DECEMBER'S PLANET AND YOU - Horoscopes December 2016



SAGITTARIUS   Best Days…8-9-16-17-26-27

You’re still very much in a happy period.  You are still in a yearly personal pleasure peak.  The body and personal appearance shine.  You exude star quality and unbridled optimism.  There is prosperity happening too as earnings are increasing and financial windfalls happen.

On the 21st you begin a yearly financial peak.  But you will feel the effects of this even before that date.  You’re looking for love outside your normal sphere.  For those of you in a relationships it indicates socializing, attending parties or events, outside your normal sphere.

The career opportunities come from ‘out of the way’ places and ‘out of the way’ people.  Bosses can make demands that are outside the norm.  A parent or parent figure is outside his or her natural sphere.

Health is excellent this month (and last month too).  You have all the energy you need to achieve whatever you want to achieve.  Until the 7th you’re pretty conservative in health matters and you gravitate to orthodox kinds of therapies.  However, after the 7th you become more experimental.

Career goals have been mostly attained – the short-term ones anyway – and now it is time to begin to focus on the family, the home and your emotional wellness.  Your busy outer life could have pulled you away from your point of emotional harmony and now it’s time to get back to it.  Career or outer objectives we approach them in a different way, an inner kind of way, we dream, we visualize, we get into the mood and feeling of what we want to achieve.  We are acting, but in an interior rather than exterior way.
Drive more carefully then.  Be more patient with neighbours and siblings (there seems to be some conflict here).  Try to avoid arguments.

CAPRICORN:  Best Days…1-2-3-10-11-19-20-29-30

You have the power to create your personal happiness now.  You have the power (and independence) to change conditions that displease you.  This is the time to use it.
A happy month ahead, \Capricorn – enjoy!  Until the 21st you are in a very spiritual kind of period.  This was the case last month too.  It is a month for spiritual breakthroughs and spiritual experiences.  The dream life is active and prophetic.  Synchronicities happen in your life.  Extrasensory perception is sharper than ever.  One spiritual breakthrough – and you will have more than one – is enough to change your life forever.  The spiritual world is close to you now.  Cultivate your connection.  The spiritual world is full of benevolent beings, who can do anything if you know how to call them and ask.

Until the 21st your growth is interior – unseen and perhaps unnoticed. After the 21st your growth becomes noticeable.  You’re in a yearly personal pleasure peak.  The appearance shines.  There is more sex appeal to the image.  You are strong and independent.  Happy job opportunities come to you- and perhaps opportunities for overtime or second jobs if you are already employed.

This is a month to pamper the body and enjoy the physical delights of life.  It is also wonderful for getting the body and image in right shape.

Finances are excellent until the 21st. be patient with the glitches and delays.  Your finances are still under review at the moment.  You still need clarity about the financial facts of life.  After the 21st finances are more stressful.  It’s nothing serious; you just need to work harder to attain your goals.  Luck in speculations and the financial favour of bosses, elders, parents and parent figures.  The spouse, partner or current love also seems generous after the 21st.  The family seems financially cooperative until the 20th as well.

It is good to have things your way, as long as your way isn’t destructive.  A destructive path will create pain and anguish once the initial pleasure wears off.
Health and energy are excellent now.  You can achieve whatever you desire.

AQUARIUS:  Best Days…4-5-12-13-21-22-31

The month ahead is a happy one.  Your natural place of comfort and ability’s is at home.  You’re doing what you love; you’re involved with friends, groups, group activities and organizations.  Your already strong networking abilities are even stronger now.  Your technology skills are also stronger.

Love still awaits singles in the online world and as they get involved with groups and group activities.  Someone who was ‘just a friend’ can become much more than that this month.  Friends like to play matchmaker too.

Health is much improved this month.  If someone annoys you take a few deep breaths before answering.  Avoid arguments and confrontations as much as possible.  You can be expressing yourself more forcefully than you realize.

The physical appearance of women and young women will be enhanced and attract men into their lives.  Travel and the support of family will also be present.  It is also a good cycle for the college-level or college bound student.  There is more interest in study.
Finances have been turbulent for the past two months.  Many shake-ups and changes have been happening.  But now things seem quieter.  Good aspects from the 21st onwards.  Earnings are getting stabilized now.  You have mental clarity and direction.  This is a prosperous month.

Now you want someone more spiritual.  You want someone who shares your spiritual ideals.  Singles find love opportunities in spiritual settings, at spiritual lectures, seminary or charity events.

You end your year as you began it, on a spiritual note.  This is a time for prayer and reflection.  It is a time to review the past year.  Make corrections and set goals for the future.  Your own personal new year is not far off.

