Horoscopes May 2017

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2017 MAY’S Planets and You:

If you know your Moon sign, you should read it also


Best days overall: 4-5-14-15-23-24-29-30

The month ahead is Taurus heaven.  It is a month of prosperity.  The cosmos impels you to do what you most love to do – focus on finances.

There are many nice financial developments happening this month.  From the 1st to the 11th could bring sudden financial windfalls.  The money people in your life are supportive.  You look rich and feel rich.  Wealth and earnings should increase.  

Health is still excellent all month.  Any stressful aspects are short-term.  You have plenty of energy and with energy, comes increased possibilities. 

Love is bittersweet this month.  You and the current love are in disagreement.  You have to work harder on your relationship.  The love life should improve next month.

If you must launch a new venture or product, this may be the time to do it. The 3rd to the 10th and then from the 15th onwards are the best times for new starts this month.


Best days overall: 7-8-17-18-25-26

A very happy and productive month ahead, Gemini – enjoy.  Your personal power and independence are at their maximum for the year right now.  This is the time to make those changes that you’ve been wanting to make.  The world conforms to you these days rather than vice versa.  Your personal happiness is really up to you.  You are less in need of others or their approval.

Friends seem very devoted to you and supportive.  If you belong to trade or professional organizations, they seem supportive too.  High-tech equipment is coming to you.

The love life is still being tested but there is much improvement over previous months.  Important Love decisions should not be made yet.

Health is excellent this month and gets even better after the 20th.  Health is not your problem, instead hyper-activity – flitting from one activity to the next seems to be the issue.

The communication skills of Gemini are legendary, and on the 20th they get even stronger.  The problem again can be too much of a good thing – too much talk, too much thinking.  The mind is easily over-stimulated.  

Gemini’s are always good students, this month even more so than usual.  There is success in studies and tests.

Finance – as we have seen since the beginning of the year – is not a major focus this month.  You have in general, stronger earning power from the 1st to the 10th and from the 25th onwards. This gives you more enthusiasm for financial activities.

An overall, pleasant month.


Best days overall:  1-9-10-19-20-27-28

Social networking became a path to profits.  You spent more on the latest technology and earned from this as well. 

Health improved after April 19, and further improves after the 6th of this month.  Many mystery aches, pains and discomforts magically vanish. 

In general health and energy will be stronger from the 1st to the 10th. You are particularly attractive on the 26th.

Career still seems successful, though it is not as active or demanding as in the past few months.  The family as a whole is elevated in status.  Friends are succeeding and are providing career opportunities.  Attend and perhaps host the right kinds of parties and gatherings.  Being involved in charities in general seems helpful to the career.

This is a period for relying on your financial intuition and for going deeper into ‘spiritual economics’.  This is a time for ‘miracle money’.  Normal money will come, but the ‘miracle money’ is much more interesting.

It is time for creative marketing, sales, PR and advertising.  It is important to make good use of the media available to you.

Love is not a major interest this month, but nevertheless seems happy.  It is not a time for major love decisions though.


Best days overall:  2- 3-12-13-21-22-29-30

This month things are slowing down a bit.  Enjoy the slow down.  Most likely you’ve been overactive.  It’s refreshing to take a break.

Health is still good, but will get even better after the 20th.

Finances will be good this month – especially after the 3rd.  Speculations should be more favourable after this date.  Your financial decision-making is still very quick (perhaps rash) until the 1 6th.

Career is going great guns now.  Much success is happening (and quickly too). The 16th begins pay rises (if they haven’t already happened) and the financial favour of the authority figures in your life.  If you have financial issues with the government, this is a good time to resolve them; you should get best-case scenarios from the 16th onwards. Important financial changes may happen at this time.  Money can come to you unexpectedly.  Your social contacts, and especially the current love interest – are supportive financially. 

Online activities bring profits.  But sudden unexpected expenses can also come and this can necessitate change.

There is harmony with the family this month.  Foreign travel (or the opportunity for foreign travel) is present. 

