SATURN “The Planet of Justice” Is At Play

Saturn rules the principles of limitation. It provides the structures within which growth must take place.
In the positive: it represents self-discipline and self-control
In its Negative: it brings repression and inhibition.

The result:  psychological manifestations and can be complicated and are many and varied.
Saturn, often provokes difficult or challenging circumstances.  Frequently these can be traced to individual behaviour.  Sometimes self-induced and sometimes brought about by Fate. The external circumstances forces internal change. Saturn causes delays, obstacles and material difficulties.
It exposes the hidden and forces the truth to surface. It is the classic saying “you reap what you have sown” in many cases. When it transits through your sign it will cause upheavals, but it will also teach you wisdom if you are so inclined to learn.

If you have been good you will get your rewards.  If you have been doing anything illegal you will be exposed or caught and if appropriate incarcerated.

Saturn is now moving through Libra and will remain until Oct 5, 2012.  It will than move into Scorpio.  


AIR SIGNS: introduces either mental discipline or intellectual inhibitions.  There is likely to be conservatism in ideas and attitudes.
GEMINI inability to communicate effectively; may be balanced by a determined reliance of facts.
LIBRA:  there may be an emphasis upon stability in partnerships and a balance of ideas.
AQUARIUS: ideas and opinions tend to be authoritarian.

FIRE SIGNS: it restricts ambition and reduces self-confidence. These signs may show negative traits; constantly anticipating failure, avoids risks and rejects opportunity.
With hard work and concentration it can help build a strong foundation to success, especially in the Creative area.
LEO: Conservatism may influence creativity, artistic values and love affairs.
SAGITTARIUS: Philosophy, beliefs and attitudes to foreign cultures are changed.
ARIES: Attitude to authority, rebellion and anger.

EARTH signs may experience difficulties and challenges in physical and practical affairs.  It brings delays, obstacles, and financial difficulties.
VIRGO: Likely to weaken self-confidence.
CAPRICORN:  it exposes their materialism and lack of emotion.
TAURUS: it increases conservatism and stubbornness.

WATER signs:  Emotional inhibition is likely to result.  Strong emphasis on emotional self-control.
CANCER:  difficulties in expressing it feelings.
SCORPIO: become more obsessive but more easily hurt.
PISCES: will become more vulnerable and any deceits will be exposed.


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