Horoscopes for November 2015 - By Psychic Francis in Burlington, ON
SCORPIO: BEST DAYS: 1-10-11-19-20-28-29
You have been taking on extra financial responsibilities. You still need good financial management and still need to reorganize. But your earning power seems equal to the extra responsibility now. Job seekers still have good aspects, especially until the 12th. Job opportunities happen online or through friends until then. Seekers might consider volunteering their time to charities or some good cause; this can lead to important job connections.
Health and energy are wonderful this month. Some short-term stress for you, so you have all the energy you need to achieve any goal, personal power and independence is reaching its peak this month as well. Create your personal paradise now. You will respond well to spiritual-type therapies – meditation, reiki, the laying on of hands and the manipulation of subtle energy. If you feel under the weather a spiritual healer will be beneficial.
This is a time for pampering the body and for enjoying all the sensual delights. It is also a good time to get the body and image the way you want it to be. Happy career opportunities have been coming to you and this trend continues until the 22nd. You look successful. People see you this way and you dress and look the part. You will work hard for earnings – it’s not a smooth ride – but if you put in effort, you will see good results.
For many months this year you were very practical about love; now the reverse is true. You couldn’t care less about power, prestige, or money. You are ultra idealistic. It is only the feeling of love that matters to you. As long as this is present, prince and pauper are equal. Love and romantic opportunities happen in spiritual settings – at meditation seminars, spiritual lectures, spiritual retreats, prayer or chanting sessions or charity events.
SAGITTARIUS: BEST DAYS: 3-4-13-14-22-30
It is time to look out for number one now. As the saying goes, ‘If I am not for me, who will be?’ Other people are always important, but you are no longer as dependent on them as you have been for many months this year. It’s time to stand on your own feet and take responsibility for your happiness. You have the power to create conditions as you desire them to be and you should use it. Your way is the best way these days. This is a time for ‘making Karma’ – creating circumstances. If you create properly, the karma will be good.
Career is important and going well, and is a lot less hectic than in the past few months. It is time to give more attention to the family and to your emotional well being; the body gets indulged with its desires. But it is also good to use this energy to get the body and image the way you want it to be. The focus is on the body. Students find it easy to get into college. There’s nothing special they need to do, colleges are seeking them.
Love is spiritual and you are very idealistic this period. You care nothing about money or position. It is only the feeling of love that matters to you now. Romantic (and social) opportunities happen in spiritual settings and with spiritual, creative kinds of people. Romance seekers should attend charity functions, meditation seminars or spiritual-type lectures. Romance will find you wherever you are. Just go about your daily business. Finance is good all month but becomes especially good after the 22nd. A nice windfall happens on the 29th or 30th.
CAPRICORN: BEST DAYS: 5-6-15-16-24-25
Personal power and personal independence is getting stronger day by day. It is time to look out for number one; time to be a little more selfish – that is, to focus on your self-interest; time to take personal responsibility for your happiness and to make the changes that produce it. Self-reliance, personal initiative and your personal abilities are what matter now. If conditions displease you, change them to something more pleasant. There’s no need to seek the approval of others. They will more or less go along with you. You succeed as you have fun – perhaps you make some important connection at the theatre or on the golf course or tennis court. Perhaps you are called on to entertain your clients or customers or people involved with your career. Family members may be involved somehow, in your career. A parent or parent figure can be overly controlling, but their motives seem benign. The family as a whole seems elevated in status.
Job seekers have a happy opportunity between the 24th and the 26th.
Health is good this month. But you could be overworking in your job, putting in longer hours to further your career and this could deplete your energy.
Safe sex and sexual moderation are also important. You respond well to spiritual therapies – meditation, and things of this nature. If you feel under the weather a spiritual healer will be very helpful.
Love, like last month, is more or less status quo. Social magnetism will be strongest from the 11th to the 25th.
Finances are good all month but especially after the 20th.
AQUARIUS: BEST DAYS: 8-9-17-18-26-27
Finances have been stressed over the past few months but you should see some improvement this month. Many of the stressful aspects should be removed. You are still in a yearly career peak until the 22nd. So success is still happening here. You may have to work a little harder to overcome more obstacles.
Overall your health is good, it’s just not one of your best health periods. Make sure you get enough rest. Health and energy will improve after the 22nd. This is not a good period for scheduling doctor’s appointments or medical tests. When your energy is low these tests can seem worse than they really are. If you have to do these things wait until after the 22nd.
Love is excellent all month and especially from the 22nd. Onwards. You mix with the high and mighty. You are attracted to people of power and position. Perhaps you are too practical about love – you see it as just another career choice. The sexual magnetism is unusually important. You may have a romantic (and sexual) opportunity with bosses and people involved in your career. However, after the 22nd, the love needs and desires change. Power and prestige are not that important now. Instead you want a relationship with your peer. You want friendship with the beloved. There are romantic opportunities online and as you are involved with groups and group activities. Friends play Cupid now. There is a romantic opportunity with someone older, a spiritual-type person, on the 29th or 30th.
