conditions displease you, change them.  Take the bull by the horns and create your own happiness. 
     This is a comfortable time for you and you feel very at home.  Love, money and romance are good all month.  Singles have no problem attracting the opposite sex and those already in a relationship are enjoying more harmony, more romance, within the relationship.  The 13th and 14th are especially good for love.  Singles are meeting significant people.
    Prosperity is always important to a Taurus, and this is very strong all month.  Windfalls and financial opportunities are seeking you out.  You just have to show up.  You’re spending on yourself and giving the impression of wealth.  People see you as prosperous.  ‘Gift horses’ need more scrutiny and might not be all that they seem to be.  Don’t make important financial decisions until after the 22nd.  

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS: 7-8-17-18-27-28 

      The love life is still very stressed this month.  However, there is some improvement after the 9th.  At least there is some mental clarity now on the current state of affairs.  This is better than confusion.  Like last month, try not to make things worse than they need to be.
     Love is what it is.  You can’t please everybody.  Time to please yourself.  Time to take responsibility for your own happiness.  Time to create conditions that make you happy.
     You are in a period that favours spiritual growth and spiritual studies.  From the spiritual perspective there is a blessing in the love problems.  It gives the opportunity for more solitude, which you need right now.  In solitude there are many answers.  The Higher power can come in and solve things.  It is as if someone turns on the light in a dark room and suddenly you see- really see – what the reality is.  This seeing is a healing.
     Many of you have birthdays coming up.  This makes it a very good time to review the past year, to acknowledge what has been accomplished and what hasn’t atone for past mistakes and set new goals for the year ahead.  Your birthday is considered your personal New Year and you want to start it on the right footing.
     It is time to get the body and image in right shape and to pamper yourself a little. Some of you are getting new cars and/or new communication equipment.
     There might be problems in love but your personal appearance doesn’t seem the issue.  You look good there is energy and star quality to the image.  You’re managing to have fun.  There are opportunities for no-serious love – love affairs.  A good period for buying clothes and personal accessories is from the 24th onwards –.  Good for doing things that beautify the personal image. 

CANCER:   BEST DAYS: 1-2-3-10-11-19-20-21-29-30

     You’ve spent many months adapting to things, and pleasing others; now it’s time to please yourself.  Your happiness and self-interest are no less important than others’. It is time to take responsibility for your own happiness.  Personal power is getting stronger day by day.  Now and for the next few months, is the time to make the personal changes you need to make.  You don’t need to worry about what others think or feel.  Create pleasant conditions for yourself.  They will, in due course, come around to your way of thinking.
     Your social connections are important these days.  Who you know is probably more important that how much you have.  You’re realizing financial ‘fondest hopes and wishes’, and will most likely form new hopes and wishes.  It is a never-ending process.  
     Job seeders will have very nice opportunities then too. It is good for networking and for being involved in groups and organizations.  These bring bottom line benefits.  Do not be financially reckless.  Financial guidance will come through dreams as well.  Financial problems could be coming from spiritual disconnection.  Being ‘prayed up’ and in a state of grace is always good – but with you it has financial implications.  This is a period to go deeper into the spiritual dimensions of wealth.
     New career opportunities need to be looked at closely – things might not be, as they seem.  A need to pause in the career; it is a good pause – a pause that refreshes.  You come out of it with greater clarity.  During this pause nothing seems to be happening – but many things are happening behind the scenes. 

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-12-13-22-23-31 
     Career is still the main headline this month.  It is going great guns.  There is much success and advancement happening.  Pay rises can still happen this month, if they haven’t already happened.  The 10th and 11th bring special career success and advancement.
     You are more practical these days.  You’ve got both feet on the ground.  You never lose your creative nature, but you’re more practical about things – especially about money and career.
     When energy is high we can burn the candle at both ends and seem to get away with it.  But when energy is lowered, as it is until the 20th we can’t.
     Finances are good this month, though still prone to glitches and delays.  Try not to make things worse than they need to be.  Make surreal the little details of financial transactions are handled properly.  When doing online transactions make sure you click the right buttons and that your spelling is correct.  Make sure your cheques are dated and signed properly.  Slip-ups in these little things can cause much havoc later on.  Still prosperity is happening.  You have the financial favour of elders, bosses, parent figures, family members, children and children figures in your life.  Your personal creativity is marketable.  The 2nd to the 4th and the 22nd to the 25th seem exceptionally good financial days.  There is luck in speculations in those periods too.
     Best to avoid unnecessary foreign travel.  If you absolutely must travel, allow more time for the trip and don’t schedule connecting flights too closely.

VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  6-14-15-24-25

     Happy travel opportunities are happening. College or post-graduate level students are doing well.  They are interested in their studies and highly motivated – and this is 90 percent of success.  In general, even those who are not students are more interested in higher learning this month.  Happy opportunities come and you should take them.  It will be especially good to take courses or seminars that are career related.  This will boost your career and bring advancement.  
     Philosophy and worldview are cause and psychology is effect.  So this is a great month for metaphysical and philosophical studies.  A great month to examine your personal belief systems; also a great month to attain philosophical purity.
     You are in a yearly career peak and will make much career progress.  Creating a good financial transit.  It shows that money is high on your agendas.  You admire the rich and aspire to be like them.  It shows that your good professional reputation is especially important in your financial life – more so than usual.  Pay rises, either monetary ones or ‘remuneration in kind’, can happen now.  You have the financial favour of bosses, elders, parents and parent figures.
     You can advance your career – your professional standing – by being more involved with charities and altruistic cusses.  Indeed, thee might be more important that your professional achievements.  Guru’s psychics, astrologers and other spiritual channels have important career guidance for you.  Career Guidance can come in dreams too.
     Make sure to get enough rest from the 20th onwards when health becomes more delicate.
LIBRA:   BEST DAYS: 7-8-17-18-27-28

      Emotional harmony, family and home concerns are still very important but so is the career.  Your challenge – and it is difficult – is to be successful in both.
     The month ahead is practical and down to earth.  People in general are not that interested in ideas or emotions – it’s about the practical affairs of life.  A little of this is good for you.  You’re a love and ideas person.  You can get too lost in those things.  It is good every now and then to be pulled back to ‘earth’.
     This practicality enhances your prosperity.  This is an excellent financial period – especially until the 20th.  There will be delays and glitches in the financial life, but there’s no need to make matters worse through careless mistakes or inattention.  Do your best to be perfect in your financial dealings.  If you’re buying something make sure the store has a good returns policy.  Read all the fine print in those service contracts or warranties.  Make sure your cheques are signed and dated properly – and sent to the right address.  
     The love life is also in a state of retrogression.  Once again you’re practical in love.  Material wealth and material gifts are important to you.  The good provider is more alluring than the brilliant intellectual.  There is a lack of direction in love.  There is a ‘pause’ in the love and social life.  Things will start getting clearer (but not totally clear) after the 14th.
     Health is OK this month, but improves still further from the 20th onwards.
     The job situation seems more troubled.  You’ll have to work harder to maintain harmony at the job.  Job seekers have better aspects before the 19th than afterwards.
SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS: 1-2-3-10-11-19-20-21-29-30
     Love is the main headline of the month ahead.  You’re still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak.  Social activity is at a yearly high.  Romance is on your mind.  You’re in the mood for it and there are plenty of opportunities to indulge.  The 10th to the 14th seem exceptionally good for love.  If the love and social life are in order, everything else will fall into place.  If there have been discords with friends of the current love, now is the time to restore the harmony.  Good social relations will enhance the bottom line and the career as well.
     Finances are improving this month.  Financial clarity and confidence are present.  The financial judgement is good now.  Hopefully you’ve used the past few months to make solid plans, as you can now start putting those plans into motion.   The 2nd to the 4th and the 10th and 11th bring financial windfalls and opportunity.  A business partnership or joint venture could happen on the 10th and the 11th the opportunity comes.
     On the 20th the spouse, partner or current love has a yearly financial peak.  You seem very involved in this.  He or she will tend to be more generous.
     A pause in your work and health routine may occur.  If you have days off owing to you, this might be a good time to take a brief vacation.  Take a pause in your health regimes too.  This is a pause that refreshes.  The pause will bring clarity and renewed enthusiasm later.
     Health needs watching until the 20th.  The most important thing is to get as much rest as practical.  Avoid getting overtired.  Don’t try to run the car on an empty gas tank.  In many cases what seems like a serious health problem on the surface is cured by a good night’s sleep, or a brief vacation.  It was never a real health problem though there might have been symptoms; it was a low energy problem.

 SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-12-13-22-23-31

     The social life is complicated by your self-willed, impatience and prone to anger personality traits.  What you need are the social skills that use your extra energy to be helpful to others.  If someone angers you, take a few deep breaths before answering any of them.
     If you’re a job seeker, this is an excellent month, especially on the 10th and 11th.  Sagittarians are not detail oriented.  They hate the minutiae of life.  They like looking at the ‘pig picture’ and doing the important things.  Yet. Drab detail has to be handled, and this is a good month for it.
     The focus on health until the 20th will stand you in good stead after that date, when health becomes more delicate.  Spiritual healing is very effective on the 13th and 14th.
     Some times we are at the gym or spa and romance happens – these are the kinds of aspects you have this month.  You could be doing some mundane job, and someone beautiful is there.  Office romances are also seen here.  The social judgement is not up to par either.  Things improve after the 20th.
     This month on the 9th you will have more direction.  There is more self-confidence and self-esteem.  You’re starting to move forward in life.  Your goals are clear.
CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS:  6-14-15-24-25

