January Horoscopes 2015

Horoscopes by Burlington Ontario Psychic Frances 

CAPRICORN:  BEST DAYS:  9-10-18-19-27-28
You are in a great period for initiating new activities or launching new products or ventures.  The month ahead is basically happy and successful.  Health and energy are excellent.  You are in a yearly personal pleasure peak.  You look good, have much charisma and tend to get your way in life.  Your money comes in various ways and through a variety of people.  Just a small, unexpected expense will appear.  Focus on yourself and your personal appearance, goals and interests.  You have to take responsibility for your happiness now and need not worry about the approval or disapproval of others.  If you are happy others will also be happy.  You have the power to create your life as you desire it to be, and now is the time to do just that.  It is also time to focus on your emotional wellness.  You will be creating the ‘inner infrastructure’ for future success.

AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-11-12-13-20-21-29-30
A happy and successful month ahead Aquarius.  Enjoy.  This is your greatest period of personal power and independence for the year.  Now is the time to exercise personal initiative, to be more self-reliant and to take responsibility for your happiness.  If conditions irk you, change them.  I
You have the power to do it.  You are having your way in life and this is as it should be.  You are entering a stage of preparation for the next career push in six months time or so.  This is a period to get the home, family and emotional life in right order.  If these are in right order, the career will sort of take care of itself.  Thus you are in a wonderful period for launching new products or starting new activities.  A good time for getting the body and overall image in right shape.  Drive more carefully; avoid confrontations and risky kinds of activities.  Be more patient with the beloved at this time.  Love seeks you out. There’s nothing special you need to do. Just go about your daily business.  Health is excellent.

PISCES:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-14-15-22-23-31
You have great personal power and independence now and you need to put it to good use.  Make those changes in your life that need to be made.  There is no need to consult with others or seek their approval.  You have strong leadership skills now.  Your way is the best way as far as your life is concerned.  Independent action is always ‘Karma-creating’. But if you build well the karma should be good.  Personal initiative matters now, not your social connections.  Focus on your outer goals and career.  This will soon change, but this is the trend for this month.  Career is hectic and there are many challenges to overcome.  It is a good time to review your career and its direction.  Career opportunities need more study.  Health should be good.  The month should prove prosperous.  Money comes to you - financial opportunity as well.  Your financial intuition is excellent this period. Put the love life under review and don’t make any major love decisions.  Things are not as they seem; study things further.  For you the challenge will be to keep both feet on the ground.  It’s OK to have your head in the clouds, but keep your feet firmly planted on the earth.

ARIES:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-8-16-17-24-25
Now you are more independent which is very comfortable for Aries.  Keep a keen eye on your own interests and to pursue them.  It will be easier now to make changes in your life, to create conditions, as you desire them to be.  You are closer to your goals than you have been in past and should see fast progress towards them.  Necessary travel is O.K. but frivolous travel is probably not.  Avoid long journeys if possible.  Focus on friends, groups, group activities and organizations.  This is not only fun but seems to help you balance.  Singles will find romantic opportunities in these venues as well.  A good period for spiritual breakthroughs.

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS: 9-10-18-19-27-28
A great month for your career.  You need to be achieving the outer goals in the world.  You might not achieve all your career goals this month, but you will certainly see much progress towards them.  The family seem to encourage the career.  Family members are also more ambitious these days.  Not the best time to start new projects, wait until your birthday period. Delegate important tasks when possible.  It should be a prosperous month.  Overwork could cause problems in the health area.  Make sure you rest and relax.  Don’t burn the candle at both ends. 

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  2-3-11-12-13-20-21-29-30
You can best serve your family by achieving your career goals, and the family seems supportive of this.  Focus on others and downplay your own personal interests.  You still need to achieve your aims through consensus rather than personal will but it will be useful now to make a note of those conditions in your life that displease you.  Though it is not yet the time to make any changes, you can a least plan them.  Changes will be easier to make in the coming months.  Love relationships are being tested all year, but the month ahead seems particularly trying.  Much of what’s happening is not your fault.  Extra or unexpected expenses may occur.  You may have to make some dramatic financial changes.  Health and energy are basically good this month. 