Foreign travel is not advisable at this time.
Personal power and independence is increasing. It is easier for you to have your way in life. You are not as dependent on others as you have been for the past six months or so.
PISCES: BEST DAYS: 1-10-11-19-20-28-29
Safe sex and sexual moderation are important. With your love life so intense these days, this might be hard to achieve. Many love and social goals have been achieved over the past few months and the focus now, are on your career. Your social connections have certainly helped you in your career – doors have been opened for you – but you will still have to perform. You are succeeding the old-fashioned way, through merit and a good work ethic. The only problem is overwork. You might be overdoing things and this can impact on your health. Succeed by all means, but do schedule rest periods. It might be necessary to let go of lesser things in your life this month and just focus on your career and on getting enough rest.
You have had the aspects for an office romance for many months and this month, after the 20th they are even more pronounced. Power and prestige are certainly the most alluring factors in love these days.
Rapid progresses, towards your goals are indicated. Events in the world and in your life move quickly. Drive more carefully between the 19th and the 24th. There’s no need for risky, stressful activities.
A happy romantic or social meeting happens between the 24th and the 26th.
ARIES: BEST DAYS: 3-4-13-14-22-30
Your personal skills and merits don’t count for much these days. It is your ability to get on with others, your likeability factor that determines your progress. Things get done by consensus and with the co-operation of others. Your social skills will determine your success and failure and so it is good to concentrate on these. You are focused on others and putting others first. This attitude tends to popularity, and thus the month ahead should be successful. As you focus on others you find miraculously, that your personal and financial needs are taken care of. Friends seem supportive and provide financial opportunities for you. You are most distant from yourself and your personal concerns. You are totally immersed with others. Your partner or spouse seems more generous with you. The pace of life quickens. Progress is faster.
You have been in a sexually active kind of period. Whatever your age or stage in life, your libido is more active than usual. You may become interested in the deeper things of life. What is death? Is there life after death? What exactly happens after you die? It is healthy to wrestle with these questions and to study more about it. When we understand death, we understand life. This is a wonderful period for personal reinvention and personal transformation. Many of you are involved in these kinds of projects.
TAURUS: BEST DAYS: 5-6-15-16-24-25
There will be a psychological shift for you at this time. Dawn is breaking in your yearly cycle. It is time to be up and about and taking physical actions to achieve your outer goals. Hopefully by now you have found your point of emotional harmony, and the domestic life should be in reasonable order. It’s time to focus on the career and make those dreams and visions happen. Happily, in your case your family goes along with this. They too are more ambitious these days.
Overall health is basically good. You might feel more fatigued but this is not sickness. If you have any pre-existing health conditions they could be more troublesome until the 22nd but not seriously so. It will be a good idea to rest and relax more though. Health can be enhanced with vigorous physical exercise.
The pace of life and of events quickens this month. Finances also look good this month. You make fast progress and cover a lot of territory; social connections play a huge role in your financial affairs. Perhaps a business partnership or joint venture is happening. You seem very involved with the finances of the spouse or current love. He or she is prospering now too. The month ahead is excellent for paying down debt, for borrowing, (if you need to) for refinancing mortgages, dealing with estates and insurance issues, and for earning through creative financing.
Taurus people by nature like to collect things. They like to amass possessions. There’s nothing wrong with this but sometimes they do overdo it. The period after the 20th is a good time to get rid of the things that you don’t use of need. Clear the decks so that the new and better can come in.
GEMINI: BEST DAYS: 8-9-17-18-26-27
You are still having fun this month but work is also a priority. Job seekers have better aspects now than is the past few months. You are in the mood for work and employers pick up on the vibration. The situation seems easier for those of you in an existing joy too. It is a good time to do all those detailed, boring kinds of jobs that need to be done. Get your files in order. Update the bookkeeping and accounts. Organize your receipts. These tasks will be done better and more easily now. It I s time to be up and about and active.
Time to pursue your worldly goals in a physical kind of way. Success here is as much a form of service to your family as attending the soccer match or school play. Career is going to be a major focus for the rest of the year ahead and well into next year. Just emphasizing this is the forward motion. By now career issues are clarified and you can step on the gas.
Love is far from perfect and needs time and development: nevertheless, in the short term it is more active this month. Singles will date more, and those of you who are married will attend more parties and gatherings. Romantic meetings will happen for singles, but they are very complicated. It will not be a smooth ride. Again take it nice and slow. Focus more on quality than quantity. Continue to project love and warmth to others – this is a long-term project. Otherwise people will perceive you as cold and aloof.
