PISCES: BEST DAYS: 4-5-12-13-22-23
You entered a yearly financial peak on March 20 and it is still going on until the 19th of this month. Prosperity is happening. The financial intuition, always good, is even better during this period. There are job opportunities happening too. If you’re already employed, there are opportunities for extra work or overtime. The family seems supportive of this. Earnings from trading, buying and selling – from sales, marketing and PR. Money is high on your priorities and that you’re focused here. You have the financial favour of bosses, parents and parent figures – they seem supportive. Pay rises are happening- either monetary ones or ‘in kind’. Your good professional reputation boosts earnings. Their may be delays and glitches attached, but they do still come. Your job is to gain mental clarity on your financial situation. Your plans or thinking might not be realistic. Avoid major purchases or important financial decisions after the 17th.
It is time to be involved in the activities of night. Time to be more focused on the home, family and your emotional well-being. You won’t be able to ignore the career; you can shift some energy to the family.
Health is good all month. If you want to enhance it further you can give more attention to the head, face and scalp. After the 19th pay more attention to the neck and throat.
Love is happy this month, but complicated. Love is close to home, in the neighbourhood. There are still romantic opportunities with influential kinds of people – especially on the 15th and 16th. There are also opportunities in educational-type settings at schools, lectures, bookstores, and libraries – these kinds of places. But the main issue. As it has been all year is to bridge the differences with the beloved – you have diametrically opposite perspectives.
Patience, patience, and patience, when delays happen you will understand why and they will be easier to handle.
ARIES: BEST DAYS: 6-7-14-15-16-25-26
This is a wonderful time to get the body and image in shape and enjoy all the pleasures of the senses – as long as you don’t overdo it. This is a happy kind of month. You are at the maximum extent of your personal power and independence. You can easily create the conditions of life that please you – and you should. There’s no need to adapt to the world – the world will adapt to you. Following your bliss – though it seems selfish – will actually benefit all those around you. It will, in subtle ways, bless all of life.
Love is happy this month – especially now that the dust from last month’s lunar eclipse is settling. The 7th and 8th could be stressful but after that things look smooth. Like most things in your life, you’re having your way in love. Singles don’t have to do much to attract love – love finds you. Just go about your daily business.
All month you look good. You have star quality and charisma. The eyes sparkle, the gestures are graceful. You will be dressing with style – and probably expensively at this time. This is a great month to buy clothing or personal accessories. Your sense of style is excellent now.
April is also a prosperous month. There could be a temporary financial disturbance – perhaps an unexpected expense – but it doesn’t affect overall prosperity. Financial opportunity is seeking you out this month. You have the favour of the money people in your life these days.
Health and energy are very good this month.
TAURUS: BEST DAYS: 1-8-9-17-18-27-28
You are in (and next month too) the height of your personal power for the year. It is easier now to create the conditions that please you. Though other people are very important in your life, you’re less dependent on them than usual. Use the energy to create your personal happiness. A few months down the road it will be more difficult to do this.
The spiritual life is the main headline this month. This is a period for internal growth. This type of growth is not seen by the senses but it is very real. Later this month – and next – it will reveal itself by your outward actions. This is a wonderful period for spiritual studies – the study of sacred literature – and practice. It is a period for transcending physical conditions, rising above physical limitations. This is a period for spiritual breakthrough, enhanced extrasensory perception and a super-active dream life.
The interesting thing is that as you focus on your study and practice, very happy career opportunities come to you naturally and effortlessly. The month ahead is successful both spiritually and in a worldly kind of way.
Health and energy are good all month. This is one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. A time for getting the body, and image in right shape, and for enjoying all the physical delights.
There is prosperity this month too. This brings financial windfalls and opportunity. It is as if money is chasing you rather than vice versa.
Personal appearance is a big factor in you earnings. It is a good month to spend on your self, on clothing and accessories. Right now you’re the best investment there is.
The love life sparkles this month as well. Your love planet is part of a beautiful grand trine in earth. No need to rush into anything too serious just yet.
