November Horoscopes by Psychic Frances


SCORPIO:   Best Days…1-9-10-17-18-26-27-28

On October 23rd, you began one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks.  This is a wonderful period for getting the body and image the way you want it.  Good for sprucing up the image and pampering the body.

Finances may have felt tight this year, but this month there is prosperity.  You have the financial favour of parents, parent figures, bosses and elders.  Your good career reputation helps the bottom line.  Pay rises – either monetary or in kind will happen. This shows great cooperation and support from the current love, and friends.  Business partnerships and joint ventures are favoured.  You like to do business with friends and to socialize with the people you do business with.

Love matters, you’re moving outside your normal social circle.  You’re exploring new frontiers.  There is a pause in the love life and then a new direction.  A happy love opportunity comes on the 24th and 25th.  Be more patient with the beloved on the 29th and 30th – he or she doesn’t need to be involved in risky activities and seems temperamental during that period.

There is still much instability in the lives of the children or children figures in your life; many personal dramas are going on.  The 8th and the 9th, and the 18th and 19th bring love dramas – perhaps a crisis has occurred.  Happily this is short term.

Though your finances are good, speculations are best avoided this month.  The cosmos has many ways it can prosper you.  Be careful of overspending from the 19th to the 25th.

It is time to rest a bit from career activities and focus on the home, family and your sense of emotional wellness.  Night is falling in your year and you should be about the activities of night.

Be more patient with parents and parent figures then.  They are apt to be more temperamental.

SAGITTARIUS   Best Days…2-3-11-12-19-20-29-30

This is a time for spiritual breakthroughs.  It is a time for spiritual studies and spiritual practice.  Most of the problems that people face, though they might think of them as social, financial or health issues, are in reality spiritual and theological problems.  Thus when understanding comes – when a breakthrough happens – all these other things tend to fall into place.  This is your situation now.  Get right spiritually – get in good connection with the Divine within you, and everything else will just straighten out.  You understand this instinctively, Sagittarius, but this is a time to put it into practice.

The urge is to transcend the world, to transcend the body and to rise above physical conditions and circumstances.  It is through this ‘rising above’ that problems get solved.  It gives a higher perspective on things.  It is like looking at the world from the air rather that from the ground.  This requires a kind of ‘withdrawal’ from the world and it becomes normal to desire more solitude and seclusion.  Have no fear; you’re not becoming a hermit or a recluse.  By the 22nd you will be back in your body, back in the world and enjoying yourself fully.  The insights you’ve gained will be incorporated into your physical condition.

On the 22nd you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak, your personal power and independence are at their maximum. Life is fun and you’re enjoying it to the fullest.  All the pleasures of the body are open to you.  You look good.  There is much confidence and great self-esteem.  Most likely you’ll be traveling.  There are happy educational opportunities, and college students get good news at school.  Those seeking entry to college have wonderful opportunities.

The love life is sweet this month.  On the 12th love begins to pursue you.  You have love on your terms.  If you are in a relationship the beloved puts you first.  It is a harmonious kind of month.

You will find happy job opportunities and personal appearance enhances this.  There’s not much you need to do, for they find you.  Happy career opportunities are also coming.

CAPRICORN:  Best Days…4-5-13-14-21-22-23

Career is still going great guns, don’t be afraid to be original or go off the beaten track in career matters – it probably helps you.  A pause will occur, then a change of direction.  This pause and change will be for the good. 

It is still very beneficial to enhance the career through charitable work and through non-profit kinds of projects – especially until the 12th.  A friend – a social connection – is very helpful in the career from the 24th to the 25th.  After the 12th career opportunities seek you out.  You are seen as successful by others and you dress and act the part.

Finance is much improved over last month, but still major purchases or financial decisions should be delayed, if possible.  The best thing you can do financially is to gain mental clarity on things.  Then proper plans can be made.  Earnings will increase after the 22nd, but till there are delays and glitches with this increase.

Health is also much improved over last month. Sexual expression should be kept in moderation.

Friendship has been strong since the 23rd of last month, and is still strong until November 22nd.  This is a social kind of period and it will be good to be more involved with friends, groups and group activities.  It will also be a good time to expand your technology knowledge and to be more involved online.  Children or children figures in your life are having a banner romantic kind of month.  They seem popular.

A parent or parent figure is prospering now.

