April Horoscopes 2017

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APRIL 2017

Best days overall:  5-6-14-15-16-24-25
A happy month ahead Aries, enjoy.  Many nice things are happening both in love and finance, but perhaps in roundabout kinds of ways.  Something good, an opportunity, might seem to leave you, but it will return.
Health looks good this period.  You have energy and magnetism.  You’re still getting your way in life, which is always nice, though wrong choices can have consequences later on down the road.  You’re still in a period of maximum personal power and independence.  If there are still conditions that irk you, make changes now.
Love is very idealistic now.  In many cases the idealism is so strong that anything less just won’t do.  On the other hand, you have the ability to experience nuances in love that few ever experience.  Your capacity to give and receive love is greatly enlarged.  Love opportunities happen in spiritual settings this month – at charity events, spiritual seminars or lectures, and prayer meetings.  Follow your highest ideals and love will find you there.  Love is pursuing you, there’s nothing much you need to do, it will find you.
This is a good month (the entire month) to buy clothing and personal accessories.  Your sense of style is excellent and the purchases will be good.
The month ahead is prosperous too.  There is financial clarity now.  There will be financial windfalls and opportunities – these too come to you with little or no effort on your part. (The effort will most likely come later on.)
It’s time to get more involved with the family and your emotional well-being. 

Best days overall:  7-8-17-18-26-27
Continue to gain clarity on your goals until the 15th.  This is the most important thing.  The changes you make now will be good ones.  And you have plenty of power to create conditions, as you want them to be.
Continue your spiritual interests until the 19th.  Spiritual breakthroughs will be seen outwardly after that date.
This is a happy month.  Family seems very devoted to you and there is good family support.  You have energy and star quality this period.  Your personal appearance shines.  Health is excellent.  If you feel under the weather, spiritual type therapies are still powerful.
Finances are good this month, though more complicated than usual.  Windfalls and financial opportunity and the money people in your life are supportive.  Your financial thinking could be unrealistic.  As always, avoid making major financial decisions, major purchases or investments – from the 9th onwards.  Financial intuition becomes important – except it needs verification during this period.  Financial guidance will come in dreams or through other spiritual sources – ministers, gurus, spiritual channels, astrologers, readers, etc.  But you should confirm your insights with several of these sources before making any decisions.  You should resist the urge to make quick financial decisions until Mercury starts moving forward again early next month.
There is career success on the 13th and 14th – and family as a whole seems successful too. 

Best days overall:  1-10-11-19-20-21-28-29
Love is still very complicated.  So if love seems like it’s going backwards, it is quite understandable.  Try not to make matters worse than they need to be.  Be more patient.  Don’t add to the negativity.  Don’t try to force things.  Focus on the possible, not the impossible.  That should improve things some.  But love needs time and patience.  So this is a month for friendships and group activities – much more so than for romance.  It is a month where fondest hopes and wishes come true.  It is a month where you increase your technological prowess, your scientific and astrological knowledge. (It is a good period for having your full, personal horoscope done.)
Finance is still not a big issue.  Generally this is good it indicates someone who takes earnings for granted, someone who doesn’t worry much about money.  It shows contentment with things as they are.  But, if problems arise, you need to pay more attention – though you don’t feel like it.  Earnings are strongest on the days mentioned above.  Earning power also tends to be strong from the 1st to the 11th and from the 26th onwards.  The 15th is an exceptionally strong financial day.
Health is good this month.  Your energy level is high and you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.  The problem is that there is too much of a good thing.  On the one hand there is more energy and zeal.  You get things done quickly.  You excel in sports and exercise.  You may also be impatient and in too much of a rush, which can lead to accidents or injuries.  You can also come across as ‘too sharp’ – too biting – even though you don’t intend to.  Be careful here.  Soften the voice tones.  Avoid conflict and temper tantrums.

