June Horoscopes 2015


GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  6-7-15-16-24-25This is a very good period to get your overall image in right shape and order.  The new Moon of the 25th seems particularly fortuitous as it occurs in your own sigh.  It brings money and personal pleasure.  The focus is on finance and this tends to prosperity.  We get what we focus on.  The love life continues to improve this month.   Singles have excellent romantic opportunities then.  The love life is far from perfect but it’s improved in the short term.  Keep in mind that any relationship you enter into these days will get tested a few months from now.  Continue to focus on quality rather than quantity.  This month the challenges are mostly at the job.  This seems a troubled area.  Co-workers are more temperamental and more difficult to get along with.  Patience, patience, patience, Career issues will only be solved by time.  There are no quick answers now.  This is a time for a wait-and-see attitude. A good time to gain mental clarity about the career situation.  Without a good psychological foundation, career success won’t happen – at least not lasting success anyway. Though your general health and energy are good this month, there are problems with the overall health regime.  Perhaps the people involved in your health are stressed out these days.  Surgery or a surgical procedure could be recommended, but get a second opinion.  Things are not as they appear to be.  Thus it is good to focus on the home, family and your emotional well being at this time.

CANCER:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-17-18-19-27-28
This is a month for spiritual interior growth.  It will be a very good time for meditation, prayer and the expansion of your inner life.  It is also a very good time to involve yourself in charities, and causes, that you believe in.  By giving more to charities and good causes you will end up with more to give. Your finances are not diminished.  You are in a period of ‘inner’ experiences.  The inner life is more interesting than the outer material life.  Cancerians always have a vivid dream life, but now even more than normal.  You start to experience supernatural, inexplicable kinds of things.  You think of someone and they call.  You want some information from a book or phone book and it falls open at the exact page you want.  Your hunches tend to be accurate.  You drive to a crowded store and a parking space appears just as you get there.  The invisible world is letting you know it is around. This is a great period to get in touch with all spiritual matters.  This period is very good for reviewing your past year, evaluating your progress (or lack thereof) correcting past mistakes and setting goals for the year ahead.  A new cycle is being born and you want to be ready for it.  Health and energy are wonderful this month.  You have plenty of energy and can achieve anything you set your mind to.  Personal power and independence is now at its maximum extent. Use this power to create what you want in your life.  The month ahead is also very prosperous.  There’s nothing special that you need to do.  You are entering a multi-month cycle of prosperity.

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-10-11-20-21Both career and love opportunities come to you this month.  People see you as successful and you have this image this month.  It’s party time – very good for both finance and fun.  An excellent month for shopping and buying clothes and accessories.  Your sense of style is exceptionally good.  Aside from blue and gold, green is a good colour for you this month.  Overall health is good and you shouldn’t be impacted too much by this transit.  Good emotional health is important too.  If there is discord at home resolve it as quickly as you can.   Friends and groups are still powerful and you should review last month’s discussion of their place in your life.  Fondest hopes and wishes come true these days.  As they happen, new hopes and wishes will arise – it is a never-ending process.  You enter into a more spiritual kind of period.  Many of you are in the creative arts, and this period brings great inspiration.  Leos don’t especially like solitude, but at this time you might crave it.  Don’t worry there’s nothing wrong with you.  There are times when we need to be alone and feel our own energies – and connect with our true selves.  

VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-13-14-22-23
Continue to watch your health and energy levels early in the month.  Little by little improvements will happen.  Things are still hectic, overwork is the main problem.  Tings should calm, down after the 24th.  A parent of parent figure needs to be more careful; he or she should avoid haste and watch the temper.  People can overreact to this.  Haste can lead to accident or injury.  Career goals are more or less achieved, and even if they are not completely achieved, good progress to that end has been made.  Your interest starts to shift to friends, groups and group activities.  The online world calls to you.  Social networking is more interesting.  This is a period where you expand your knowledge of technology, computers, science and astrology.  The love life is also very nice this period.  A current relationship improves.  Singles have romantic meetings.  Being involved with groups helps the love life.  Online kinds of love also happen.  The month ahead looks prosperous.  The financial intuition is excellent.  A good time to go deeper into the spiritual dimensions of wealth.  A time to access the supernatural rather than the natural sources of supply.  Family members and especially a parent or parent figure are more prosperous this month and seem more supportive.  They also appear less pessimistic.  You are entering into a cycle of personal independence and power.  Make those changes that need to be made.  Create happiness for yourself, take the actions needed for this.  You have the support of the cosmos.  Other peoples are always important but if necessary you can go it alone this month.  You don’t need their approval.

