Mercury Retrograde 2012
Mercury reveals the different way the mind works in people
and how they communicate. It is the great Revealer. It will bring many things to light and also cause havoc.
ARIES: Self-willed and confidant. They are stubborn in arguments convinced
they are right. They have a quick mind and sharp tongue.
TAURUS: Practical thinkers. Abstract is considered a waste of time. Thought process may be slow and they have a
very conservative attitude.
GEMINI: Clear and logical mind, the
need for mental stimulation is great.
They like to collect knowledge.
They are great Communicators and are not rigid in their opinions.
CANCER: Thoughts are dominated by
feelings; their attitudes are compassionate and poetic. They have retentive memories. They can be
very superficial and phoney when trying to impress someone on a scientific
LEO: A very high opinion of their own
intellectual power. They have plenty of
mental energy, quick to form opinions without knowledge of all the facts. They love being the centre of attention.
VIRGO: Pedantic, critical and
analytical. No time for frivolous
ideas. The lover of intellectual
order. They have Interesting minds that
use their intellect for practical good of the world.
LIBRA: Born strategists and they use
their powers of careful and balanced thought to reconcile opposing forces. Their awareness of contrasting possibilities
enables them to increase their choices in life.
SCORPIO: These people do not have
ideas, they have instincts and beliefs.
They often follow these with great dedication. They are interested in all things dark, hidden or mysterious.
SAGITTARRIUS: They are often
philosophers. Ideas and opinions are more important to them than facts. They may be careless over details but often
have and instinctive idea of truth.
They are often tactless.
CAPRICORN: Practically minded and with
down to earth interests, this is a classic position for engineers or
mathematicians as well as people in business.
Wealth and status are often very important.
AQUARIUS: Independent minded; these
people do not like being told what to think.
They need freedom to find their own intellectual interests and they
frequently hold radical views. They
like issues to be clear-cut.
PISCES: Poetic and imaginative these
people have artistic minds and may have difficulty coping with practical and
scientific studies. This is the most
deceptive and gullible position for Mercury.
Confusion can be avoided if attention is paid to detail.
in communication, travel and technical areas.
Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury and are more affected by this motion
than other signs; but all are affected in some way.
Mercury next goes retrograde November 6, 2012. Be sure to have all contracts signed, electronics purchased and communications clear prior to this or any retrograde.
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