Horoscopes For March 2015

by Burlington Psychic Frances

PISCES:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   1-9-19-18-19-27-28

It is a good idea to reduce your schedule during this period.  Changes are happening to your thought process.  You will be presenting a new look to the world.  Your financial thinking and strategy need to become more realistic.  You will see your flaws and make the adjustments needed.  Job changes will also be occurring.  All you problems during this period will be short lived.  Remember:  changes are needed at times for growth and improvements.  When you are feeling blue, physical exercise will help to cheer your mood.  For singles Love will pursue you this month. Married or attached Pisces should be content.   

ARIES:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   2-3-12-13-20-21-29-30-31

A period of independence and personal power.  Make those changes that need to be made.  Create your life, as you want it to be.  Look out for number one.  Others will more or less co-operate now.  Make sure you reduce your schedule during this period.  Avoid stressful, risk-taking activities and spend some quiet time at home.  Read a good book or watch a movie, or even better, meditate.  You are changing the way you think of yourself and the way that you want others to see you.  Health and energy are basically good this month.  You are hyperactive and perhaps overly hasty.  This can lead to injury.  Avoid daredevil stunts and activities.  Love and money come to you.  Spend on yourself.  Your social and financial judgement will be much better in this period.  Love opportunities come as you pursue your financial goals.

TAURUS:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   4-5-6-14-15-22-23

You have the power to create conditions, as you desire them to be; why not use it?  Don’t squander the opportunity.  Your happiness is in your own hands right now.  Health and energy are excellent right now.  More attention to the head, face and adrenal glands neck and throat.  Those of you on the spiritual path will benefit from mantra chanting this month.  Finances look good this month.  You have good financial clarity and judgement, this month.  If pay rises haven’t happened yet, they can still occur this month.  Your good professional reputation is a major factor in your earning power. Guard that reputation.  Don’t ignore your dreams or messages from them.  It won’t hurt to reduce your schedule a little and take some family time.  Family members may be temperamental at this time, so be more patient with them.  There are shake-ups in a spiritual organization that you are involved with.  A death will affect you in some manner this month.

GEMINI:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   7-8-16-17-24-25-26

Health and energy still need watching this month.  This could indicate a surgical procedure – either actual or recommended.  Watch the temper during that period, and avoid confrontations or risk –taking activities.  Keep your focus on the career, but make sure you get enough rest too.  Spend more quiet time at home.  Read a book, watch a movie, invite friends over or meditate.  Drive more defensively during this period.  Cars and communication equipment will get tested. And often they will need to be replaced. A good idea to have all your files backed up on any high-tech equipment.   Thus it can bring dramas to the lives of friends, bosses, elders and authority figures.  The government can change rules and policies that affect your industry or career.  The love life starts to improve after the 20th.  A current love should be in a better state of mind than last month. If you are unattached, or not in a serious relationship, romantic meetings are likely at this time.  It is doubtful that these will lead to marriage, not this year anyway.  There is no rush in love right now though you might feel this.  Allow love to develop as it will.  Enjoy these romantic meetings for what they are without projecting too much on them.

CANCER:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   1-9-10-18-19-27-28

Career is prominent so keep the focus on it.  A lot of progress will be made this month.  We never achieve all our goals in one month or one year, but if good progress is made, this is success.  You will be closer to your ultimate goals by the end of the month.  Career changes for many of you.  Stressful activities or appointments should be re-scheduled, if possible.  For students this can mean a change of school or upheavals in the present school or college.  There will be disturbances in your place of worship too.  There can be dramas in your industry or company and in the lives of bosses, parents, parent figures or authority figures in your life.  There will be financial changes, changes in thinking and strategy.  These changes will be good but they are not particularly pleasant while they’re happening. 

LEO:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   2-3-12-13-20-21-29-30-31

Not especially good period for travel-though you have the urge.  Try to schedule trips around this period.  It is very important to hold the financial interests of others foremost in your mind.  The financial intuition is excellent this month.  A financial hunch between the 17th and the 19th will prove good, but get verification.  Reduce your schedule and stay out of harm’s way as much as possible.  The things that need to be done should be done, but anything else should be rescheduled.  This is also when you start to redefine yourself-your personality, self-concept and image.  Over the next six months you will adopt a new ‘look’ – a different wardrobe, hairstyle and image.  These will more truly reflect who you are now at this stage of your life.  Students at college or postgraduate level could have changes of courses, schools and shake-ups in the current school.  The policy of the school changes, dramas in the lives of professors, mentors or ministers.  There are also shake-ups in your place of worship.  The spouse, partner or current love will be making important financial changes; changes of thinking and strategy.  Health is good this month, but take it easy during this period. 

VIRGO:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   4-5-6-14-15-22-23

Your spiritual life has been prominent, much progress has been made and even more will be made in the coming months.  New revelations will come that alters your practice, attitude and perhaps even teachings.  Take it nice and easy during this period.  Avoid risky or stressful activities.  It won’t hurt for all of you to reduce your schedules.  The current relationship or marriage has been undergoing testing all year, but this period more so than normal.  It doesn’t necessarily mean a break up, but a flawed relationship could end.  There are dramatic events in the lives of the spouse, partner, current love and friends.  There could be health scares too.  If you are involved in estate or insurance issues, they start to move forward in a dramatic way.  Health and energy still need watching.  Avoid confrontations at work or with the neighbours.  People can overreact to things during this period.  It will be a good idea to drive more defensively and carefully too. There can be sudden, unexpected financial changes – perhaps some unexpected expense. The money for this however will be found, and the problem is short term. 