CANCER:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-14-15-22-23-31
You should be focused on others and their needs at this time.  It is through others that you learn about yourself and through others that you attain your personal desires.  Cultivate your social skills and learn to listen to what others are saying.  It’s not always about you.  Focus on your career and your outer worldly objectives.  Many, many love opportunities and not all are successful, be selective.  Some financial drama and upheaval; there are changes that have to be adjusted to at this time.  Not a time to try new foods.

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-8-16-17-24-25
This month will be quite a challenge for Leos.  You have to forget about yourself and devote yourself to others, to let others have their way.  You are learning that leadership is a form of service to others, it is not about pomp, ego and personal power.  As you focus on others you will find that your own needs will be met.  An important shift happens this month, symbolically speaking, dawn is breaking in your year.  The sun is coming up.  The focus of life is now on the external world and your external goals.  Career is becoming important.  Love is very happy now and the unattached will soon be attached.  This is a great love month in a great love year.  Finance also looks strong this month. Money can also come from second jobs or side jobs.  You should avoid making major purchases, investments or financial decisions.  A good time to review your financial life.  Health and energy are good.  Drive more carefully during this period.

VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  9-10-18-19-27-28
This is an excellent month to start new projects or launch new products into the world.  You will have strong cosmic support and momentum for your launch.  Others come first.  Your way is probably not the best way these days.  Let others have their way, so long as it’s not destructive.  Make a list of things you want to change in the future.   This is a time to rest, and not take yourself so seriously.  Good news for job seekers, many opportunities are happening now if you are looking for them.  Keep the focus on the family and your emotional well-being.  Health and energy are good this month. Be careful you don’t create problems where one really exists.

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS: 2-3-11-12-13-20-21-29-30
This is an excellent time to start a new project or business, or to launch a new product into the world.  This is a period where family and emotional wellness in important.  This is a period where you build and strengthen the psychological foundations of your future career success.  Your period of personal independence is over with and you will now have to adapt more to situations.  It is more difficult to create conditions that suit your own interests.  You can hone and cultivate your already strong social skills.  Your focus needs to be on home and family.  Old memories and experiences will arise spontaneously during this period.  This is nature’s way of digesting the past-of extracting the nutrition from past experiences and eliminating the waste.  Look at these things as they arise and view them from your present state of understanding.  This will naturally resolve many negative things.  If you are seeing a therapist, there will be much progress this month.  After the 20th, it is time to explore the fun side of life.  Make sure to get enough exercise, rest and sleep.

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-14-15-22-23-31
Career is important and successful this year.  Now it is time to get the family and domestic situation straight.  Now is the time to build up your interior forces for your next career push in about four months.  Visualize, imagine, dream about where you want to be and what you want to achieve.  The best way to get to your goals is to ‘be there’ in your consciousness.  The how will unfold in due time.  An excellent period for starting new projects, and new activities.  You will have a lot of momentum and support behind you.  It is time to develop your social skills.  Hopefully you made the personal changes you needed to make.  Now is the time to live with them.  If you created well life is pleasant.  If there are mistakes, adapt to them as best you can.  Your way is not the best way these days.  Many of the problems and challenges that people face arise precisely because they got their own way.  Let others have their way now as long as it isn’t destructive.  Finances are more stressful than usual this month.  You just have to work harder to achieve your financial goals.  Good financial management is important all year, but especially now.  Health is much better during this period.  Avoid depression and negative moods.  

SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-8-16-17-24-25
Time to start a new activity or launch a new product into the world.  Focusing on you emotional wellness and the things that make for emotional wellness.  The home and family need to be put in right order.  When emotional harmony is attained, career will take care of itself.  A very powerful career year.  The inner preparation is necessary now.  Take advantage of your enhanced personal power and create conditions that are pleasing to you.  Your happiness is in your own hands now, not those of others.  Your personal initiative is important now.  A prosperous month ahead.  You seem comfortable with finance and the way you are earning.  You seem in harmony with the money people in your life.  Financial opportunity seeks you out.  Health and energy are good this month.   Keeping yourself honest will be rewarded.  Being dishonest you will probably be found out.

