January 2016 Horoscopes By Psychic Frances

PISCES:  BEST DAYS:  4-5-13-14-21-22-23-31

It is time to take care of number one.  Time to focus on the things that make you happy (so long as they are not destructive to others.)  Time to use your enhanced personal power to create conditions that please you.  Other people are very important this year – especially in regard to your career – and they should be treated with respect.  But your personal happiness is up to you and they have nothing to say about.  You are in a strong career period.  Focus on the career.  Home and family issues need time to resolve themselves.  So you might as well focus on your outer goals.

Career is successful this month but complicated.  You’re meeting people socially who open career doors for you.  Social contacts open doors, but ultimately you have to deliver the goods – and you seem to be doing that.  You might be trying too hard.  Your work ethic is noticed by your superiors on the 23rd and 14th and a happy job opportunity can come too.  Sometimes we have to go backwards in order to go forward. 

Prosperity seems good this month also.  You are in tune with money and with the money people in your life.  The money people are supportive.  Money is earned in comfortable ways. There is a need to get rid of inessential possessions – to get rid of waste or redundancy in the financial life.

The love life is happy but also complicated.  New friendships come into your life.  Many personal compromises are necessary.  Romance can work if you’re able to bridge your differences.  There are romantic opportunities with people of high status and position.  They like having their own way. 

ARIES:  BEST DAYS:  6-7-15-16-24-25

This is a month for career success.  Much progress is being made, pay rises, promotions and more recognition for your professional abilities are happening.  Sometimes a pay rise is covert rather than official, but management does things that increase your income – often through perks or other moves.)  You should see faster progress to your career and other goals this month.

You have been very active socially, and quite popular.  You’ve been there for your friends and beloved.  You’ve put their interests first.  But this is starting to taper off this month.  Now it is time to think of number one.  Self-interest is often confused with selfishness.  It is considered something ‘evil’ but sometimes the best way we can help others of be useful to others, is to achieve our personal goals, to be personally happy.  Your interests are no less important than other people’s.  You’re in a cycle where you need to focus more on yourself.  You have a great personal power (and it will grow in coming months).  You have the power to create your own happiness, to create conditions in your life that please you.  It’s up to you to use it, and to use it properly.  It is time to be more independent and self-reliant.

Though this social life is tapering off, the month ahead looks socially active.  Your social skills enhance your career.   Make sure to get enough rest.

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  9-10-17-18-26-27

You begin your year on a happy and successful note.  Overall health looks excellent.  The focus is on the career, your outer world objectives- as it should be.  Family is important, but they are supporting the career too.  Your family could be more ambitious for you than you are for yourself.  Both you and the family as a whole are successful this month.  Your overall status is elevated.  Happy career opportunities come and it looks like they are through family or family connections.  

Finances are good, but they are more complicated this month than last. Things ay slow down a bit.  Glitches and delays – some not your fault –are more likely to occur and your financial judgement might not be up to its usually high standard.  Thus it is better to make important purchases or financial decisions before the 5th or after the 25th.work to attain mental clarity on your finances.  Resolve doubts and do more research.  In addition, be more careful in how you communicate with superiors or authority figures for the government.  Make sure you understand what’s being said; sometimes they like to speak in jargon or vague generalities.  Ask questions.  Say what you mean and make sure as much as possible that your listener understood your message as you intended.  Mis-communication is probably the greatest career danger right now.  Be especially mindful how you communicate about finances.

This month you’re still in a strong social cycle.  Others come first.  Your good happens through others and through their favour, so your social skills are more important than your innate abilities.

 A socially active, kind of month.  You seem more aggressive in the pursuit of love.  You’re attracting spiritual-type people into your life.  On the 5th and 6th there is a pappy romantic or social opportunity through the family or family connections.

 Make sure to get enough rest from the 20th onwards.

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  1-2-3-11-12-19-20-29-30

You’re far away from yourself and focused on the needs of others.  This is as it should be.  Personal power, personal self-confidence is much weaker this month.  Perhaps this is a good thing.  Your way is probably not best these days.  Let others have their way, so long as it isn’t destructive.  Adapt yourself to situations as best you can.  In a few months it will be easier to make changes.

At times like this it’s good to remember that ‘my strength is made perfect in your weakness’.  When we rely on a HIGHER POWER, our personal power is of little relevance. 

It is time to shift your focus to the career and your outer goals.  This is the best way to serve the family right now.

The year ahead is not a very strong love year, but this month brings more social activity than usual.  The 14thto the 16th look especially good.  Important romantic or social meetings are happening.  However, there is no need to rush into anything serious.  Take your time; you might be hyperactive socially – more than is necessary.  This might make for a tendency to force things.

Health is good this month and will get even better from the 20th onwards.  

Physical exercise is also good: muscles need to be in tone.  Avoid high stress activities then.

Job seekers have good fortune on the 5th and 6th.

CANCER:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-13-14-21-22-23-31

You’re right in the midst of a yearly love and social peak.  So the focus is on others these days.  Your own needs, though important, take a back seat to others’ needs.  Take a low profile and let others have their way, so long as it isn’t destructive.  If conditions are not to your liking, adapt to them as best you can.  The time for making changes will come in a few months.  It is your social grace, your social skills that will bring you your good, not your personal abilities or personal initiative.  There is nothing especially noble about either serving self or serving others.  It all depends on the cycle you’re in.  Your happiness is no less important that the happiness of others.  But right now, it takes a back seat.  With these kinds of aspects, self-knowledge is gained through relationships.

