
Showing posts from September, 2015


 HOROSCOPES for OCTOBER 2015 by Psychic Frances LIBRA:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-11-12-13-21-22-29-30 This month intensifies with a cycle of prosperity.  Initiating a yearly financial peak.  From the 24th to the 27th a nice payday or financial windfall may occur.  A prosperous month, in a prosperous year.  This is a time for enjoying all the pleasures of the body – for indulging the body.  The opportunities for this will come.  It is a very good period to get the body and image in right shape.  Libra tends to be too social and too reliant on others.  It is good periodically to practise standing on your own two feet and becoming more self-reliant.  By now your personal goals are much clearer.  Now is the time to make them happen.  There’s no need to worry too much about what others will think: they will more or less go along too.  If you have a pressing need to start a new project or business, or to launch a ne...


Now that the solar eclipse has past and Mercury is retrograde, it is time to prepare for the lunar eclipse on September 28th.   The full moon in Aries during the Libra cycle is when the lunar eclipse will occur. This moon is also referred to as the Blood Red Moon.  This will greatly affect Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorns.  Eclipse Moons have 10 times more energy than a regular full moon.  And with this full moon in Aries energy is really going to be more potent.   If you have a burning desire in your life right now is the time to wish for your dreams, you may see magical results.  Avoid however bad tempers, walk away from negative people that come your way during this period avoid heated arguments and fights.  Great significant changes for many people will come at this time.  How you handle all of these will of course be up to you.  Things may be frustrating at times but the purpose of this entire shake up is to get you out of your safe...

The Dreaded Mercury Retrograde Sept 17th 2015

Mercury is retrograde from Sept. 17th till Oct. 9th. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, travels, short journeys, and messages across communication devices.  When mercury is retrograde you can expect delays on all of these matters, and a few travel or road related hiccups as well.  If there is any time of year you are going to have mix-ups, this is the time.  Make sure you have backups in all your technology devices, check travel plans and confirm them.  Any important documents should be secured while in transit.  It is also not advisable to make important decisions because you may not have all the information needed to make the best decisions.  With mercury happening in Libra, expect messages involving partnerships to have a special importance.  If you have been waiting for a lover to come back to you, this is the time of transit when that is most likely to happen if it is meant to be. With the Lunar eclipse on the horizon it causes more i...


THERE ARE TWO ECLIPSES THIS MONTH AND TWO FULL MOONS, ONE BEING A ‘BLOOD MOON’.  This is a time when a lot of the prophesies in the bible are to come true. A very important period is Sept. 23rd to the 28th. Mark this date on your calendar. THE SOLOR ECLIPSE occurs Sept 13, during the new moon in Virgo, and will  strongly affect people born in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. All signs will be affected to some degree. This eclipse brings unexpected change.  Old habits are questioned and new paths begin. The hidden becomes exposed.  Things that have been swept under the carpet are now found out.  The solar eclipse exposes flaws in ourselves, relationships, systems that are not working properly; prompting us to review, redo or to start fresh. We may give up something to start  start something new, which will improve our lives. It also causes changes in the world to begin.   Psychic Frances, Burlington, Ontario