GEMINI: BEST DAYS: 2-3-10-11-19-20-21-29-30
This month may represent a psychological shift in you. This increases your personal power and independence. Self-interest is not evil – so long as it isn’t abused and no one is hurt. Self-interest is the enlightened pursuit of happiness. And the cosmos is interested in your happiness. You’ve had six or so months of adapting to things. By now you know what is uncomfortable and needs changing. Now, and for the next few months, it is time to make these changes. They will be easier to implement and with less effort now.
The love life is pretty stressed this month. Not much can be done about that (except, try not to make things worse than they need to be) so you might as well please yourself. Give more thought to the changes you want to make. Get more facts.
Job seekers should study job offers more closely. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Resolve all doubts before acting on anything. The same holds true for those of you who hire others – check them out more thoroughly.
Health and energy are much improved this month. If there have been pre-existing conditions, they seem much better now. Be more cautious with changes in your diet or health regime. Do you homework first.
The romantic life leaves much to be desired, but this is an excellent non-romantic social period. It will be good to be involved with friends and group activities.
It is an excellent period for boning up on your high tech skills and for online kinds of activities, and for buying high tech equipment or new software. The New Moon on the 7th is especially good for these things. It also brings sudden financial increase. In general, you have greater earning power – more enthusiasm for finance – from the 7th to the 23rd.
CANCER: BEST DAYS: 4-5-12-13-22-23
Health became more delicate on the 20th of last month, and remains so until the 19th. You’re working hard and seem very successful, but try to schedule rest periods wherever possible. If you keep your focus on the really essential things and let go of trivia, it will be easier to get the rest that you need. It might be good to exercise more and to massage the head, face and scalp.
Career is the main headline this month. You have a good work ethic and this is noted by the powers that be. Pay rises – real or ‘in kind’ are likely this month. You have the financial favour of elders, bosses, parents and parent figures. Government payments could come too.
This is a good time to launch new products or ventures. Proceed slowly and cautiously.
Finances are good this month. You have confidence and much planetary support. The problem is that you might jump into purchases or investments too quickly. Sleep on things more. You’re more deliberate, more conservative, in your financial judgement. There is prosperity and good fortune happening, but remain cautious.
Love is basically happy this month, but there is no need to rush into anything. There are romantic opportunities with superiors and people of higher social and professional standing. You have the aspects for the ‘office romance’, but let things develop, as they will. Social judgement is not up to its usual standard. It is time to get more mental and emotional clarity of love – to decide what you need and what you want.
It will be best to avoid unnecessary foreign travel this month. There can be more family dramas, be more patient with family members then. There are also sudden financial changes on the 9th and 10th, but the problem passes quickly.
LEO: BEST DAYS: 6-7-14-15-16-25-26
This should be a happy and successful month for you Leos. Enjoy it.
Health right now is excellent. This gives you energy, enthusiasm, courage and the ‘can do’ spirit. There is great optimism. Nothing gets you down. You feel there’s nothing that can’t be overcome. However, there is much retrograde activity this month. You will have to learn some patience. Power in fire makes one want things yesterday’, things have to be done quickly. Things may best be slowed down and patience may be your key word.
There are happy travel opportunities. This is a very nice period for college or post-graduate students; there is success in their studies.
It is a month for religious and philosophical breakthroughs for those who want them. Leos love the nightlife but this month a juicy theological or philosophical discussion is as much fun as a night out on the town.
The love life is also happy this month. This will be a socially active kind of month. We could label this a second yearly love and social peak. The 9th, 10thc 222nd, and 23rd bring happy romantic meetings, which can happen in foreign countries or at religious or educational functions.
You begin a yearly career peak. Only time will clarify family issues; in the meantime, focus on the career.