PISCES:  Best Days…6-7-14-15-24-25

Your love interests are carrying you far outside your normal sphere.  You’re taking risks here and going outside your comfort zone.  Perhaps it is the spouse, partner or current love, who is pulling you out here.  Or perhaps it is your search for love.  You also seem involved with people who are far above you in status, and sometimes this can be uncomfortable.  It just means more work and effort is needed in your relationship.  The good news is that you’re willing to put in the work and this tends to success (love is high on your agenda until the 3rd).

Career is still going strong.  You’re very serious about it and are putting in the effort required.  Advancement and success are happening now, and no one can argue about it.  You have earned it.

Finances are good this month.  You are exploring the spiritual realms of wealth, the spiritual rather than the natural causes of wealth.  It shows a fabulous financial intuition.  It shows more generosity and charitable giving as well.  Being involved in charities is not only good for its own sake, but will help your bottom line.  Financial guidance will come in dreams, from psychics, astrologers, spiritual channels and ministers. Financial windfalls are likely at this time and you will spend on yourself.  You don the image of wealth.  Others see you as prosperous and this opens all kinds of doors.  Financial opportunity seeks you out and there’s not much you need to do, it will find you.  The money people in your life are favourably disposed to you.  The 31st is an especially good financial day.  Your intuition is very sharp.

Health and energy are much improved after the 21st.  You get things done fast.  You have a more dynamic kind of personality.  You excel in sports and exercise regimes.  However, the downside is rush, impatience and temper, and these can lead to arguments or accidents.  You can come over as being aggressive even when you don’t mean to.  It just comes out that way.  Soften the speech.

You’re back in independence mode.  Personal power is growing day by day.  It is time to make the changes that need to be made.  Time to take responsibility for your own happiness.  Others have nothing to do with it right now.  It’s up to you.

ARIES:   Best Days…8-9-16-17-26-27

Career is the main headline this month.  A lot of power – a lot of cosmic support – and a lot of focus, is around you now.  There is no obstacle that you can’t overcome.  Your yearly career peak technically begins on the 21st; you will feel it even before that date, especially from the 8th to the 12th.

Children or children figures should stay out of harm’s way on the 1st, 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th.  There is no need for them to indulge in daredevil type stunts or to tempt the fates.
You’re working hard and succeeding this month, but after the 21st be more health conscious.  This is a short-term issue, however.  This is a time to rest more and make sure you get enough sleep. If you feel under the weather, a visit to a chiropractor or osteopath might be j just the ticket.

Students at the college or post-graduate level have some educational surprises from the 19th onwards.  There could be important changes to educational plans.  Travel plans seem unstable during that period also.

Job seekers need to do more research before accepting job offers.  Be more careful how you communicate with bosses and superiors too.  Make sure you say what you mean and that you heard what they’re saying.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get clarity. 
 Changes in the health regime also need more consideration.

A good time for finance, it indicates a sound and conservative financial judgement and long-term perspective on wealth.  Setting up savings and investments plans are, favoured at this time.  Friends seem financially supportive.  Online activities boost earnings.  It will be good to be involved with groups and organizations.  Good to invest in high tech equipment.

Online activities boost the love life from the 7th onwards. Singles find good fortune on the online dating and social media sites.  Love has been good for many months now, but becomes especially so from the 7th onwards.

TAURUS:  Best Days…1-2-3-10-11-19-20-29-30

You’ve made a brief excursion to your ‘outer limits’ and now you’re going back to your normal sphere.

The month ahead looks very successful career-wise.  You’re very motivated career-wise.  You’re focused.  You love your career for its own sake.  You seem elevated, raised in status.  You’re recognized not only for your charitable works, but also for who you are.  Personal appearance and overall demeanour seem ultra-important in the career.  You’re the ‘image’ of success this month.  Your superiors note your good work ethics.  Your career will be even better next month.

Health is much improved this month you’re more experimental in health matters after the 7th and are not as conservative as you usually are.

Finances look good too, thus you pursue earnings outside your normal sphere and perhaps with people outside your normal sphere.  Until the 3rd you earn more and you spend more.  But after the 3rd, the financial judgement becomes more sober.  You’re more careful with your money.  You take a step-by-step methodical approach to wealth.  You are working to build wealth for the long term.  Taureans enjoy savings and investment plans, budgets, etc. and this is a good period to set these things up if you haven’t already done so.
Try to do y
our major holiday shopping before the 19th.  Afterwards, as always, the goal is to gain mental clarity about finances.  It is a period for study and review, not for making major purchases or investments.

