July Horoscopes 2015 - Happy Canada Day!


CANCER:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-14-15-16-25-25

A happy and healthy month: ENJOY.  You are experiencing all the pleasures of the body – good food, wine, clothing, accessories, massages, etc.  A physical kind of nirvana.  You look good too.  You have plenty of energy, grace and charisma.  This is all very good for the love life, as the opposite sex takes notice.  People see you as successful.  It also indicates the favour of bosses, elders, parents and parent figures.  Career opportunities are seeking you out: nothing much you need to do.  Career becomes less important now.  The focus is going to be on the home, family and emotional well-being, for the next six months or so.  Career opportunities happen, but you can examine them more closely.  No matter how lucrative they seem, they should not violate your emotional family harmony.  This is a period where you serve your family by being there for them in a physical kind of way.  Rather than negotiating the next deal or angling for the next promotion, it is better to attend the soccer match of school play.  Most of your career goals have been attained by now and even if they’ve not been fully realized, much progress towards them has been made.  Now it is time to step back and gather strength for your next career push in about six months time.  Finances are unusually good this month.  Love is good but more complicated these days.  Singles are still dating but the social confidence – and perhaps choices – are not what they should be.  It would be a good idea to review the love life and see where improvements can be made.  Don’t rush a current relationship.  Let things develop.  Enjoy the relationship for what it is without projecting too much on to it.  Clarity will come next.

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-17-18-26-27-28  

This is the time to make those personal changes that you need to make.  Progress will tend to be slower.  So take your time.  This is the preparatory period for your personal new year, which will begin on your birthday.  The personal New Year is a very important time and one should start it on the right footing.  The steps you take now will have a profound influence on the year ahead.  So it is a good idea to review the past year and see what has been accomplished and what still needs to be done.  Acknowledge mistakes and correct them.  Pat yourself on the back for the good that was achieved.  Most importantly, set goals for the coming year.  Review your goals every night before you go to sleep.  There are also important spiritual breakthroughs happening this month.  The moon will be full twice this month.  This is a very rare occurrence.  You will receive much revelation about your future paths now.  You’ve been living the good life this year anyway, and now even more so.  You do need to be careful not to overindulge yourself – especially this month as you can easily pile on the pounds.  It is also an excellent time for getting the body and image into shape.  The month ahead is also prosperous.  It is a time for ‘miracle money’ rather than ‘natural money’.  Windfalls come to you and there is luck in speculations.  Financial opportunity seeks you out.

VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-19-20-29-30 

This is the period where personal independency and personal power are strongest.  Good to take advantage of this.  You can have life on your own terms now (more or less).  You have the power to create conditions to your liking.  You don’t need to depend on others for your good or happiness.  Your self-interest is as important as anyone else’s and the cosmos is supporting it.  Change might happen more slowly that you’d like, but it will happen.  Finances are good but complicated this month.  A good understanding of the spiritual dimensions of wealth, are obvious.  You are more generous with your money this month, more charitable.  In general you spend more freely (you can afford to).  This brings money, clothing and personal accessories to you.  You sped on yourself.  You feel rich and look rich (more than usual).  You may need to do more homework on your spending before you spend it.  This is not a good period for big-ticket purchases or major investments.  You look good.  You have a sense of style.  You exude more grace and charm.  The opposite sex takes notice.  There is harmony with the beloved, and if you are unattached there are happy romantic meetings.  Health and energy are good and will get even better next month.  Watch the driving from the 14th to the 17th.   Avoid arguments as well (although this will be difficult).  Avoid confrontations at the workplace between the 14th and the 27th also.

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS:  3-4-5-12-13-22-23-31  

It might be a good idea to go on holiday this month.  This means that there will not be much happening in the world or in many areas of your life in July and not much you can do to speed things up. A holiday is advisable for other reasons too – health and energy are still stressed (especially until the 23rd) and more rest is called for.  Many things in your life will straighten themselves out of their own accord in the coming months.  There’s no need to force things and increase your stress levels.  Finances improve after the 23rd but still seem slow.  The important thing now is to gain mental clarity on some of your situations.  This comes from doing your homework, getting the facts, resolving the doubts.  Love is still high on the agenda.  Many of the trends of last month are still in effect now.  The spouse, partner or current love is succeeding and is supportive of you career goals.  It shows the advancement of the career through social means.  Singles are still attracted to people of power and prestige.  Like last month, power is your aphrodisiac.  Office romances are likely.  It is easy to get into a relationship of convenience rather that of real love.  Convenience might give some comfort but it is not love.  It is now time to focus on number one, time to please yourself rather that trying to please others, time to make those changes in your life that need to be made.  Personal independence and power are going to increase day by day.  You need to be clear on exactly what should be changed.  This seems confusing at the moment, so start thinking and making your plans now.  