Best days overall:  3-4-12-13-22-23-30
Continue to pay close attention to your health.  This is one of the most vulnerable health periods of your year.  Abnormal aches and pains are most likely to be happening because of lower than usual energy.  Sometimes, pre-existing conditions seem to flare up more.  One solution is to get enough rest.
Career is still going strong.  There is much outer success, but also more demands on your time and energy.  This complicates health as well.
The cosmos is concerned about the all but also about your personal interest.  Your interest is no less important than any other’s.  Self-interest is not a sin – so long as you don’t run roughshod over others (which you are unlikely to do).  It is good now to evaluate your personal circumstances and see what irks you and what can be improved.  Then, start to make the necessary changes.  You have the power to make these changes now.  Your personal independence and power are getting stronger day by day.
Your financial area indicates fast financial progress, and more financial independence than usual.  There is a feeling of financial courage – of fearlessness – and a willingness to take risks.  The only problem is that you might be too rash in your spending or investing.  You seem more of an impulsive spender and investor these days.  Take more time to evaluate things.  Financial patience is needed.  The lure of the quick buck can make you vulnerable to scams.
The good news is that pay raised can still happen.  You still have the financial favour of the authority figures in your life.  On the 19th there is a good financial signal.  It indicates that the financial judgement is sound and your financial instincts are good.

Best days overall:  5-6-14-15-16-24-25
Continue to strive for clarity in your career.  You look very successful this month – especially after the 19th.  You’re on top of the world, in charge – right where you belong.
There is a lot of business related travel this month.  Your willingness to travel is important for your success.  There is also much dealing with foreigners and foreign countries.
Pay raises (official or unofficial), and the financial favour of bosses and authority figures in your life.  Your professional excellence brings happy financial opportunity to you.  Mercury goes retrograde on the 9th.  This can create delays and glitches in the finances.  The financial judgement might not be realistic (perhaps it’s too pessimistic).
Avoid making major purchases or investments during this period.  Don’t make matters worse by carelessness.  Save every receipt.  Make sure cheques are dated and addressed properly.  There will be delays, but you don’t need to contribute to them.  Resist the temptation to speculate or run after a quick buck.
Until the 19th you have the energy of ten people.  Most likely you are hyperactive, flitting from one activity to the next without a break.  You achieve much.  However, after the 19th, slow down a bit.  Health is good, but this is not your strongest health month.  You’re still going to be active, but schedule in more rest periods.
Love is very good this month.  On the 13th and 14th (some of you might feel this even before), important romantic meetings will occur for singles.  It can happen online, at your place of worship or school.  For those who are married or otherwise attached it shows a happy social invitation or a new friendship.  Love is ‘electric’ this month.  You and those you attract are ‘love at first sight’ people.  Love moves quickly.  You go for what you want – there’s no shyness or game playing.

Best days overall:  7-8-17-18-26-27
Prosperity is happening, Virgo, but in convoluted and complicated ways.  Financial deals seem to go backwards instead of forwards.  Minds change and then change again.  People sign contracts and then cancel them.  Payments come later than expected.  Communication with the money people in your life could be a lot better.  Patience is called for now.  Individual deals can fall through, but your overall prosperity is not in doubt.  Other opportunities will come to replace them.  Your financial intuition is enhanced; but you should still confirm anything before acting on it.  Getting a few different opinions can’t hurt you.  The good news is financial clarity starts to happen on the 15th.
Your spouse, partner or current love is prospering and will be there to pick up the financial slack.  You seem very involved –personally – in his or her earnings.
Health is good this month and gets even better after the 19th.  There are some long-term problems stressing you out, but you can get help with them.
In general, you’re more “outer oriented” at this time.  Family issues need time to resolve, focus more on the career.
Aggressiveness in the career is needed to move ahead, perhaps in ‘political’ ways with competitors or at the office. 
There can be ‘near death’ kinds of experiences in your company or industry, or with bosses or parent figures.