CAPRICORN:  BEST DAYS:  9-10-18-19-27-28
You are in a great period for initiating new activities or launching new products or ventures.  The month ahead is basically happy and successful.  Health and energy are excellent.  You are in a yearly personal pleasure peak.  You look good, have much charisma and tend to get your way in life.  Your money comes in various ways and through a variety of people.  Just a small, unexpected expense will appear.  Focus on yourself and your personal appearance, goals and interests.  You have to take responsibility for your happiness now and need not worry about the approval or disapproval of others.  If you are happy others will also be happy.  You have the power to create your life as you desire it to be, and now is the time to do just that.  It is also time to focus on your emotional wellness.  You will be creating the ‘inner infrastructure’ for future success.

AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-11-12-13-20-21-29-30
A happy and successful month ahead Aquarius.  Enjoy.  This is your greatest period of personal power and independence for the year.  Now is the time to exercise personal initiative, to be more self-reliant and to take responsibility for your happiness.  If conditions irk you, change them.  I
You have the power to do it.  You are having your way in life and this is as it should be.  You are entering a stage of preparation for the next career push in six months time or so.  This is a period to get the home, family and emotional life in right order.  If these are in right order, the career will sort of take care of itself.  Thus you are in a wonderful period for launching new products or starting new activities.  A good time for getting the body and overall image in right shape.  Drive more carefully; avoid confrontations and risky kinds of activities.  Be more patient with the beloved at this time.  Love seeks you out. There’s nothing special you need to do. Just go about your daily business.  Health is excellent.

PISCES:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-14-15-22-23-31
You have great personal power and independence now and you need to put it to good use.  Make those changes in your life that need to be made.  There is no need to consult with others or seek their approval.  You have strong leadership skills now.  Your way is the best way as far as your life is concerned.  Independent action is always ‘Karma-creating’. But if you build well the karma should be good.  Personal initiative matters now, not your social connections.  Focus on your outer goals and career.  This will soon change, but this is the trend for this month.  Career is hectic and there are many challenges to overcome.  It is a good time to review your career and its direction.  Career opportunities need more study.  Health should be good.  The month should prove prosperous.  Money comes to you - financial opportunity as well.  Your financial intuition is excellent this period. Put the love life under review and don’t make any major love decisions.  Things are not as they seem; study things further.  For you the challenge will be to keep both feet on the ground.  It’s OK to have your head in the clouds, but keep your feet firmly planted on the earth.

ARIES:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-8-16-17-24-25
Now you are more independent which is very comfortable for Aries.  Keep a keen eye on your own interests and to pursue them.  It will be easier now to make changes in your life, to create conditions, as you desire them to be.  You are closer to your goals than you have been in past and should see fast progress towards them.  Necessary travel is O.K. but frivolous travel is probably not.  Avoid long journeys if possible.  Focus on friends, groups, group activities and organizations.  This is not only fun but seems to help you balance.  Singles will find romantic opportunities in these venues as well.  A good period for spiritual breakthroughs.

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS: 9-10-18-19-27-28
A great month for your career.  You need to be achieving the outer goals in the world.  You might not achieve all your career goals this month, but you will certainly see much progress towards them.  The family seem to encourage the career.  Family members are also more ambitious these days.  Not the best time to start new projects, wait until your birthday period. Delegate important tasks when possible.  It should be a prosperous month.  Overwork could cause problems in the health area.  Make sure you rest and relax.  Don’t burn the candle at both ends. 

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  2-3-11-12-13-20-21-29-30
You can best serve your family by achieving your career goals, and the family seems supportive of this.  Focus on others and downplay your own personal interests.  You still need to achieve your aims through consensus rather than personal will but it will be useful now to make a note of those conditions in your life that displease you.  Though it is not yet the time to make any changes, you can a least plan them.  Changes will be easier to make in the coming months.  Love relationships are being tested all year, but the month ahead seems particularly trying.  Much of what’s happening is not your fault.  Extra or unexpected expenses may occur.  You may have to make some dramatic financial changes.  Health and energy are basically good this month. 