Good fortune for college students and those seeking places in college.

The dream life should be hyperactive on the 25th, Pay attention.


Best days overall:  4-5-14-15-23-24

This is a happy time.  Health is good – especially until the 20th.  There will be happy travel opportunities, and you should take them.  Happy educational opportunities also come.

There is more interest in a juicy theological or philosophical discussion than in a night out on the town.  There is a desire for understanding the ‘meaning of life’ and the spiritual laws.  Often religious and philosophical kinds of breakthrough happen.

This is a very good period for students at college level.  There is more focus on their studies and this leads to success.  Students below college level should also do well.

Psychologically you are in the ‘noon’ time of you year.  Your ability to handle ‘outer affairs’ and ambitions is strongest.  Now you handle them by the methods of day – by overt, physical ways.  It is good now to detox the career, to get rid of attitudes and habits that are not helpful.  The career is also furthered by charitable and altruistic activities.

Health needs more attention after the 20th.  As always rest and relax more.  The career is demanding and you can’t slack off there now.  But you can work more intelligently – alternate activities – and schedule in more rest periods.  Low energy is the primal disease.

A good time for paying down debt and for eliminating financial waste. One prospers by cutting back.  You shouldn’t cut the things that you really need, only the wasteful things.  Debt refinancing is easier at this time.  If you have good business ideas there are outside investors waiting for your call.

Love is happy this month.  If there are problems in your relationship it doesn’t seem to be your fault.  


Best days overall:  7-8-17-18-25-26

Health and energy are getting better day-by-day.  If you feel under the weather get more sleep.

Your finances are good until the 20th.  There will be delays, glitches and perhaps misunderstandings, make sure you check all transactions twice and check all statements that come to you.  Study the fine print of all guarantees or extended warranties.  Make sure you are not slipshod in writing or addressing cheques.  Make sure account numbers are correct.  Little mistakes can cause big problems later on.

More sexual activity and a stronger libido appear during this period.  There is also an interest in death and life after death.  It shows an interest in occult studies.  Death has many more meanings than just the death of the physical body.  Death involves dying to the old and useless in our lives, to old patterns, habits and conditions.  Renewal and resurrection always follows death.  Something old dies and very soon after something new is born to take its place. 

Many of you are involved in projects of self-transformation and this is a good month for these things. 

It is wonderful for weight loss regimes.  Get rid of whatever is no longer useful or needed.  If something is just taking up space, get rid of it.

There are love opportunities in foreign countries or with foreigners.  Foreign travel is very much in the air.  Singles might want to take the opportunity to travel or visit places they have not been to before.


Best days overall:  1-9-10-19-20-27-28

You life has been about emotional wellness and functioning from your emotional comfort zone for quite a while.  But now you can start paying more attention to the career.  This shift begins to happen on the 6th next month it will be stronger.  The trick now is to pursue your career from a place of emotional harmony.  Try not to violate that.

You’re still in a yearly love and social peak until the 20th. and like last month, there is a lot of career-related social activity.  Elders, bosses, parents and parent figures seem very interested in your love life and want to foster it along.  (Perhaps they’re playing Cupid-making introductions, setting up blind dates, etc.)  An attraction to health professionals or people involved in your health may occur.  You may be too impulsive in love at this time, be cautious.  The workplace also seems a venue for romance.

Health is much improved after the 20th.  There’s nothing seriously wrong, but overall energy is slightly less than usual.  Plain old fresh air is wonderful if you feel under the weather. 

Finances are much improved.  Earnings come more easily that last month.  Earning power is stronger. You have excellent financial intuition this year.

We have another ‘Super New Moon’ this month on the 25th, so this will be a good career day and an excellent day for college or postgraduate students.


Best days overall:  2- 3-12-13-21-22-29-30

These days life is about others and not so much about your self-interest.  If conditions or circumstance disturb you, make note of them.  The time for making changes will come in a few months.  Your good happens through others now.  Let others have their way so long as it isn’t destructive.