You’re succeeding this month. You’re on top, where you belong. Your star quality, personal appearance and overall demeanour are recognized. You’re recognized for who you are more than for your professional achievements. Promotions and pay rises are likely too. Although there could be delays associated with these pay rises they will happen. You have the financial favour of bosses, elders and parent figures this month. They’re supporting your financial goals. The 15th or 16th brings a nice payday.
VIRGO: BEST DAYS: 1-8-9-17-18-27-28
Health still needs watching but is much improved over last month. Last month was a ‘critical’ health month. If you got through it with your health and sanity intact you did very well. Pat yourself on the back.
Some financial disturbance and more change will be happening, however the latter period can also (and often does) bring ‘unexpected money’.
This is a wonderful time for detox and weight loss regimes. This period favours getting rid of the extraneous, the non-essential things in your life, whether they be in the physical body, your possessions or in your mental and emotional life. Most people see a detox as something purely physical. But a real detox should include the mind and feelings too. We all walk around with ideas and concepts that are either not true or irrelevant. These should be purged. There are also old emotional patterns that serve no useful purpose (and are generally harmful) – these too should be purged and replaced with more positive ones.
Power in the 8th house favours projects of personal transformation and reinvention. We all have an ‘ideal’ self, the self that we want to be. This is a good month to let that ideal self to come through, to give birth to it.
The spouse, partner or current love is having a banner financial month – a yearly peak. You seem very involved with this. He or she is likely to be more generous with you.
This is a good time to start new projects. It is time for you to focus on your career and outer goals. Hopefully, you have attained emotional harmony over the past six months, as it is now time to translate that into outer success.
LIBRA: BEST DAYS: 2-3-10-11-19-20-21-29-30
There are a lot of love changes happening. The love life is complicated but basically happy. You’re personally more popular than usual from the 5th onwards. Love and romance are happening – but as we mentioned many times before, it is the stability of these things that’s questionable. A great month for social meetings. It also is a good time for romance in the lives of your friends and family. Reassess the love life and to see where you want to go in the future. However, it is not advisable during this period to make any important decisions, either positive or negative. Good mental compatibility, ease of communication and the sharing of ideas, are a major romantic turn-on. Foreplay is more verbal than physical. Romantic opportunities can happen in many settings.
Health is still delicate until the 19th. Make sure you get enough rest. Do your best to maintain high energy levels by dropping the inessential from your life. Keep your focus on the important things.
Important purchases and financial decisions need considering carefully. Don’t do a thing if you’re not clear about it. In spite of all there is prosperity from the 19th onwards. It is slower than usual but it does happen.
SCORPIO: BEST DAYS: 4-5-12-13-22-23
Job seekers have many, many opportunities now. Even those already employed have opportunities for more work, overtime or second jobs. These opportunities need more study and research doing on them – they might not be what they seem. Do the homework; resolve the doubts, before accepting.
Health is good this month and you’re very focused here. This focus will help later on in the month when health becomes more delicate. Give more attention to the liver and thighs. Be cautious about major changes to the health regime or diet from the 17th onwards. Get as much knowledge and information as you can.
The social life looks very successful. It is almost like your career this month. It is important to you and this tends to lead to success. Sexual magnetism is always important for a Scorpio, but now you’re also turned on by power and status. You gravitate to people above you in status. You meet people who can help you career wise. A lot of your socializing involves the career and it will be beneficial to enhance the career by social means. The career is enhanced through work and productivity. Superiors will note your good work ethic. It is important to attend or host the right kinds of parties or gatherings.
With Aries in your love house this month it makes you – temporarily – a ‘love at first sight’ kind of person. You can jump into things too quickly. You have the aspects for the office romance.
Things slow down in the world. Progress is slower. These are times to learn patience. Time and time alone will resolve most issues.
Earnings are much stronger from the 19th onwards.
SAGITTARIUS: BEST DAYS: 6-7-14-15-16-25-26
There was nothing wrong with your previous independence and there’s nothing especially noble about your concern for others – it’s just the cycle you’re in. This is a time to take a vacation from your self – many problems in life have their origin in excessive self-concern – and e there for others. Your good comes through others and not necessarily from your personal abilities or personal initiative. Likeability – your social grace – is the dominant factor for your good. So, it’s time to cultivate the social skills.
