SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS: 1-10-11-19-20-27-28-29

A happy and prosperous month ahead.  Enjoy!  You are at the peak of personal independence and personal power.  Your personal goals have a lot of cosmic support (so long as they aren’t destructive).  You are having things your way these days and this is as it should be.
     You are still in a personal pleasure peak until the 21st.  After that you enter a yearly financial peak – period of peak earnings.
     Health and energy are good.  Give more attention to the colon, bladder and sexual organs.  Safe sex and sexual moderation are also important.  This period is about getting rid of things that don’t belong in the body, not about adding things to the body.  Spiritual healing is powerful.  If you feel under the weather a spiritual healer, or spiritual healing techniques, will be a big help.  You respond well to this.
     Love becomes more practical after the 10th.  Wealth attracts you.  You show love in material and financial ways and this is how you feel loved.  Love and romantic opportunities happen as you pursue your normal financial goals and with people involved in your finances.  There are opportunities for business partnerships or joint ventures.
     Avoid confrontations, watch the temper and drive more carefully.  A nice easy relaxed schedule is called for.
   You are in a very good period for starting new activities or releasing new products into the world. 
CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31

Stay out of harm’s way and avoid confrontations.  There is some short-term financial disturbance from the 9th to the 12th – perhaps some unexpected expense in the home or with the family.  You and a parent or parent figure are not in financial agreement.  In spite of this short-term financial disturbance bump, finances will be good.  You will have the wherewithal to handle the extra expense.  Thus deals that previously seemed stuck now move forward.  There should be more financial clarity then.
     You are at the maximum extent of your personal power and independence.  You are getting your way in life.  And you should.  Make those changes that need to be made.  Later on they will be more difficult. 
     You may be putting in long hours, fending off the competition, and being more aggressive in career matters.  It also shows the involvement of family members in the career and their support.  The social connections are always important for you career wise, but after the 5th even more so.  It will be advantageous to be involved with groups and professional or trade organizations as this helps the career and boosts your status.  Good to be up to date on the latest technology as well.
     It is a good time to review the past year, assess your achievements or failures, correct mistakes and set goals for the year ahead, which will begin on your birthday.  Your new year is your birthday, not January 1st.
     Health and energy are good this month, and get even better after the 21st.  This is a very good month for detox regimes and for weight loss.
     A happy job opportunity comes after the 10th.
AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS: 5-6-14-15-16-23-24

You have excellent family support for your career goals.  You might even be doing more work from home.  The family as a whole seems more elevated now.  A parent or parent figure is successful this month and helping your career.  He or she seems financially supportive.  A foreign, business-related trip is likely.
   So it is time to be more self-reliant and to focus on your personal interests.  Your interest is as important as anyone else’s.  It is time to take personal responsibility for your own happiness.  Day by day your personal power and independence grows.  If conditions irk you, change them to your liking.  There is less need to adapt to situations.  Your way is the best way (at least for you) these days.
     Health and energy are good this month.  There is only one short-term planet in stressful aspect to you.  You have all the energy you need to achieve whatever you set your mind to.  If you’re scheduling doctor’s appointments or medical tests, this is a good month for them.
   Do the things you most love to do and what you’re best at.  Friends, groups and group activities are always enjoyable, but this month they are also the source of romance and romantic opportunity.  This is a great period to increase your knowledge of computers and technology, and to upgrade your equipment if necessary.  It is also wonderful for increasing your knowledge of astrology, astronomy, mathematics and science.
   After the 22nd you enter a more spiritual kind of period.  If you find yourself craving more solitude this period, there’s nothing wrong with you.  This is just natural when your spirit is strong.  This is a great period to involve yourself in charities or good causes, to go on spiritual retreats, attend meditation seminars or lectures and to grow spiritually.  These kinds of settings become the venue for romance.
     Be more careful driving and watch the temper and avoid confrontations.