Best days overall:  1-10-11-19-20-21-28-29
You seemed very impulsive in love – more than usual.  Most likely you paid the price for it.  This month you seem more cautious.  The love life is still very active and you’re still in a yearly love and social peak.  But this seems more about friendship and group activities than romance.  Use the time to get clear about your personal goals.  It seems you need to decide what kind of ‘look’ you want to project – how you want others to see you.
This time is a healthier kind of time for you.  You still need to be careful about jumping into relationships too quickly, but the judgement is better now.  Personal popularity is much stronger than usual and you have no problem putting other people first.  You seem proactive in love – more so than usual.
‘Life is all about relationships.  Relationship is everything.  You only learn about yourself through relationships.”  Not everyone thinks this way, but you do – and these days more than usual.
There is an importance of sexual magnetism in love.  If you’re not feeling this way, you’re attracting people who do.  While this magnetism is important, it won’t hold a relationship together for the long haul.  More depth to the romantic life, sex is still important, but now you also want good communication and philosophical compatibility.  The person with the gift of the gab (and who has something to say) is the one that attracts you.
The college or educational function is the venue for love, as is your place of worship.
Health still needs watching until the 19, but improves greatly afterwards.  As always, make sure to get enough rest until the 19th.  High energy is better than hosts of pills and potions.
You’re still in a prosperity period overall, but until the 19th you have to work harder for earnings.  Finances improve after that date. Although be aware that on the 20th you may find things begin to slow down. 

Best days overall:  3-4-12-13-22-23-30
The love life is improving this month.  There is more harmony with the beloved.  You still have to be careful of power struggles, and too much criticism.  Perfection is good, but go about it in a gradual and loving way.  This is a yearly love and social peak.  It shows that you’re focused on your relationship.  It’s important and you’re trying very hard.  This will tend to save a relationship.
There will be career-related social events.  You should attend these as much as possible.  It shows that you are mixing with power people in your world.  Your social grace will help the career (as well as many other areas of your life).
For singles love opportunities happen in the usual places this month-at parties, gatherings, nightclubs, resorts and places of entertainment.  Have fun with the beloved.  Do fun kinds of things.  This will do much to ease any tension between you.
Your health is still very good.  So although this is not your optimal health period in the year, it’s nothing to be concerned about.
Finances have been challenging since March 20.  Your financial receives some stressful aspects.  Important deals hit snags and miss deadlines.  Clients can change their minds (perhaps a few times).  Earnings will come but they’ll need more work.  Be patient now.
The New Moon of the 26th is a ‘Super New Moon’.  It occurs very near the Moon’s perigee (her closest distance to Earth).  Thus it has more impact than the average New Moon.  This will be a good career day for you.  (Career is starting to become more important.  It is also an excellent day for college or postgraduate-level students.  There is success at school.  If you’re involved in legal issues, this is a good day for those things too.

Best days overall:  5-6-14-15-16-24-25
Time to let go of your cares and worries and do the things that you love to do.  Miraculously you will find that the things you worried about are resolved naturally.  Often after a period of fun we see solutions to problems that we didn’t see before.  Too much focus on the problem was blocking the solution.
     Students are enjoying their studies and tend to be successful.  Children and children figures in your live are more fertile this period (if they are of appropriate age).  They are also prospering-especially from the 19th onwards.  They need to be more cautious in finances.
Your personal finances are excellent until the 19th. You shouldn’t shut down all financial activity, but you should avoid, where possible, making major purchases or investments.  Put them on the back burner and study them further.  It is guaranteed that you will have a different attitude a few months from now.  These things are not as urgent as you might think.  In the meantime you buy your necessities, of course – the groceries, clothing, etc.  The important thing now is to gain clarity on your financial life and dealings.  When this happens you will be in a good position to implement big plans.  Avoid speculations after the 21st.
Health is good this month.  It is especially good until the 19th. But it is reasonable afterwards too.  You respond very well to spiritual healing techniques from the 2ndto the 28th.  Foot massage is also a great ‘pick me up’.
Love is complicated this month.  For one thing, your love tends to weaken the social confidence and judgement.  This is not especially good for love as it tends to conflict and power struggles show a lack of seriousness about love.  A good time for a love affair, rather than a real romance.