Though you ended your yearly social peak last month, the month ahead still looks very social.  There is more socializing from home and with the family.  Family members are playing cupid and family connections are important socially.

New Year’s Eve is a very spiritual day for you.  Try to celebrate it in a more spiritual way.

GEMINI:  Best Days…4-5-12-13-21-22-31

The love and social life is still strong until the 21st.  You’re still in a yearly love and social peak.  So it’s a socially active month.  This can make love unstable.  The good part is that love becomes more exciting.  There is never a dull moment.  Anything can happen at any time.

Finances don’t seem a big issue this month.  You’re more concerned with the finances of others – those of partners, investors or the current love interest – than your own.  Your earning power is strongest from the 1st to the 13th and from the 27th onwards.  The spouse, partner or current love is having a banner financial month from the 21st onwards.  He or she is in a yearly financial peak and is likely to be more generous with you.
This is excellent for projects involving personal transformation and personal reinvention.  It generally indicates a more sexually active kind of period.  Libido is stronger than usual.
This is a month to purge the mind of negative thoughts and habit patterns: to purge the feeling nature of negative feelings.  Just this will bring all kinds of subtle improvements in the outer affairs and conditions.  When the mind and feelings are purged the life power can come in much stronger and there will be an increase in your well being.

Health is much improved after the 21st.  Yet you still have a strong interest in health.  This is all very good for getting involved in disciplined health regimes or for initiating these things.  It is also an excellent period for job seekers and for those who employ others.  There is good fortune from the 21st onwards.

The career is busy and successful this month, and it will be even more successful in the coming months.  Friends are succeeding and helping you.  They provide career opportunities.  Networking is especially powerful during that period.

CANCER:  Best Days…6-7-14-15-24-25

The month ahead is all about others and their needs.  People will see you as unselfish, putting others ahead of yourself.  But really it’s just the cycle you’re in.  If conditions are irksome, reconcile yourself to them as best you can.  Now is not the time to make changes or to overly assert yourself.  Plan the changes that need to be made and in a few months it will b easier to implement them.

Personal power is lessened, but your social power is much increased.  The month ahead is a banner love and social month.  You begin a yearly love and social peak.  You’re in the mood for love (and that’s the most important thing) – you are focused here and according to the spiritual law, we get what we focus on.

Singles attract all kinds of people this month, there are the money people, the spiritual types, the intellectuals and the ‘play around’ types.  You get along with all kinds of different people.

Finances are good this month but there are a few bumps in the road.  Financial intuition needs some verification on the 1st.  Financial decisions need more study.  Be careful of overspending on the 9th and 10th.  The 11th and 12th bring some financial disturbance, most likely and unexpected expense or development.  Changes need to be made.  There is luck in speculations on the 7th and 8th.  There are opportunities for business partnerships or joint ventures all month.  Social connections are important financially, especially from the 21st onwards.  This is a time when you learn that wealth of friendships is an important form of wealth.  It’s not so much about how much you have, but about who you know and how others feel about you.

Health needs serious attention being paid to it from the 21st onwards.  So enjoy yourself, but allow more time for rest.  If you’re tired take a nap.  Avoid worry and anxiety – the emotions that can create heart problems.  

LEO:  Best Days…8-9-16-17-26-27

This time of year is a party time in the world at large, and you’re in the thick of it.  What’s not to be happy about?  Health and energy are wonderful this month.  Love is going well.  Singles have the option of something serious or some fun ‘flings’ in their relationships.

Many of you will be travelling from the 1st to the 3rd and it looks happy.  Life is good.
It is only in finance that you seem sober and serious.  You are more careful of how you spend now and want value for your money.  The good news is that your financial judgements are sound and conservative.  Earnings are good but they happen with delays.
The era of personal independence is well and truly over with and you’re busy cultivating your social skills.  It is much more difficult now to change conditions to your liking or to have things your way.  Now is the time to adapt to situations as best you can.  Others come first now, let them have their own way, so long as it isn’t destructive.

By the 21st you’re about partied out.  No one can sustain a party atmosphere for too long – not even Leo, the supreme party animal of the Zodiac.  You’re actually in the mood for work, for productivity, for being practical and serious.  Though your health is good you want to keep things that way and involve yourself in daily health regimes.  It is good to use this mood to your advantage to achieve work-oriented goals, to do mundane, boring, detailed tasks that you usually dislike.  If you’re looking for a job this is a good period for you, and there are many opportunities out there.

The love life becomes more delicate after the 21st.  You and the beloved will need to work harder on your relationship.  You seem in disagreement.