Earning power is strongest from the 11th to the 25th. There can be short-term financial challenges, but they will pass. Earnings look good but you will have to work harder for them.
CANCER: BEST DAYS: 1-10-11-19-20-28-29
Power is moving away from you and towards other people, and you should (and most likely will) follow suit. Self-interest is a great thing but now you are in a different stage of your cycle. Your interest is important but so are the interests of others. It is time to take a vacation from your-self and to focus on others. Now it is best to adapt to situations as best you can, rather than try to change them. Now is the time to cultivate your social skills. Your good comes through the good graces of others.
This is the time to have some fun and to explore the rapture side of life. Those of you in the creative arts will be especially creative now. Children are the focus now. No one knows how to enjoy life more than the child. There is much we can learn from them.
Finances are strong this month. Speculations are favourable until the 22nd. Money is earned in happy ways and you spend on happy, fun things. Children and children figures motivate your earnings. If they are of an appropriate age, the children figures in your life seem supportive. You spend on children but can earn from them as well. It is a time for enjoying your wealth. A business partnership or joint venture can happen towards the end of the month. You might spend on a party or gathering.
You will probably be working more from home. But this also reinforces that home and family is the career these days. Love is good this month. Social activity will increase. Health should be good all month.
LEO: BEST DAYS: 3-4-13-14-22-30
This is not one of your best health periods. Make sure to get enough rest. When your energy is low pre-existing conditions can act up and seem worse than they were before. Raise the energy level and the condition abates. Health and energy will improve dramatically from the 22nd onwards.
Finances are still excellent but not as dominant as they have been the past few months. Now you are in a different stage of your cycle. Your good comes through the good graces of others and not so much from personal initiative or effort. It I time to cultivate your social skills. It is more difficult now to change conditions to your liking. Best to adapt to them as best you can. If you have created well in the past few months, conditions should be pleasant for you. If not, note any improvements that can be made, and you can make these changes during your next independent cycle nest year.
Time to party and have fun. It’s a kind of Leo paradise. The cosmos urges you to do what you most love to do. Leos of childbearing age have been very fertile for the past two years, and this month you are more so than ever.
A happy job opportunity comes. Try to stay out of harm’s way. Make sure you have a nice easy schedule and avoid confrontations.
VIRGO: BEST DAYS: 5-6-15-16-24-25
Excessive giddiness could lead to carelessness on the physical plane. This can cause accidents or injury. Enjoy your life, but be mindful. Also haste and impatience – could cause injury if you’re not mindful. Watch the temper as well.
Finances still look strong. Partner or current love could be generous at this time. It shows that money can come from estates, trust funds, or insurance claims. Spare cash should be used to pay down debt, but if you need to borrow, the aspects are good for that too. You can earn through creative financing and through buying undervalued properties that are troubled. Foreigners are important in the financial life too this month, foreign investments as well.
This is a nice transit for students (below college level). They are focused on their studies and should do well. A nice transit for siblings and sibling figures as well. They have more energy, self-confidence and self-esteem. They seem more successful on the worldly level as well and happy career opportunities come to them.
This is a good month to attend lectures, seminars and courses in subjects that interest you. Good to catch up on your reading. Good to give the mental body the nutrition and exercise it needs.
Health and energy need more attention. This doesn’t mean sickness, just a need for more preventative care.
Love is bittersweet this month. There is a nice romantic meeting on the 6th or 7th.the testing of a current relationship intensifies. This is when one learns whether love is real or not.
This would be a good time to start new projects or launch new products into the world.
LIBRA: BEST DAYS: 8-9-17-18-26-27
Love pursues you and will find you. There’s nothing special that you need to do, love will find you. Just go about your daily business. The beloved seems very devoted to you this month. He or she puts your interest, ahead of their own. The beloved is totally on your side and supportive. You are having love on your terms this month.
If you are female, this period indicates more beauty and grace to the image. You always have a wonderful sense of style, but this period even more so. If you are male, it signals more association with young women.
So male or female, you are more attractive to the opposite sex. This is a great period for buying clothes and accessories or for beautifying the body.
By now career goals have more or less been achieved, and if they have not been completely achieved, good progress towards them has been made. Now it is time to prepare for your next career push, which will happen next year. It is time to prepare the psychological foundations of future success. Time to get the home, family and emotional life in right order. If these are right, career will take care of itself. This should be a prosperous month for you. You will be aware of the importance of online activities and technology in general. It’s a good time to update on these things. Mercury in your money house from the 2nd to the 20th shows the importance of sales, marketing and good PR. It also shows financial opportunity from foreign sources – foreign people of companies. Increased earning at this time.
Health is good this month but they’re a few warnings signals. Impatient and hasty actions can lead to accidents or injuries. Avoid risk taking and be more mindful on the physical plane.
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