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-14-15-16-24-25

Things are moving more slowly.  There are delays.  Many will attribute this to the summer season.  Success – financial and career wise – is happening for you this month, but perhaps at a slower pace than you would like.  Also much of the success is happening behind the scenes and so you might not be aware of it at the moment.  Career goals are being achieved (or good progress is made towards their achievement).  Pay rises and promotions can happen.  (They could have happened earlier too, but are more likely this month).  The money people and the authority figures in your life are supporting your career goals.  The spouse, partner or current love also seems successful this period and he or she is also supportive.  Health and energy become more delicate – and need attention.  Women should give more attention to the breasts.  The most important thing is to get enough rest.  When energy is low pre-existing conditions can flare up or get worse.  Even if there are no pre-existing conditions you are more vulnerable to opportunistic infections and the like.  Singles will still date.  Social invitations will still happen.  But things slow down.  A current relationship can seem to go backward.  The normal social confidence and judgement are not there.  There can be problems due to poor romantic choices.  Affections shift.  The love life should be reviewed. The important thing is to gain mental clarity about your needs in love and the kind of relationship that you’re in.  Decision – making should come later when you can see things more clearly. 

SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  8-9-17-18-26-27-28 

The spouse, partner or current love is more generous with you.  You are more sexually active than usual, and love is expressed in that way.  This is what allures you most (especially after the 8th.), but other things are also important during this period.  Physical intimacy is important, but so is emotional intimacy.  You gravitate to people who are easy to share feelings with.  Compatibility becomes more important.  You want mental and philosophical sex.  You gravitate to people you can learn from – mentor types.  Religious and philosophical compatibility is important.  The best sexual chemistry in the world will not save a relationship if you are not on the same page philosophically.  This month signalling confidence and someone who covers a lot of social territory.  We see a strong libido in other ways too.  Health and energy are good this month.  You are impelled to do the things that you most love to do – travel, study, and go deeper into religion and theology.  For a Sagittarius any excuse to travel is enough for you, and in the month ahead this is even more true than normal.  So you are travelling now.  Religious and philosophical breakthroughs will happen.  For students a success in their studies, and those applying to college or graduate school should hear good news.  If you are involved in legal issues there is good fortune now.  Be more patient in finances.  Children or children figures in your life should stay out of harm’s way.  If you are involved in athletics or in an exercise regime don’t push yourself so hard during these periods.

CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS: 1-2-10-11-19-20-29-30  

This month signals more socializing with the family and perhaps socializing from home.  It also shows a more aggressive attitude to love.  You are more proactive.  If you like someone, the person will know it.  You’re not playing games now. You seem direct and honest about your feelings and the family is playing Cupid.  An old love may reappear.  You are reminded of the old love and it helps to resolve the old love issues from the past.  Its purpose is social healing.  There are romantic opportunities with co-workers and you socialize more at work.  Mentors, ministers and foreigners become more alluring.  There are romantic opportunities everywhere, so be careful and selective.  Your health and energy will improve later this month but in the meantime get enough rest.  Give more attention to the stomach and the diet.  Women should give more attention to the breasts.  Avoid negative moods or negative emotional states after the 8th as they have a more dramatic impact on your physical health that usual.  Finances have been stressful, earning are happening but through much more work and effort.  The good news is that the spouse, partner or current love is prospering and is more generous with you.  Your personal finances also improve greatly.  It is time to review the finances, to gain mental clarity in this area and resolve any doubts.  Earning will happen – and they are larger than usual – but with delays and glitches.  Be perfect in your financial transactions – make sure all the details are right.  This will reduce any possible payment delays.  It is time to start focusing more on the career again.  You are in the early stages of a yearly career push.  Focus on the career and outer goals.


AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  3-4-5-12-13-22-23-31  

The month ahead is prosperous.  There can be delays and glitches but prosperity will happen.  You can alleviate things, speed things up, by being as perfect as you can be with your financial transactions.  Make sure you date everything and keep all receipts.  Make sure bills and payments are made out properly and the addresses are correct, double-check your amounts.  So put your financial life under review.  Where can improvements be made?  What kind of savings or investment plan will bring you to your goals?  The important thing is to gain mental clarity on your finances.  Things are not as they seem on the surface.   Love is really the main headline this month.  You begin a yearly love peak.  Many of you are already in serious commutated relationships and this might be the time to take things further and to get engaged or to actually marry.  The unattached are likely to meet someone special now.  If you are as yet unattached you might not actually marry during this time, but you could meet people who are marriage material – people you would consider marrying.  If you’re planning a wedding or engagement, do it before the 25th. Health and energy become more delicate after the 23rd.  Those of you born late in the sign of Aquarius – February 17 –18 have to take it easy.  Don’t push yourself too far if you’re tired. Rest. If you’re involved in detox or weight-loss programmes the period from the 1st. to the 15th is the best for these.  If you’re planning visits to the doctor or medical tests, the 15th to the 31st is best.  By now you should have attained a degree of emotional harmony.  Family and domestic issues should be in relative order.  Now it is time to focus on your career and outer goals.  This is the beginning of your yearly career push. 