The love and social landscape is undergoing many changes, sudden shocks and disruptions.  This can bring crises to the lives of friends, partners or the current love – and you’re needed there. If you’re in a relationship, be more patient with the beloved over this period.  He or she will tend to be temperamental.  In spite of all this the love life is basically happy.  Singles are dating more and meeting ‘significant’ people.  Your social skills are helping the career as well and this has now become more important.  A lot of your socializing is business or career related.  Sexual magnetism seems the main turn-on in love, but as our regular readers know, this is not enough for a lasting relationship.

Health needs watching this month.  The energetic stresses are nowhere near as severe as they were in 2013 or 2014.  And if you went through those stresses, you’ll easily go through the month ahead.  Still when energy is low, a person becomes more vulnerable to disease.  Pre-existing conditions tend to flare up as well.  The cure in most cases is a good night’s sleep or a lazy weekend.   Health improves dramatically after the 20th.

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  6-7-15-16-24-25 

The current month is best for launching new products or projects.  There is likely to be fast progress.

It is time to tone down personal interests and personal desires and focus on others.  Others come first.  You have great gifts and abilities, but these are not what count now.  It’s your ability to get on with others that matters.  You’re distant from yourself but present with others.  You enter a yearly love and social peak.  You’re at the height of personal popularity.  Love goes well.

Continue to focus on the home, family and your feeling of emotional wellness.  Very soon (next month in fact) you’ll start to translate this emotional wellness into outer success.

Health needs some attention after the 20th.  This is only a short-term issue, however, your overall health is good.  Most importantly, get enough rest.

Prosperity is strong.  The 13th and 14th bring a nice payday.  There is luck in speculations during that period too.  There are more delays and glitches in the financial life then, but nothing more than that.  Try to make important purchases or financial decisions before the 5th or after the 25th.

VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  9-10-17-18-26-27 

Right now you’re in an excellent period for starting new projects or launching new products into the world.  Both your personal and universal solar cycles are waxing.  If you can schedule your launch between the 10th and the 24th you have the added ‘oomph’ of a waxing moon.  Next month should also be good for these things, but don’ wait too much longer.

Your needs are important, but right now focus on others.  Cultivate your relationships and your social skills.  Cultivate your relationships and your social skills.  Learn about who you are through your relationships.  If conditions are irksome, make a note of what needs to be changed.

Career moves and goals need more study and clarity before being pursued.  Career issues need time to resolve.  Give your attention to the home, family and your emotional wellness instead.

This is a happy month for Virgos.  Health needs watching this year, but for now it is good.  You’re in a strong party period as the year begins.  You’re enjoying your life and involved in all kinds of fun activities. For a Virgo work is fun.  An unemployed or underemployed Virgo is a most miserable creature.

This is a time for spiritual healing.  This is a good period to go deeper into this.  If you feel under the weather try seeing some sort of spiritual healer.

There are happy career and financial opportunities from the 14th to the 16th but study them carefully.  Let go of financial worries and cares for a while.  The financial life will move forward and will be better than before.

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS:  1-2-3-11-12-19-20-29-30 

You’re in an especially good period for starting new projects, business or launching new products.  Your personal solar cycle is also waxing.  If you can schedule things from the 10th t0 the 24th you’ll have even more heavenly support.

Your period of personal independence is over with for a while.  Now personal changes are harder to make.  Adapt yourself to situations as best you can.  You’re naturally a social person – naturally a seeker of consensus – so this situation is easier for you than for most people.  You kind of enjoy it.

Focus on the home and family and get this in order.  A stable home and domestic life – a sense of emotional wellness – is the best thing you can do for your career.  You might not see the results right away, but down the road you’ll see it.  If the emotional life is in harmony everything else will fall into place.

The month ahead seems prosperous.  Earnings from social contacts, friends and partners.  The spouse, partner or current love seems especially helpful financially.  Opportunities for business partnerships or joint ventures happen.

You might be overdoing the travelling this month.  It’s a good idea to drive more carefully.

Health needs watching until the 20th.  The most important thing is to get enough rest.

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-13-14-21-22-23-31  

You’re in the midnight of your year (especially after the 20th) and the activities of night are more important than the activities of the day.  Night is for building up the forces for the next day.  Outwardly you seem inactive, but inwardly there is much dynamic activity happening.  Night sets the stage for the next day.  Night sets the stage for future career success.  This is the time for handling the issues that make future career success possible – building a harmonious home and family life and getting into emotional harmony.  If these are in order everything else will fall into place.

You have energy and independence.  You get things done quickly.  You excel in athletics and exercise regimes (each according to their level) job seekers have job opportunities come to them – they don’t have to do much to hunt them out, they just appear.  The same is true for those of you who employ others.  Employees seek you out rather than vice versa.  But there is a downside here.  You can be impatient, in a rush, wanting things to happen ‘yesterday’.  Rush can lead to accidents and injury if you are not careful.  You need to watch your temper as you can overreact to the smallest things.  You could be attracting belligerent people into your life.  You’re more prone to violent solutions to problems.  The challenge for you is to use this energy constructively.

Finances are being reorganized.  Generally this happens because of feelings of ‘lack’.  You’re bumping up against your financial limitations.  This is the situation for the rest of the year.  However, the current month is a prosperous one.  You might still have that feeling of ‘lack’ or ‘deficiency’ but the reality is different.  Earnings might come more slowly and with delays – but they will come.  This is a time to strive for financial clarity.  When this happens, you will be able to move forward.  It is best to avoid major financial commitments, large purchases or investments until May.  Make sure you do your homework.

A social pause and change of direction is happening for you.

Hope everyone has a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!

For a psychic reading in Burlington, ON contact Psychic Frances. 


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