Hold ON!

Mercury was in retrograde for most of March 2012 and the beginning of April.  Everyone was waiting patiently to happily get through this sticky time and look forward to things moving ahead.  But another planet that is currently in retrograde has prevented many aspects in peoples lives to move forward.  Mars is in retrograde till April 13th.  Mars goes retrograde about every two years and when it does many people feel like they lack energy, we second guess decisions and just feel stuck.  This is a time to look before we leap into any major decisions.

It sucks.  Mercury retrograde that has a knack to just muddle things up and Mars retrograde that seems to stagnate everything including our energy levels and enthusiasm.  But it will all be over on April 13th.  From then on everything should be smooth sailing to make April and the beginning of May a fantastic time.

Just hold on!  The breakthrough is coming!

Psychic Frances
Psychic Card Reader and Spiritual Counselor
Kingston, Ontario


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