
Showing posts from 2016

DECEMBER'S PLANET AND YOU - Horoscopes December 2016

WISHING ALL OF MY FOLLOWERS  A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY SEASON! DECEMBER'S PLANETS AND YOU SAGITTARIUS   Best Days…8-9-16-17-26-27 You’re still very much in a happy period.  You are still in a yearly personal pleasure peak.  The body and personal appearance shine.  You exude star quality and unbridled optimism.  There is prosperity happening too as earnings are increasing and financial windfalls happen. On the 21 st  you begin a yearly financial peak.  But you will feel the effects of this even before that date.  You’re looking for love outside your normal sphere.  For those of you in a relationships it indicates socializing, attending parties or events, outside your normal sphere. The career opportunities come from ‘out of the way’ places and ‘out of the way’ people.  Bosses can make demands that are outside the norm.  A parent or parent figure is outside his or her natu...

November Horoscopes by Psychic Frances

NOVEMBERS PLANETS AND YOU SCORPIO:   Best Days…1-9-10-17-18-26-27-28 On October 23rd, you began one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks.  This is a wonderful period for getting the body and image the way you want it.  Good for sprucing up the image and pampering the body. Finances may have felt tight this year, but this month there is prosperity.  You have the financial favour of parents, parent figures, bosses and elders.  Your good career reputation helps the bottom line.  Pay rises – either monetary or in kind will happen. This shows great cooperation and support from the current love, and friends.  Business partnerships and joint ventures are favoured.  You like to do business with friends and to socialize with the people you do business with. Love matters, you’re moving outside your normal social circle.  You’re exploring new frontiers.  There is a pause in the love life and then a new direction.  A happy lo...


OCTOBER'S PLANETS AND YOU              LIBRA:   BEST DAYS: 1-2-10-11-19-27-28-29      You are in a period of your maximum personal power right now, which continues until the 23rd.  Make the changes that need to be made.  Create the conditions you desire them to be.  You have the power now to take responsibility for your own happiness.  Have things your way knowing you, Libra, you’re unlikely to ride roughshod over others; you’ll do these things with grace and charm.      Those of you involved in the intellectual arena- writers or teachers- are having a great month.  There is success in all these endeavours.      There is success for sales, marketing, advertising and PR people too.        This is a great month, and it will be a great year ahead for taking courses in subjects that interest you.  The mind is sharp and absorbs knowledge wel...