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-15-16-24-25The main headline this month is your career.  It seems very active and successful.  Family is important but now you need to focus on the career.  The demands are strong.  You’re working very hard.  There is competition to be dealt with.  A promotion could have happened last month, but if not, it can happen this month too.  The spouse, partner or current love is also successful this month and seems supportive of your own career.  Friends are also supportive.  This month will be good to achieve career goals through social means.  Good to attend or host the right parties and gatherings.  You are meeting just the right people who can help you.  This will not replace hard wok and performance, but it opens doors for you.  Finances may be more challenging.  You’re not yet finished with reorganizing your finances.  Extra expenses and financial delays force you to reorganize.  If you shift things around a little, you will have what you need.  These problems are short-term things.  They will pass.  A change in you love attitudes shows you are attracted by power and prestige now.  You are attracted to people who can help you career wise.  Romance can happen with bosses or with people involved in your career.  Your social magnetism and allure is unusually powerful – another positive for love.  Make sure you get enough sleep and rest.  You will approach areas in work in a calmer if you are rested.  Delegate tasks wherever possible. 

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-17-18-19-27-28
You might feel pessimistic, older than your years, and you might seem distant and cold to others.  You will have to consciously project more warmth and love to those around you.  Health should be good this month.  Make sure you are getting enough fresh air.  Moods and emotions always play a role in health, but this period more so and more dramatically.  Work to keep your mood positive and constructive.  Moods and emotions- positive or negative – are more powerful and have more impact than usual.  Career energy is getting stronger day by day and you haven’t yet reached your peak.  Continue to focus there and let home and family issues go for a while.  You probably can’t completely ignore them but you can downplay them for a while.  Success happens in happy ways.  Your personal competence is important, no question about that, but the likeability factor might be more important these days.  It’s not just about doing your job, but your ability to get along with others that matters.  Enhance the career by attending or hosting the right kinds of parties and gatherings.  You are meeting people who can be very helpful in your career.  Romance is high on your agenda (love and money seem the most important things this period) and you focus on it.  This focus brings success.  There are opportunities for office romances.  You are attracted to people of power and prestige.  A very happy love meeting happens near the end of the month.  (This is also a good financial period.)

SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-10-11-20-21

This is the time to start making your career push.  This is the time for making those dreams, visions and fantasies, concrete realities.  Now you pursue career goals in the ‘regular’ way – through concrete actions on the physical plane.  If you used the past months properly, found your point of emotional harmony and did the emotional healing that needed to be done, your actions will be powerful and successful.  Now emotional healing will come from doing right.  Now the family is best served by being successful in the world.  Health still needs attention.  Pay attention to your diet and more attention to the stomach and breasts.  Examine your beliefs about health and disease too.  These play a huge role in wellness and the ability to heal and be healed.  Finances are much improved your review should continue.  Job seekers have wonderful opportunities.  Friends seem financially helpful.  Secrets in your emotional area will be exposed.  Watch what you say, for you will be found out.

CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-13-14-22-23

Often you feel a ‘lack of direction’ in your life.  By reviewing of your personal life and goals will show you are moving forward.  We need to review and gain mental clarity on most of your personal levels.  You don’t need to assert yourself overmuch.  Let others have their way, so long as it isn’t destructive.  Projects get ‘rebooted’ this month and seem successful.  A very good time for weight loss regimes.  The love and social life is the main headline this month.  There will be more dating, more parties and more attending of weddings.  It also looks like a more sexually active kind of month.  You will have an ability to get on with all kinds of people, during this period.  For singles this can indicate too many romantic opportunities rather than too few – a nice problem to have.  Windfalls and financial opportunities come to spouses or partners without special effort.  Job seekers still have good opportunities.  It would probably be safer to accept a job offer after the 11th when Mercury moves forward.  Overall health is good; just make sure you get enough rest.

AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-15-16-24-25
This is a happy and prosperous month, Aquarius.  Enjoy!  Your health and energy are wonderful now.  Get the partying out of your system now so you can focus on work issues later on.  Your health is enhanced by exercise; good muscle tone is important.  Love seems happy many of you are certainly involved in serious relationships, but you’re having fun these days.  It’s a kind of honeymoon period.  For those of you still unattached (are there any of you left?) love and romantic opportunities happen at work or with co-workers.  The workplace is very social these days.  Love and social opportunities also happen as you pursue your health goals and with people involved in you your health.  Love attitudes become more serious.  Love is not just about fun and games but also about practical service to the beloved.  You show love by serving the beloved and this is how you feel loved.  Emotional intimacy also seems important.  An old flame can come into the picture this month, either literally or allegorically.  You could meet someone who is like the old flame, who has a similar appearance and personality to him or her.  Whatever becomes of this there will be emotional healing and the resolution of old issues.  Family members like to play cupid during this period.  This is a wonderful period for job seekers.  There are many job opportunities out there.  It is also good for those who employ others.  The month ahead is very prosperous.

PISCES:  BEST DAYS:  8-9-17-18-19-27-28 

Health still needs watching but some improvement can be seen.  Fresh air and breathing exercises are good.  Women should give more attention to the breasts.  Right diet becomes important then.  You are still in a period for emotional healing. Later this month you enter into a personal pleasure peak.  Now it is fun and games; it’s about recreation and recharging your batteries.  See how your health improves when you are enjoying yourself.  A night out on the town is not only fun in its own right, but it improves the overall health.  Job seekers find job opportunities as they are having fun, or when they are involved in leisure pursuits.  Those who already have jobs are enjoying their work more – finding ways to enjoy their work.  A very nice job opportunity comes at the end of the month.  You are in a new stage of your yearly cycle.  Your way is probably not the best way.  Others probably have better ideas now.  Your personal attainments and merits are less important now:  it’s your social skills and likeability that count.  Downplay self-interest and focus more on the needs of others.  Your own needs will be met naturally and easily by the karmic law.  Personal creativity will become very strong after the 21st.   Those of you in the creative arts will find your work more marketable from the 24th onwards.  Finances are good this month.  Family and family connections are important.  Many of you will be working more from home, earning from the home.  Investors should explore residential real estate, restaurants and hotels.  The telecommunications and transportation sectors of the market also seem good.

ARIES:  BEST DAYS:  2- 3-10-11-20-21
Career progress is happening, but it is going on behind the scenes, on the inner levels.  Prosperity is happening in this way too. Perhaps you don’t see it overtly but prosperity is happening on the invisible levels.  This is time for focusing on the family and for getting the emotional life in order.  Those of you seeing therapists will make much progress this month.  There is a tendency towards nostalgia.  The past calls to you.  You are more interested in history, both personal and general.  Old memories come up for review.  A reunion with an old romantic flame is possible.  Sometimes it is a literal meeting, sometimes symbolic.  You could meet someone with the same looks or personality quirks of the old flame.  This may or may not become a serious relationship, but the purpose is to resolve old issues.  It is time for emotional  healing.  Aries of childbearing age have been more fertile this trend continues this month, and is even more pronounced over the next few months.  Health is more delicate this month.  Rest and relax more.  There are also shake-ups in your industry or profession.  Travel is more favourable this month.  Finances are good and family support is good.  Money and financial opportunities come from the family or through family connections.  It shows luck in speculations.  For singles, this aspect brings a wonderful romantic meeting.

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  4-5-13-14-22-23

You will need to be more careful with your health especially your diet.  Eat foods that are easy to digest.  Give more attention to the stomach, and women should give more attention to the breasts.  Those of you of an appropriate age need to watch the blood pressure.  Good emotional health is important all month.  Keep in harmony with the family and family members and avoid depression like the plague.  Keep your mood positive and constructive.  Meditation is a big help here.  Your financial judgement will be much better at this time.  Confidence improves too.  Good sales, marketing and PR is always important for you financially, but this month more so than usual.  People need to know about your product or service.  Family support will continue this month.  This is a great time to catch up on your reading and to attend lectures and seminars, and to catch up on those letters and emails that you owe.  If you have a good knowledge base or expertise in a given field, this is a good time to disseminate that knowledge.  This is not one of your best love periods.  The beloved seems stressed out and probably needs to rest and relax more.  You haven’t been in sync with the beloved that much lately.  You seem distant.  However important love decisions shouldn’t be made now.  Singles are probably doing less dating.  Don’t panic, love will improve in the coming months.

Psychic Frances,
Burlington, Ontario


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