PISCES:  BEST DAYS: 7-8-9-17-18-25-26

Continue to watch your health this month.  You are ambitious and this is good, but be careful of overworking.  Pursue the career calmly.  Delegate tasks wherever possible.  It might be a good idea to schedule a visit to the dental hygienist.
     In your career, social connections and your social skills are still very important, but so are hard work and personal merit.  The past year did not bring much honour or recognition, but this month (and late last month) you had more than usual
    This is not a year for instant, overnight success.  It is a period of steady, methodical step-by-step career growth.  And this is happening now.  No, all your career goals will probably not be achieved, but you will see solid progress made.  The long-term view is needed now.
    Finances are good this month, but you will need to work harder and overcome more obstacles after the 22nd.  You seem very involved in the finances of the spouse, partner or current love.  He or she seems an important factor in earnings.  This is a good month to detoxify the financial life.  It is not more money that you need: you need to get rid of the waste and redundancies in your financial life.  If you do this, you will find that you have ample resources.  Are you paying needless interest on your credit cards?  Perhaps loans could be consolidated, reducing payments and interest charges.  Do you have overlapping cable, phone and Internet bills?  Perhaps these too can be consolidated and the payments reduced.  Is your house cluttered with items you don’t use or need?  Get rid of them.  Sell them or give them to charity.  This is a month for clearing out the material clutter.  Extra cash should be used to pay down debt.  Often loans or mortgages can be refinanced on more favourable terms – this is a good month to explore this.    
     The financial interest of others should come first this month.  You don’t ignore your own interest, but give it a back seat.  You prosper as you prosper others this period.
     There are some short-term financial disruptions from the 5th to the 12th.  Important changes need to be made.  If you make them, the financial life straightens out once again.     

ARIES:  BEST DAYS: 1-10-11-19-20-27-28-29

Career has been good of late.  This is when you make real progress.  Career is a long-term project that requires much time.  However you will see good progress towards your goals.
Health and energy are good until the 22nd but after that you will have to work to maintain higher energy levels.  Health becomes more delicate towards the end of the month.  A visit to a chiropractor or osteopath might be a good idea.  Avoid risk taking and confrontations.  If you read the newspapers at this time you’ll understand why.
This period shows quick financial progress.  Things move swiftly.  Attending or hosting parties and gatherings will help the bottom line.  It will be good to use excess cash to pay down debt.  However if you need to borrow it will seem easy to do so.  There is good fortune indicated with estates and insurance claims.  This will also be a good period to clean up the finances, to eliminate waste and redundancies.  Get rid of possessions that you no longer need and make room for the new that wants to come in.  There will be opportunities to invest in troubled companies or overlooked properties – you have a good sense of the value in these things.
Love is expressed sexually most of the month.  For singles, the sexual magnetism seems to be the most important factor; you can’t base a real lasting relationship just on that.  

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS: 2-3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31 

Health and energy are much improved now.  Optimism is high.  You are catching the lucky breaks in life.  A happy and successful month is ahead for you this period.
Mental clarity is happening in the career.  Much progress will be made in coming months.   There is still good news in the love department.  You are looking out for others very much these days (which is as it should be).  You are putting others first and you are more popular in general.  You are not sitting around waiting for the phone to ring but are proactive in love.  If you like someone, they know it.  You go after what you want.  Romance is happening or developing, as it should.
The prosperity of the spouse partner or current love is more generous with you.  This is one of their better financial periods.
This is the time to work on a project, a friendship, or and area of the body.  An old year dies and a new one is born.  An old month dies and a new on is born.  An old day dies and a new one is born.  Death is never the end, only a new birth deeply disguised.  Many of you are involved in projects involving personal transformation and reinvention.  These projects go well too.

