LIBRA:   BEST DAYS: 1-2-10-11-19-27-28-29

     You are in a period of your maximum personal power right now, which continues until the 23rd.  Make the changes that need to be made.  Create the conditions you desire them to be.  You have the power now to take responsibility for your own happiness.  Have things your way knowing you, Libra, you’re unlikely to ride roughshod over others; you’ll do these things with grace and charm.
     Those of you involved in the intellectual arena- writers or teachers- are having a great month.  There is success in all these endeavours.
     There is success for sales, marketing, advertising and PR people too.  
     This is a great month, and it will be a great year ahead for taking courses in subjects that interest you.  The mind is sharp and absorbs knowledge well.  If you’re already an expert in a certain field this is a great time to share that knowledge with others.
     A new car or new communication equipment is coming to you.
     Libras of childbearing age are extremely fertile now.
     The month ahead is also prosperous.  You begin a yearly financial peak.  You’re living at a higher standard and the wherewithal to support this is forthcoming.
     You look great – though you need to watch the weight.  You have energy, charisma and star quality.  But love is complicated.  Most likely you’re too independent and this doesn’t sit well with the current relationship.  This problem will pass by the 23rd.   You’re more practical and serious about love.  The problem is that the people you attract are not as serious as you.  Now you’re attracted by emotional intimacy, to those you can share your feelings with.  You are probably going outside you normal social sphere in search for love.  But this doesn’t seem necessary.  Love is still close to home.  Family and family connections are important.  There is more socializing at home and with the family this month, and this can lead to romantic meetings.  It is more difficult for you to express feelings of love and warmth.  You can be perceived as cold or unfeeling these days, even though you’re not like that.  Make it a point to project love and warmth to others.

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS: 3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31

     This should be a happy and successful month for Scorpio.  You can – and should – have things your way.  If conditions irk you change them to something happier.  Some people might call you selfish, but your happiness will help all around you.  When you’re feeling good and in good personal conditions, you’re better able to help others.
     You’re still in a very spiritual period until the 23rd.  This is a wonderful time for the study of scripture or sacred literature.           A wonderful time for meditation and other spiritual studies.  It will be very good to get involved in charitable kinds of activities.  You’ll find that as you get involved in these things, your career is boosted as a side effect.  
     Career guidance will come in dreams or through psychics, ministers or spiritual channels.  You career is not just about you, the whole world is affected by it and the spiritual beings are highly concerned with it.
     Health is excellent all month, but especially from the 23rd onwards.  With energy all kinds of things are possible, things you never thought possible when energy was low.  All kinds of doors open for you.  Happy career opportunities are also coming.  You look successful – others see you this way.
     Love still seeks you out until the 18th.  There’s nothing much that you need to do – just show up.
     Good financial support from the spouse, partner or current love and that much of your socializing is business related.  Singles find love opportunities as they pursue their financial goals and with people involved in their finances.  Wealth is a great romantic turn on from the 18th onwards.
     A job opportunity – off the beaten path – comes from the 18th to the 20th.  Job changes or disturbances at the job come after the 27th.

SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  5-6-7-15-23-24

     It is much easier to make the changes you need to make in your life, to change conditions to the way you want them to be.  You have the power and the direction now.  It is time to create your personal nirvana.  There’s no need to adapt or compromise now.  The world will adapt to you rather than vice versa. 
     Friends became very strong last month on the 22nd.  It is still strong until the 23rd. so this is a social kind of month.  New and important friendships are being made.  Rather than being a boss – which you have been all year – you are a friend.  You project this image.  People see you this way and it makes you more popular.  This is a great period for being involved with groups and organizations.  There are even romantic opportunities that happen in-group settings.  This is a month where fondest hopes and wishes come to pass.  This is also a very good period for expanding your knowledge of science, computers, technology and astrology.
     If you have children of marriageable age, there is romance happening for them.  Marriage could happen in the coming year.
     A parent or parent figure is prospering now, and you seem very involved with it.
     Health is much improved over last month.  You can enhance it further through spiritual healing techniques until the 18th.  Detoxing is also effective.  You look healthy and others see you this way.  There is beauty and glamour to the image.  You’re warmer to others, more approachable too.  The love life should be better.
     Finances are also much improved this month.  Earnings are increasing and happening in much easier ways.  You seem personally more comfortable with the way you earn.
     Though career is less important now, there are happy career successes and opportunities on the 11th and 12th.    

CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS: 8-9-17-25-26

     It is upward and onward for you this month.  There are pay raises, promotions and elevation in your professional status, and more recognition for your achievements.  You are honoured and recognized as much for your charitable and spiritual activities as for your professional achievements.  Being involved with charities and good causes is a valid way to advance your career.  Your good work ethic is also important.  Superiors take notice.
     It might be good to be a little unconventional in your career approach too.  Going off the beaten track can enhance things.  Don’t be afraid to be original.
     Health became more delicate on September 22nd and is still delicate this month until the 23rd.  So make sure you get as much rest as possible.  Don’t allow yourself to get overtired.  Often we think we’re achieving more when we work in spite of fatigue.  But generally this is an illusion, there is a tendency to make mistakes and the work needs to be redone.  So you are actually increasing your workload when you do this.
     You have needed to adapt yourself to others and to situations.  This is changing now.  Day by day personal power and independence increases.  By now you know what conditions are irksome, and you now have the power to change them to your liking.
     Finances are a bit stressful this moth.  Your financial planet is still retrograde and receiving stressful aspect.  You just need to work hirer than usual to achieve your goals.  Career –status and professional prestige – seems more important than money right now.  Patience. Patience. Patience.  Things get easier after the 23rd.

AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-19-27-28-29

     Finally there is clear career direction now.  The family as a whole is raised in status.  You have good family support for your career goals.  On the 23rd you begin a yearly career peak.  A lot of behind-the-scenes developments now become more overt.  You are successful, elevated and promoted.  You have the support of the spouse, partner or current love. (Who also seems successful during this period...). It also shows that you’re enjoying your career path.  There’s fun involved.  It’s not just work, work, and work.
     This is a happy period.  There are travel and educational opportunities, and it is still a very good period for college-level or college-bound students.  There is success in their studies and efforts.  Children or children figures will most likely not marry, but there is romance this month.
     There is pleasure in higher learning.  If you study the charts of important religious or academic figures, there ninth house is always strong.  This is the kind of month where a hot ate is at a sermon or lecture of a visiting minister or guru.  It is not at the nightspots.  You’re attracted to professors, ministers, mentors and highly educated people.  Often one falls in love with the minister or professor.  You’re drawn to those who can teach you things, who can expand your mind and your horizons.  Often there is an attraction to foreigners.  This allure had education at its root.  The best way to learn about a foreign culture (or to learn a foreign language) is to get into a relationship with someone of that culture.  Your love needs change.  Now you’re drawn to power, position and status.  Love can seem like “just another career move’ under these aspects.  Often there is romance with bosses or other superiors.  You like the person who can help you in your career. 
     You will need to watch your health from the 23rd onwards.  Make sure you pay attention to any ache or pain or sniffle right away.  Rest or a good night sleep may clear up many mild problems.
PISCES:  BEST DAYS:  3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31

     Changes are happening in your career direction this month.  The social dimension, which has been strong all year, is still important.  Your ability to get on with others is still just as important as your actual skills.  But now other skills seem important, the ability to cut costs, cut waste, cut the needless and effete, becomes important and this will impress superiors.  This transit also shows a few ‘near death’ career experiences in the year ahead.  You’re getting on better with bosses and superiors, though they still seem demanding.
     Health is much improved this month.  If you got through last month with your health and sanity intact, give yourself a pat on the back.  You did very well.  Detox regimes are very effective this month if you feel under the weather.  After the 23rd pay more attention to the colon, bladder and sexual organs.
     Short-term social goals seem to have been more or less achieved.  Now it is time to provide more practical help for the beloved – helping him or her achieve financial goals.  The spouse, partner or current love is in a yearly financial peak this month.  There is prosperity for him or her well into next year.
     Your personal finances are basically good but you’re going way out of your natural sphere to attain your goals.  There is a boost in earnings from the 18th t0 the 20th, and a disturbance in them, which requires you to make some changes, from the 27th to the 29th.
     Your health is OK, but there is not need for any daredevil type stunts.  Avoid confrontations and arguments whenever possible.
     This is a time for religious or philosophical breakthrough.  Travel opportunities are happening.  College students seem successful.
     This is another month where shared finances are important.  Career is fostered by social means and through good communication skills.