There are opportunities for leisure travel, sporting and theatre events. Your personal creativity is much stronger than usual. You’ll find that it is more marketable than you thought.
It is a good financial month too. Earnings are happening – more than usual – but they happen with delays and complications. You can reduce problems by being more mindful in your financial affairs. If you’re online be careful of how you click the mouse – you might be duplicating your order. When you write a cheque make sure it’s dated and signed properly. Take care over the little things – it could save much heartache later on.
Speculative and risk taking – especially in finance are strong now this is not advisable at this time.
A good month for health. Courage and the ‘can so’ spirit are present. You excel in sports and exercise regimes. You have a happier demeanour. This happy-go-lucky spirit is good for the love life. There is a happy romantic meeting between the 15th and 16th. love is good from the 6th onwards. There are love opportunities at work or as you pursue your health goals.
CAPRICORN: BEST DAYS: 1-8-9-17-18-27-28
Health and energy became more delicate in March, and they still need watching this month until the 19th. The most important thing as our regular readers know, is to maintain high energy levels. Don’t allow yourself to get overtired. Enhance the health through rest and proper nutrition.
Home and family are the real career – the real mission this month. The main activities are internal rather than external. On a more mundane level this indicates pursuing the career from home, rather than the office. Many career changes are happening now but behind the scenes. Sudden changes financially may happen (these can be profitable ones, by the way.)
This is a time to work on the career in internal rather than external ways – through dreaming, meditation and getting in the mood of where you want to be. In the winter the sages say that the earth dreams. In the spring she makes the dreams manifest. First comes the vision then the manifestation. So it is with you.
The month ahead will be prosperous. Earnings should increase. Debts can be paid down depending on your need. There is financial favour from bosses, parents and parent figures. Job seekers have good fortune on the 15th and 16th.
This month shows a spiritual type of activism. A need to act on spiritual ideals and principles is very strong. Often it shows secret conflicts going on.
Normally spring is a good time to start new projects, but you may find things going slower then usual in this area.
AQUARIUS: BEST DAYS: 2-3-10-11-19-20-21-29-30
Communication and intellectual interests became very powerful last month, and is still strong in the month ahead. This is a comfortable kind of place for you. It is especially wonderful for students of all ages (Aquarius is an eternal student.) You are generally communicative, but this month you could go overboard if you’re not careful.
There is some family drama on the 7th or 8th. Thus it is good that you’re focussing more on the home and family this month, at least from the 19th onwards. They need you. Career, though very good this year, is in abeyance for now. Home and family is the strong emphasis here.
This period, from the 19th onwards is wonderful for those of you in therapy. There will be breakthroughs and new understanding happening. And even if you’re not in any formal kind of therapy, the cosmos has its own therapeutic regime for you. You will be more nostalgic. Past memories will spontaneously arise (especially in the love realm). As you review them from your present state and present understanding, history will get reinterpreted. (Note that this is very different from history being rewritten.) Many things that seemed like disasters at the time will be seen as only ‘incidents’ – and all leading to good.
Health needs some attention from the 19th onwards. Overall your health is good. This is a short-term situation. The most important thing is to get enough rest. Avoid depression. Keep your mood constructive and positive and do your best to maintain family harmony.
Love looks happy this month. The new moon of the 7th looks especially good. It can also bring a good work opportunity for job seekers. Love is close to home all month. Singles will find love in the neighbourhood, educational-type settings – at school, the library, the bookstore or a lecture or seminar or through the family or family connections. Old flames from the past can come back into the picture. Sometimes it’s not the literal old flame but someone who reminds you of him or her – someone who has a similar appearance or personality to the old flame. This too is part of nature’s therapy. Old issues will get resolved.
For a personalized psychic card reading in the Burlington, Ontario area call Psychic Frances
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