Mercury Retrograde Jan 2015


Mercury is depicted as a male figure having winged sandals and a winged hat, indicating the ability to travel quickly.  He was the official messenger of the ancient gods and goddesses and as such governed communications.

Mercury influences: travel, literature, poetry, merchants and thieves.  He is cunning and witty at a moment’s notice.  But he is also recognized as a trickster and prone to misbehaviour.

Mercury’s retrograde periods can cause our plans to go awry.  However, this is an excellent time to reflect on the past.  Intuition is high during these periods, and coincidences can be extraordinary.

When Mercury goes retrograde remain flexible, allow time for extra travel, and avoid signing contracts.  Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions.

Retrograde Dates in 2015:

January 21 – February 11
May 19 – June 11
September 17 - October


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