April Astrology 2015


ARIES:  Best Days: 8-9-17-18-25-26-27
The love life has been very active and happy of late and things have gone rather easily.  Many of you entered into new relationships.  Now they may be tested.  A good relationship will weather the storm.  However, old laundry – repressed feelings and grievances – will be thrown up and need to be dealt with.  The beloved is more temperamental this period, so be more patient.  It helps when you understand what is really going on.  Friendships will also get tested this month.  Life changing dramas in the lives of friends can shake things up.  If there are flaws in the home, now is when you find out about them so you can correct them.  Family members will be more temperamental, so be more patient.  In spite of all the excitement, many nice things are happening for you.  You will begin a financial upswing.  Health is also basically good.  You have plenty of energy to achieve whatever you want to do.  You are very dynamic and charismatic these days.  Singles will find romantic opportunities in educational- type settings, at lectures and seminars, in the library or as they pursue their intellectual interests.  Love is found in the neighbourhood this month.

TAURUS:  Best Days:  1-2-10-11-12-19-20-28-29
Some excitement and disturbance, the month ahead looks happy and successful.  Just add a little drama to the mix.  It will keep things from getting too dull.  You look good you have a good sense of style.  There is plenty of energy and charisma this month.  The month ahead looks very prosperous.  Windfalls and financial opportunities come to you.  Money pursues you rather that vice versa.  The money people in your life seem friendly and co-operative.  Health is good this month, but perhaps there is some sort of scare or disturbance.  Most likely it will be nothing more than a scare.  Job changes, such a change can be within your present company or with another one.  Job opportunities are seeking, you out.  Be more patient with the beloved this period as they tend to be more irritable and highly-strung.  Love life is wonderful these days.  New clothing or some nice personal accessories come to you this month.  It is a good period for getting your body and image in shape the way you want it to be.

GEMINI:  Best Days:  3-4-5-13-14-21-22
Finance is a dynamic thing, always changing.  You get the opportunity to revise your thinking and strategy on these matters – whether you like it or not.  Scenarios caused by the eclipse force you.   This is not a good period for speculative investments or travel.  Sometimes we must travel, however. If this is your case, try to schedule your trip around the eclipse period – a few days before or after it.  Children and children figures in your life are redefining themselves, changing their self-concept and changing the image that they present to the world.   Health scares and important changes in your health regime.  Health and energy are good this month so hopefully any scares will be just that.  Job changes and changes in the conditions of work.  There are dramas in the lives of co-workers and employees (if you have them).  There is instability in the workplace and employee turnover now.  This is a month for spiritual growth, interior growth.  Geminis are rational people, but during this period you will learn that there is more to life than what the intellect can explain.  The dream life will become hyperactive and prophetic.  Dreams will tend to happen in technicolour – not black and white.  You will have hunches and intuitions and they will turn out to be right.  You will arrive at correct conclusions without the process of thinking things through.  You will be more idealistic about life.  You will enjoy being involved with charities and good causes.  Spiritual studies – and inspired literature – will be more appealing.  Those on a spiritual path will have breakthroughs this month.  The love life – a difficult area this year – improves a bit.     

CANCER:   Best Days:  6-7-15-16-23-24
Reduce your commitments and take it easy this month.  Not a time to play around; avoid stressful, risky activities.  Redefine yourself, if you don’t others will and that might not be pleasant.  It’s how you think of yourself that matters ultimately.  There are dramas in the lives of family members and/or parent figures – with people who are ‘like’ family to you.  This period may reveal flaws or problems in the physical home so that you can correct them.  Often repairs are needed.  This is not pleasant to be sure, but the end result is good.  Stay focused on your career; distractions will present themselves to you this month.  Older children might not listen, but you can make discreet suggestions.  Don’t scare them: just suggest that they take it easy for a few days.   Financial drama and change continue this month.  There can be sudden expenses or obligations arising but sudden and unexpected money can also come.  Your overall prosperity is not really affected.  The changes will only enhance it.  A ‘near death’ kind of experience in the financial area may happen.  Keep in mind that after death or near death comes resurrection.  Continue to pay more attention to your health.   