LIBRA:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   7-8-16-17-24-25-26

There are shake-ups in love.  Good things – a marriage, engagement or new relationship – often cause as much disruption as bad things.  A current relationship gets tested.  Dirty laundry – unresolved issues – comes up for cleansing.  Any flawed friendships and relationships may come to an end at this time. There can be job changes as well – either within your present company or with another one.  There are disturbances in the work environment. Computers, software and high-tech equipment get tested now. Often they need replacement.  It would be a good idea to have your important files backed up and your anti-virus, anti-hacking software up to date.  Technology is wonderful when it works, as it should, but a total nightmare when glitches arise. So the love life is exciting this month, although turbulent and unstable.  There will be many ups and downs, and never a dull moment.  Often this creates changes in the affections.  The darling of yesterday becomes the dog of today and vice versa.  On the other hand, the surprises in love can be pleasant ones.  Someone new comes into the picture out of the blue.  Again the only issue is the stability of these things.  You are always a risk-taker in love, and this month even more so.  You jump into relationships quickly – perhaps too quickly.  You are a love at first sight person these days (much more than usual.)  Important changes happen in your health regime too.  Health and energy are not what they should be so make sure you get enough rest.

SCORPIO:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   1-9-10-18-19-27-28  

Children and children figures in your life are redefining themselves and will start to project a new image to the world.  This is basically a health thing .we are never the same from day to day and periodically we should take stock of ourselves.  There will be changes in career and job sectors.  Good things can be just as disruptive as bad things.  Barriers to your career success are coming down.  There can be shake-ups in your company, industry and profession.  Changes of policy can also happen.  The rules of the game change.  There is instability at the workplace and if you hire others there can be some staff turnover now.  Pay raises and promotions could happen.  A new job will bring more money (whether it is in your present company or with another one.)  There may be delays and glitches in earnings at this time.  A current relationship gets tested.  You seem more in harmony with the beloved.  For the unattached there are happy romantic meetings happening from the 17th onward.  Overall health and energy are good.  

SAGITTARIUS:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   2-3-12-13-20-21-29-30-31

Continue to pay more attention to the health.  Physical exercise is important, as you need good muscle tone.  Don’t allow too much tension to collect in the neck.  Take and easier schedule over this period.  Stay out of harm’s way and avoid stressful activities.  If you can, reschedule such things for another time.  It is best to avoid any foreign travel.  If there are flaws in the home or family relationship, now is the time you find out about them.  Family members will be more high strung and temperamental and could be undergoing dramatic personal experiences.  Be more patient with them.  Try not to make matters worse.  College students make changes to their educational plans.  Perhaps they change establishments or subjects.  They are many such scenarios happening.  There are upheavals and shake-ups in your place of worship, and perhaps dramas in the lives of worship leaders; testing your philosophic and religious beliefs.  There is much fun in your life and personal creativity is also at a peak this month.  Finances are excellent from the 20th onwards.  Prosperity happens with delays involved - but it is happening.

CARPICORN:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   4-5-6-14-15-22-23

Your own needs and interests are important, but it is time now to give more attention to the needs of others.  You will more or less have to adapt to things.  Capricorns are very competent people. But soon this won’t matter as much.  It will be your ability to get on with others, to gain their co-operation that will matter.  Social skills are now more important than personal competence.  Some strange event happens to you, or you hear of some weird event or see it on TV.  This is your personal message to start taking it easy.  Hidden flaws in the home can be revealed.  There can be dramas in the lives of family members – parents or parent figures, siblings or sibling figures.  They should take it nice and easy this period.  It will be a good idea to drive more carefully.  Cars and communication equipment could need repair or replacement.  There could be some financial crisis or disturbance in the finances of the spouse, partner or current love.  If you are involved with estates or insurance claims, these move forward in a dramatic way one way or another. (No matter what is happening now these issues are fortunate this year and the end results should be good.) There may be encounters with death.  Perhaps you dream about it.  Perhaps you encounter it in other ways.  The purpose of these things is to spur you on to your true purpose in life.  Health and energy become more delicate after the 20th be sure to get enough rest.  This is not one of you best health periods.  

AQUARIUS:   BEST OVER ALL DAYS   7-8-16-17-24-25-26

This is a wonderful year for love, but in the month ahead, it will be tested by the solar eclipse on the 20th.   It is good that love gets some testing. This is how we know whether or not it is real.  There can be some financial disturbance that forces financial change on you – perhaps a financial scare of some flaw in your thinking or strategy.  Cars and communication equipment get tested.  It will be a good idea to drive more defensively at this time.  Siblings and sibling figure (and neighbours) can have dramatic, life changing experiences.  Students (below college level) can change schools or educational plans.  These can be administrative or other kinds of shake-ups at school.  The spouse, partner or current love should stay out of harm’s way during this period.  He or she will be redefining him or herself over the next six months, changing the mode of dress, hairstyle etc.  This is still a great time to start new projects or launch new products.  You are in a great financial period this month, could even have some luck in speculations.  Foreigners and foreign companies also seem important. 

For a personal psychic reading by Frances call 905-635-9645
Located in Burlington, Ontario  - near Oakville, Milton, Hamilton, Dundas and the greater Toronto area.


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