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  5-6-14-15-16-23-24
Health and energy become more delicate, and it still needs attention until the 22nd of this month.  When energy is low things that normally can be done easily become major labours. And if the activity involves danger – such as climbing ladders or handling knives or sharp objects injury can result.  As always do your best to maintain high energy levels.  Your health will improve after the 22nd.  Those of you involved in athletics will probably not perform up to your usual standards.  It’s no reflection on your inherent skills, just a lack of your normal energy.  So avoid risky kinds of activities, arguments or confrontations during this period.  People can overreact under these aspects.  Surgery or a surgical procedure can be recommended at this time but as always, get a second opinion.
Make sure your files are backed up and your anti-virus software is up to date. Computers and high-tech equipment may be affected at this time.  Friends can have dramatic kinds of experiences – near-death kinds of encounters.
You are still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak until the 22nd gut, like last month, it is not a smooth ride.  There are challenges and glitches in love.  Love should improve after the 10th. There is a happy romantic meeting or experience between the 24th and the 26th.  There is more harmony with the beloved that period too.
Home and family life still seems happy.  Family support is good and you are socializing more with family members.  But your focus still needs to be on the career.  Career progress will be good all month, but especially after the 10th.
This is a wonderful time for detox and weight-loss regimes; also for dealing with tax, insurance and estate issues.  The spouse, partner or current love is prospering this month.  If you have good ideas, this is a good period to attract outside investors to your projects.  It will be beneficial to do serious house cleaning.  The house cleaning should be physical but also mental and emotional.  Get rid of possessions that you don’t use or need.  Get rid of ideas, thoughts, and emotions that don’t serve your interests.  These just clog up the works and prevent further progress.

CANCER:   BEST DAYS: 7-8-9-17-18-25-26

A very nice time for job seekers, and those who employ others.  Job opportunities (and job applicants) seem plentiful.  It will also be very beneficial to focus on your health, health regime and health knowledge at this time.
Romance is good this month, and the workplace is the venue for romance.  Finances also look good.  Earnings should increase.  There is a financial optimism and faith abroad.  You spend freely especially from the 13th to the 15th) but you earn more too. Money seems to come the old fashioned way – from work.  Many of you will take second jobs or jobs on the side – these seem plentiful.  After the 22nd you become more conservative about money.  You are less the free-spender.  You want value for your cash and take a long-range view of finance, which is good.  Social connections become very important financially.  You hang out with rich people and they seem supportive.  Your financial good as well as other goods depend on the good graces of others – so your social skills are ultra-important now.
It won’t hurt to keep children and children figures out of harm’s way during this period either.
Health becomes more delicate after the 22nd.  The important thing is to get enough rest.  Keep the energy levels high.  Career gradually becomes more important again.

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  1-10-11-19-20-27-28-29

There are more good job opportunities in the month ahead.  After the 21st the party period is about over and you take a more serious approach to life.  You are in the mood for work and employers pick up on this.   Leos dislike details, but during this period you can handle them better.  So if you have detail-oriented tasks to do – arranging files, cleaning the hard drive, doing accounts or bookkeeping – this is a good period to do them in.
Many of you are travelling this month – it is the holiday season after all.  But try to avoid making trips between the 5th and the 12th.   Health and energy are good now.
Overall you are in a prosperity cycle that will continue well into next year.  But until the 20th there could be some bumps along the way this month.  The main danger is over-spending on home and family.  Perhaps there are some financial disagreements with a parent or parent figure.  However, it is good time for borrowing if you need to, and good for paying down debt. After the 20th there could be some financial upheaval or disturbance.  Perhaps an unexpected expense is incurred that forces financial change.  You may have some financial disagreement with the spouse/partner, but this is a short-term problem.   Overall prosperity is not affected.  You will not lack for any material thing this month.
     Love has been wonderful all year and is still excellent until the 21st.  After that more compromise is necessary with the beloved.   

VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31

This month signals the importance of family and emotional well-being.  This should be the focus now.  Outer activity is lessened.  Inner activity is more prominent.  The victories in life are won in the midnight hour; this is when they actually occur – they only become visible, manifest, during the day.   We have opportunities for emotional healing and cleansing.  It is a period when we can come to terms with the past.  The traumas and pains of the past need not shape our future.  In many cases the so-called trauma was only a child’s interpretation of an event.  When it is looked at from the present, adult consciousness, the trauma loses its power.  This is why the cosmos has arranged things so that the past can be looked at – reviewed – in natural ways and every year this happens.  Even if you’re not seeing a therapist, old memories will arise spontaneously this month.  
There is method to this apparent madness.  You’re supposed to look at these things and resolve them.  Most of the time, you will reinterpret the event from your present consciousness.  A cosmic digestion of the experience is happening.  The nutrition (the wisdom) from the experience will be extracted and the waste (the pain and false interpretations) will get eliminated.  This is a month for psychological-type breakthroughs.
     Health still needs watching this month – even more than last month.  But if you make sure you get enough rest, and schedule in some massages or other natural treatments, you should get through with little problem.  Health and energy will improve dramatically after the 22nd.  You begin another one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks.  It’s party time in your year.   Love is still being tested – this is a long-term trend – but it gets much easier after the 22nd.  The holidays and New Year should be socially happy.   This is a very clear message.  Reduce waste and redundancy.  Get rid of old possessions that you no longer need or use.  Rid yourself of material that obstructs the financial life.  Pay down debt.  (However, if you do need to borrow, this is a good time too – your line of credit will probably be increased this month.)  Keep the financial interests of others foremost in your mind.  

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS:  5-6-14-15-16-23-24

Be more patient with the beloved during the 5th to the 12th as he or she could be having personal dramas.  Confrontations, temper tantrums and risky activities should be avoided.  But love still seems good and the beloved still seems devoted to you.
The month ahead looks prosperous.  This shows a personal focus on finance.  You want to look and appear wealthy.  You dress more expensively.  A very nice job opportunity occurs between the 10th and the 12th.  Your financial planet Pluto will start receiving positive aspects from the 22nd onwards.  Next month will be even better.  Time to give your mind the nutrition it needs.  It is good to catch up on your reading and take courses, seminars or workshops on subjects that interest you.  This is a nice aspect for students below college level.  Schoolwork has been a struggle this year, but this month things go easier.
     Health needs more attention after the 22nd.  As always, make sure you get enough rest.  Many people report a sense of depression around the holidays.  There are various reasons for this – much depends on their astrological sign.  Aside from that, the holidays tend to rake up old, unresolved memories.  The old family baggage gets an airing.  This could be your experience too.  Rather than getting depressed this resurfacing of the family baggage can be made to help you.  Look at the memories that come up.  Observe your opinions and judgements about them.  Be an impartial observer.  If the emotions are too strong and you find you lose your objectivity, write out your feelings (without censoring yourself) and then throw the paper away.  You will feel much better and the old memories will lose their power. 

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  7-8-9-17-18-25-26

You have power to create conditions, as you desire them to be to have your own way in life, to take charge of your own happiness.  There’s no need to seek the approval of others.  They will adjust and will probably support you.  This is a time for having life on your own terms.  Even love is on your terms this month.
     You are still in a yearly financial peak until the 22nd.  Wealth and prosperity is happening but you have to work hard for it.  The good news is that you are willing to put in the extra work, willing to overcome any challenge and this tends to success.  Financial goals will l be achieved (or good progress will be made towards them.)
     Health and energy are super right now.  With more energy all kinds of undreamt of possibilities arise – things you never imagined during low energy times.  You can enhance the health even further through spiritual therapies and through spiritual healers.
     Avoid confrontations at work or with fellow workers from the 5th to the 12th.  They can overreact to things during this period.  Watch the temper then too.
     Career goals have been more or less achieved or good progress towards them has been made.  Now is the time to build up your energy for the next career push, which will begin in five or six months’ time.  It is time now to take care of your inner needs – the emotional and family needs. You are not abandoning your career but approaching things in a different way – through interior methods such as meditation visualization and controlled dreaming.  Imagine that you have already attained your goal and stay in that state as much as possible.
     This is wonderful for love.  First off, it makes you more attractive to the opposite sex.  Males are attracting beautiful women into their life.  Females are becoming more glamorous and beautiful.  Love seeks you out and there’s nothing much you need to do.  Just go about your daily business.  If you are in a relationship, the current love is very devoted to you these days.

Psychic Frances, Burlington, Ontario top card reader. To book a psychic card reading and see what the future holds call 905-635-9645. 

Burlington, Oakville, Milton, Hamilton, Mississauga, and area.


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