
Showing posts from February, 2016


Horoscopes for March 2016 by Psychic Frances  AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS: 6-7-14-15-23-24      Things have been going easy for you so far this year, so it’s time to have a few challenges to keep you on your toes and to prevent you from getting too complacent.       Important financial changes happen in your money house as a result of some unexpected expense or financial upheaval.  You’re forced to change your thinking and strategy.      Tests in love and partnerships will occur.  Sometimes these tests happen because of suppressed grievances – dirty laundry – being forced up by the eclipse.  Sometimes it is due to some drama in the life of the spouse, partner or current love.  If the relationship is fundamentally sound, it will survive and get even better.  It’s the flawed ones that are in danger.  Though the beloved seems more affected than you by the eclipse, it won’t hurt for both of you t...


       In a Monkey year, there is no use planning one’s life, storing up goods, or waiting until things blow over before taking a plunge.  In Monkey years, anything can happen.      The Monkey’s influence puts everybody in orbit at one time.  Things do get accomplished, but they are often the result of individual or personal efforts.  No major political upheaval or revolution ordinarily finds its way to the top of the heap during these years.  If Monkey years are anything at all, they are most decidedly not boring.      Go ahead with your life.  Make strides, move ahead, and jump hurdles.  It is a time of opportunity for risky business and unplanned success.  If you have a new idea, now is the time to act on it.  Don’t look back.  You’re likely to land on both feet.      Monkey children born in the summer season are favoured by nature, fair of f...

February 2016 Horoscopes by Psychic Frances of Burlington

FEBRUARY 2016 PLANETS AND YOU CAPRICORN: BEST DAYS:  5-6-13-14-22-23-24      February is an excellent month for starting a new business or venture.  From the 8th to the 22nd would be the best time to kick start a new project as this is when the Moon will also be waxing.      Capricorns are always ambitious.  Finance is still very important, you’re still in the midst of a yearly financial peak – but career takes a back seat.  In fact this is the kind of month where you measure career success in monetary terms.  By this measure, the career is successful this month.  This is a time for a low career profile.  Focus on the things that make career success possible- emotional wellness, a stable home and family life.      The money rolls in this month.  Happy job opportunities have been coming to you since the beginning of the year.  There is another nice opportunity happening from the 5th...