     This is a time to enjoy life, to schedule in leisure activities and entertainments and to be involved with children.  It is said that children are the best teachers of joy.  Being around them can make us more joyous.
     Capricorn being a serious sign, with a serious outlook on life, can often downplay leisure.  You feel it is a waste of time.  But the cosmos thinks otherwise.  There is logic in leisure – and luck too.  One comes out of it refreshed and with new and practical ideas.
     You abilities are more recognized and appreciated now.  Many of your ideas, which may have been rejected in the past, are now accepted – now that people around you are more practical and down to earth.  Enjoy the party while it lasts: on the 20th work calls to you, and you’ll be working hard.
     Things are moving more slowly this month and much of the good that we see can happen with a ‘delayed’ reaction.
     Health is much improved this month.  Health and energy are especially good until the 20th and are not bad after that.  If you feel tired or under the weather make sure you get enough rest and focus on your healthy lifestyles and diet.
     It is time to focus on others’ needs.  Time to take a vacation from self and let others have their way so long as it isn’t destructive.  Your good will comes from others and their good graces and not from your initiative or personal abilities.
     There is a happy travel opportunity from the 22nd to the 25th.

AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  7-8-17-18-27-28

     Communication and intellectual interests became very powerful last moth on the 20th, and they are still strong in the month ahead.  This is a comfortable kind of place for you.  It is especially wonderful for students of all ages. (Aquarius is an eternal student!)  You’re generally communicative, but this month you could go overboard if you’re not careful.
     There is some family drama on the 7th or 8th.  Thus it is good that you’re focusing more on the home and family this month, at least from the 19th onwards.  They need you.
     Career, though very good this year, is in abeyance for now.  Family is strong.
     The period from the 19th onwards, is wonderful for those of you in therapy.  There will be breakthroughs and new understanding happening.  And even if you’re not in any formal kind of therapy, the cosmos has its own therapeutic regime for you.  You will be more nostalgic.  Past memories will spontaneously arise (especially in the love realm).  As you review them from your present state and present understanding, history will get reinterpreted. (Note that this is very different from history being rewritten.)  Many things that seemed like disasters at the time will be seen as only ‘incidents’, and all leading to good.
     Health needs some attention from the 19th onwards.  Overall, your health is good.  This is a short-term situation.  The most important thing is to get enough rest.  Avoid depression.  Keep your mood constructive and positive and do your best to maintain family harmony.
     Love looks happy this month.  The New Moon of the 7th looks especially good.  It can also bring a good work opportunity for job seekers.  Love is close to home all month.  Until the 19th it is in the neighbourhood and perhaps with neighbours.  It happens in educational-type settings, at school, the library, the bookstore or a lecture or seminar.  After the 19th love, for singles, comes through the family or family connections.  Old flames from the past can come back into the picture.  Sometimes it’s not the literal old flame but someone who reminds you of him or her – someone who has a similar appearance or personality to the old flame.  This too is part of nature’s therapy.  Old issues will get resolved.

PISCES:  BEST DAYS: 1-2-3-10-11-19-20-21-29-30  

     The keyword is patience.  Nor is there any need to make matters worse by being sloppy in what we do.  The cosmos wants perfection in all the little details of life (especially in finance, career, love and family life).  Doing things perfectly will lessen the risk of delays.  It might be slower initially, but will save time in the long run.
     You are in the situation of having to balance a successful career with a successful home and family life.  There are no rules to this.  Sometimes you shift one way, sometimes another.  Finding your point of emotional harmony is not that easy when career duties call.  But you can do it.  Symbolically speaking your situation is equivalent to someone who keeps getting awakened in the middle of a sound sleep by some emergency at the office.  The natural benefits of a good night’s sleep are not happening.
     Health is more stressed from the 20th onwards.  So pay more attention to your health.  You seem involved in some major project-something very big – and these are always complicated and stressful.  Maximize energy by concentrating on the essentials and letting go of trivial things.
     Earnings will happen but with more delays and glitches.  This is happening in your financial life too.  There is a pause and then a change of direction.  This will all be good.  This is all natural.
     The love life seems happy this month.  There is harmony with the beloved.  The love life will get even better after the 20th.  The 22nd to the 25th seems especially happy.

ARIES:  BEST DAYS:  4-5-12-13-22-23-31

Career is important, but it can be downplayed now.  The next five months should be devoted to getting the home and emotional life in right order.  These are the hidden foundations upon which one builds a career.  These need tending now.  So, handle what needs to be handled in your career, but your main thrust is to find and function from your emotional comfort \one.  When this is found, the career will naturally prosper in due course.
   Your money house is very powerful.  This is a period for happy money – money that is earned in happy and enjoyable ways.  Your personal creativity is more marketable now.  You have the financial favour of the spouse or current love – and of friends.  Your social connections are more important than how much money you have.  You end the month wealthier than you began it.  The 2nd to the 4th and the 10th and 11th this month, are nice paydays.  There is luck in speculations on these days.
     Health and energy are still very good.  With energy all kinds of vistas open up to you – things that seemed impossible when energy was low.  You have energy, health, money and love – you just lack direction.  This is a time for gaining mental clarity about whom you are and where you want to go.  It might be a good idea to take a break from the usual routine.  It is a good time for parties and festivities, and especially good for spiritual work.  Singles are attracted to the wealthy – the good providers – the givers of material gifts.  Love is practical during this period.  You show love in material ways and this is how you feel loved.



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