 You will respond very well to spiritual therapies from the 12th onwards.

AQUARIUS:  Best Days…6-7-8-15-16-24-25

Continue to watch the health until the 22nd.  The main problem is lack of energy.  It is not up to its usual standard.  When this happens a person becomes more susceptible to all kinds of things.  Often, if there are pre-existing conditions, they tend to act up under these aspects.  A good night’s sleep will most likely do more good than a visit to the doctor.  Be careful not to overdo things, or push the body beyond its limits.  Impatience and rush can lead to accidents.  Temper is another problem when you get frustrated and can lead to arguments and sometimes, even violence.  Learn to relax and meditate.  Turn the erratic energy into something constructive. 

The good news is that you’re more independent and dynamic in this period.  Fearless.  You get things done in a hurry.  You excel in sports and exercise regimes.  A sibling, sibling figure or neighbour seems more devoted to you these days.

There will be a big improvement in health and energy from the 22nd onwards.

Day by day your personal power and independence increase.  You are more able to have your way in life and with people.  You have more power to change conditions to your liking.

Career is still very active and successful this month.  Like last month you seem to be enjoying it too.  You mix with influential people these days and they are helpful in your career.  The spouse, partner or current love is also being helpful.

This is an excellent month for love for many of you.  Love is the mission for the month ahead.  It is very high on your priorities.  This tends to success.  Singles still have the aspects for the office romance this month.  The attraction is still to power and prestige.  This will change on the 22nd.  You will want friendship with the beloved, not just passion or status.  You will want a relationship of peers and equals.  Singles should get involved with groups and organizations – this is where love is this month.  Online activities also bring romantic opportunities.

PISCES:  Best Days…1-9-10-17-18-26-27-28

Stay out of harm’s way as much as possible.  Drive more carefully and avoid confrontations.  This is good advice all month, but especially after the 22nd when health and energy become more delicate.  As always the important thing is to get enough rest.  You’re very ambitious this month, perhaps even a workaholic – but when the gas tank is empty don’t try to drive the car.  Try to stay focused on the really important things and let go of trivialities.  This will maximize energy.

Career is the main headline this month.  You’re in one of your strongest career periods of the year from the 22nd onwards.  You’re succeeding too – but you’re earning every bit of it. This month shows success by sheer merit and a good work ethic.  You just work harder than your competitors.  Social connections are playing a role too.  Likeability is a big factor in your success, and this has been the case all year.  You are well aware of the importance of good communication and marketing.  Even the family is supporting the career.  There should be no tension between family obligations and your career at this time; they’re in synch.  The family as a whole is raised in status this month (from the 12th onwards).  Your career path is difficult, but there is great satisfaction this month.

The love life seems happy too.  Until the 12th there is harmony in your current relationships, singles will meet harmonious kinds of people – perhaps foreigners, perhaps people at university or your place of worship.  Sexual magnetism seems very important, but no less important is philosophical compatibility.  Good sex won’t cover up philosophical differences for too long (although it may do so for a little while).  Philosophical compatibility is important after the 12th too, but now you also want someone of influence and position, someone who can further your career, someone you can look up to.  But after the 12th you and the beloved will have to work harder to keep things going.  You seem in conflict.

ARIES:   Best Days…2-3-11-12-19-20-29-30

The spiritual instability you’ve been experiencing will continue this month.  Take your time in interpreting dreams, intuitions and psychic readings.  The real meaning could be different from what you think it is.  On a worldly level this aspect can show flooding and upheavals in the oil, natural gas and water industries.

Those of you involved in personal transformation and reinvention should have a more successful month.  These projects go well.

Health and energy are good all month.  You can enhance them further through detox regimes.  Like last month, November is a sexually active kind of month and the tendency is to overdo it.  After the 12th give more attention to the liver and thighs.  Thigh massage and liver cleansing will be beneficial.

There is travel or happy travel opportunities.  College or post-graduate students are working hard, but there is success this month.  Foreigners, foreign travel and foreign companies are important financially and from a job perspective.

Foreigners are appealing in love too.  You’re moving outside your usual social circle, and perhaps even to foreign countries.  The same is true in finance.  There’s a need to think ‘outside the box’ to try things you normally wouldn’t try.