Love should be much improved this month.  The mind is clear about love.  There is more social confidence.

There is more socializing with people at work.  This also shows that for you-these days-good health also means good social health.  If problems arise with the beloved restore harmony as quickly as possible.  Be careful of power struggles in love relationships.  Avoid them as much as possible.

Health needs more attention this month – especially from the 20th onwards.  Physical exercise will keep the muscles well toned.

Finances become rocky after the 20th.  You just have to work harder than usual for earnings


Best days overall:  4-5-14-15-23-24

The focus is now on others and their needs.  Self-confidence and self-esteem are not at their best right now.  And your way might not be the best way.  It is your ability to get on with others that brings success.

The home and family is the career these days.  This is your mission.  Career issues are becoming clearer.  But you’re still building the psychological foundations for you next career push – which will begin very soon.

Health is much improved this month.  If there are any pre-existing conditions they seem in abeyance now.  A sense of joy will greatly enhance the health from the 6thonwards.  If you feel under the weather, do fun kinds of things.

This is a good financial period.  It shows financial increase and good financial ideas.  There is good communication with the money people in your life.

This is a wonderful time for job seekers.

The overall social life becomes stronger from the 6th onwards.  There is more involvement with groups and group activities. 


Best days overall:  7-8-17-18-25-26

Love is still close to home this month.  There is more socializing from home and with family members.  Love opportunities can come through family members or family connections.  This is a period where a romantic evening at home is more enjoyable than a night out on the town.  From a therapeutic perspective, this is a good period to review your old love experiences and look at them from your present perspective.  Much healing will happen and many psychological obstructions to love can be resolved.

Now you want fun in your life and towards the end of the month many opportunities will come to you.  Many attractions will come to you, make sure you are very selective at this time.   Remember! Its what you want, not what others tell you what you want.

There is good fortune for students below college level.  Writers sell their work.  Sales and marketing people make fortunate sales.

Health improves greatly after the 20th.  Positive feelings and sensations course through the body.  The New Moon of the 25th seems especially good for health.

Though May is not a strong career month – home and family seem more important – career success is happening, but there are delays involved.


Best days overall:  1-9-10-19-20-27-28

You should be focused on getting the home and domestic situation in order.  Do your best to make it stable.  This will enable future career success to happen.

Health needs more attention from the 20th onwards.  You may be vulnerable to any viruses if you become over tired.  Fresh air is a healing tonic so get out in the fresh air and just breathe deeply.  Emotional wellness is also extremely important.  Stay away from negative, complaining people who pull you down.  Stay out of other people’s dramas; you have enough of your own. 

Love opportunities will happen as you pursue your normal financial goals.  Wealth is a romantic turn on.  Wealth and material gifts are still important but you also want good communication and a good exchange of ideas.  Love is good communication.  You may meet someone at lectures, seminars or school functions.  Also due to many neighbourhood social activities, you may find a new type of attraction.

There is a need to use the media properly and to let people know about your product or service.  There is luck in speculations.  There can be pay raises at work or even a promotion.  It is a very good time to reorganize your finances.


Best days overall:  2- 3-12-13-21-22-29-30

Prosperity continues to be strong this month.  You are a ‘Financial Magnet” drawing both money and financial opportunity to you.  You look rich.  People see you as prosperous – you project this kind of image.  This shows great focus.  By the spiritual law, we get what we focus on.

Students are having a much better month that last month.  Students applying to colleges should hear good news.

The mind is sharper and clearer.  There is a hunger for information and knowledge.  There is strong motivation to study.  Teachers, writers, journalist and marketing people are also having a better month-communication skills are stronger than usual.

Financial expansion and travel opportunities are available for you.  If you are involved in legal issues, this period brings some good news.

Health is still good.  Any doubts about it get resolved after the 3rd.

Love is very happy this month.  It still pursues you ardently, and you are popular socially in general.  You radiate grace to others-it as if you took a ‘love pill’.  People respond to it though you might not be projecting it consciously. 

This might still be a good time to start a new project or launch a new product.


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