
Showing posts from 2012

Mercury Retrograde 2012

MERCURY Mercury reveals the different way the mind works in people and how they communicate. It is the great Revealer.  It will bring many things to light and also cause havoc.  IN ARIES:   Self-willed and confidant.   They are stubborn in arguments convinced they are right. They have a quick mind and sharp tongue. IN TAURUS:   Practical thinkers.   Abstract is considered a waste of time.   Thought process may be slow and they have a very conservative attitude. IN GEMINI:   Clear and logical mind, the need for mental stimulation is great.   They like to collect knowledge.   They are great Communicators and are not rigid in their opinions. IN CANCER:   Thoughts are dominated by feelings; their attitudes are compassionate and poetic.   They have retentive memories. They can be very superficial and phoney when trying to impress someone on a scientific level. IN LEO:   A very ...

SATURN “The Planet of Justice” Is At Play

Saturn rules the principles of limitation. It provides the structures within which growth must take place. In the positive : it represents self-discipline and self-control In its Negative: it brings repression and inhibition. The result:   psychological manifestations and can be complicated and are many and varied. Saturn, often provokes difficult or challenging circumstances.   Frequently these can be traced to individual behaviour.   Sometimes self-induced and sometimes brought about by Fate. The external circumstances forces internal change. Saturn causes delays, obstacles and material difficulties. It exposes the hidden and forces the truth to surface. It is the classic saying “you reap what you have sown” in many cases. When it transits through your sign it will cause upheavals, but it will also teach you wisdom if you are so inclined to learn. If you have been good you will get your rewards.   If you have been doing any...

Mars Retrgorade is a Thing of the Past!

Finally, the Mars retrograde is over.  What a time this has been.  Mercury was retrograde until the beginning of April but we were still left with Mars being in retrograde. But that is now in the past.  Get ready for some life changes and things to start moving forward.  Enough of life feeling like it is at a stand still, enough of things not budging.  Are you tired of feeling stuck?  Me Too!!!  Here is what you are going to do to focus on the future and make this month a stellar month. Make a list of things you want to achieve, a dream board or a list of prayers for people you know need help.  April 21, 2012 is the next new moon.  New moons are great times to start new projects, change directions - anything that requires a fresh start.  On the evening of the 21st, take your list or dream board and your list of prayers, light a candle and focus on those things for a few minutes.  At the very least, close your eyes for five minutes...

Hold ON!

Mercury was in retrograde for most of March 2012 and the beginning of April.  Everyone was waiting patiently to happily get through this sticky time and look forward to things moving ahead.  But another planet that is currently in retrograde has prevented many aspects in peoples lives to move forward.  Mars is in retrograde till April 13th.  Mars goes retrograde about every two years and when it does many people feel like they lack energy, we second guess decisions and just feel stuck.  This is a time to look before we leap into any major decisions. It sucks.  Mercury retrograde that has a knack to just muddle things up and Mars retrograde that seems to stagnate everything including our energy levels and enthusiasm.  But it will all be over on April 13th.  From then on everything should be smooth sailing to make April and the beginning of May a fantastic time. Just hold on!  The breakthrough is coming! Psychic Frances Psychic Card Re...

Astrology - Horoscopes - April 2012

Mercury retrograde turns direct April 4th. Whew! I bet everyone was waiting patiently for that. Things will get even better after April 13th, when Mars goes direct. It feels like everything has been on hold or a struggle but after the 13th things will start to move. Aries: You're life is about to move forward. Be patient. After the 15th will be your time to shine! Taurus: Does life seem boring? Like you in a stalemate? That won't change till the last week of April. Use this time to reflect and relax. Gemini: Lucky time for Gemini! Things are going to happen this month but keep your head and make sure you think things through. Cancer: Home matters have been pressing on your mind and that will not cease this month. Lots of decisions to make and towards the end of the month will be a good time to start making them. Leo: Career, Career, Career will be the focus this month. You feel like things have not been moving forward? Well that may change the seco...

Psychic Frances New Moon Meditation

I love new moons and the energy they bring. New moons are a great time to re-evaluate and refocus on our past wishes and also to start visualizing new ones. You can look at it as a monthly meditation has opposed to a 'ritual'. A lot of people call it a ritual but to me that sounds like work. If you just look at it as a meditation perhaps you will take the twenty to thirty minutes at the time of each new moon to focus on you. You deserve it! Does that not sound so simple? But it is not. Many of us feel we are not deserving and even second guess when good things come our way and think that we will probably loose it. Take the time at the new moon to affirm you deserve it. Write your goals down and visualize it. See yourself being the person you want to be. Make a vision board (board with images of what you want to achieve) if you need to see something more physical. Then decide this week that you are going to do something you have never done before. This could ...

What Kind Of Day Will You Create Today?

What kind of day will you create for yourself today? Mercury is in retrograde BUT we have beautiful weather and that is definitely helping! The new moon will bring some much needed energy to Aries . Aries the next few days will be full of inspiring new ideas and some fresh starts. Taurus , you need to listen to your inner psychic. The new moon is heightening your awareness of what's happening in your life and you need to be in tune with it. Listen to your gut! Gemini , be social. Open up your dusty old phone book or see if you can find some old friends on Facebook. Extend to your social circle. But major things on the back burner, socialize and relax for the rest of the month. Cancer , the new moon brings to you some potential career luck. Keep your eyes open for potential opportunities and jump on them. Leo , the new moon brings to you spontaneous travel and some surprising good news. If you were thinking of a quick get away just go do it. Virgo , if oth...

Mercury In Retrograde

Mercury is in retrograde - what does that mean? It means things go screwy. Communications get mixed up, electronics breakdown, things seem like they are at a standstill. What do I plan to do during this retrograde period? The beautiful weather has definitely eased the feelings of this retrograde but it lasts until April 4, 2012. My plan is to do my spring cleaning. Retrograde periods are a good time to clear away the clutter and debris, not just physically but spiritually as well. Mercury and Saturn will meet twice during this retrograde period and that means things need to be addressed yet it will feel like you are getting nowhere but you must persevere. Once April comes things will move forward in a new and positive direction. To move forward in life sometimes we need to take stock of the past and tackle those demons. Call someone you have not spoken to in a long time. Maybe they hold the key to something you have been feeling in your heart or it may just be good to ...
I am trying to get into the modern era so I am now on Twitter - lol You can follow me here!/PsychicFrances I just realized I set this up during Mercury Retrograde WTH. Oh well spring is here and it is quite early. Kingston, Ontario is a beautiful city and the fact that the sun is shining and flowers are blooming is a sign that it will be a great summer. Mercury Retrograde is a great time to reflect, re-try, re-connect etc so reach out and call someone you have not spoken to in a while or re-attempt that script or article and keep on truckin'. Life is what you make it and let's make it a kick-ass one! Frances