PISCES:  BEST DAYS:  6-7-14-15-16-24-25

Put others first.  It is good to take a vacation from oneself every now and then.  Many problems in life come from the much self-focus.  Your self-interest is important but now it happens through the good graces of others.  Finances are good this month but there are some short term bumps along the road.  There is luck in speculations.  Money is earned in happy ways.  You are spending on leisure and fun-type activities.  You are enjoying the wealth that you have – and not everyone can say this.  Be more careful in financial matters from the 14th to the 17th. Extravagance can be a problem.  There is some short-term financial disturbance from the 24th to the 27th, perhaps an unexpected expense or turn of events.  Avoid speculations during those two periods.  Your financial intuition needs verification.  You can be too moody.  Your spending and investing depend on your mood.  If your mood is negative mistakes can be made.  If there are major decisions to be made.  Sleep on things more.  Make the decisions when you are in a state of peace and harmony.  This is an excellent period for making doctor’s appointments or having tests, or screenings done, as well as for getting involved in health regimes.  This will stand you in good stead next month when the health becomes more delicate.  If you employ others, this is an excellent time for interviewing and hiring workers.  Job seekers have excellent prospects this period too.  In your love life things are moving fast.  This signals social confidence – someone who makes rapid social progress.  Emotional intimacy and the sharing of feelings attract you.  Emotional intimacy is still important to you, but you want fun too.  You are attracted to the people who can show you a good time.  If you are in a relationship you are having more fun in that relationship.  Service is love in action.  You are attracted to those who serve your interests in practical ways.  Be more patient with the beloved. He or she should stay out of harm’s way during this period.  Avoid risky or stressful activities.

ARIES:  BEST DAYS:  8-9-17-18-26-27-28 

Now is the time to be a team player; to achieve your goals through co-operation with others; to focus more on the needs of the other people in your life and let them have their way – so long as it isn’t destructive.  The cosmos has its ways of pushing you into this.  It is harder to take independent action or change conditions to your liking.  Now it is time to live with your creation.  You have made your bed, as the saying goes, and now you must sleep in it.  If you have built properly, conditions will e pleasant.  If there have been mistakes you will learn about them over the course of the next sic months, and will be able to make corrections when a new period of personal independence comes around.  It is good at times to take a vacation from ourselves, and to focus on others.  Too much self-focus is the root of many problems.  Health is still delicate.  Your normal energy returns and your health will be greatly improved when the sun enters Leo.  You can enhance your health this month by making sure you get fresh sir and rest.  You have a tendency this month to eat too fast.  Slow down, chew your food well.  Also give more attention to the stomach.  Do your best to stay in a positive mood.

Emotional disturbances or prolonged negative emotion have a more dramatic impact on the physical body than usual. By the end of the month the pace of life slows down, and this is as it should be.  It is a good time to take your vacation.  

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  1-2-10-11-19-20-29-30

So, it is a slow month in many areas of life.  Slow doesn’t mean ‘bad’, just a slower pace of life.  It is however, a great period to review your image, your career, love life and health regime.  See where improvements can be made.  It is a time for resolving doubts and gaining mental clarity.  This is the most important thing now.  If this ‘cosmic pause’ is used properly your future actions will be more successful.  Financial progress is rapid.  Financial confidence is good.  It should be a prosperous kind of month.  Sales, marketing and PR are still important until the 22nd.  There is good family support.  Family connections seem important financially.  Many of you will e earning money from home – and these kinds of opportunities will come to you.  The love life has been in the doldrums for the past month or so, but you should see improvement towards the end of the month.  Home family is powerful all month.  There are no quick answers on any career issues.  Only time will solve things.  Give your attention to your home, family and emotional life.  Work on your career by the internal methods of night (you are approaching the midnightpoint of you your year): visualize, dream and imagine you are where you want to be.  This builds the psychological foundations for future career success – and we could argue that the foundation of a building is just as important as the building itself.  You might feel that you lack direction and confidence.  Self=esteem and self-confidence could be lacking.  This is why it its good to review why you feel as you do and to make the internal corrections needed.  Rest and relax more and make sure you get plenty of sleep.  

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  3-4-5-12-13-22-23-31

This is another good time for finance.  Personal appearance and overall demeanour is a fig factor in earning power.  The problems we saw in the workplace are still happening, but they should ease up a bit after the 23rd.  The 14th to the 17th seems especially stressful.  Avoid confrontations or arguments with co-workers during that period.  People could overreact.  This same period could bring surgery or a recommendation for surgery.  It is advisable to get a second opinion.  Computer and high-tech equipment seems more temperamental at this time also.  This will not be an especially good time for foreign travel either.  Overall, health and energy are good this month.  Your always-keen mind becomes keener and sharper.  Your communication skills, always good, become even better.  You absorb information like a sponge.  The facts are always at your command.  You are naturally and unconsciously eloquent in your speech and writing.  The muses are with you.  The only danger for you is that all this could become too much of a good thing.  Your always-active mind can become hyperactive.  The tendency will be to think too much or talk too much.  This can cause insomnia or other nervous problems, and it may drain energy that the body needs for other things.


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