Social and perhaps romantic interactions with bosses, superiors and authority figures are possible this month.  You have both their social and financial favour.  Pay raises, overt or covert, can happen.  A parent or parent figure is financially supportive.

You seem very successful these days.  You’re working hard, but you’re at the top of your game.  And you haven’t really hit your career peak yet.  This might happen next month.

TAURUS:  Best Days…4-5-13-14-21-22-23

The focus this month is on strong career being on the outer, worldly objectives.  Your career has been in you spiritual house for some years now; the spiritual life, the spiritual practice, is ultra-important for the career.  Spiritual insight and understanding will solve many career problems.  If you’re involved in a worldly career, you enhance it by getting involved in charitable and altruistic activities.  These seem more important that your professional achievements.

You’re still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak this month.  Romance blooms.  There is an especially happy romantic or social meeting on the 24th or 25th.  Singles are meeting someone significant.

You are moving outside your normal sphere this month.  This is so on a personal level and in terms of your job.  In health matters too you’re involved with the ‘unorthodox’.  Health is more delicate this month – until the 22nd – and this is perhaps why you’re exploring unorthodox therapies.  A good night’s rest will clear up most problems.  You just need to maintain a high energy level.  If you feel under the weather have a good massage, soak in a hot tub and go to bed early.  Make sure your dental health is also up to date.

We see you going outside your normal sphere in finance too.  Going a little ‘out of bounds’ is healthy for a Taurus.  The tendency is to be too conservative – too stuck in your ways – and this often blinds you to opportunities.

There is a need for a cosmic pause in your activities.  This pause is a good time for festivities, prayer and meditation.  It is a pause that refreshes.

GEMINI:  Best Days…6-7-8-15-16-24-25

You enter a yearly love and social peak.  You’ll have better love peaks in future years, but this is the peak for present.  Singles are dating more than usual and attending more parties and gatherings.  Those still in relationships are also attending more parties.  You still need to be more discriminating about all this.  Choose quality over quantity.

It’s good that you’ve been focusing on your health.  This will stand you in good stead for later this month when health becomes more delicate. It is still not your best period for energy.  So, as always, make sure you get enough sleep and rest.  If you’re tired take a short nap.  If a pre-existing condition acts up, because of low energy, the chances are that a good night’s sleep will ease things.  The 24th, 25th, 29th and 30thth are the most vulnerable days of the month.  This is when you really need more rest.  Spiritual healing is especially powerful on the 24th and 25th.

Drive more carefully on the 18, 19th and 30th.  Communication glitches are more likely then too.

In your spiritual life you’re moving out of your normal comfort \one and exploring new spiritual territory.  A pause in your spiritual life is also indicated.  Let go of your spiritual goals and just allow the Higher Power to have its way.  It is a pause that refreshes. 

Dawn is breaking in your year.  The activities of the day are more important than the activities of the night.  It is time to push forward to your outer objectives.  There is more clarity in career matters and thus your efforts are more directed and powerful.

CANCER:  Best Days…1-9-10-17-18-26-27-28

Your personal independence and personal power are beginning to decline.  The reason for this is so you can cultivate your social skills – your ability to get on with others and obtain their cooperation.  You have considerable personal skills and gifts, but these are not what counts now.  Your good comes through others now and you need their good will.  Your way might not be the best way these days.  Let others have their way, so long as it isn’t destructive.

Last month on the 23rd you entered another of your yearly personal pleasure peaks.  This goes on until the 22nd of this month.  This is a time to have fun, to enjoy life and engage in creative pursuits.  This is a very good month for being involved with children and children figures in your life.  When it comes to the joy of life, children are the best teachers.

Health still needs watching and you seem on the case – a good thing.

Don’t let financial ups and downs impact on your health.  Money is money, health is health, and they’re two separate things.  The good news is that finances are excellent all month.  They’re especially good after the 22nd.  You earn more and you spend more.  You’re ‘happy go lucky’ when it comes to money; the main danger is overspending.  Money comes happily until the 22nd; perhaps while you’re on the tennis court or golf course – while you’re out having fun.  After the 22nd, it comes through work.

Even if you\re already employed, extra work assignments are likely that will bring in cash.  Sometimes it happens through overtime.  Those of you seeking jobs have many good opportunities.

The love life is happy this month.  It looks like an active social month – enjoy.