CANCER:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-14-15-22-23-31
You should be focused on others and their needs at this time.  It is through others that you learn about yourself and through others that you attain your personal desires.  Cultivate your social skills and learn to listen to what others are saying.  It’s not always about you.  Focus on your career and your outer worldly objectives.  Many, many love opportunities and not all are successful, be selective.  Some financial drama and upheaval; there are changes that have to be adjusted to at this time.  Not a time to try new foods.

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-8-16-17-24-25
This month will be quite a challenge for Leos.  You have to forget about yourself and devote yourself to others, to let others have their way.  You are learning that leadership is a form of service to others, it is not about pomp, ego and personal power.  As you focus on others you will find that your own needs will be met.  An important shift happens this month, symbolically speaking, dawn is breaking in your year.  The sun is coming up.  The focus of life is now on the external world and your external goals.  Career is becoming important.  Love is very happy now and the unattached will soon be attached.  This is a great love month in a great love year.  Finance also looks strong this month. Money can also come from second jobs or side jobs.  You should avoid making major purchases, investments or financial decisions.  A good time to review your financial life.  Health and energy are good.  Drive more carefully during this period.

VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  9-10-18-19-27-28
This is an excellent month to start new projects or launch new products into the world.  You will have strong cosmic support and momentum for your launch.  Others come first.  Your way is probably not the best way these days.  Let others have their way, so long as it’s not destructive.  Make a list of things you want to change in the future.   This is a time to rest, and not take yourself so seriously.  Good news for job seekers, many opportunities are happening now if you are looking for them.  Keep the focus on the family and your emotional well-being.  Health and energy are good this month. Be careful you don’t create problems where one really exists.

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS: 2-3-11-12-13-20-21-29-30
This is an excellent time to start a new project or business, or to launch a new product into the world.  This is a period where family and emotional wellness in important.  This is a period where you build and strengthen the psychological foundations of your future career success.  Your period of personal independence is over with and you will now have to adapt more to situations.  It is more difficult to create conditions that suit your own interests.  You can hone and cultivate your already strong social skills.  Your focus needs to be on home and family.  Old memories and experiences will arise spontaneously during this period.  This is nature’s way of digesting the past-of extracting the nutrition from past experiences and eliminating the waste.  Look at these things as they arise and view them from your present state of understanding.  This will naturally resolve many negative things.  If you are seeing a therapist, there will be much progress this month.  After the 20th, it is time to explore the fun side of life.  Make sure to get enough exercise, rest and sleep.

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-14-15-22-23-31
Career is important and successful this year.  Now it is time to get the family and domestic situation straight.  Now is the time to build up your interior forces for your next career push in about four months.  Visualize, imagine, dream about where you want to be and what you want to achieve.  The best way to get to your goals is to ‘be there’ in your consciousness.  The how will unfold in due time.  An excellent period for starting new projects, and new activities.  You will have a lot of momentum and support behind you.  It is time to develop your social skills.  Hopefully you made the personal changes you needed to make.  Now is the time to live with them.  If you created well life is pleasant.  If there are mistakes, adapt to them as best you can.  Your way is not the best way these days.  Many of the problems and challenges that people face arise precisely because they got their own way.  Let others have their way now as long as it isn’t destructive.  Finances are more stressful than usual this month.  You just have to work harder to achieve your financial goals.  Good financial management is important all year, but especially now.  Health is much better during this period.  Avoid depression and negative moods.  

SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-8-16-17-24-25
Time to start a new activity or launch a new product into the world.  Focusing on you emotional wellness and the things that make for emotional wellness.  The home and family need to be put in right order.  When emotional harmony is attained, career will take care of itself.  A very powerful career year.  The inner preparation is necessary now.  Take advantage of your enhanced personal power and create conditions that are pleasing to you.  Your happiness is in your own hands now, not those of others.  Your personal initiative is important now.  A prosperous month ahead.  You seem comfortable with finance and the way you are earning.  You seem in harmony with the money people in your life.  Financial opportunity seeks you out.  Health and energy are good this month.   Keeping yourself honest will be rewarded.  Being dishonest you will probably be found out. 

For a personalized spiritual psychic card reading call Frances today at 905-635-9645


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