ARIES:  BEST DAYS:  5-6-7-15-23-24  

     You begin a yearly love and social peak.  For many of you (depending on your age) you are in a lifetime love and social peak, which continues until the 23rd of this month.  Many a marriage for relationships that are ‘like’ marriage), will be happening in the year ahead.  But as was mentioned earlier, don’t be too quick to jump into marriage.  This is only advisable if you’re willing to put some limits on your freedom.
    Continuing instability in spiritual or charitable organizations and in the lives of guru figures you’re involved with.  Your intuition and dreams need verification; don’t be so quick to make judgements or act on them.  Take the time to ensure that you got the message properly.
     Health needs attention until the 23rd.   Make sure you get enough sleep and don’t waste time or energy on frivolities.  Focus on the important things in your life.  You can enhance your health by paying more attention to your diet.
     This is a sexually active kind of month, but there is no need to overdo it.  Listen to your body.
     You may be venturing into faraway places – places outside your normal sphere.  Traveling is much better this month than last.  Avoid high stress activities or confrontations from the 28th to the 20th and from the 27th –29th.  Your libido is higher than usual.
     The month ahead seems prosperous.  Until the 18th there is good financial support (and opportunity) from the current love or partner and there is good financial cooperation between you.  This is a very good time to borrow or to pay down debt, according to your need.  It is also a good time to get rid of old possessions that you no longer use or need.  Clear the decks so that the new and better can come in.  It’s good to eliminate waste too, redundant bank or brokerage accounts or needless expenses.  Until the 18th you prosper by cutting back – getting rid of the useless.  After the 18th you prosper by growth: earnings start to increase.    
TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  8-9-17-25-26

     You are right in tune with the stars now.  You’re putting others first, you’re there for your friends and the current love.  You’re basking in social popularity.  This is a very nice month for love.  A very active social month is ahead for you.
     All of you seem more aggressive in love these days.  You’re not waiting for the phone to ring but are proactively shaping and creating the social life that you want.  If you like someone they know it.  You’re not playing coy.  Existing relationships are more harmonious and romantic.  Singles have very nice love opportunities all month.  Love opportunities are still found in educational or religious settings – just as they have been for some years now – but family and family connections are also playing a role here from the 23rd onwards.  There will be more socializing from home and with the family.  An old flame can be back in the picture, but most like this is only in order to resolve old issues.
    Both you and the beloved, need to reduce your schedules and avoid confrontations and high stress situations.  It will be a good idea to take it easy from the 27th to the 29th as well.  Parents or parent figures should also do this.  There can be some disturbance in your industry or company over that period.
     Prosperity is strong this month too.  A nice payday happens over the 11th and 12th.  Children or children figures in your life also have a nice payday then.  Speculations are favourable.  Your social connections play an unusual role in finance all month.  You have the kind of aspects of someone who likes to do business with friends and who likes to socialize with those you do business with.  A partnership or joint venture opportunity is likely this month.
     There will be dramas in the lives of friends and perhaps the testing of a friendship.  Make sure important files are backed up and your anti-virus software is up to date.
     Give more attention to health matters; overall your health is good, there may be a short-term issue.  As always be sure to get enough rest.  If you feel under the weather a good night’s sleep should solve the problem.     
GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-19-27-28-29

     Health and energy are much improved over last month.  It won’t hurt though to take it gently on the 15th and 16th.Avoid confrontations at work too.  Family members should also reduce their schedule a bit then.  This is important from the 18th to the 20th as well.  (Read the newspapers during those periods and you’ll see what we’re talking about.)
     If you got through the past two months with your health intact, you’ll coast through the month ahead.
     You’re still in a yearly personal pleasure peak – and this is stronger than usual.  Overall this is a happy period.  You’re enjoying like.  Your personal creativity is ultra strong right now, and you have the ability – and interest – in dealing with children and children figures in your life.
     The love life is much improved over the past year too.  Serious committed love is still not advisable.  But the rest of the year there are plenty of ‘non-serious’ love opportunities.  Singles are meeting people they would consider ‘marriage material’ but actual marriage is not advisable at this time.  Next year will be a different story.
     Hopefully you used your period of personal power to create your personal happiness.  If you created well, things are pleasant.  If there have been errors, you’re learning about it now and should adapt yourself as best you can.  Next year you’ll be able to make the necessary changes you desire.  Right now it is about getting on with others and cultivating their grace.  It’s about taking a vacation from yourself and putting others first.  Your social grace will bring you more good, than your personal abilities or personal initiative.
     You’re temporarily partied out.  You’re still having fun, but you are a bit more serious and work-oriented during this period.  This is a very good time to achieve work-related goals now.  Your work ethic is much stronger than usual.  It’s a very nice period for job seekers – there are many happy opportunities.  
     Career dramas are still happening so continue to focus on home and family.  The career situation is highly unclear right now. 
CANCER:   BEST DAYS: 3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31