The focus this month is still on home, family and emotional wellness.  But you can advance your career through social means from the 7th onwards.  Attend or host the right parties.

VIRGO:  Best Days…1-2-3-10-11-19-20-29-30

Focus this month will be on home, family and your personal emotional wellness.  Ignoring your emotional wellness is like not having a good night’s sleep.  The coming day is not what it should be.  Those of you involved in psychological kinds of therapy should make good progress this month.  You will find that psychological breakthroughs are happening.  Psychological breakthroughs will happen even for those of you not in formal therapy.  Nature will see to that.  Old memories and perhaps old traumas will surface spontaneously so that they can be resolved.  Look at them impersonally and much of the negative power they had will dissolve.  A person becomes more aware of the vast universe of mood and feeling under the transit and becomes more able to navigate it.  You are more moody than usual during this period.  Through meditation and spiritual practice, however, you can learn to harness the power of mood for your benefit.

The natural result of a psychological breakthrough, of emotional wellness, is joy and increased creativity.  By December 21st you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak.  A fun kind of month. Life is meant to be enjoyed.  Even the challenges of life are meant to be enjoyed, and this is a period where you explore this dimension.

Money is earned through hard work now; it not only comes from your present job, but from other ‘side jobs’ or through overtime opportunities that come.  From the 7th onwards is a highly prosperous time.  There is good family support during that period.

Health is much improved after the 21st.  Love is still stormy, but improving.  At least there is mental clarity in love now.  However be careful of power struggles in love from the 20th onwards.  Third party interference, because of their jealousy could jeopardize a relationship.

LIBRA:  Best Days…4-5-12-13-21-22-31

This is not a career period.  The month ahead is about home, family and emotional wellness.

This is a month for psychological breakthrough.  Those of you involved in formal therapies will make good progress.  Even if you’re not in formal therapy, you’ll have psychological insight and progress now.  Nature will do the job.  The nostalgia you feel is part of nature’s therapy.  You find yourself thinking of the past, of old experiences – the good and the bad.  Somehow or other, the memories come up.  Someone questions you about a past event, or wants to know your story.  Dreams of past experiences happen.  Nature forces you to confront these things from your present perspective and, through this, healing happens.
The message of the chart this month is ‘get the emotional life right and everything else falls into place’.  Right feeling is more important than ‘right doing’ – right feeling will lead to right actions. 

If the emotions are in harmony, desires manifest quickly.  If the emotions become negative it’s like dropping a nuclear bomb on your dreams.  This is especially important in finance these days.  In the right mood, money comes quickly and easily.  In a bad mood, you feel poor.

Finances do tend to be good right now, however – especially after the 21st.
Health needs attention paying to it from the 21st onwards.  As always, the important thing is to get enough rest.  High energy will repel most problems.  Thus it is good to enhance the health through physical exercise and scalp and face massage.  It is also important to stay in harmony with the current love.  Love problems can impact on the health.  Love seems basically happy and this is a good health signal.  Until the 20th you’re not too serious about love, you just want fun and this is what you’re attracting.  After the 20th you gravitate to spiritual types and to health professionals.  There is more socializing at the workplace.

SCORPIO:   Best Days…6-7-14-15-24-25

You’re in an excellent time – from the 21st onwards – for starting a new project, venture or launching a new product.  The best time for starting new things is from the 29th to the end of the month.  Next month will also be excellent.

You’re still in a yearly financial peak until the 21st.  So though there are still financial challenges, prosperity is happening.  From the 19th onwards the challenge will be to come into financial harmony with the family.  Family expenses seem unusually high and are forcing financial changes.

The month ahead is more about home, family and emotional wellness than it is about the career.  Yet a happy career opportunity comes on the 7th or 8th.  There is career success during that period. So a pause in the career and outer activities is called for this period.   (This happens anyway in most of the world as the holiday season is in full sway).  Then will come a change in your career direction.

On the 21st you enter a period for pursuing interests in communication.  Now is a great time to read the books you’ve always wanted to read or catch up on your emails, texts and letter writing.  It is an excellent period for students and they should do well in their studies.

Health is good this month.  Emotional health is the most important thing – especially until the 20th.  If you feel under the weather, chances are that there is some family discord or emotional issue behind it.  Restore the harmony as quickly as possible.  After the 20th you can enhance the health by paying more attention to the feet.  You also respond well to spiritual therapies – meditation, the laying on of hands, rieki and the manipulation of subtle energies.

Socializing at home and with the family – which is hardly surprising as this is the holiday season.  Love is close to home this month.

To see what is in store for you in 2017 call Psychic Frances for a psychic card reading.

Happy Holidays!


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