Best days overall:  7-8-17-18-26-27
A hectic and active month with many changes going on.  Perhaps you’re too active.  Health is still delicate, but improving after the 19th.  In the meantime try to schedule in more rest periods.  Avoid making drastic changes to the health regime or diet until next month.  If you must make changes (diet does seem an issue after the 29th), do you homework.  Physical exercise becomes important then too.
Job seekers need to analyse offers more closely from the 9th onwards.  Don’t just accept an offer blindly.  Resolve your doubts.  Ask questions.  There’s no need to rush into anything, though you will be tempted to.
Yes, things are hectic, but you’re prospering.  The 13th and 14th look like nice financial days both for you, the spouse, partner or current love.  There is good financial cooperation between you.  
The career issues are more or less in a holding pattern now.  Continue to give attention to the home, family and your physical and emotional well-being.  Home and family is the real career.  Being there for siblings and neighbours also seems important, especially from the 2nd to the 28th.
Love is not a major focus this month, which can be seen as a good thing.  It shows satisfaction with the status quo.  Your social magnetism will be strongest from the 1st to the 11th and from the 26th onwards.  The New Moon of the 26th – a Super New Moon – seems an excellent love and social day.  Libido seems very strong.  The 26th is also a good financial day for the spouse, partner or current love.

Best days overall:  1-10-11-19-20-21-28-29
You’re approaching the midnight hour of your year.  By the 19th you will be in it.  Career success is happening – almost as a side effect – but this isn’t the main focus now.  The focus is on the home, family and your emotional well-being.  You need to feel right about things, to be in the right mood, to be in emotional harmony.  Everything else will proceed from that.  Attain your career goals in the mind and the feelings now, and the rest will happen naturally later.  This is the psychological preparation month for future success.
Health needs more attention after the 19th.  Nothing serious seems amiss.  Your overall energy is not up to par; this is a short-term issue.  Make sure to get enough rest.  Your most vulnerable period this month is from the 19th to the 26th.  
This is not a month for long-haul travel.
This month you have a mini love and social peak.  For singles this brings romantic meetings.  For those who are married or in a relationship there is more closeness-togetherness-with the beloved.  Love is happy.  On the 19th the love needs change once again.  The gift of the gab is always important for an Aquarian, but now you want more emotional intimacy.  You gravitate to those with whom you feel emotionally comfortable, with whom you can share feelings – good or bad.  Family values are important in a partner.
Sometimes with this position there is a tendency to recreate the past.  One constantly compares the current relationship to previous ones.  Thus you can lose the immediacy of the moment.  Old love experiences from the past come up for resolution and healing.  Often an old flame (or someone who reminds you of the old flame) will come into the picture.  This may or may not lead to something, but the real reason is to heal the past. 

Best days overall:  3-4-12-13-22-23-30
This is another good period (especially from the 15th to the 28th) to buy clothing or personal accessories.  Good to do things that enhance the image.
You’re still in a yearly financial peak until the 19th.  So prosperity is happening.  All those obligations will be handled, although there could be delays, everything will be handled.
This is an excellent period for students below college level.  They are focused on their studies and this should bring success.  It will be a good period for writers, teachers, journalists, sales and marketing people – they are at the top of their game.
You are spending more on the home and family (perhaps you’re doing renovations or major repairs) but it also shows you are earning from this area.  Family support should be good.  Family connections become important financially.
It’s a good time to review your financial past.  Good to re-examine old financial traumas (they will probably arise anyway) and look at them from your present state.  This will bring healing.  Often financial problems stem from old childhood experiences.  Good to clear and resolve these things now.
Love is not a big issue this month.  So although singles will certainly date and meet people, it is not a great period for serious kinds of relationships.
Career is still important but home, family and the emotional well-being are more important right now.  You’re preparing the psychological ground for your next career push in a few months. These preparation periods are just as important as the overt actions you will take.  Health should still be good. 


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