LEO:   Best Days:  8-9-17-18-25-26-27 
The month ahead is happy and successful.  Many, many happy things are happening this month.  You begin a yearly career peak.  There is going to be much career success and progress now.  You have a lot more independence and personal power.  You no longer need to adapt yourself to situations but can change them or create them to your liking.  You are entering a period where you can have things (more or less) your way.  You are much more comfortable this month.  Love is also getting red hot this month.  An important romantic meeting for singles, and better relations with the spouse or current love for those of you already in relationships.  Some dirty laundry may surface but with very little significance.  Students not yet at college can change schools or educational plans.  There are shake-ups in the administration of their school or in the rules.  A good idea to drive more carefully during this cycle.  Family members should be kept out of harm’s way and especially a parent or parent figure.  If there are flaws in your home, now is when you find out about them so you can make corrections.  Be more patient with family members as they are more temperamental now.  Overall, health is good but this is not one of your better periods.  Make sure to get enough rest.

VIRGO:   Best Days: 1-2-10-11-12-19-20-28-29  
Take it easy this period.  Major financial changes are afoot.  Changes that long needed to be made get made.  The changes will be good but generally not so pleasant while they happen.  There can be job changes or changes in the conditions of work.  If you employ others there is employee instability and perhaps staff turnover now.  Be more careful driving siblings and sibling figures can have dramatic, life-changing kinds of experiences and the same is true for friends.  Be more patient with them during this cycle they are probably rather edgy.  Financial opportunities can come from abroad or through foreign investments.  Foreigners in general are playing a prominent role in the financial life.  Your financial judgement is very solid this period.  Guard your good professional reputation now.  Financial deals – major purchases or investments – need more homework then.  Things are not what they seem.  Health and energy are good all month, but get even better after the 20th.  Love is still complicated and being tested, but things go easier near the last part of the month.  This is wonderful for college – level students:  they seem focused on their studies and should do well.  Travel is in the air.  There are interesting spiritual breakthroughs happening early in the month between the 1st ad the 7th.

LIBRA:   Best Days:  3-4-5-13-14-21-22
Avoid stressful or risk-taking activities the first 10 days of the month.  Your overall health and energy levels are stressed; it might be a good idea to spend quiet time at home.  You are starting to redefine your self-concept; this is often forced upon you.  Others are defining you in a way that is not pleasant, and you must redefine yourself for yourself.  Over the next six months you will present a new image, a new look, to the world.  You will dress and accessorize differently.  Career changes are afoot.  There are changes in the hierarchy of your company, industry or profession.  The rules can be changed.  Bosses, elders, parents or parent figures can have dramatic, life-changing experiences.  There are financial dramas and changes happening for you.  Flaws in your financial thinking and strategy are revealed and you are forced to adjust.  If you are involved with estate, tax or insurance issues, there are dramatic turns now.  They move forward, one way or another.  You are forced to deal with these things.  You may have to face some realities about your children or children figures.  Time to be up and about and focused on your worldly outer goals.  Hopefully you are getting enough sleep to tackle the new career push now.

SCORPIO:   Best Days:  6-7-15-16-23-24
Many, many changes are happening now.  A psychological shift is now happening for you.  You are getting ready for your major career push for the year.  Time to let go (temporarily) of home and domestic concerns and focus on your outer goals.  If you do right you will feel right.  Serve your family by being successful in the world.  You should reduce your schedule during this period.  Dramatic changes in your spiritual life  and the way you practice it, your attitudes, and the teachings that you follow.  There are shake-ups in spiritual, religious or charitable organizations that you are involved with.  There are dramas in the lives of gurus or mentors – the spiritual people in your life.  The dream life, activates more than usual, do not pay to much attention to these, as a lot of it may just be flotsam stirred up by the eclipse.  Career changes happen as well and these seem positive.  The circumstances that bring them about can be dramatic.  The government agency that regulates your industry or profession can make changes in their rules.  There can be life-changing dramas in the lives of those around you.  Flaws in the home are revealed and you must make the corrections.  Passions run high in the family.  You have had a tense relationship with certain family members for some time and things flare up again.  Foreign travel is not advisable at this time.  If you are involved in legal issues, they move forward now one way or another – and you are forced to spend time on these things.    