LEO:  Best Days…2-3-11-12-19-20-29-30

Turbulence – and perhaps a crisis – in the financial affairs of the spouse, partner or current love may occur.  Many financial changes are happening here.  There are more confrontations with your personal mortality as well.  You are more involved with death and death issues.  Insurance and tax issues seem rocky and unstable, but they will work themselves out in the end.

The focus should be on home, family and emotional wellness rather than on the career. We see more evidence of this from the 13th to the 1 6th.  This also indicates a pause in the career.

This is a great month for those of you in therapy.  There is much progress and insight gained.  Even those of you not in formal therapy will receive counselling by nature this month.  Past memories will come up spontaneously.  There will be dreams of the past (also spontaneous).  These are cosmic opportunities to review past things from your present state of consciousness.  The opinions formed by a three-year-old traumatized child are not the opinions you would form today.  Just looking at these things without judgement will bring emotional healing.

We were not intended to be victims of mood or feeling, but to have emotional freedom.  This is a good month to become more emotionally free.  This doesn’t mean the expression of negativity, but the ability to feel whatever you choose to feel and to be in any mood that you choose to be in.

When emotional harmony comes, - and it will – it’s time to move on to fun – to the enjoyment of life.  A new surge of creativity will come.  You will have the wherewithal to enjoy life and for leisure activities.  It’s a happy, much less serious, period.

Health and energy will also improve after the 22nd.  Health is generally good, but reduce your schedule on the 30th and spend more quiet time at home.

VIRGO:  Best Days…4-5-13-14-21-22-23

You are approaching the mystical midnight hour of your year.  It is an hour of darkness and mystery, but this is where change happens.  It is at midnight, the darkest hour that the old day dies and a new one is born.  Many, many miracles happen at the midnight hour.  This is a time where you achieve your goals by the methods of night – by dreaming, visualizing and speaking the word.  At midnight the body is still, but the deeper mind is active and we have better access to its powers.  The deeper mind is not limited by time or space; it is not limited by your present condition.  This is a time to avail yourself of these gifts.

On a more mundane level, this is a time to focus on the home, family and your personal emotional wellness.  Too often we think of this as unimportant when compared to our outer goals.  But this is not true.

Career success is founded upon a stable and harmonious home life and a sense of emotional wellness.  This is your real career – your real mission – in the month ahead.  If your emotions are in right order, everything else will fall into place.

You have been in a prosperity cycle all year and it continues in the month ahead.  You are doing unusual kinds of things. You’re earning money from home.  It shows a family kind of business and good family support.  You are spending more on the home and family too.  There is good financial cooperation between you and the family.  Money that is earned in happy ways – and that you spend more on leisure activities.  Speculations are more favourable during this period, but they are more the calculated kind – not the casino kind.  There will be a temporary financial pause in your life; this is nothing to be alarmed about.  A change of direction is occurring.

Health is more delicate after the 22nd so make sure you get enough rest.

LIBRA:  Best Days…6-7-8-15-16-24-25

Home and family is very strong.  A very clear message is being sent here: let go of career issues for a while and focus on the home, family and your emotional wellness.  You’re in the nighttime of your year, soon to approach the midnight hour.  Achieve your goals through the powers of night, rather than the ways of the day.  Get into the ‘mood, feeling’ of what you want – whether it is material things or conditions – allow the mood to work out, as it will.  Before things happen on the external level they must happen first internally.

Prosperity is still strong this month.  You’re still at a yearly financial peak until the 22nd.  Financial support of elders, bosses, parents and parent figures, is strong at this time.  You also have the favour of friends.  It’s beneficial to spend on high tech equipment and gadgets to keep up to date – this is important financially.  On the 24th and 25th brings a nice payday or financial opportunity.  You’re in harmony with the ‘money people’ in your life.

Communication and intellectual interests is strong all month.  This shows success in intellectual pursuits, success for students, writers and teachers.  Sales and marketing people also have a good month.  There are good – cooperative – relations with siblings, sibling figures and neighbours this month.

There will be dramas at the workplace and in the lives of co-workers.  The job situation seems unstable.  If you employ others, there is instability in the workforce.

Health is good, but there can be changes in the health regime.

From the 13th to the 16th, there will be a short pause and then a change of direction for you will occur.

For a personal psychic reading by Frances call 905-635-9645
Serving Burlington, Oakville, Milton, Hamilton, ON 


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