     This is a happy period for home and family.  Moves could happen – either this month or in the next twelve or so months.  The family circle is being expanded too, generally though birth or marriage.  For a Cancerian this is Nirvana.
     Health needs more watching, however.  This has been the case since September 22nd.  Happy things (especially a move, birth or marriage) can be as stressful as negative things.  Make sure you get enough rest.  Your needs in health are different.  The kidneys and hips are important health areas for you now, and hip massage will do wonders for you.  Neck massage is also good.  Emotional wellness is always important for you, but now even more so.  Keep the moods positive and constructive.  Do your best to maintain family harmony.  Health and energy improve after the 23rd but health is still delicate for the rest of the year.
     The month ahead looks prosperous.  Money comes from the family or through family connections.  Money is earned from home.  September 25-26 brought a nice payday and you are in the glow of that this month.  Speculations are more favourable.  You spend on children and leisure activities.  You enjoy your wealth more.  Children are financially supportive as well – sometimes through actual financial contributions, sometimes through ideas and inspiration.  Money is earned in happy ways.
     Unnecessary foreign travel is not advisable this month.
     Sales and marketing people have a fortunate sale on the 11th or 12th.  Traders do well on those days also.  For others that time can bring happy reading material or communication equipment.  It is a good period for job seekers. 
LEO:   BEST DAYS:  5-6-7-15-23-24 

     The month ahead is still prosperous, but the focus on finance is tapering off.  Financial goals are more or less achieved (for the present), and you’re moving on to other interests – mental development, communication and intellectual interests.  (There is a nice payday on the 11th or 12th however.)  This is a wonderful time for writers, teachers, journalists, sales and marketing people.  Your innate creative abilities are much enhanced.  It is also wonderful for students below the college lever – there is success in their studies now.  Learning is pleasurable and easy.  Many of you would rather read a good book – something juicy, than go out on the town.
     If you need new car or communication equipment this is a good month in which to buy these things.  Your judgement will be good.  Whether you buy these things now or not, you will be acquiring these things in the next twelve months.
     Siblings and sibling figures in your life are having a prosperous year.  If they are students they’re doing well in school.  They too are getting new cars and communication equipment, either now or sometime over the coming year.
     Outer objectives are becoming less important.  Your duty now is to the family and to your emotional wellness.  This is a time to build the infrastructure that makes further career progress possible.  Without emotional and domestic stability, career progress can’t really happen – not as it should.
     Home and family becomes powerful on the 23rd and is really the centre of your life now.  Even career and financial opportunities happen through the family and family connections.  The message is simple: get the emotional life in order and everything else will fall into place.
     Health becomes more delicate after the 23rd.  Overall health is good, this is just a short-term issue that will pass next month.  The main thing is to get enough rest.  Don’t allow yourself to get overtired.         
VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-17-25-26

     Finances have been good this year and from here on in they get even better.  On Sept 22nd, the Sun also entered your money house and you began a yearly financial peak for many of you (much depends on your age) this is a lifetime financial peak.  There is good family financial support now.  Money can be earned from home or through the home – often this indicates a fortunate purchase or sale of a home.  The Sun in the money house shows the importance of your financial intuition.  There is financial guidance in dreams or from psychics, astrologers and other spiritual channels.  Miracle money happens for you now.
     The month ahead is financially active in other ways too.  The moon, which normally spends two days in a sign or house each month, will spend five days in the money house – two and a half times longer than usual.  This suggests the financial cooperation of friends and social contacts.  Technology and your skills in this area – play a huge role in earnings. You are going outside your normal sphere in pursuit of earnings.  You’re not afraid to do unconventional kinds of things.
     Job changes can happen this month; a stressful period is especially severe from the 27th to the 29th.  Job safety is an important issue during that time.
     Health is basically good this month, but it won’t hurt to drive more carefully on the 15th, 16th, 19th and 20th. 
     Make sure you rest and pay attention to your health.

By Psychic Frances
Burlington, ON
Serving Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Milton and area.


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