SAGITTARIUS:   Best Days: 8-9-17-18-25-26-27 
Pay more attention to your friendships this month, as they will be tested.    Travel could be a little dangerous at this time.  Some secrets you have been hiding may surface and become public knowledge now.  There are many family members who suspect and will now react to these dramatically.  It is time to confess your sins and start a new path.  Disruptions may occur in communications and communication equipment.  Get these corrected or replaced as soon as possible.  Try not to make matters worse especially with children and children figures.  College students make changes the their educational plans.  There are upheavals and shake-ups in your home and your place of worship, and perhaps dramas in the lives of worship or political leaders that you know or respect.  A test to your faith and belief system is very strong at this time.  Many flaws are revealed and will continue for the next six months. There will also be some encounters or dreams of death; the dark angel is hovering around and letting you know of his existence.  Basically it is a friendly reminder to get more serious about life and to focus on the really important things like your true purpose.   Finances show some disturbance or crisis.  Some delays in settlements but they are moving forward.  Job opportunities are out there for those who are looking.

CAPRICORN:   Best Days:  1-2-10-11-12-19-20-28-29  
Career changes are at the forefront this month. People may change their actual career and career paths.  Most of the time shake-ups in the corporate hierarchy, or in the industry bring changes of policy that affect the career.  Sometimes there are dramatic events in the lives of bosses, parents, parent figures or people involved in your career.  There are also some dramatic financial changes.  Generally these come as a result of some crisis or disturbance.  Many friendships get tested, weak ones will end and strong ones will survive.  It is good every now and then to clear the air with the loved ones.  It is good to see whatever hidden problems there are so that they can be dealt with.  Marriages or engagements may happen this month.  Health and energy will improve dramatically after the 20th.   You will have many opportunities for fun and leisure.   Hair problems may give you some concern. 

AQUARIUS:   Best Days:  3-4-5-13-14-21-22
You are still in an excellent period for starting new projects or launching new products this month.  Let career issues go now, downplay them and give your attention to the home, family and domestic life.  This is the month for emotional healing, rather that outer pursuits.  If the home and domestic situation is right, the career will take care of itself in due course.  The career may be under review now.  Take an easy schedule over this period.  Foreign travel is best avoided.  College students will make changes to their educational plans.  There will be shake-ups in your place of worship, and dramas in the lives of your religious leaders.  Your faith and beliefs will be tested during this period.  There may be health scares, but since your health is good this year, these are most likely just scares and nothing more.  There are however important changes in the health regime to be made.  You will be redefining yourself, your image and personality over the next six months.  There are important career changes happening at this time, although it will be too early just yet to see the eventual impact.  Important policy changes are happening.     

PISCES:   Best Days:  6-7-15-16-23-24
The financial life is exciting, with many highs, lows and everything in between.  Money can come to you in surprising ways and when you least expect it.  Job opportunities can happen in surprising ways too.  There can be sudden expenses during the first part of the month but the money comes to cover them.  Good use of the media is important for good sales, marketing and PR this month.  Family connections also play a big role.  Take it nice and easy during this period.  There can be near-death experiences or encounters with death. You are being forced to look deeper here. Your religious and philosophical beliefs will be tuned and redefined now.  Your practice or attitude in you teaching methods will change. If you are involved in any legal issues, these things move forward now.   New friends will now enter the picture.  Possibly a new love.

Spring is in the air. Are you curious as to what the spring and summer will bring? Call Frances for a psychic card reading now. 905-635-9645

Psychic Frances
Burlington, ON


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