Year of the Rooster

Year of The Rooster:  January 28 to February 14, 2018.

Rooster years are those in which we all must go back to our desk, tools, and fields.  The Rooster is a resourceful person.  He wants everyone to think his way.  Inventions and creative living projects are favoured in this year.  If you ever wanted to get back to the soil, now’s the time to buy that broken-down house in the country.

     Disorder will be righted.  Military successes may cloud the horizon with bloodshed.  Generals will be decorated for valour.

     A spring Rooster will be less defensive than one born under winter’s duress.

The Rat:  Put your cellars in some kind of shape.  The Rooster will be around to inspect them.  You have nothing to fear from this, however.  The Rooster King protects his Rat subjects. You can learn from the Rat by dealing with things efficiently.

The Ox.  You love being alive when things begin to form patterns once again.  Your last few years have been difficult. Take advantage of orderly Rooster years to get back under the yoke of hard work. A good time for adventure and fresh starts.

The Tiger:  If ever you wanted to revolt against authority, it will be possible in the Year of the Rooster.  That revolution may just have its day.  Fight it out. Any new commitments should be thought through very carefully.  Possibly good luck awaits you.

The Cat/Rabbit:  You pacifists will not take kindly to imposed order.  Keep that profile lower than low.  And thread unnoticed through the melee until things settle down a bit. Play it safe, not a good time to make any big changes.

The Dragon.  You are in a good position to shine and be adventurous.  Roosters need strong courages fellows like themselves around them.  But put your liberal notions in your back pocket.  Save them for the next year.  They’ll come in handy.

The Snake:  It is all moving a bit too quickly for you, fair Serpent.  Your best bet now is to fight depression any way you know how.  Smile a lot.  Take heart. A good time to find love and start a home.  Read a lot, and stay off the streets.

The Horse:  You, wise Horse, are most likely prepared for the events at hand.  Your work is protected.  Keep your nose to the grindstone. Pay attention to detail.  Make sure you are efficient.

The Goat:  You will probably be obliged to take to the hills new starts and relationships mix well this year.   Live as well as you can off the land and don’t let the Rooster’s influence get you down.  Appearances are deceiving.  This pause may be most refreshing. Grab hold of the creative energy the Rooster year brings to you.

The Monkey:  As usual, there is not really any danger to your adaptable self.  Keep grinning and make light of it.  The rooster finds you amusing.
You can learn from their consistent and dedicated approach to work and projects if you want to be successful.

The Rooster:  Things are back in perspective for you. An excellent time for prospects and projects to move forward.  But still you must continue to work hard for what you want.  There is no rest for the weary. You should experience great satisfaction at home.

The Dog:  Go underground with those bones of the free thinkers era! Wait it out patiently. Stay positive.  Don’t be discouraged. Take opportunities and turn them into real benefits. The next year is your turn.

The Pig:  You always work hard, anyway.  But since you like things in order and are not a trail-blazing rebel, the Rooster year appeals to your sense of industry. Work on developing your knowledge and skills.  Avoid risks.


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